The changes in the Red Eagle Kingdom's political power came so unexpectedly that the princes didn't even hear the slightest news, and the throne passed to the youngest brother. How could they be willing to accept this?

Early on the next morning, the Prime Minister went to court for the first time after regaining his status, and was immediately besieged by the princes.

The third prince and the fifth prince, who were usually at odds with each other, rarely stood on the same side and questioned the prime minister about the unfairness of his right.

The old king was only in his fifties. Although he indulged in drinking and sex on weekdays and his body was almost exhausted, he didn't have any illness. They didn't believe it if he died of a sudden illness.

The little king is only three years old. He sits on the throne with the same decoration as you. There is a specially added seat next to him, which is specially reserved for the prime minister.

"The thirteenth brother has succeeded to the throne. We, the royal brothers, should congratulate you. But before that, I still have a question, and I would like the prime minister to answer it." The fifth prince looked at the prime minister sitting at the top with his eyes. Sharp, as if he could see into people's hearts.

"If the fifth prince has any doubts, just say so. I will definitely tell you everything." The prime minister clenched his fists with his hands in his sleeves, trying to keep his expression as natural as possible.

He had already guessed what the fifth prince wanted to ask, and he had thought about the answer to this question hundreds of times at home yesterday.

"I wonder if the Prime Minister knows why the throne was passed to the thirteenth brother?"

If he had asked this question on a normal day, it would have been disrespectful, but now the person on the throne was a little milk baby, and he didn't understand whether he was respectful or not.

Not to mention the Prime Minister, who has nothing to do with the royal family. He should also know in his heart that even if this power is in his hands, there will be a group of people who are not convinced.

"This...I don't know. I have been dismissed from my post during this period. I received the imperial edict yesterday, and I was very surprised." The prime minister looked distressed: "I didn't know that the king would suddenly become seriously ill..."

These words were to remove himself from the sudden illness of the king. After all, so many people were watching, and he had never left the house these days.

He is not that capable of reaching out to the palace.

"The fifth prince asked me what I said, and I want to ask even more. The king was fine, why did he suddenly... Alas! At this point, there is no other way. Please rest assured, the fifth prince and all other princes, I will definitely help you. The third prince...oh no, the newly appointed king."

As he spoke, he was thinking in his mind - the Thirteenth Prince has inherited the throne and became the new head of the country, so shouldn't these princes also find a way to get out?
Especially for the fifth prince, keeping him in the palace would be bad.

The Prime Minister's eyes swept over the princes, and when he passed the fifth prince, he paused for a moment without leaving a trace.

"Really? I thought the Prime Minister knew something." The fifth prince stepped back with a slight smile.

Seeing him retreating like this, the third prince standing next to him opened his eyes in disbelief and pursed his lips vigorously, as if to question why he didn't continue asking.

The fifth prince was too lazy to pay attention to him, and turned his head to look elsewhere.

After the morning court, the fifth prince also left on his own.

They haven't been crowned kings yet, and they have their own prince's palace, but it won't be long before this prince's palace can no longer be lived in.

After boarding the carriage, the curtain was opened again just as it was lowered. The smiling face of the third prince appeared in view: "...Fifth brother, if you don't mind if I come to your prince's residence to sit there."

As he said that, he sat down directly next to the fifth prince, and while sitting, he pushed him aside: "Come over, come over."

The fifth prince moved his position for him with a dark face.

As a result, before the seat was warm, the curtain was lifted again.

It was the smiling Seventh Prince who came up with the young Ninth Princess.

"Fifth Brother, you won't mind if I take Ninth Sister to your place to sit for a while, right?"

"Whatever." The fifth prince's face was calm, making it difficult for anyone to guess what he was thinking. He then said outside: "What are you still waiting for? Why don't you hurry up and catch the train?"

The space in his carriage is not large, and a few more people will not be able to fit in it.

On the other hand, when the prime minister returned home, he found that the young man from that night had appeared in his home again.

And this time he actually sat in his house and drank tea openly.

"Master is back? This young master said he was your old friend, so I invited him in first." The Prime Minister's wife didn't notice the uneasiness on the Prime Minister's face. She still smiled and said: "You guys chat first, I will first Let’s go see if the snacks prepared by the cook are ready.”

As he spoke, he went out, leaving the prime minister alone facing the young man.

"What? Don't you recognize me?"

"No, no, sir, how could it be? You drink tea, drink tea." As he said that, he poured the man another cup of tea.

"No need." The man didn't touch the tea cup again, and only glanced at him lightly: "I just want to remind you today that I will deal with those princes. You just have to do your own thing."

The Prime Minister's face stiffened.

He did think about doing something to those princes on his way back.

Just as he was distracted, the person next to him suddenly disappeared, as if what just happened was all his imagination.

As soon as he went to court the next day, he heard another "bad news". Last night, the eldest prince was drunk and fell into the water. He was not fished out until the morning.

Suddenly he felt a chill running through his body.

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