Of the thirteen princes of Red Eagle, only three are left. The princes who were once pampered and pampered by the king and his concubines were all buried in the palace after being humiliated by the demons.

Even the youngest princess did not escape this disaster. The youngest princess was only five years old!

I heard that the concubines in the palace also failed to escape the clutches of the devil in order to protect their children. Those who are still alive and standing in the palace are either demons or people who have taken refuge with the demons like the prime minister.

In the court hall, there were also loyal ministers who refused to join in the rebellion and hit their heads against pillars and died on the spot.

After the fifth prince heard the news, he spit out a mouthful of blood. His eyes turned black and he could hardly stand. His voice seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth. He spoke every word with overwhelming hatred: " The demons have gone too far to deceive others!"

He was a prince in vain, and could do nothing in the face of such a blood feud.

"Furthermore, we found that those demons seem to want the people of Red Eagle to cultivate demons." The disciple thought for a while and expressed his guess: "The number of demons in the town we are in now is not very large. Most of the clan’s troops are concentrated near the capital.”

"They would take away some children from ordinary families, and then put them back after a few days. I guess they put a curse on those children."

Because the people in the Southern Kingdom were cursed not long ago, the disciples were particularly sensitive to this matter.

"It's very possible." Elder Yue thought for a moment, then turned and focused his gaze on Zhao Wu: "What do you think, Fellow Daoist Zhao?"

Not long ago, Zhao Wu personally led a team to annihilate a group of demons in the world of cultivating immortals. To be more precise, it was led by the demons and brought a group of demon spies to make things difficult for some small sects.

Ever since the demon clan incident was exposed, the demon clan and their spies have become even more unscrupulous.

They couldn't do anything about the large and medium-sized sects, so they arrested some small sects and harassed them. The small sects were miserable and asked the surrounding large sects for help.

Zhao Wu led his people to save seven or eight small sects that were on the verge of extinction. He was actually a little tired, but when he heard that Red Eagle needed help from the immortal world, he still stepped forward without hesitation.

She leaned against the wall and rubbed her eyebrows: "With the demon clan's methods, they can indeed do this. I thought about it, since the demon clan has attacked the people of the capital, then we have to go to the capital. Well, why not divide the troops into several groups, some go to the capital, and some go to other towns to watch."

"But... wouldn't we have to deal with a group of demons ourselves?"

"How could it be us?" Shujue quickly understood what Zhao Wu meant. She shook her head and looked at the lost fifth prince next to her, "Can the people of Red Eagle still watch the fun?"

Now it was the disciple's turn to be surprised.

The ideological education they have always received is to protect their tribe and the common people.

Now that they are here, where is the use of letting those ordinary people fight against the demons?

He was confused, but he still didn't ask directly.

Because the Queen Princess spoke, he cupped his hands towards the group of people in front of him and said in a deep voice: "Thank you all the immortals for helping me. If you are of any use to me in the future, just speak up."

This is the biggest promise he can give right now.

Zhao Wu nodded, and then took out the test ball: "In that case, let's test your talent first, just put your hand on it."

The fifth prince heard the words and did as he was told. Not long after he put his hand on it, the crystal ball lit up with crystal blue light. The light did not last long and soon turned into a somewhat dim green and earthy yellow.

"Xuanpin Water Spirit Root, Earth Grade Wood Spirit Root, Earth Grade Fire Spirit Root." Zhao Wu told the test results.

"Immortal, my talent..."

"The qualifications are acceptable." Zhao Wu explained to him the classification of spiritual roots. When he heard that the Xuanpin spiritual roots were lower than the heavenly grade and the best grade, the fifth prince's eyes inevitably dimmed a bit. Zhao Wu continued: "Tian-grade spiritual roots are only one in a thousand, top-grade spiritual roots are only one in a hundred thousand, your mysterious spiritual roots are more common in the world of cultivating immortals. What's more, spiritual roots are just a threshold for entry. How far the road can go depends more on one’s state of mind.”

The reason why she could say this was because in the records of the world of immortality, there were indeed cases where Xuanpin spiritual roots had successfully ascended, which was not entirely comforting.

Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, the child on the side couldn't help but move forward. He stretched his neck and looked at the crystal ball in Zhao Wu's hand, his eyes full of longing.

"Do you want to test too?" Finally, the disciple standing next to him noticed him.

The child nodded quickly.

Zhao Wu then remembered that there was a child here, said "Sorry" to him, and handed the test ball to him.

The moment he put his hand on it, the temperature in the room instantly cooled down.

It's not like the usual cold, but the coldness that penetrates into the bone marrow, making people's scalp numb.

In the test ball, it seemed like a dark cloud was surging, and it was also like ink, which was too thick to dissolve.

Everyone in the room looked over.

"This is...the dark spiritual root?"

I can't imagine that the spiritual roots that should have disappeared hundreds of years ago have reappeared, and also appeared in such a young child.

No matter how slow the children were, they felt that the way they looked at them was very complicated.

No, it was the look in his eyes at the test ball, that indescribable look that made him a little scared.

He retracted his hand and looked at them carefully, his voice trembling imperceptibly: "Is there anything wrong with my talent?"

"No, no problem." Zhao Wu sighed and took back the test ball.

She knelt down and her eyes were at eye level with the child: "Your talent is very good. You have a Tianpin spiritual root. What is your name? Are you willing to join the sect?"

"Yes! I do!" The child immediately agreed cheerfully after hearing this: "My name is Su Pingan, and my parents said they hope I am safe and sound." He smiled so hard that his eyes narrowed into slits, and he didn't notice the surroundings at all. Several people looked at him with complicated expressions.

Pity, suspicion, fear...

"Then after we finish killing Red Eagle's demons, we will take you to become a disciple." Zhao Wu nodded and said no more, but she gave the disciple next to her a look, which clearly showed her favoritism towards Su Ping'an. .

"But... Immortal, you haven't said what kind of spiritual root I have?" Su Pingan was puzzled.

"Your spiritual roots are somewhat special. You will know when the time comes." Zhao Wu was thinking about who to hand him over to. Anyway, no one on Xianyuan Island would be willing to accept Su Pingan.

Most of the other sects are also unable to protect themselves, so after thinking about it, there is only...

"What? Do you want us to train that Dark Spirit Root boy? Zhao Wu, your abacus is blowing my face! Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

sudden appearance!

I have calmed down a bit in the past few days, and went to the hospital again to get prescribed medicine. I will resume normal updates from tomorrow (2 updates a day)
Thanks to Baozi who chased the article for supporting me all the way. I don’t know what to say. I just wish everyone is safe and healthy.

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