Chapter 57 (Updated)
Among the countries, the geographical location of the Southern Kingdom is relatively remote. It is located to the south of a large miasma forest and has a natural barrier. It is relatively easy to defend and difficult to attack, so the country is relatively stable.

Shu Jue and Yan Beizhou hurriedly traveled for five or six days to get to Nanguo. They directly drove their swords to the Nanguo Imperial Palace and landed at the entrance of the palace, causing many palace people to stop and watch.

As soon as the two landed on the ground, a guard went to notify them. Everyone in the palace knew that the Holy Emperor had an immortal younger brother, so they did not dare to neglect them.

When the eunuch chief Lin Hai arrived, Shu Jue and Yan Beizhou were surrounded by palace people who were watching - they were far away from them, but they were all looking at the two of them and whispering.

Seeing this situation, Lin Hai felt angry in his heart.

Not to mention the pink-robed immortal, the person standing next to her was also the direct younger brother of the current Holy Emperor, not to mention that he also had the status of an immortal.

These people are so presumptuous, is it because they don’t want a pair of eyes anymore?
"What are you doing standing around stupidly? No more work?" Lin Hai glanced at them and gritted his teeth: "A bunch of people know how to be lazy and slippery. Tomorrow our family must talk to the emperor and see which palace master dares to ask for it. you!"

Everyone in the palace changed their expressions, lowered their heads and left in a hurry.

Lin Hai then put on a smile again, dusted himself off, and stepped forward quickly: "Oh, I have seen His Highness Prince Duan, I have seen..."

His eyes lingered on Shu Jue for a moment and then quickly looked away, sighing that the girl brought back by King Duan was really stunning, but he really didn't dare to think too much about it.

"This is my younger junior sister. There is no need to perform these false rituals." Afraid that Shujue would not be used to it, Yan Beizhou directly refused this ritual for her.

After all, the salutes in the palace are very different from those in the world of cultivators. In the world of cultivators, you only need to bow your hands, but in this palace, you have to kneel down and bow.

Even he himself is not very used to it, but people have already knelt down, not to mention that he calls himself King Duan, so he can only accept this gift as King Duan.

Yan Beizhou didn't like the identity of King Duan in his heart. He was used to being free and unrestrained, so he was actually unwilling to suddenly have such an identity.

But the mother always cried and cried, feeling that she owed Yan Beizhou and that the child had been wronged outside. She tried her best to give him the best. If it was not unreasonable, she would have directly repaired Prince Duan's Mansion. In the palace.

Yan Beizhou couldn't refuse a mother's kindness.

It had been several years since he last returned to the palace. Yan Beizhou took a casual look and found that there were no major changes in the palace.

But it was Shujue's first time to come to the palace, so he inevitably felt strange and looked left and right.

"If you are interested, junior sister, I will take you around in a while." Although Beizhou has only been to this palace banquet once, it is not difficult to remember the location of each palace and the route within the palace.

After all, the entire palace is not as big as Qing Hongzong.

Lin Hai led the two of them inside. Before they were halfway there, they met a group of people walking in a hurry.

The head woman's appearance was somewhat similar to Yan Beizhou's. Her eyes were already filled with tears. When she saw Yan Beizhou, her tears couldn't stop flowing down like a dam had burst.

"Bei Zhou, my mother's good son, how come you haven't written a letter to me after all these years?"

The Queen Mother came almost running, without stopping along the way. Her hair was disheveled and she was panting. She didn't care about other etiquette. She hugged her son who had not heard from him for several years and started crying. Yan Beizhou was at a loss for words. He looked at Shujue as if asking for help.

The latter spread his hands, indicating that he was powerless.

The Queen Mother was well-maintained, and her beautiful face looked like she was only in her thirties, but it had a unique charm over the years.She is wearing a long red Shu brocade dress, her temples are held high, and the phoenix is ​​intertwined with gold and jade, making her look graceful and luxurious.

It's just that the graceful Queen Mother hugged the third senior brother and cried as soon as she came up, which directly broke the filter she had in Shujue's heart.

When she saw the Queen Mother for the first time, she thought she would be as solemn and majestic as described in those folklore books.Sure enough, the books are all lies.

After she finished crying, the Queen Mother discovered Shu Jue's existence. She glanced at Yan Beizhou and understood, and explained: "This is my junior sister, Shu Jue."

"It turns out to be Xiao Jue. Do you mind if I call you this? I heard Bei Zhou say you are a good boy before, and now I see it is true." The Queen Mother held Shu Jue's hand and looked at her with a particularly kind look.

After saying something, she took off the jade bracelet from her wrist and put it on Shujue's hand: "Thanks to your care of Beizhou these years, I am a worldly person and I can't give you the treasures you need. You can take this bracelet." Come on, it’s just a little bit of my thoughts, Xiaojue, please don’t dislike it.”

Even in front of Shu Jue, she also calls herself "I", which shows that she is close to him.

Yan Beizhou: When did I tell you about my junior sister? Mother, weren’t you just complaining that I won’t come back in a few years?

The jade bracelet felt cold to the skin when it touched it, and the body of the bracelet was translucent. It looked like the best jade.Just as Shu Jue was hesitating whether to refuse, Yan Beizhou secretly sent a message asking her to accept it.

"Just accept mother's wishes."

Hearing this, Shujue no longer hesitated. She accepted the jade bracelet and thanked her generously. She coaxed the Queen Mother with a few pleasant words and the raised corners of her mouth never came down.

Shu Jue: There’s nothing nice to say, but I’m just telling the truth.

The group of people walked toward the palace in a mighty manner.

"It's morning time now. Your imperial brother can't spare the time to pick you up. Don't blame Beizhou."

Yan Beizhou nodded lightly: "Of course not."

"How many days does Beizhou plan to stay in the palace this time?" The Queen Mother had a smile in her eyes, and she was clearly looking forward to it.

This son urinated and left her. How many times had they met in all these years?But even so, it does not affect her motherly heart.

She felt deeply indebted to this child who had not been raised by her since childhood, and who had never even known his life or death from the beginning, so she was doubly kind to him after they got to know each other.

Yan Beizhou made a rough estimate and estimated that it would only take two days to return the ashes of those ordinary people to their homes. He answered honestly.

As soon as the words fell, the Queen Mother's expression gradually became visibly lost.

The two brothers and sisters were placed in the Queen Mother's Kangning Palace. They did not live there forever, and no one would say anything even if they disagreed.

After leaving the morning court, the emperor didn't even change into court clothes. He rushed over in a hurry and heard the sound before anyone arrived:
"Mother! I heard that the imperial brother is back? She even brought her junior sister with her. Where is she?"

As soon as he entered the palace, the emperor saw that his younger brother, whom he had not seen for a long time, was drinking tea with his mother. The junior sister, the queen mother, said with a smile: "I asked Cai Die to accompany her out just now. She said she wanted to walk around."

The emperor nodded: "Is the queen ready to eat?"

"No, you two brothers will have dinner with me today."

After breakfast was finished and it was still early, the Queen Mother got up and said, "I'm going to go for a walk while you two brothers chat slowly."

The emperor respectfully watched the Queen Mother leave, and then his eyes fell on Yan Beizhou: "Beizhou, are you here to celebrate the Queen Mother's birthday this time?"

 I was so sleepy yesterday that I was half-way through writing and wanted to get up and continue writing, but ended up being unable to wake up and sleeping until morning (▼ plate ▼#)
  The weather is really suitable for sleeping now. Today’s two chapters will be updated later~
(End of this chapter)

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