Quickly wear: The yandere boss is really jealous

Chapter 645 The Young Marshal’s Fake Cuscuta Flower

Chapter 645 The Young Marshal’s Fake Cuscuta Flower (01)

After the dance hall closed, Ruan Xi took off her makeup, let down her hair, and changed her clothes.

The cheongsam outlines the girl's graceful figure very well. Unlike the one just now, this cheongsam has a very low slit.

The high-heeled shoes she was wearing were replaced by lower heels. Ruan Xi checked them carefully in the mirror several times before going out through the back door.

The driver was already waiting for her.

Although the public security in Rongcheng has improved in recent years, it is still not so good that there are still patrols in the middle of the night. Every time the original owner finished cleaning up after get off work, it was almost one o'clock in the morning. For his own safety, the original owner gritted his teeth and packed a car. The car only takes her home when she gets off work.

As for going to work, she always walks there.

As Paramount's top singer, the original owner naturally makes a lot of money.

But most of the money was spent on the original owner's sister, Su Manxue.

The original owner was very frugal on weekdays. She wanted to break a penny in half and spend it. Chartering a car was the most money she had ever spent on herself.

However, these were not worth the money she spent on Su Manxue.

The original owner's father passed away when they were very young. The sisters were raised by their mother, but just last year, their mother also passed away due to illness.

A large amount of money had been borrowed to treat her mother's illness. Su Manxue had to pay tuition fees, which was another huge expense.

All the money in the family was used to support Su Manxue's schooling. Naturally, the original owner said sensibly that she didn't like school.

Su Manxue showed great love for school. Even though her family could not afford a penny, the original owner still did not let her drop out of school.

She went to Paramount to become a singer. In this era, the status of a singer was looked down upon. Su Manxue, who had received education, naturally looked down upon this status.

Su Manxue accused the women who used to be singers and dancers in front of the original owner more than once, as if they had committed some heinous crime.

Naturally, the original owner did not dare to tell Su Manxue about this, and just vaguely said that he had found a job as a dishwasher in a hotel.

In the past, when her mother was sick and needed someone to take care of her, Su Manxue had to go to school every day, and the original owner always took care of her at the bedside.

The doctor was hired by the original owner, and the medicine was also bought by the original owner. Naturally, all the expenses were borrowed from the original owner.

In order to allow her sister to go to school with peace of mind, neither the original owner nor her mother told Su Manxue that the family owed a lot of money, only saying that it was money left by her father.

Later, in order to prevent debt collectors from coming to Su Manxue's door, the original owner agreed to the dance hall owner's invitation without giving it much thought.

Since then, before going home every day, she has to carefully check whether there is anything wrong with her clothes or hairstyle, and whether she smells of makeup, powder, tobacco or alcohol.

Although the original owner never drinks with him, he works here, and sometimes it is inevitable that there will be some smell.

At this time, she had to borrow the shower room to rinse herself.

The original owner has been here like this for more than a year.

However, what the original owner didn't know was that Su Manxue had seen the original owner enter Paramount several times. After she asked passers-by where that place was, the first expression that appeared on her face was contempt, disgust and disdain.

As a new young man who had received advanced education and had progressive ideas, Su Manxue was naturally unwilling to be associated with him. She immediately went to school to ask for leave, went home, packed her bags, and prepared to run away from home and live alone.

Su Manxue believes that since both of them are the daughters of their father and mother, she is certainly entitled to half of the inheritance left by her parents.

However, when she rummaged through the boxes and cabinets in search of the so-called inheritance, all she found was her sister's meager salary and countless IOUs.

Su Manxue sat blankly all morning, finally put her things back to their original places and went to school.

The life trajectory of the two people has not changed at all. The only difference is that Su Manxue has never said anything unpleasant about the singer and dancer in front of the original owner. And the original owner didn't know any of this.

She still carefully concealed her identity. Sometimes she would go home early and see that the lights in the room were not turned off, so she would stay up until Su Manxue fell asleep.

It was a summer, and after she came in, her body was covered in mosquito bites.

The original owner is an extremely soft and kind person. She tolerates and treats her family unconditionally. Especially this sister, who has eighteen layers of filters in the eyes of the original owner.

So she didn't know that Su Manxue had hated her since she was a child, hated that she was prettier than her, hated that she was smarter than her, hated that she was more likable than she was.

Even my former neighbors always praised this sister when they mentioned her. Their eyes looked strange when they mentioned her.

Su Manxue was still young when her father died, and her memory of her father was already blurry. She only thought that her sister's appearance was lucky enough to follow her mother, while she was unlucky enough to follow her father who died early.

However, the truth is that Su Manxue was not the biological sister of the original owner, and the original owner's father died trying to save the child he picked up while fleeing.

The original owner knew about this matter since he was a child.

So I love this orphan who has lost his parents a long time ago.

The only wish she had left was to take good care of her sister.

Ruan Xi doesn't really want to take care of her.

She was very angry after watching this plot. Not to mention that Su Manxue was not the sister of the original owner. Even if she was, she couldn't help but want to punch her.

At that time, Ruan Xi asked if she could change her wish. She was afraid that she would not be able to help but beat her. However, the original owner said in a very gentle and loving tone: "She is still just a child."

Haha, a child one year younger than her.

However, these words also awakened Ruan Xi. She hinted that she should not treat Su Manxue as a 16-year-old "child", but treat her as a 6-year-old child.

A 6-year-old child's ignorance is annoying, but it's not intolerable.

While thinking about it, Ruan Xi had already arrived home.

The house in front of it was considered dilapidated in this era. After Su's mother passed away, the original owner sold the previous house and replaced it with this house on the grounds that Su Manxue was close to school.

It was quite close to Su Manxue's school, but even so, Su Manxue still rode a bicycle to school.

——In this day and age, bicycles are not cheap.

Ruan Xi clenched her fists, took a few deep breaths, and took the key to open the door.

As she pushed the door open, the old wooden door made a "squeaking" sound in the middle of the night.

Every time before entering the house, the original owner would check repeatedly to make sure there was no movement in the living room before unlocking the door. He would push the door very lightly, for fear of disturbing his sister who was sleeping in the back room.

Ruan Xi only felt that Su Manxue was being pretentious, and just making such a little noise would not wake her up.

And the back room is not close to the door.

Ruan Xi had just taken two steps when she saw Su Manxue coming out from behind the door with a flashlight on.

Ruan Xi took a closer look and saw it was the toilet door.

She really hoped that Su Manxue was woken up by her, because of the character, Ruan Xi had to take good care of her, let alone beating her, she couldn't even say harsh words to Su Manxue.

I can only vent my anger on such trivial matters.

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