Reborn Princess Chasing Her Husband Crematorium

Chapter 108, the great gift given by the emperor is He Lishu

When Shen Qing returned to the imperial capital, the first people he met were Emperor Wan Zhen and Empress Ji.

Many people didn't know that Shen Qing went to the south this time, so when she disappeared in the imperial capital, everyone thought she had been punished for making a mistake.

As for why he was punished, it was naturally that he was punished by copying the female precepts for 1,500 lines.

Thinking of what happened to the Ji family and the Tian family, everyone naturally thought that it was to pave the way for Ji Ningxin to enter the royal family.

Shen Qing sneered at this, but was too lazy to refute anything.

Is it okay to be punished for copying a female ring or something that doesn’t exist?

It's been a long time since I last saw Emperor Wan Zhen and Empress Ji. Shen Qing brought a lot of good things from the south to offer them.

Inside Zixiang Palace.

Emperor Wan Zhen and Empress Ji sat high above, while Shen Qing and Tang Zongjiu sat beside them.

"You did a good job this time." Emperor Wan Zhen nodded with a smile on his face.

Whether it was fulfilling Ji Ningxin's words or taking back Liu Changpeng's death-free gold medal and tiger charm, Shen Qing really contributed a lot this time.

"Whatever you want, just say it."

"Father, it is the right thing for a son and minister to do things for the Kingdom of Xi." Shen Qing said matter-of-factly.

"We haven't seen each other for so many days. It's not easy for Fengzhi to have such a sense of family and country."

Emperor Wan Zhen didn't believe that Shen Qing wanted nothing, so he teased Empress Ji.

Queen Ji showed a happy smile: "Feng Zhi has really grown up."

"Father," Shen Qing kowtowed to Emperor Wan Zhen and Empress Ji, "I have finished my trip to the south and will go to the north soon."

"It's not urgent." Emperor Wan Zhen waved his hand and said, "Your fourth brother's wedding day is coming soon. You can wait until your fourth brother marries his fourth sister-in-law before going."

When Shen Tan's marriage was mentioned, Shen Qing felt a little unhappy.

How can this be the same?

Shen Tan's wedding will not be until the first month of next year at the earliest, and Xi Dong's war is still a year away, so Shen Qing doesn't have so much time to waste.

After the Northern Chamber of Commerce is settled, Shen Qing must immediately send money to the royal family so that Xi Dong can be allocated money in time. Clothes and food for Xi Dong must all be arranged in advance.

"Father, I forgive you for missing out." Shen Qing said, "It is better for merchants from the north and the south to unite sooner rather than later. The sooner they unify, the sooner I can send you money."

"How is that possible?" Emperor Wan Zhen disagreed, "You can make money at any time. Your brother's wedding is only once."

"Father, I don't understand, what is so special about Ji Ningxin that makes you agree to give her to your fourth brother?" Shen Qing couldn't help but ask.

"I just said you were sensible and you have revealed your true colors," Emperor Wan Zhen said displeasedly, "This is a decision I made. It is a done deal and you cannot comment on it."

"Okay, this is your decision, Father. I have no right to say anything, but the trip to the north is imperative. This is my business. I can always decide by myself, right?" Shen Qing said.

"If I say no, I won't. You can't be absent from your brother's wedding." Emperor Wan Zhen said in a serious tone.

Shen Qing was unwilling to compromise, and Emperor Wan Zhen refused to let Shen Qing get his wish, and the atmosphere became deadlocked for a while.

"Okay, okay," Empress Ji suddenly said, "Fengzhi and Junge have a rare visit to the palace. Fengzhi has made great achievements again. Tonight, I specially asked the imperial kitchen to prepare your favorite meals. "

Queen Ji gave Shen Qing a wink calmly.

"We won't quarrel until we're full."

Soon, sumptuous meals were put on the table.

"Father, you just asked me what reward I wanted." Shen Qing muttered.

"It was just now, now is now." Emperor Wan Zhen said.

"Father, you have nothing to say!" Shen Qing said.

"You said yourself that you are willing to make money for your father without giving anything in return." Emperor Wan Zhen said.

"..." Shen Qing paused, "I want it now."

"It's getting late now." Emperor Wan Zhen looked at the dishes on the table without squinting, completely ignoring Shen Qing's flabby look.

"Father..." Shen Qing still wanted to fight for it.

Emperor Wan Zhen glanced at her and took a hot drink.

"Okay, okay," he interrupted Shen Qing, "do you really want it?"

"Think!" Shen Qing nodded.

"Cao Guanping." Emperor Wan Zhen called out to Cao Guanping.

Tang Zongjiu, like Empress Ji, had been silent since just now, quietly serving as the backdrop.

As soon as Emperor Wan Zhen said these words, his heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't help but look at Emperor Wan Zhen.

Cao Guanping was ordered to retreat respectfully.

"What do you reward your father for?" Shen Qing said with a smile.

Emperor Wan Zhen did not answer Shen Qing's words, but glanced at Tang Zongjiu.

Tang Zongjiu's heartbeat was getting faster and faster.

"Junge's contribution to the trip to the south is indispensable." Emperor Wan Zhen said.

"This is what I should do." Tang Zong said drunkenly.

"I have also prepared a big gift for you." Emperor Wan Zhen continued.

Tang Zongjiu was shocked, stood up, walked to the side, and kowtowed deeply to Emperor Wan Zhen.

"Get up, okay, what are you doing?" Emperor Wan Zhen stretched out his hand to support Tang Zongjiu, and the eunuch behind him helped Tang Zongjiu up with great foresight.

"My dear father, I thank you." Tang Zongjiu raised his head, "My dear, I don't want a big gift."

"Why?" Shen Qing asked puzzledly.

Emperor Wan Zhen narrowed his eyes when he heard this.

The actions and information of everyone on this trip to the south were sent to Emperor Wan Zhen's desk in a confidential letter in detail.

Looking back at the beginning, Ji Ningxin's "prophecy", Liu Changpeng's "expansion", Shen Qing's "self-recommendation", and Lin Muci's "ambition".

All of this contributed to Emperor Wan Zhen's "inevitable victory" in the south.

And now it is indeed successful.

As for the "big gift" promised at the beginning...

Emperor Wan Zhen's eyes remained on Tang Zongjiu.

This child is sensitive and must have guessed that he originally "killed Liu Changpeng in exchange for Shen Qing's freedom."

Otherwise, he wouldn't have knelt down and said no at this moment.

It can only be said that plans can never keep up with changes.

Because the "prophecy" given by Ji Ningxin was: There will be war in Xidong in the future, and the Tang family will be destroyed.

Emperor Wan Zhen did not want anything to happen to the Tang family.

Therefore, as wise as he is, he also feels a little confused about Tang Zongjiu's future.

He thought hard and finally thought of a "perfect strategy" that, although it would not cure the root cause, could solve the urgent problem.

"You don't want it?" He confirmed again.

"Yes, I don't want it."

"You have to think clearly, this is your only chance."

"Yes, I have thought it through clearly, I don't want it."

It seems that these two children have been in love for a long time.

Emperor Wan Zhen was very pleased. He turned to Shen Qing with a smile on his lips: "Junge doesn't want it, what about you?"

"My son wants it." Shen Qing smiled frankly, looking forward to the gift.

Emperor Wan Zhen nodded.

Soon, Cao Guanping came to the imperial study, holding a rectangular wooden box in his hand.

Seeing the wooden box, Tang Zongjiu became increasingly uneasy. The box was just the right size and length to hold an imperial edict.

Tang Zongjiu's hand clenched into a fist unconsciously.

Soon, Cao Guanping handed over the box and held it in front of him with both hands.

With the acquiescence of Emperor Wan Zhen, Cao Guanping opened the box, and there was indeed an imperial edict inside.

Different from Shen Qing's expectant look, Tang Zongjiu subconsciously wanted to step forward to stop him.

"Xuan." Emperor Wan Zhen did not give him this chance.

Cao Guanping opened the imperial edict and cleared his throat.

[Blessed by heaven, the emperor issued an edict:

Today, my son and ministers are at odds with each other due to family disputes. After careful consideration by both parties, we have jointly applied for divorce.

I feel very sorry to hear this, but marriage matters are related to the happiness of both parties and cannot be forced.

Therefore, I comply with the will of God, show consideration for the people's sentiments, and specially grant the imperial edict of Heli.

From now on, both sides will be separated and each will regain his freedom.

May you all take care of yourself and cherish each other.

Admire this! 】

"Boom——!" Shen Qing's mind suddenly seemed to be struck by lightning.

It wasn't until she finished reciting the imperial edict that she realized that the great gift that Emperor Wan Zhen was talking about was actually a piece of paper and a letter of departure.

She was stunned all of a sudden.

How could it be a piece of paper and a separate book?

But then I thought about it, why not?

I begged Emperor Wan Zhen twice, and each time he insisted on getting divorced. This was a big trouble for Emperor Wan Zhen who had been granted a marriage.

Now Emperor Wan Zhen still writes.

This is not a "big gift".

At this time, Shen Qing didn't know whether he should be happy or sad.

Emperor Wan Zhen saw all the performances of the two men and glanced at Cao Guanping.

Cao Guanping understood, dragging the imperial edict with him, he took a step forward towards Shen Qing and Tang Zongjiu.

"Princess, Prince Consort, please accept the order."

For a moment, both Shen Qing and Tang Zongjiu fell into silence.

Shen Qing, Shen Qing, why are you hesitating? In one year, Tang Zongjiu will return to Xidong!

You must accept this letter!

Otherwise, what's the point of being reborn?

Shen Qing! Take the order!

Take the order!

Tang Zongjiu's face turned from red to blue.

He had been evading the matter of He Li, but Emperor Wan Zhen seemed not to give him a chance to escape.

Restoring his freedom is indeed a great gift for Tang Zongjiu, but Tang Zongjiu's heart hurts indescribably at this moment, and there is always a hint of unbearable pain in his eyes.

His hands actually started to tremble a little.

When faced with Yin Wenkun charging towards him with explosives all over his body, he didn't even think about flinching. His body was even concentrated and stable.

However, at this time, Tang Zongjiu really couldn't raise his hand to accept the order. All his attention was focused on his hands, and he couldn't stop his hands from shaking.

After a while, Tang Zongjiu's eyes flashed, and when he was about to lower his hands to the ground again and decide to resist, Shen Qing's hands suddenly came out from the side.

Tang Zongjiu's pupils suddenly shrank.

I saw Shen Qing bowing his head respectfully to Emperor Wan Zhen: "Thank you, father, long live long live long live long live the emperor."

There was a hint of choking in his words, and he was obviously speaking through his throat.

Tang Zongjiu's eyes were fixed on Shen Qing's curved back, his teeth were biting the corners of his mouth, and there was even a fishy smell in his mouth.

He didn't blame Shen Qing for accepting the order.

His Shu Ning, who has always wanted to give him his freedom in the future, must be in pain at this moment.

Tang Zong drank in silence and did not kowtow.

"Why, Junge doesn't want to accept the order?" Emperor Wan Zhen asked.

Tang Zongjiu remained silent, his brows furrowed into a frown.

Shen Qing's eyes were a little red. She raised her eyes and looked at Tang Zongjiu, clearly feeling the entanglement and pain coming from Tang Zongjiu.

She can't bear it, so let her be the "evil person".

"Junge, please accept the order." Shen Qing took Tang Zongjiu's hand, pulled his arm, and led him to receive the order to thank him.

However, Tang Zongjiu did not move.

Everything was done in a matter of seconds, and finally, when the two faced Emperor Wan Zhen for the third time, they obtained the letter of peace given by the emperor.

Tang Zongjiu's heart was twisted into a knot.

The marriage grant from Emperor Wan Zhen made him realize what it means to be hopeless. He thought deeply about returning to Xidong with Shen Qing and Li.

Now Emperor Wan Zhen has fulfilled his "wish", but he is not happy anymore.

Although he and Shen Qing had had a good talk about their "reconciliation" before, when the real Yu Ci and Li Shu appeared in front of him, Tang Zongjiu realized that he had deep feelings for Shen Qing. .

He wanted to be with Shen Qing for the rest of his life more than fighting with each other.

He looked down upon himself like this.

"Junge!" Shen Qing whispered, pulling Tang Zongjiu's arm again.

"Tang Junge, do you want to resist the decree?" Emperor Wan Zhen said in a cold tone, "You were unwilling to marry me at the beginning, and now you are unwilling to divorce you. What do you think is my imperial decree?"

Shen Qing's eyelids twitched.

"Junge will not resist the decree." She squeezed Tang Zongjiu's hand.

The next second, Tang Zongjiu suddenly held Shen Qing's hand, and Shen Qing could clearly feel the sweat in Tang Zongjiu's hand.

"Your Majesty..." Tang Zongjiu paused and made a sound between his teeth, "I thank you... Your Majesty..."

Emperor Wan Zhen said "hmm".

Tang Zongjiu did not call himself "son" or "father", which made Emperor Wan Zhen a little uncomfortable.

"Okay, let's have a meal."

After being given such a "big gift", he actually asked Tang Zongjiu and Shen Qing to accompany him to dinner. Emperor Wan Zhen took a vicious "revenge" on these two children for keeping him apart for a long time.

Queen Ji knew the content of the imperial edict. Seeing Emperor Wan Zhen teasing the two children like this, she couldn't help but shake her head.

Why make the two children so sad?

After the meal, both Shen Qing and Tang Zongjiu were unhappy and left the palace early.

As soon as he left Zixiang Palace, Shen Qing threw this scalding imperial edict to Tang Zongjiu, tears streaming down his face uncontrollably, and he ran out of the palace gate while sobbing.

"Feng..." Tang Zongjiu didn't know how to comfort him for a moment.

In what capacity is he comforting now?

How did you say the words "Heli is Heli, you and I are you and me"?

When things really happen to you, you can't be so free and easy at all.

Can he still hug Shen Qing? Can I still kiss her?

Who is he now?

Shen Qing's thin figure ran further and further ahead.

The imperial edict in his hand was like a bomb, stinging Tang Zongjiu's hand and sending pain throughout his body.

A strong fire surged from Tang Zongjiu's dantian.

He couldn't accept Shen Qing leaving his sight.

With a sound of "swish-", Tang Zongjiu sailed towards Shen Qing with his luck. When Shen Qing was still immersed in grief and could not recover, he reached out and wrapped his arms around Shen Qing's waist and took her flying up.

"Junge..." Tang Zongjiu's embrace was still so warm, but Shen Qing's heart was still feeling cold.

The sound of "Junge" made Tang Zong's heart twitch.

Immediately afterwards, he hugged Shen Qing tightly.

Shen Qing also hugged Tang Zongjiu tightly, resting his weight entirely on Tang Zongjiu.

"Junge, I..."

Before she finished speaking, Tang Zongjiu suddenly lifted her up with one hand, lowered his head and kissed her.

This kiss was salty, with Shen Qing's tears.

It's also a little bitter, the sadness of the separation between the two.

Shen Qing kissed Tang Zongjiu back while crying.

The evening breeze blew their hair, and the moonlight illuminated their sad and sad faces.

After flying for who knows how long, Tang Zongjiu finally stopped.

On the hill in the outer suburbs, the kiss continued.

The starry sky became the background for the two of them, and the entire imperial capital was at their feet.

This long and deep kiss lasted until Shen Qing stopped crying and finally stopped.

Tang Zongjiu gently kissed away the tears left on Shen Qing's face and held him in his arms.

"You are not allowed to marry anyone else." Tang Zong said while drinking.

"Yes." Shen Qing buried herself in Tang Zongjiu's arms and nodded, "Only you and no one else."

"Fengzhi," Tang Zongjiu hugged Shen Qing's hands and pressed hard again, "you are mine."

"Yes." Shen Qing responded, "It's yours."

"When I have made great achievements and become a real general, I will marry you with honor. Even if I am a son-in-law, I will be happy to marry you."

This is Tang Zongjiu's only wish in his life.

Now there is one more.

"If you are willing to sacrifice for me, I can too!" Shen Qing suddenly said, "I don't want to be a princess! This way we won't be in trouble!"

Shen Qing suddenly discovered that there was another way. She was annoyed that she had only discovered it?

"Junge! Let's go back! Go and ask my father to take back my title of princess, and I can follow you to the end of the world!" Shen Qing suddenly stood up straight and said.

Tang Zongjiu smiled bitterly, the only opportunity was gone.

"Don't say stupid things." Tang Zongjiu pushed Shen Qing's head back into his arms.

How can the emperor's order be such a joke?

Shen Qing also knew in her heart that this was nonsense, but she felt sad at the moment.

"Junge, the matter of Heli..." Shen Qing murmured.

When Tang Zongjiu heard the word "harmony", the anger he had finally suppressed came out again.

He threw the imperial edict away, and saw the bright yellow edict rolling on the ground several times before stopping not far away, leaving rows of dazzling words displayed outside.

Tang Zongjiu glanced at it with disgust, and those words flashed past his eyes.

Suddenly, he seemed to have discovered something.

He glanced at the words again.

【Now I have my son and ministers...】

Tang Zongjiu's eyes suddenly lit up!

If Shen Qing hadn't been sobbing in his arms, he would have picked it up immediately and checked it carefully.

But nothing can compare to Shen Qing.

The burning fire in his stomach was extinguished instantly when he saw these words.

So that’s the case, no wonder Emperor Wan Zhen said this was a great gift.

This was indeed a great gift for him and Shen Qing.

Emperor Wan Zhen thought of everything.

For a moment, Tang Zongjiu buried himself into the side of Shen Qing's neck, and kissed Shen Qing's soft neck with his lips.

Shen Qing was aroused by Tang Zongjiu's sudden "violation".

Tang Zong kissed her very carefully. Shen Qing's heart jumped up and down, beating very fast.

She closed her eyes and let Tang Zongjiu suck her neck.

Tang Zongjiu was immersed in the joy of finding something, and he was afraid that Shen Qing would really leave him.

He has never been as determined as he is now, wanting Shen Qing to be his.

But he still held back.

So he could only mess with her neck, trying to leave his mark.

She is him and can only be his.

he thinks.

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