Reborn Princess Chasing Her Husband Crematorium

Chapter 114, Gold makes Shen Qing extremely happy

The six people attacked Tang Zongjiu from various places.

No matter how hard he looked, Tang Zongjiu couldn't escape.

But under the watchful eyes of everyone, Tang Zongjiu, which was already continuously rising in mid-air, actually accelerated and rose another half a foot!

His acceleration caused the three people who were originally going to attack him to miss him.

Immediately, he turned slightly to the right to avoid the palm that struck his left side.

At the same time, the kick that hit him on the right side was counteracted head-on by the tornado leg he threw out at the moment he turned to the right!

The man who was fighting with him looked stunned. He obviously didn't expect that Tang Zongjiu was so good at lightness and had such deep internal strength.

In just half a breath, the man's internal energy burst was half that of Tang Zongjiu's, and he was kicked out of the ring.

Finally, there was Master Chu who was captured from above.

Chu Jindu's expression condensed slightly.

As the first Jiajia son in the Northern Han Dynasty who was both civilized and military-savvy, and also had fine features, he always felt that the people around him were not as good as him.

This time he represented the Chu family in the battle to make himself famous.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Yaojin shot out of the air.

There is actually a man who is more elegant, suave, and majestic than him. He is such a pretty boy, but his Qinggong is better than him.

Chu Jindu couldn't bear it.

There was a fierce look in his eyes, and he was even more rude towards Tang Zongjiu.

Chujindu is made from the top down, while Tang Zongjiu is made from the bottom up.

Tang Zongjiu had already accelerated in the air, and now he had to face Chu Jindu head-on. He was already at a huge disadvantage based on the palm he had used.

However, Tang Zongjiu's offensive did not retreat at all.

He suddenly raised his energy again and faced Chu Jindu forcefully. Not only did he not flinch, but he became even more fierce.

There was a loud noise of "Bang——".

It is the collision of internal force against internal force.

Chu Jindu shouted loudly, and all his strength was concentrated in the palm of his hand that was competing with Tang Zongjiu.

Tang Zongjiu also concentrated all the internal energy in his palms.

One swoops down and the other rushes straight up.

It actually stopped in mid-air for a while.

The five people who had been dodged by Tang Zongjiu put away their offensive, paused at five places, looked at each other, and jumped towards Tang Zongjiu again!

At this time, Tang Zongjiu's and Chu Jindu's hands suddenly relaxed half a minute, and in this half-minute gap, Tang Zongjiu turned his palm into a fist, bent his elbow, and bumped his elbow straight into Chu Jindu.

Chu Jindu didn't expect that Tang Zongjiu would change his moves in mid-air. Between his palm and his elbow, the fierce elbow strike was obviously better than the palm phoenix that suddenly released its force.

Shen Qing's eyes suddenly lit up while watching the battle.

Tang Family Boxing!

During the half year in the imperial capital, Shen Qing practiced martial arts every day. She was very familiar with everything from horse steps to the basic Tang family boxing.

Therefore, she noticed when Tang Zongjiu changed his tactics.

Tang Family Boxing is mainly about hardness and might, coupled with the blessing of Tang Zongjiu's internal strength, Chu Jindu seems to have lost.

As soon as Chu Jindu faded away, Tang Zongjiu immediately stepped on a horizontal pillar on the high platform and used his strength to spin and kick towards the second wave of attacks.

Under the stands, from jumping on the spot to facing the second wave of attacks with force, Tang Zongjiu stimulated the nerves of everyone present with his one-on-one appearance.


"so amazing!"

"Come on!"

"Come on Mr. Tang!"

For a time, voices cheering for Tang Zongjiu came and went.

Shen Qing couldn't help but get excited when she saw it below. Her husband was so powerful!

Yan You Yourong.

In the second wave of offensive, Tang Zongjiu resisted attacks on important parts of the team while switching from defense to offense. He took the lead in repelling the weakest player and eliminated one person.

After opening a hole, Tang Zongjiu continued to rush upwards.

This rush rushed directly to half of the high platform.

At this moment, Chu Jindu attacked again.

Chu Jindu put one hand on the railing of the high platform and rushed forward to grab Tang Zongjiu's ankle.

Tang Zongjiu stepped back with a "bang——" sound.

Chu Jindu punched with his left hand, and Tang Zongjiu punched with his left hand.

The two of them were pointing their needles at each other, beating each other upwards.

Tang Zongjiu's idea was very simple. He didn't need to fight with six people at all. It would be more effective to find opportunities to defeat them one by one.

From the moment Tang Zongjiu broke through the siege, he was already stable.

This is the opportunity to seize.

And just when the two faced each other, the other people obviously no longer bothered with Tang Zongjiu and started to run upwards.

Naturally, Tang Zongjiu and Chu Jindu would not give them a chance, so everyone quickly jumped up in various ways.

We reached the upper level in no time.

Once we reach the upper level, there are fewer and fewer places for people to step on. The golden ball sits quietly at the top, waiting for people to pick it.

One person on one side kicked another person, and one person on the other side punched the other person. The various punching and kicking movements were dizzying.

Tang Zongjiu just flew an arc in the air and stepped on a person who was about to rush up. Then he didn't look down at all and continued to fly upward with the force of this stepping.

Chu Jindu reacted very quickly. He grabbed Tang Zongjiu's clothes and pulled them down. Tang Zongjiu stopped in mid-air.

A figure took advantage of the entanglement between the two and quickly rushed forward, reaching out and about to touch the golden ball.

Just when he was about to touch the golden ball, Tang Zongjiu and Chu Jindu took action at the same time. Each of them grabbed a corner of the ball and pulled hard, and the man flew away.

The second person is out.

And just as this person flew out, someone else flew out.

The third person is out.

At this time, the closest ones to the golden ball were Tang Zongjiu and Chu Jindu. Tang Zongjiu raised his hand to grab the ball. Chu Jindu attacked Tang Zongjiu with one hand and grabbed the ball with the other hand.

However, Tang Zongjiu suddenly stopped when he reached halfway.

Chu Jindu was stunned for a moment, but he could no longer stop reaching out.

Suddenly, Chu Jindu caught the golden ball!

The moment Chu Jindu caught the golden ball, two figures aimed at Chu Jindu with fists and kicks.

Chu Jindu's two fists were unable to defeat the four palms, and he was pushed away from the fighting circle. Tang Zongjiu aimed at the target and launched a Tang family fist at the person who was still fighting for the golden ball.

The man screamed and was kicked away.

The fourth man is out.

Tang Zongjiu kicked the flying man and instead of catching the ball immediately, he faced the fifth man.

That man was not a vegetarian either. He threw the golden ball upwards and kicked Tang Zongjiu with a tornado kick. While Tang Zongjiu blocked with both hands, he did not forget to kick towards the opponent.

At this time, Chu Jindu joined the battle circle again. He struck with both hands on the left and right, trying to attack Tang Zongjiu and the other person at the same time.

In this way, the three of them became a palm-to-pal triangular opposition.

At this point, the only thing that can determine the outcome is internal strength.

Tang Zongjiu's internal energy suddenly spurted out!

Ever since Tang Zongjiu nearly became possessed last time, and after repeatedly jumping between being possessed and not being possessed, he unintentionally mastered the retrograde technique of rushing straight from Dantian to Tianling Gai.

Although this retrograde method does not increase the internal energy all at once, it can affect other people's internal energy in a short period of time.

Then, there was only a loud "bang" sound. Chu Jindu and the other person were shocked by Tang Zongjiu's retrograde flow, and their blood surged, and their mouths couldn't help but reveal a fishy sweetness.

What kind of evil technique is this!

Tang Zongjiu didn't delay at all, and his Qinggong took off.

At this time, the golden ball was falling down.

Tang Zongjiu reached out and grabbed the golden ball firmly, spun it in the air, and returned to the ground gracefully.

Before his feet even touched the ground, deafening applause erupted from all around.

"it is good!"




"Pa pa pa pa pa pa pa--"

Immediately, there was a gong sound of "哐——".

"Congratulations to Mr. Tang for winning the first prize!"

Tang Zongjiu nodded to the big man to express his gratitude, then grabbed the golden ball: "Can you take this away directly?"

"Of course! Of course!" the big man said with a smile, "Of course the leader can take away the prize directly."

"Thank you."

After saying that, Tang Zongjiu walked up to Shen Qing.

Handsome men and beautiful women are a beautiful sight wherever they go.

Tang Zongjiu handed the golden ball to Shen Qing.

"Like it?"

Shen Qing took the golden ball, hugged it tightly, and smiled from ear to ear.

"I like it! Gold is so good!"

Tang Zong curled his lips and raised his hand to rub Shen Qing's head.

The men and women around him couldn't help but be envious when they saw this scene.

"Master Tang dotes on Mrs. Tang so much."

"They have such a good relationship."     "My heart is longing for it!"

At this time, Chu Jindu suddenly broke through the crowd and ran over.

"May I have your name!"

he shouted.

He lost the game and felt dissatisfied. Naturally, he wanted to find out more about the opponent before challenging him in the future.

Tang Zongjiu stopped, looked back at Chu Jindu, and asked, "What's your name?"

"I am the third son of the Chu family, Chu Jindu!"

"The third son of the Tang family, Tang Zongjiu."

"I remember you, just wait for me, I will definitely win against you!"

"I'm waiting for you to challenge."

After saying that, Tang Zongjiu naturally put his arms around Shen Qing's waist and walked out of everyone's sight.

Chu Jindu stood there, his nose smoking with anger.

What does it mean to wait for you to challenge? !

Who are you, you are still waiting for me to challenge you, where do you get the confidence to defeat me? !

This time, the leader of the Dragon Head Festival was lost to an outsider who landed in the air. This was big news in Ningbeicheng.

For many years, various resources in major competitions in the north have been occupied by several large families. How could there be such a situation where a passerby wins?

Even if there is, it is only for a while, or it may be favored by various families and finally be included as a guest.

Therefore, people have a lot of speculations about the Tang syndrome couple.

Some people think that they deliberately choose this way to attract attention just to join a certain big family.

Some people think that with the way they dress, look, and have temperament, the Tang couple are not the kind of people who will be drawn into the family.

For a time, everyone had different opinions.

Shen Qing was never one to pay attention to such rumors. When she returned to Tang Mansion with a big golden ball in her arms, the eyes of the few people who stayed to clean up the house suddenly widened.

"Madam, what is this?" It was the first time Su Fang saw such a golden ball and she looked at it curiously.

"Hehe," Shen Qing smiled with crooked eyebrows, "This is my gold! Big gold!"

Even Tang Zongjiu never thought that Shen Qing would like this golden ball so much. He even thought about getting Shen Qing more golden balls like this to make her happy.

Shen Qing carried the golden ball back to his dormitory before putting it down.

She opened the big wardrobe and placed the golden balls on the bottom shelf, not forgetting to arrange them properly.

While posing in his mouth, he still giggled.

"Like it so much?" Tang Zongjiu said with a smile.

"Yes! I like it!" Shen Qing nodded vigorously.

"Why?" Tang Zongjiu asked.

"Because this is the first time Junge has given me something!" Shen Qing said with a smile.

Tang Zongjiu's breath was stagnant.

He thought about it carefully, as if he had never given anything to Shen Qing since he met her.

On the contrary, Shen Qing, in order to please him, always gave him things in various ways.

Tang Zongjiu held Shen Qing's hand and pulled her into his arms: "I'm sorry."

Shen Qing shook his head: "What are you talking about?"

"I will pay attention to it in the future." Tang Zongjiu said.

"It's okay, really. It's just a gift. It's just a thought."

Hearing this, Tang Zongjiu seemed to have thought of something, and took out an embroidery from a small lucky bag around his waist.

Seeing this embroidery, Shen Qing blushed.

"Why do you still keep this!"

Shen Qing stretched out her hand to grab it, but Tang Zongjiu lifted it up and she missed it.

This failure aroused Shen Qing's competitive spirit.

Her other hand suddenly bent her elbow and struck at the weak spot on Tang Zongjiu's wrist.

Tang Zongjiu raised his eyebrows, threw the embroidery upwards, and used his palms to defend himself.

Shen Qing then turned around and punched Tang Zongjiu on the other side.

Tang Zongjiu exchanged hands with each other, lifting both of Shen Qing's hands from behind with ease in his arms.

Between the light touches, the two of them clung to each other.

At this time, the embroidery just fell, and Tang Zongjiu did not forget to catch it firmly in his hand.

He lowered his head and kissed Shen Qing's cheek.

"I taught you Kung Fu."

The implication is that Shen Qing cannot be Tang Zongjiu's opponent.

Ever since Shen Qing learned martial arts from Tang Zongjiu, Tang Family Boxing has reached the intermediate level of a beginner, and some of her moves are impressive. She always likes to suddenly attack Tang Zongjiu, but she has never succeeded.

Not once.

But Shen Qing seemed to enjoy it.

"I think it's fun." Shen Qing pecked Tang Zongjiu's lips.

Recently, the two of them have become more and more familiar with each other, and they have been engaging in more and more intimate activities. When they are lying on the bed, they can't help but have some misfires.

But after all, he still couldn't break through the last level. Tang Zongjiu would rather solve it alone than be so rude to Shen Qing.

And no matter how you look at it, it’s not yet time.

"I will give you something else in the future." Tang Zongjiu's whisper was sweet.

"What are you giving me?" Shen Qing asked with a smile.

"Send to you..." Tang Zongjiu came close to Shen Qing's ear, and after uttering a few words, Shen Qing's face instantly turned red.

She suddenly opened Tang Zongjiu's arms around her and ran out of the door in shame.

Tang Zongjiu looked at Shen Qing's running figure, smiled and shook his head.

The next day, Shen Qing arrived at the guest building in Ningbeicheng.

The person in charge of the Ding family this time is Ding Yuhang. Shen Qing has already met him. This time he mainly met the people in charge of the Qin family and the Gusu family's business in the north.

The person in charge of the Qin family is called Qin Wenyao, and the person in charge of the Gusu family is called Gusu Xiaoxiao.

"The common people bow to Her Royal Highness the Princess. Her Royal Highness the Princess is a thousand years old and a thousand years old."

Qin Wenyao and Gu Su Xiaoxiao knelt down and saluted Shen Qing.

"Get up quickly." Shen Qing lifted the two of them up.

Qin Wenyao is a person who has no sense of existence, looks plain, has ordinary facial features, ordinary figure, and ordinary temperament. He is the kind of person who is very inconspicuous at first glance when walking among the crowd, and is even easily forgotten.

Completely different from Qin Wenyao, perhaps because she stayed in the north all year round, Gusu Xiaoxiao has a cheerful personality, is carefree and informal, and is a very cheerful woman even when drinking.

"The one who came out on top last night was the prince-in-law, right?" Gu Su Xiaoxiao asked curiously.

Tang Zongjiu nodded: "Yes."

"Ha! I knew it was time to give them some color." Gu Su Xiaoxiao grinned.

Shen Qing likes Gu Su Xiaoxiao's temperament very much.

"Chu, Chen, Li, Zheng, and Jin, their families have been dominating the business in the north all year round, and they don't give us people any chance. Although we can eat some meat, it's all scum! What they eat It’s all big plates of meat!”

"Then what do you think?" Shen Qing looked at Gu Su Xiaoxiao and smiled.

"Your Highness, let me tell you, this time the Prince Consort came out on top in the first competition at the beginning of the year. You don't know, this means a lot."

Gu Su Xiaoxiao touched Qin Wenyao's arm: "Old Qin, right?"

Qin Wenyao felt helpless at Gu Su Xiaoxiao's natural and familiar attitude, but he still gave her face.

"That's true. Your Highness, you have never been in the north. The first large sum of money in the new year is the same as winning the first prize in the northern business world. Families that have not won the first prize will feel that this year is unlucky. .”

"That's it." Shen Qing raised his eyes to look at Tang Zongjiu, his eyes sparkling with admiration.

My husband is so awesome!

"So, with this, we can stab him in the face!" Gu Su Xiaoxiao's eyes flashed with a cunning light.

"Why did you stab him across the board?" Shen Qing asked.

"Your Highness, do you know? The most abundant product in the north is cotton." Gusu Xiaoxiao said.

Shen Qing nodded.

"There are some of the best cotton producing areas within the jurisdiction of the five cities in the north, and of these five cities, the Chu family occupies three. We will definitely not be able to take over the Chu family now, but the territory of the two nearby cities is As the leader of the Dragon Head Festival, we can still grab it." Gusu Xiaoxiao continued.

"In those two cities, there is a place that belongs to the Jin family, the family of the only woman who participated in the competition."

Shen Qing nodded. She was the only woman yesterday. Although she lost, she was still a woman.

"The cotton grown in that area is one of the best in the entire north. If we can snatch it, it will be equivalent to establishing a foothold in the northern shopping mall."

"Miss Gusu." Shen Qing suddenly spoke.

"Huh?" Gu Su Xiaoxiao raised her eyes and looked at Shen Qing.

"Why didn't you participate in the game yesterday?"

Shen Qing asked something very curious and unrelated to business.

Mentioning yesterday, Gusu Xiaoxiao suddenly blushed.

This made Shen Qing very puzzled.

At this time, Qin Wenyao on the side said: "To be honest, Xiaoxiao and I were together yesterday."

Shen Qing understood this sentence.

Curiosity killed the cat, please tell me why you ask.

A lonely man and a widowed woman are in love with each other. It is obvious that these two people are having a fierce conflict.

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