Reborn Princess Chasing Her Husband Crematorium

Chapter 116, an interesting scene appeared

Tang Zongjiu felt the line of sight coming from the second floor and turned around to look.

He happened to catch Jin Fanhua's eyes.

Jin Fanhua smiled and stuck out her tongue, licking from one corner of her mouth to the other.

Tang Zongjiu turned around expressionlessly.

"Junge, what's wrong?" Shen Qing asked.

"It's okay," Tang Zong said drunkenly, "Do you still want to play?"

"No, I'm a little tired today." Shen Qing leaned on Tang Zongjiu, "Is it Jin Fanhua?"

"Yeah. She knew it as soon as we walked in." Tang Zong said in wine.

"She likes you." Shen Qing said displeased.

"No," Tang Zong said drunkenly, "She likes gambling."

Shen Qing smiled: "That's right."

She reached out and hooked her arms around Tang Zongjiu's neck, resting her entire weight on Tang Zongjiu's body, turning sideways and turning her head.

Her red lips deliberately brushed against Tang Zongjiu's face, she turned to an angle where she could see Jin Fanhua, then stopped, and put her face against the side of Tang Zongjiu's head.

Then he raised his eyes to the second floor.

Jin Fanhua watched the interaction between the couple. Although she didn't know what the two were talking about, her intuition told her that they were probably talking about herself.

Suddenly, Shen Qing's eyes met with Jin Fanhua's in the air.

Shen Qing raised his eyebrows at Jin Fanhua, curled his lips, and drew an arc at the corner of his mouth.

With provocation.

Jin Fanhua's eyes lit up.


It’s not just the husband who is interesting.

This daughter-in-law doesn't look like a harmless little white flower who is soft and can be bullied.

Jin Fanhua laughed out loud. She looked away and continued to play with her buddies at the same table.

Afterwards, Shen Qing and Tang Zongjiu held hands and left Yingcaifang under the watch of everyone.

Today's goal was achieved.

Until he returned to Tang Mansion, Shen Qing still had more to say.

At night, Shen Qing and Tang Zongjiu were lying on the bed. She nestled in Tang Zongjiu's arms and talked about the day's events.

"Why did I lose nine times in a row?" Shen Qing asked.

"Gambling means giving out a thousand." Tang Zong said winefully, "The dealer gives out a thousand every time, so you lose every time."

"So that's it, is it all controlled by the banker?"


"But why did I win the last round?"

"Because he lost to me."


Shen Qing didn't understand at all. She only remembered that Tang Zongjiu hugged her and didn't move at all.

“There are hundreds of ways to make a fortune.”

"Junge, can you even do this?"

"A little bit."

"Then we can proceed as planned?"


Their original plan was to use Jin Fanhua's good gambling to induce her to gamble with Shen Qing.

But Jin Fanhua was the number one person in Ningbeicheng's gambling world, and not just anyone was worthy of gambling with her.

Therefore, Shen Qing and the others need to attract Jin Fanhua's attention.

One leader of the Dragon Head Festival is not enough.

The only thing that can attract Jin Fanhua is gambling skills.

"Nine out of ten bets will lose. Fengzhi, you play the first nine games, you can play whatever you want, and you can lose as you please. And I will play the last game, I will only win but not lose, so that will be natural." Tang Zong said while drinking.

After hearing this, Shen Qing became happy on the spot.

"In other words, no matter what I play, how I play, or how much I play, you can always win it back in the last round?" Shen Qing asked.

"Of course." Tang Zongjiu replied.

"Wow! Junge! Husband! Tang Zongjiu!" Shen Qing kissed Tang Zongjiu and said, "How can you be so great!"

Shen Qing was as happy as a child who got a treasure in Tang Zongjiu's arms.

The current state of the two really echoed Tang Zongjiu's words, "Heli is harmony, you and I are you and me."

Perhaps due to the openness of northern folk customs, the relationship between the two quickly heated up, and they became even more inseparable from each other.

What and Lishu have gone to who knows where.

"How can I be your husband if I'm not awesome?" Tang Zongjiu said with a smile.

"My husband is the most wonderful man in the world!"

After saying that, Shen Qing closed his eyes and gave him a passionate kiss.

Since the two became closer and closer, perhaps due to the influence of Gu Su Xiaoxiao, Shen Qing also gradually became more proactive.

Faced with Shen Qing's initiative, Tang Zongjiu sometimes really couldn't bear it.

"You're challenging my endurance."

Tang Zongjiu's hand had already reached into Shen Qing's underwear and was stroking Shen Qing's tender and fragrant back.

He said in a calm voice while gently stroking Shen Qing's delicate skin.

Shen Qing felt the obvious changes in Tang Zongjiu, blushed, buried his head in Tang Zongjiu's arms, and said in an almost inaudible voice.

" there anything I can do to help you?"

"You want to help me?" Tang Zongjiu said restrainedly and hoarsely.

"Well..." Shen Qing's voice almost disappeared.

"it is good."

After saying that, Tang Zongjiu turned over and lay on the bed, facing up, letting Shen Qing sit on his lap.

Shen Qing was startled by this action.

Tang Zongjiu hugged Shen Qing's waist to prevent her from falling.

"Are you really able to do that?" Tang Zongjiu asked again.

Shen Qing's face had turned into a tomato at this time. She could not speak and could only nod.

"Okay, I'll teach you."

The result of Shen Qing's volunteering was that the next day, she couldn't lift anything with her hands at all.

When thinking about what happened last night, Shen Qing felt like he was going crazy!

Why did she do such a thing? !

But I have to say that this seems to have opened the door to a new world for her. As long as it is from Tang Zongjiu, she has no objection at all.

Then, every few days, Shen Qing and Tang Zongjiu would go to Yingcaifang to play.

And they were the couple who took the lead in the Dragon Head Festival, and the news spread quickly in Yingcaifang.

Gamblers all have a strange psychology in common.

They don't like losing, but they like to see others lose.

This couple from out of town is generous and generous, and they will never blink an eye no matter how much they lose.

But once you become addicted to things like gambling, no matter how rich your family is, you will lose everything one day.

Therefore, everyone was curious and waiting to see how long it would take this couple to ruin their family fortune.

Gradually, a strange scene appeared.

The couple only bet ten times at a time, and have always adhered to the principle of "nine out of ten bets will result in a loss."

My wife played the first nine games and never won.

The husband played the last tenth round and never lost.

But in the last round, the husband made the biggest bet, and he was able to win back all the losses his wife had lost previously.

They were not greedy either. They would stop after winning back their capital. One tael more or less, one tael more or less, which happened to be all the money their wives had lost. They did not take advantage of Yingcaifang's one copper coin.

The people at Yingcaifang were convinced that they could calculate so carefully, so they had no reason to cause trouble for this couple.

We can only let this couple become famous in their own territory. Of course, more and more customers come to Yingcaifang. This is a win-win situation.

This is very interesting.

It didn't take long for the story about the gambling couple in Yingcaifang to spread, and Shen Qing and Tang Zongjiu soon became well-known figures throughout Ningbei City.

The so-called layman looks at the excitement and the insider looks at the doorway.

Shen Qing and Tang Zongjiu played this game of "nine out of ten bets and loses", and the real secret lies in the one win in Tang Zongjiu's "nine out of ten bets".

Therefore, people kept coming to challenge Tang Zongjiu's last glimpse.

Being able to be so powerful in the largest gambling house in Ningbeicheng, Shen Qing can be considered as a person who has completely earned a lot of money, and his vanity has been greatly satisfied.

And those who challenged Tang Zong's drinking and gambling skills became more and more powerful.

Tang Zongjiu even almost lost once.

The person who challenged Tang Zongjiu at that time was a man who was sitting in the corner of the second floor with Jin Fanhua when Shen Qing and Tang Zongjiu went to Yingcaifang for the first time.

The man's name is Tao Younian.

He and Tang Zongjiu played Pai Gow.

At that time, he had a pair of supreme cards in his hand.

Ding three with two and four, invincible and supreme.

Tang Zongjiu is just a pair of top brands.

No matter how you look at it, this is a losing situation.

"It seems that the myth of Mr. Tang's invincibility is about to end with me." Tao Younian said with a smile.

Tang Zong drank and said nothing.

At this time, there were already people sitting around the two people, making it airtight.

Shen Qing was sitting in Tang Zongjiu's arms. She didn't understand, but she could tell from the expressions of the people around her that Tang Zongjiu's condition was not very good.

But she can't let other people's ambitions destroy her own prestige.

So she always had a faint smile on her face.

Some people started talking around.

"It should be the Supreme Card."

"Yes, Mr. Tang is a top talent at best."

"I can't turn the tables."


Shen Qing's heartbeat was a little fast.

At this time, Jin Fanhua was sitting on the left side of Tao Younian.

If he loses here, Jin Fanhua will not end up.

If Jin Fanhua doesn't end the game, all their previous efforts will be wasted.

"Let's open the cards." Tang Zongjiu said calmly.

"It seems that Young Master Tang will not give up until the last moment." Tao Younian said.

They both turned over the first card at the same time.

Tao Younian: Ding San.

Tang Zong Wine: Tianpai.

Everyone gasped.

"Hahahaha, Mr. Tang, you will definitely lose today." Tao Younian smiled.

"Stop talking nonsense." Tang Zongjiu said coldly.

"Young Master Tang, you have won all the way until now, and there is nothing wrong with losing once in a while." Tao Younian said with a smile.

After speaking, he placed his hand on the second card. Hundreds of pairs of eyes of the crowd were staring at Tao Younian's hand motionlessly, holding their breath and waiting for him to open the cards.

The air came to a standstill for a moment.

Just as he was about to turn over the cards, Tang Zongjiu suddenly said something.

"Hold on."

Tao Younian paused his hands on the spot and said with a smile: "Master Tang, do you have anything else to say?"

Tang Zongjiu did not answer his words, but faced Shen Qing.

"You have always been my blessing." Tang Zongjiu lowered his head and kissed Shen Qing, "Let me suck a little."

Shen Qing had no idea that Tang Zongjiu would kiss her at this moment. When she regained consciousness, she had already opened her mouth.

This is too bold.

Not only Shen Qing didn't expect this, but Jin Fanhua, Tao Younian and nearly a hundred people around them didn't expect this scene.

Someone even whistled.

The man sneered.


After the kiss, the lips parted.

While Shen Qing was still dazed, Tang Zongjiu put his hand on the card and turned it over gently.

It is indeed a double-day card.

If it were normal times, this pair of cards would definitely kill everyone instantly.

However, the other party is the Supreme.

"Hahahaha!" Tao Younian laughed, "Young master Tang is still missing a move."

He turned to Jin Fanhua and smiled: "It seems there is no need for you to appear."

Jin Fanhua was noncommittal.

This is indeed a dead end.

There is no possibility of Tang Zongjiu making a comeback.

"Please." Tang Zongjiu stretched out his hand and said "please".

"It seems that Mr. Tang will not look back until he hits the south wall." Tao Younian put his hand on the last card, "Then I will let you lose clearly!"

With a "pop--" sound, the cards were turned over!


He shouted, with an arrogant and domineering air.

But the next second I heard the noise from the people around me.


"It's actually a bench!"

"It's not two or four, it's the bench!"

"Oh my God, Mr. Tang has won again!"

Tao Younian's eyes slowly lowered amidst the shouts of the crowd.

I saw that the second and fourth card, which was supposed to be two dots above and four dots below, was now just an ordinary bench card with two dots above and two dots below!

Although one is one point and the other is two points, the numbers behind them are completely different.

One is a supreme being.

One is just an ordinary four points.

"How... how is it possible?" Tao Younian's eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

"your turn……"

His first reaction was to ask the other party if he was cheating.

But then I thought about it, what they were competing against was cheating!

So before he finished speaking, he stopped abruptly.

He glared and looked at Tang Zongjiu with anger.

It's obviously a pair of supreme cards with D, 3 and 2 and 4, how could it be changed? When was it replaced? How did you change it?

What on earth did Tang Zongjiu do!

Looking back at Tang Zongjiu, he still looked calm, but now there was a smile on his lips.


After saying that, he kissed Shen Qing again: "You are indeed my blessing."

Shen Qing raised his eyebrows: "That's right."

Suddenly there was a round of applause.


"so amazing!"

"Master Tang is so awesome!"

Amidst the cheers, Tao Younian looked extremely embarrassed.

"Come again!" He shouted at Tang Zongjiu.

"Today's ten times are over, let's take our leave."

After saying that, he took Shen Qing's hand and led her away from Yingcaifang.

"Stop! Come again! Let's show off!" Tao Younian shouted.

Tang Zongjiu seemed to be completely unable to hear it, and still walked towards the entrance of Yingcaifang.

"Stop!" He wanted to run forward, but was held back by Jin Fanhua.


"Sister Jin..." He felt a little uneasy when he saw that the speaker was Jin Fanhua.

"You are no match for him." Jin Fanhua's gaze always stayed in the direction Tang Zongjiu left.

"No, I will definitely win the next round." Tao Younian said.

This is the standard psychology of gamblers, who always feel that they can get their money back in the next gamble.

Little did he know that the next one would only make him fall deeper into the abyss.

"No, you can't win." Jin Fanhua said coldly, "You can't win even if you play with him several times."

"Impossible." Tao Younian said, "I just made a mistake this time. Next time I..."

"Do you know where you lost?" Jin Fanhua interrupted him.


He didn't say anything. He really didn't know where he lost.

"In the beginning, it was just a bench." Jin Fanhua told the truth.

In other words, starting from the moment Tao Younian got the card that appeared to be "Two Four" but was actually a bench card, all the other contests between Tang Zongjiu and Tang Zongjiu were meaningless.

" is this possible..."

Tao Younian said tremblingly.

He thinks that he is not as good as Jin Fanhua in Yingcaifang, but he is still the person who has secured the second position.

How could he lose to such a pretty boy?

"How is it impossible?"

Jin Fanhua glanced at him: "There is heaven outside the sky, and there are naturally people outside the world."

Tao Younian was silent.

He looked at Jin Fanhua and paused for a moment.

"Sister Jin, do you really want to end up personally?"

"Of course, I haven't met someone so playful in a long time." Jin Fanhua said.

She suddenly laughed.

This is really interesting.

Jin Fanhua's gambling skills were famous far and wide, and everyone in the north knew about it.

Yingcaifang is one of Jin Fanhua's most profitable industries, and people from all walks of life come to challenge it every year.

However, most people can't even play the dealer at the door.

Occasionally, some people can break into the second floor, but they are stopped by Tao Younian.

Jin Fanhua had no chance to take action.

This time Jin Fanhua took action against the foreigner Tang Gongzi, which can be said to have caused thousands of waves with one stone.

Not to mention the entire Ningbei City, and some large and small cities in the north, everyone in the circle wants to see the grace of these two with their own eyes.

Coupled with the title of leader of the Tangzong Wine Dragon Head Festival, this showdown has already been fully warmed up before it even begins.

"Come on, come on, the odds are open, the odds are open!"

"Young Master Tang versus Miss Jin! Once you pass this village, this store will disappear!"

"Hurry up, hurry up, place your bet, place your bet!"

"I'm still optimistic about Miss Jin."

"I bet on Mr. Tang!"

"I'll come, I'll come! I'll press you on both sides, hahaha!"

Tang Mansion.

Shen Qing was a little nervous at this time.

"Junge, is this really okay?"

Shen Qing held the dice Gu in his hand and looked inside and outside.

Tang Zongjiu nodded.

"The essence of gambling has always been to see who can win more." Tang Zong said, "It has nothing to do with 'luck'. Some people may get temporary benefits because of 'luck', but this is only the lifetime of tens of millions of people. Just one of them."

Shen Qing stared at the dice Gu and the dice closely, and composed himself.

"What if we lose?"

"Fool," Tang Zongjiu pushed away the broken hair from Shen Qing's forehead, "If we lose, we will target the other company."

"I know...but I don't want to lose..."

"Trust me, trust yourself, huh?"

"Yeah." Shen Qing nodded, "Come again!"

Shen Qing picked up the Dice Gu, put the dice in one by one, and then slowly started spinning.

In fact, Shen Qing has been practicing this dice Gu from the day they decided to step into Yingcaifang.

It lasted for nearly a month, just for this day of duel with Jin Fanhua.

Everyone thought it was Tang Zongjiu who was facing off against Jin Fanhua, but Tang Zongjiu was not prepared to take action at all.

Shen Qing is the winning card to win the bet.

Because no one believed that Shen Qing would win Jin Fanhua.

In fact, at the beginning, even Shen Qing himself didn't think he could win.

"Fengzhi, you and I, we are not one person, but two people." Tang Zongjiu said, "Besides, if you come on stage, Jin Fanhua will definitely underestimate the enemy."

Underestimating the enemy is often the beginning of failure.

That night, Shen Qing went to bed early after the last practice last night.

Day two.

Shen Qing had a good night's sleep, picked out a silver-patterned 100-butterfly dress, dressed beautifully, and went out with Tang Zongjiu.

At this time, the sky is clear and blue, and the sunshine is gentle and bright, shining on the earth like a golden tapestry, bringing life and vitality to every inch of the land.

White clouds float leisurely in the sky, as light as cotton candy, occasionally changing shapes.

The breeze blows by, bringing with it a fresh breath, making people feel refreshed.

Yingcaifang started selling tickets for the infield on the day of the match early.

Ten taels of silver a piece, sold out on the same day.

When Shen Qing and Tang Zongjiu appeared in Yingcaifang, Yingcaifang was already crowded with people inside and outside.

Everyone's eyes were directed at the two of them.

I have to say, putting aside the gambling aspect, if this couple is ranked second in terms of looks and temperament, no one in the entire Ningbeicheng would dare to be ranked first.

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