Reborn Princess Chasing Her Husband Crematorium

Chapter 121, Xi Guo’s Detachment of Women takes shape

The first thing Jin Fanhua did after she recovered was to contact all her subordinates who had stayed at their posts during her absence. At the same time, she sent people to look for Tao Younian, and personally met with each of her merchants.

The loss was smaller than Jin Fanhua imagined.

Regarding Shen Qing's "favor", Jin Fanhua had already accepted her fate. Since she wanted the land, he would give her the land. It would just change from one year to two years.

She had to admit that Shen Qing was her noble person.

It's a pity that she didn't meet such a noble person when she was fourteen years old.

But then I thought about it, now that I have encountered it, it is not a bad thing.

But what she didn't expect was that she would actually see Gu Su Xiaoxiao in the Tang Mansion.

At this time, Gusu Xiaoxiao was happily talking to Shen Qing about the meeting between Ding Yuhang and Jin Di.

"You don't know, Jin Di's face stinks like a ten thousand-year-old cesspit!" Gusu Xiaoxiao said as if it was her own personal experience, "It stinks as much as you want, but it makes me so happy."

Shen Qing handed the water glass on the table to Gu Su Xiaoxiao: "Drink some water and speak slowly, don't hold it."

"Xiaoxiao, you can't say such indecent words in front of His Highness." Qin Wenyao walked in at this time, followed by Ding Yuhang and Tang Zongjiu into the room.

Jin Fanhua raised her eyebrows slightly when she saw these people appearing at the same time.

What does this mean?

What do you mean, Your Highness?

As we know, the Qin family, the Gusu family, and the Ding family are the three major families in the south.

Where is the Liu family?

By the way, some time ago it seemed to be about the downfall of the Liu family.

So is the South now a three-legged alliance?

But why did they gather in the north?

Is it because of this "Your Highness"?

In the entire Xi Kingdom, there are only women who can be called "Your Highness"...

The rectification of southern officialdom...

Could it be...!

Jin Fanhua had a guess within a few breaths. She suddenly raised her head and looked straight at Shen Qing.

Today's consort seems to be named Tang...

No way!


Shen Qing nodded: "That's what you think."

! !

So rescuing her from prison was an easy task, so Guan Yan's path was also easy to figure out!

No wonder, the youngest martial champion of the Xi Kingdom, the third son of the Xi Dong Tang family, has such martial arts and abilities.

"You... you... ah no... lord..."

Although Jin Fanhua was facing Princess Shu Ning, she was still a little embarrassed.

"Don't be cautious, look at Xiaoxiao." Shen Qing said gently.

"I won't watch Gu Su Xiaoxiao. She's not worth mentioning and she's a loser." Jin Fanhua said disdainfully.

"Hey! What nonsense are you talking about!" Gu Su Xiaoxiao was unhappy, "You want to steal my man, okay?"

"Shall I steal your man? I admit that Qin Wenyao has some interest in it, but do I steal it? Ang? You are not as good as others, do you blame me?" Jin Fanhua rolled her eyes at Gu Su Xiaoxiao, "I, Jin Fanhua, don't even bother to steal men from others. It’s all men who come to us.”

"Qin Wenyao, did you take the initiative to find her?!"

There were so many words in Jin Fanhua's whole sentence, but Gusu Xiaoxiao only heard the words "come to the door yourself".

"I'm not, I didn't, how is this possible." Qin Wenyao immediately picked him up and coaxed him, "Don't you know what I do to you? Huh?"

"Ha." Jin Fanhua sneered, "Beside Qin Lake, behind the willow branches, Qin Wenyao, you won't forget it, right?"

"Qin Wenyao! You really went to find Jin Fanhua that day! You lied to me! You liar! You lied to me!"

Gusu Xiaoxiao exploded on the spot. Her eyes turned red and she used her inner strength to push Qin Wenyao away. Qin Wenyao was thrown to the ground unexpectedly.

Gusu Xiaoxiao didn't even look at it, she ran out crying.

"Boss Jin, you and I know very well what happened that day, why are you trying to embarrass me here?" Qin Wenyao said with a bitter smile.

"Go, hurry up and catch up, don't be an eyesore here." Jin Fanhua sat upright and drank tea, as if what just happened had nothing to do with her.

Qin Wenyao shook his head, immediately stood up and chased outside. He even used Qinggong to make the person disappear without blinking.

After the blustering girl Gu Su Xiaoxiao left, the meeting hall suddenly became quiet.

"Boss Jin is cold on the outside and hot on the inside. He talks what he means. It must have been difficult these past few years, right?" Shen Qing looked on and handed the snacks to Jin Fanhua.

"It's okay not to mention old stories from adulthood. Gusu Xiaoxiao was eaten to death by Qin Wenyao. Instead of quarreling with me here, why not let them go aside and cool off?"

Now that things have come to a point, Jin Fanhua is no longer polite.

Princess Shu Ning has already died in person, what else can she say.

"I know that Boss Jin is a hero among women, and the North relies on strength to speak its mind, so naturally I don't dare to neglect him."

Shen Qing and Jin Fanhua looked at each other and said seriously: "Since it is 'Three Visits to the Thatched Cottage', saving Boss Jin from prison is one, providing Boss Jin with a place to live, letting Ding Yuhang put pressure on Jin Di is the second, and the third..."

At this point, Jin Fanhua's eyelids suddenly jumped.

Shen Qing smiled openly: "Boss Jin is a smart man, I think you should know what I am talking about."

"Tao Younian..."

Tao Younian, who followed Jin Fanhua all over the world and never left her since she was fourteen, and who grew from a boy to a young man.

"That's right," Shen Qing turned to Tang Yu, "Bring the person here."

After many days, Jin Fanhua saw Tao Younian again. The first thing Jin Fanhua noticed was his arm hanging on his chest.

Her eyes turned cold.

Without saying much, she guessed what happened to Tao Younian.

"Boss Jin..." Tao Younian's voice was choked with sobs.

"Please tell me the whole process of what happened," Jin Fanhua said.

In fact, there was nothing to say about Tao Younian's beating that day. He was put in a sack and couldn't see anything, and he fainted not long after.

It just means that when he woke up, he found himself in Tang Mansion.

Afterwards, the Tang family asked a doctor to treat him.

Four of his spines were broken, and the bones in his arms were broken. If Shen Qing hadn't discovered it in time, all Jin Fanhua would have seen was Tao Younian's body.

"The first thing he did when he woke up was to find you." Shen Qing said, "But he had several broken bones all over his body and couldn't move at all. So I took the initiative to 'lock' him up."

"Boss Jin won't blame me, right?"

"It's too late to be grateful, so why blame me?" Jin Fanhua said.

She said this as a sincere thank you and it had nothing to do with Shen Qing's identity.

"Boss Jin, I'm sorry, I..."

! !

Tao Younian's words were suddenly interrupted.

He never expected that after more than ten years of hard work and hard work, he would get something that he could not have even if he was a cow or a horse, but he would get it with this beating.

Jin Fanhua stepped forward and gave Tao Younian a hug.

This hug does not contain the love between men and women, but may be more of a bond between family affection and friendship.

She patted Tao Younian's back and whispered.

"As long as you're okay."

With a simple word of concern, Tao Younian's hand injury was almost healed on the spot.

If he had known that breaking an arm could give him a real hug, Tao Younian wished he could break it more often.

Of course, this is impossible.

After a while of greetings, Tao Younian sat down.

"Jin Di can't hold on for long." Jin Fanhua said, "In less than a month, he will come to me obediently."

"But something like this will have some impact on our business." Tao Younian said.

"It doesn't matter." Jin Fanhua glanced at Shen Qing, "Now we have to pay attention to the Zheng family."

After Jin Di took over the Jin family, the entire Jin family became visibly chaotic. After Jin Fanhua came out of prison, she disappeared and disappeared.

In order to stop losses and wait for Jin Fanhua to make a comeback, Feng Zian and other merchants who had a strong relationship with Jin Fanhua focused on doing business with other companies during this period.

For a moment, the desperate man turned into Jindi.

It was only at this moment that Jin Di realized that she had been played by the Zheng family.

The Zheng family has always wanted to annex the Jin family, and Jin Di is the best way to do so.

The Jin family's handicap was so big that Jin Fanhua could hold it firmly when he was here, but Jin Di couldn't hold it at all.

As long as Jin Fanhua is not around, the Zheng family can take over a lot of deals, and at low prices.

Just like Ding Yuhang asked for fifty cents per catty, the Zheng family even asked for thirty cents per catty, and they took over everything.

Jin Ogi couldn't accept it.

Jin Fanhua could predict these current situations with just a little thought.

After all, that's how she got here in the first place.

She survived, but Jin Di had no such ability.

Now that the muddy waters have begun to stir up, she doesn't mind stirring it up a little more.

In the Tang family's meeting hall, Qin Wenyao, who was coaxing his wife outside at this time, finally coaxed Gu Su Xiaoxiao.

I saw Gu Su Xiaoxiao walking in with a red face and a sausage lip on her head. As soon as she entered the room, she kept drinking tea.

When Jin Fanhua saw that everyone had arrived, she analyzed the whole thing.

"So Xiaoxiao can continue to collect it." Jin Fanhua said.

In terms of business, among all the people sitting here, Jin Fanhua is better than Qin Wenyao to some extent. With the guidance of this giant Buddha, Gusu Xiaoxiao has no reason not to listen.

"By saying this, Boss Jin has decided to 'cooperate' with me?" Shen Qing asked.

She had to confirm Jin Fanhua's idea, otherwise she would fall short.

Jin Fanhua nodded without any hesitation.

If Shen Qing used his identity to approach Jin Fanhua from the beginning, then Jin Fanhua would simply be dismissive. It doesn't matter whether you are a princess or a prince, if you can't do it, you can't do it.

However, Shen Qing really talked about his strength along the way.

A princess could do this to her, even if it happened to be her, even if the other party had a strong commercial purpose, she still did it.

Until early this morning, when Shen Qing informed Jin Fanhua of his thoughts and plans, as well as the fact that he had included the southern business community, Jin Fanhua was indeed moved.

In fact, the development of the Jin family has long since reached a bottleneck. The Chu family is too big, but she has always been just one person.

If we can have such a level of cooperation with Shen Qing, once Shen Qing succeeds in the future, the Jin family will definitely be the family that takes the place of the Chu family.

Jin Fanhua loves gambling, and she has confidence in Princess Shu Ning.

So this time she took the gamble.

Shen Qing had been looking forward to this nod for a long time.

"Boss Jin, please don't think that I am someone anyone can win over."

Hearing this, Jin Fanhua was directly struck by what she was thinking, but she didn't show it on her face.

"Did you know? When I was choosing, the first person Gusu Xiaoxiao mentioned was you."

Jin Fanhua really didn't expect this, so she looked at Gu Su Xiaoxiao.

Gusu Xiaoxiao's lips were no longer so swollen, and her face turned red when she was suddenly mentioned.

“I believe that as a woman, you must be stronger than others if you can achieve this point.

You probably don’t know that there are many women around me, and together with you, we can form a Xi State Detachment of Women. "

Speaking of this, Shen Qing suddenly felt very funny.

Starting from Qin Siwan to Jin Fanhua, they are all women.

"Then I almost have to learn from him." Jin Fanhua also said with a smile.

"Let me think about it, we have female doctors, female businessmen, female accountants..." Shen Qing stretched out a finger and tapped his chin.

Suddenly, she said "ah".

Everyone looked around after hearing this.

"We still need female guards."


"Hahahaha. One moment it's nonsense, the other moment it's nonsense."

Well, as long as you are happy, Princess.

"Ahem, let's get down to business."

Jin Fanhua coughed lightly and continued: "The Zheng family used Jin Di to take advantage of the internal and external troubles of the Jin family to buy the bottom. If Jin Di still has any brains, he would not sell cotton to the Zheng family."

"So if I go now, it's a good opportunity for acquisition." Ding Yuhang said.

"Yes, what is the biggest difference between the Zheng family and the Ding family?"

Jin Fanhua glanced at everyone sitting there.

"The Zheng family is in the cotton business, while the Ding family is in the garment business. The Zheng family needs to sell the cotton, while the Ding family just makes cotton into cloth, ready-made clothes, and used for textiles."

This is the truth.

Everyone nodded.

"By the way, about ready-made clothes." Shen Qing suddenly said, "I brought a very important person here."

Everyone turned to Shen Qing in unison.

Shen Qing raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"I'll introduce her to everyone when she comes."

Although curious, no one was too entangled.

Jin Fanhua took over the conversation and continued.

"So our current opponent is the Zheng family, not Jin Di. And..."

She paused.

"I have a hunch that this year's cotton harvest will be bumper."

A few days later, Ding Yuhang visited the Jin family again.

This time Jin Di's attitude was not as tough as last time, but much softer.

"Boss Ding, there is a long way to go and there is a way to go," Jin Di had a smile on her face at this moment, and there was actually a trace of "sincerity" in this smile.

"Do you think you'll still order cotton this time?"

The current situation cannot help Jin Di being arrogant.

Just like what Jin Fanhua analyzed before.

Those who are willing to buy cotton at the original price look down upon him and do not want to cooperate with him.

For those who are willing to cooperate with him and purchase Jin family cotton, the price will be as high as possible.

There are hundreds of people in the Jin Mansion who have to pay for food and drink every day, and he simply can't cope with it.

All kinds of things in the cotton fields were reported one by one, and those in charge suddenly seemed to be incompetent.

Workers continue to resign and leave.

Everything is explaining one thing.

That is.

Kanegi is completely screwed.

The elders of the Jin family who previously supported him now understand that he, Jin Di, is a waste and cannot support the Jin family at all.

And the most important thing is that Jin Fanhua is missing. Even when the Jin family is facing the current crisis of internal and external troubles, she does not show up.

The result of Jin Fanhua not appearing was that all the peers began to open their big mouths and prepare to swallow Jin Fanhua one by one.

Although Jin Di is a bastard, his surname is Jin after all, and he never thought of losing the Jin family at his own hands.

Although the price offered by Ding Yuhang is low, it can only be said to be the lowest price in the industry. Compared with the Zheng family and other companies, it is already much better.

Ding Yuhang nodded.

"In this way, Boss Jin, I am indeed sincerely agreeing with you. The original six thousand catties will be changed to twelve thousand gold. I will be given ten thousand catties every month, six hundred taels a year."

What a good man!

This was Jindi's first thought.

During this period of time, only others were open to the Jin family's lions. The prices were lowered every time, and they wished that all the Jin family's cotton would be given away for free.

Ding Yuhang brought the same price as before. Not only did it not lower the price, but the demand increased, and he didn't ask for any additional discounts. He raised it without missing a copper plate.

Where did this Bodhisattva come from!

Jindi was so happy that she almost jumped!

"make a deal!"

Ding Yuhang was happy, and Jin Di was even more happy. He immediately asked someone to take out the contract, wrote the contract in black and white, and handed it to Ding Yuhang.

After Ding Yuhang signed, he saw Jin Di picking up the unique gold seal of the Jin family and pressing it on the contract.

It’s done!

Ding Yuhang felt comfortable.

These cottons will be used to make cotton-padded clothes for Xi Dong's soldiers in the future. Ding Yuhang doesn't know what the price was in the past, but since all these tasks will be handed over to the Ding family in the future, the Ding family will definitely not disappoint Princess Shu Ning. .

Jin Di himself did not know that he had done a good deed for Xi Guo unknowingly.

There are three copies of the contract, one for the Jin family, one for the Ding family, and one to be kept in the Yamen for filing. After all, this is not a small amount.

Jin Di looked at the contract, his eyes a little stunned.

Ding Yuhang's list is truly his own. For more than a month, he has not made a deal, only what has left his hands, not what has come in.

Many employees of the Jin family simply didn't listen to him, and those who did, ended up in a mess.

He never knew how difficult it was to negotiate business. He always thought that with his status and the status of the Jin family, he could just sit at home and merchants would knock on the door continuously.

"Boss Ding..." He looked up at Ding Yuhang, hesitant to speak, but the current situation did not allow him to dwell on it.

"Can you... can you... pay the advance payment in advance..."

After saying this, Jin Di felt that she had lost all her face.

When had he ever asked someone for money?

Ding Yuhang looked him up and down.

At this time, Jindi seemed to have been beaten to pieces by the facts, and his problems of being ignorant but self-righteous had disappeared. It seemed that he had also lost the problem of being superior and looking down on others.

"Okay, six hundred taels a year, fifty taels a month, I'll give you fifty taels first."

"Okay, okay!" Jin Di smiled, "Boss Gusu, I hope we can have a happy cooperation."

Ding Yuhang took out the money from his pocket, put away the contract, and left the Jin family with satisfaction.

However, as soon as Ding Yuhang left and Jin Di was still holding the fifty taels, someone ran over and said something happened in the cotton field.

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