Reborn Princess Chasing Her Husband Crematorium

Chapter 126, [In Water 1] Pre-sale Center

Who is this woman if she isn't Su Fang?

A few days ago, after Shen Qing and Tang Zongjiu signed the letter of challenge, they returned to the Tang Mansion and did a lot of work.

One of them is to let his eldest maid serve as a model for [Zai Shui Fang].

Su Fang refused at first. After all, she had grown up and had never stood still in front of so many people wearing clothes for people to appreciate.

But this was something Shen Qing personally "pleaded" for.

Yes, Shen Qing asked Su Fang if she was willing with solicitude and a hint of sincerity.

When has your Royal Highness the Princess ever begged someone like this?

So, under the premise that Tang Yu volunteered to be Su Fang's flower protector and arranged for several secret guards to protect her, Su Fang nodded.

That's why this scene happened.

Su Fang walked in front of everyone, and Tang Yu immediately followed. Two secret guards also appeared as "clear guards".

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw someone carrying a table from [On the Water Side] and placing it next to Su Fang.

There was a shopkeeper sitting behind the desk.

Someone else took out a piece of clothing similar to Su Fang's and hung it aside.

At this time, Tang Yu stood in the middle, cleared his throat, and spoke with great energy.

"[On the Water Side] The Sinking Fish Series Horse Face Skirt is now available for pre-sale!"


"This woman is wearing the new women's horse-faced skirt from our [On the Water Side] 'Shenyu' series!"

After Tang Yu finished speaking, Su Fang took a step forward and turned around in front of everyone.

I saw that the fish on the skirt started to swim again in full view of everyone.

"It actually moved!"

"It really moves!"

"This is simply unheard of!"

"Did you use some magic?"

Everyone came forward to check, Su Fang was startled and quickly backed away.

Two secret guards protected Su Fang behind them, and Tang Yu stood in the front.

"Everyone, please don't touch our girl casually!" Tang Yu pointed to the clothes on display aside, "We have ready-made clothes here for you to take a close look at!"

So, everyone gathered in front of the hung clothes.

"This material feels really comfortable."

"It's just an ordinary embroidery..."

"Not ordinary at all, okay?"

"You can't see anything from this..."

“Man, how much does this dress cost?”

Tang Yu said loudly.

“Our new store has opened, and the [Shenyu] horse-faced skirts originally priced at thirty taels a piece are now priced at twenty-one taels!

Pre-sale begins today. You can order successfully by paying one tael of silver in advance. Those who order successfully can receive a free gift.

The first 100 people can get another five taels off!

Moreover, all the clothes we ordered are delivered to your door! "

"What?! Thirty taels?!"

"Grab the money!"

"Who would buy such expensive clothes?"

"I can't afford it."

The people were frightened by the high price, and those who originally wanted to touch the clothes retracted their hands.

If such an expensive piece of clothing is damaged, you will never be able to afford it in your lifetime.

"Everyone, ours is the best double-sided embroidery!" Tang Yu said, "Only this kind of double-sided embroidery can produce this kind of effect!"

At this time, someone asked again: "What does door-to-door delivery mean?"

Tang Yu found the commoner who asked the question and said to him: "Home delivery means delivering the clothes to your house in person!"

"Are you sending every piece of clothing?" the man continued to ask.

"Now we can only deliver the clothes we ordered." Tang Yu continued to answer.

The people around understood it, and they thought about it again. The clothes are so expensive, and they have to be picked up in person. Isn't it not worth the price?

"I've made an order." At this time, a clear voice sounded from the crowd.

Zhao Chunrui took her maid to the pre-sale registration table.

"Shopkeeper, Zhao Chunrui, the daughter of Zhao County Prime Minister, is ordering one."

After speaking, she took out a tael of silver from her arms and placed it on the table.

The movements were done in one go, without any hesitation.

"Okay, thank you Miss Zhao for ordering one!" Tang Yu bowed and made room for Zhao Xinrui, "Miss Zhao, please move over and let our tailor tailor it for you."

It is understandable that such clothes must be tailor-made.

Zhao Chunrui nodded, and soon she walked out.

When Tang Yu saw the person, he shouted to the other side: "Send a gift to Miss Zhao!"

I saw two people carrying a basket of jewelry from behind the white cloth.

Flat squares, hairpins, head flowers, tassels, earrings, corollas, diamonds, necklaces, sideburns, jade combs...

There are countless of them.

These jewelry sparkled with golden light in the sun, and everyone was blinded by the dazzling light.

"Here, pick the one you like." Tang Yu said with a smile.

As soon as these jewelry came out, even Zhao Chunrui was stunned.

Although the things I picked were not worth a tael of silver, my daughters just loved them.

Zhao Chunrui chose left and right, finally took a hairpin and left happily.

“I want to order one too!”

Another lady on the side spoke.

"Okay! Please!" Tang Yu greeted.

Just like that, on the first day, [On the Water Side] pre-sold a total of twenty pieces of clothing.

It’s not much, but it’s a great start.

The next day, at the same time, this time there was not only Su Fang, but also a female doll.

This female doll was wearing a cute gold skirt embroidered with goldfish. When she jumped up and down, the goldfish followed suit, making everyone's hearts melt.

This female doll is Jindi's little daughter. She is only two and a half years old this year, and she is at her cutest time.

The key is that this little dumpling is not afraid of strangers at all. Su Fang hugged her, and the two of them laughed like spring breeze.

"How can I sell this girl's clothes?"

At this time, someone had already started asking.

"The price is the same as women's clothing. Book in advance, first come first served!" Tang Yu said with a smile.

"Be good! It's so expensive!"

"It's incredible, I can't afford it."

"But this doll's clothes are so pretty!"

"Yes, wouldn't it be very dignified if you wear it during the Chinese New Year?"

"I order, I order!"

"I'll order one too!"

"Old rules, customers who have placed orders, please bring your children to have our tailors measure you!" Tang Yu said loudly from the side.

"Are you still accepting reservations for women's clothing today?" someone asked.

"Of course!" Tang Yu nodded, "We accept reservations for women's clothing and children's clothing at the same time!"

"Then I want to order women's clothing." The woman said.

"Come on, come on! This way, please!" Tang Yu was very busy.

At this time, someone in the crowd of people watching asked loudly: "I asked, do you have any clothes that we ordinary people can wear?"

Tang Yu heard this and smiled: "Of course!"

After saying that, two more people appeared from behind the white cloth, one of them appeared in front of everyone holding a clothes hanger.

The two put the hangers in place and left.

Everyone looked closely and saw a blue horse-faced skirt.

This horse-faced skirt is like twinkling stars in the night sky. It hangs quietly on the hanger, but it emits a beautiful light that cannot be ignored.

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