Reborn Princess Chasing Her Husband Crematorium

Chapter 129, How to prove that you are yourself

The man was stunned when he heard these three words.

"What did you say?"

The so-called visitor was a guest, but Tang Yu did not dare to do anything for the sake of being a guest at first.

How dare he not obey Shen Qing's words now?

He stepped forward, restrained the man, and dragged him out without saying a word.

"It's unreasonable! [Zai Shuifang] The shop is bullying customers, instigating their wives to go out to work, and destroying families!"

The man yelled as he was being dragged.

The woman still fell to the ground and cried.

"What's going on? I'm not a good mother, but I'm working as a laborer for others. Do I still need this family?!

All neighbors, take a look, what kind of evil things did the evil boss do? !

Isn't this going to break up other people's families? "

The man spoke with great force, and everyone in the water area could hear him clearly.

Indeed, women have things that women should do. Although Xi State did not explicitly prohibit women from going out to work, basically women who have children will only stay at home to support their husbands and children and serve their parents-in-law.

"It does seem inappropriate to recruit female workers."

"Yes, but one tael of silver a month is not impossible."

"It's me. I definitely won't let my wife come out to work."

"Yeah...this is too embarrassing."

Everyone began to whisper.

At this moment, a loud and slightly mocking voice came from outside [Zai Shui Fang].

"I heard Boss Tang had a good start."

Zheng Jinlin appeared in the lobby wearing brocade clothes.

There were many men and women following behind.

He put away the fan in his hand with a "swipe-" sound and looked around pretendingly.

"Seeing is better than hearing. I came all the way as soon as I finished my work today. It's really different."

After saying that, he saw the man being dragged out by Tang Yu by his collar.

"Hey, what's going on?" Zheng Jinlin asked in surprise, "Who made trouble on the first day of the opening of Boss Tang's [Zai Shuifang]?"

The man seemed to have seen a savior and shouted: "I didn't cause trouble, it was [Zai Shuifang] who instigated my wife to abandon her husband and son and come to work as a female worker!"

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Tang Yu said angrily, "You are abandoning your husband and your son! Believe it or not, I will take you to the government!"

"Then it's Boss Tang who is wrong." Zheng Jinlin spoke as if he was a judge, "Although recruiting embroiderers is important, it cannot affect other people's families. If one family is affected today, there will be a second family tomorrow. , if this continues, won’t the entire Ningbei City be in chaos?”

Zheng Jinlin said it plausibly.

"Today you are recruiting female workers [on the water side], and tomorrow other shops will be recruiting female workers. Over time, the women will come out to work. Who will take care of the house? Who will take care of the children? Who will take care of the elderly parents?"

"That's right! You can't do this! I won't allow it!"

Zheng Jinlin's words gave the man great support and courage.

He became more confident.

Many of the people watching the excitement nodded in agreement with Zheng Jinlin.

"This woman shouldn't be working."

"Yeah yeah."

"It doesn't matter if it's just one person. There are seniors and juniors here, how can they come out? It's so irresponsible."

The woman who wanted to apply as an embroiderer was bowed down by these "condemnation" words.

Her tears were like broken pearls that could not be stopped.

Shen Qing watched indifferently as Zheng Jinlin performed passionately in the crowd like an actor without saying a word.

This wave of rhythm has been set up by Zheng Jinlin, and Shen Qing is at a disadvantage.

She is waiting. Wait for Zheng Jinlin to continue his move.

It was obvious that Zheng Jinlin was here to cause trouble today.

And making a fuss about the open recruitment of embroiderers, this should be just his first step, and he should have follow-up.

Sure enough, Zheng Jinlin tried so hard to talk a lot, but after seeing no reaction from Shen Qing, he immediately changed his target.

He led several people behind him to the second floor and glanced at Ding Yuhong.

"Is this the legendary number one embroiderer in the Xi Kingdom?" He looked at Ding Yuhong from head to toe with a hint of joking.

At this time, a woman standing next to him spoke.

"Who knows if it's true or not."

"Hey," Zheng Jinlin nodded at the woman, "How can it be fake?"

As he spoke, he pointed at the embroidery in Ding Yuhong's hand with his fan: "If she is not the number one embroiderer in the Xi Kingdom who can embroider to this level, then who can be?"

"The country of Xi is so big. It is said that there is a world outside the sky and there are people outside the world. How come there can't be someone more powerful than her?" the woman said.

"Oh," Zheng Jinlin pretended to be surprised, "According to your opinion, if the title of the best embroiderer in Xi country is fake, then wouldn't the clothes she made not be worth thirty taels of silver at all?"

This sentence is a bit of a change of concept.

In fact, no matter whether Ding Yuhong is the best embroiderer in Xi State or not, the clothes she embroiders with her skills are worth thirty taels of silver.

This is only in the north. If you are in the imperial capital, it is not impossible to get hundreds of taels of silver.

The people on the side were also affected by Zheng Jinlin and his group.

"Yeah, why didn't I think of that?"

"What if it's fake?"

"No way?"

"Why not? The number one embroiderer in the Xi Kingdom came here to embroider for an unknown garment shop?"


"We won't be cheated, right?"

The discussion gradually became louder.

Hearing these words, the smile on Zheng Jinlin's lips became deeper and deeper.

"Boss Tang." He looked at Shen Qing provocatively, "It seems you need to prove it."

"Prove what?" Shen Qing said lightly.

"What to prove?" Zheng Jinlin raised his eyebrows, "Of course, the woman who is now known as the 'No. 1 Embroiderer in Xi Country', who claims to be Ding Yuhong, is Mr. Ding himself?"

Shen Qing sneered.

Zheng Jinlin's question is tantamount to asking Shen Qing to prove that you are yourself.

And how can a person prove that I am who I am?

Zheng Jinlin's eyes were full of disdain and provocation, the slightly raised corners of his mouth revealed a hint of contempt, and his whole demeanor exuded an aggressive aura.

Suddenly, he felt a sight that was so cold that it could freeze a person through.

He looked around and saw that Tang Zongjiu's eyes were staring at him as if they were looking at a dead person. There was no light in his eyes, and they were as dark as an abyss.

Zheng Jinlin was stared at so hard that he was sweating all over his body.


He remembered the scene when he was kicked away by Tang Zongjiu on the Dragon Head Festival.

This murderous intention that had solidified enveloped Zheng Jinlin in an instant.

Zheng Jinlin's heart skipped a beat.

Since the Dragon Head Festival, Tang Zongjiu rarely appeared in public eyes, which made Zheng Jinlin really forget how powerful this man was.

But now that it has reached this point, there is no room for Zheng Jinlin to back down!

Zheng Jinlin withdrew his gaze, gritted his teeth, and tried to hold on. (End of chapter)

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