Reborn Princess Chasing Her Husband Crematorium

Chapter 161, Tang Yu marries a wife and Su Fang is buried

The Tang Mansion is a princess's mansion, and Mrs. Tang is the current Princess Shu Ning.

After this news spread, the entire north was shaken three times.

Therefore, the number one embroiderer in Xi State is willing to work on the water side, so she can make such clothes.

And Princess Shu Ning wiped out fifty members of the Chu family overnight.

This news made everyone in the north tremble with fear.

After all, this princess's reputation has not always been very good.

As for why this was done, there are even more divergent opinions.

But Shen Qing never cared.

The day when Shen Qing went on a killing spree was the fourth day after Su Fang's death.

Back in the Tang Mansion, Nanny Li asked about Su Fang’s funeral.

"Su Fang cannot be buried in the north." Shen Qing said, "This is not her home, and there is no family for her."

"What do you mean, Your Highness?"

Nanny Li and Su Fang are old people in the Princess Mansion. After working together for so many years, Nanny Li has long regarded Su Fang as her daughter.

As soon as Su Fang left, Grandma Li almost cried her eyes out.

"Be cremated, and then follow me back to the princess's mansion." Shen Qing said softly, "I don't think Su Fang is willing to live in a foreign country."

"Yes." Nanny Li's voice was hoarse. After responding, she began to work on Su Fang's cremation.

At this time, Tang Yu staggered over.

For four consecutive days, Tang Yu stayed by Su Fang's coffin.

He did not go to the massacre of the Chu Mansion. In the past four days, he himself seemed to have disappeared.

Until Shen Qing returned to Tang Mansion.

When Shen Qing and Nanny Li said these words, they did not avoid Tang Yu.

Tang Yu came to Shen Qing, knelt on the ground with a "Plop-" and spoke the first words since Su Fang's death.

"Your Highness! I want to marry her!" Tang Yu said hoarsely.

Shen Qing lowered his eyes and looked at this young man.

This young man became much older overnight, and the youthful vitality was no longer visible in him.

After a while, she said calmly: "She is dead."

With a sound of "Bang--", Tang Yu's head hit the ground hard, causing bruises in an instant.

"Your Majesty, please grant me your permission!"

"Did you know that Su Fang is dead?" Shen Qing repeated.

"Tang Yu has nothing else to ask for, he just wants to marry Su Fang, no matter life or death!" Tang Yu kowtowed again, and there was blood on the floor.

The love of a young man is like a shooting star running into the distance, without any hesitation and with all his might.

"You are only eighteen years old." Shen Qing said.

"Tang Yu will accompany Su Fang all his life!" Tang Yu continued to kowtow, blood slowly flowing down his forehead, "Tang Yu has no complaints or regrets!"

But how can I not regret it?

Tang Yu regretted so much that his intestines turned green.

He regretted that he did not express his feelings to Su Fang sooner.

He regretted that he was a coward and did not dare to get closer to Su Fang.

He regretted that he could not rescue Su Fang earlier.

He regrets it, not only does he regret it, he also hates it.

He hated that he was useless and couldn't even save the one he loved.

He would rather die than himself.

Shen Qing knew that Tang Yu loved Su Fang, but she never thought that his love for Su Fang was so deep.

She glanced at Tang Zongjiu.

After all, Tang Yu was Tang Zongjiu's closest bodyguard.

"Your Highness, please, Prince Consort, please do it!" Tang Yu then kowtowed, causing cracks in the floor.

Tang Yu was not even called Young Master Tang Zongjiu, but changed his name to Prince Consort, which shows how determined he was.

Tang Zongjiu closed his eyes and couldn't read any more.

He can understand Tang Yu. If Shen Qing dies, he may do something more extreme than Tang Yu.

"You have thought clearly, Tang Yu." Shen Qing finally confirmed.

"Tang Yu has only one wish in his life. Please give Su Fang's ashes to Tang Yu. Tang Yu is also willing to be buried with Su Fang after his death." The young man's tears that had finally stopped fell again.

"Tang Yu failed to save her, which is why the yin and yang are now separated. So Tang Yu wants to marry her. After marrying her, when Tang Yu dies, she will be Tang Yu's wife when they get down there, and they can continue their relationship with him. edge."

The young man cried and kowtowed: "I beg Your Highness the Princess and the Prince Consort to come together!"

The young man spoke full of love, bravely and moving forward.

Shen Qing couldn't bear it, so she agreed.

"it is good."

Her Su Fang, such a good Su Fang, deserves Tang Yu's undivided love.

"I'll give you Su Fang."

The way Shen Qing looked at Su Fang's coffin was completely different from that in the Chu Mansion, gentle and gentle.

"If you give up and want to marry again in the future, return Su Fang to me and let her return to her roots."

she whispered.

She would not force Tang Yu to hang on to Su Fang for the rest of his life.

Su Fang was so kind, and she couldn't bear the thought of Tang Yu being lonely all his life for her.

No wife, only Su Fang.

Tang Yu thought to himself.

Even a hundred cows could not bring him back his determination.

"Tang Yu, thank you, Your Highness, for your success," Tang Yu kowtowed again, with blood splashing everywhere, "Thank you, Prince Consort, for your success!"

"Stop knocking!" Tang Zongjiu said.

Tang Yu had been with him for so many years, and now he couldn't bear to receive such emotional intelligence.

Tang Yu prostrated on the ground and did not kowtow again.

No one can stop the young man from dying for love, he cannot hear it.

Soon, under the raging fire, Su Fang was left with only a handful of ashes.

Tang Yu took out a box and carefully wanted to put every ashes in it.

Then, he put the box into a bag and carried it on his back.

The seventh day after Su Fang died.

The Tang Mansion held a wedding and funeral.

Tang Yu wore the most beautiful wedding dress in his life and stood beside Su Fang's coffin.

This wedding dress was made by Ding Yuhang and Mr. Ding overnight. Whether it is material, workmanship, or embroidery, it can be said to be top-notch.

The coffin was also covered with red cloth, with a large word "囍" embroidered on it.

Su Fang's ashes have been placed in the coffin in advance.

This happy event was held in the mourning hall, and Jin Fanhua and others came to attend.

Gusu Xiaoxiao couldn't bear such misery and couldn't help crying while hiding in Qin Wenyao's arms.

Seeing this scene, even Jin Fanhua, who used to be cold-hearted and cold-blooded, couldn't help but feel sad.

Shen Qing's eyes were red and his body was stiff.

Aunt Li cried and bent over even more.

The secret guards were responsible for carrying the coffin, and Tang Yu walked in front of the coffin.

The autumn rain was falling harder and harder at this moment, the sky was dark and gloomy, and the rain was beating heavily on the coffin, as if the heavens were crying for Su Fang, and the cries struck everyone's heart.

Everyone was crying, except Tang Yu.

Today is his big day.

He is a groom, marrying the girl he loves, how can he cry?

So he's laughing.

He held the memorial tablet of his beloved girl with the words "Memorial Tablet of Beloved Wife Su Fang" on it, and became the only one smiling in the entire funeral procession.

One erhu plays a lifetime, and the whole play ends with the sound of the suona.

Walking away, carrying up, followed by a white.

Firecrackers sound, suona blows, the front is raised, the back is chased.

When I first heard it, I didn’t know what it meant. When I heard it again, I felt like I was in a coffin.

(End of this chapter)

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