Reborn Princess Chasing Her Husband Crematorium

Chapter 173, The First Day of Suffering at Shen Qing’s Military Camp

The recruits gathered together quickly. There was no training for the recruits on the first day. After everyone got familiar with each other, they were assigned rooms.

Shen Qing's room had a window seat, and she took a fancy to it at first sight.

She immediately put some of her luggage on it, indicating that she wanted the bed.

However, there was a new recruit who wanted it too.

"This is my position." The recruit sat down on Shen Qing's luggage and declared his sovereignty.

"I arrived first." Shen Qing said calmly.

"But it's mine now." The recruit said, completely ignoring the principle of killing first and showing off later.

Shen Qing didn't try to reason with him, but took action directly.

With a loud "bang--", Shen Qing knocked the person aside.

"You!" The recruit was angry, "Just wait for me!"

"Tang Xin, fighting is not allowed in the recruit camp." Zhao Tiezi looked at the man's back and said, "His name is Ren Fu. He is a relative of the captain of the recruit camp. He must have complained now."

"It doesn't matter." Shen Qing didn't take this matter to heart.

Shen Qing didn't know anything else, but when you go out, your fists are as strong as your fists.

This is the truth that she has learned by herself from south to north over the years.

After she sat down on the bed next to the bed, Shen Yi naturally chose the seat next to Shen Qing, but very deliberately left a little space so that Shen Qing could rest more comfortably.

It was time for dinner, and just as Shen Qing was preparing to eat, a soldier came outside.

"Tang Xin," the soldier looked around the room, "Who is Tang Xin?"

"What's the matter?" Shen Qing responded.

"Come here, the captain is looking for you." Xiao Bing said.

The other recruits in the room glanced at Shen Qing.

Everyone said nothing, just minding their own business.

Shen Qing didn't say anything and followed.

Shen Yi stopped her: "I'll go."

"The captain said to find Tang Xin." Xiao Bing said.

"I'm his cousin, if there's anything I can do for him," Shen said.

Xiao Bing is only responsible for passing on the message, and the person concerned can go there. After all, in such an environment, there are still fewer people to offend.

"Whatever you want, it's none of my business to be scolded." Xiao Bing left after saying that.

Shen Qing did not stop Shen Yi. It would be better to let people here know about his situation earlier.

Soon, the two followed Xiaobing to the captain's resting area.

At this time, the recruit who was fighting for the bed with Shen Qing was also there.

He clutched his stomach and still complained: "It's just a bed. Why can't you say something nice and beat someone if you disagree?"

Shen Qing didn't say much, and clasped his fists at the captain: "Tang Xin reports."

Captain Ren Feng glanced at Shen Qing and Shen Yi who was following Shen Qing.

"It is forbidden to attack your companions in the recruit camp," he said calmly, "Fifty laps."

A fifty-fifty lap is a full ten kilometers, not to mention recruits and veterans, it takes them three quarters of an hour to run, let alone Shen Qing?

By the time Shen Qing finished running away, that bed would have long been Ren Fu's.

And Shen Qing would never sleep on the bed that such a man had slept on.

"I can run laps, but the bed is mine." Shen Qing said.

In fact, Shen Yi could stand up and run for Shen Qing, or he could do anything for Shen Qing, but in this case, Shen Qing would become a "waste" known to everyone, a cousin hiding in his own family. Vase at the back.

Such people will be looked down upon in the military.

This is inconsistent with Shen Qing's original intention of breaking into the military camp.

So Shen Yi didn't speak from the beginning to the end, and he couldn't participate.

Ren Feng glanced at Shen Qing: "I don't care what bed you want to sleep on, but the recruit camp does not allow teammates to fight each other directly. If there is friction, they can only go to the competition ring." At this time, Shen Qing glanced at Shen Yi.


After saying that, she withdrew her gaze and turned around to run a lap.

And Shen Yi looked at him: "See you at the competition stage."

After saying that, he walked towards the competition stage in the square.

Ren Fu never expected that things would turn out like this.

"Second uncle!" Ren Fu was a little anxious, "What should we do now?"

Ren Feng looked at this relative.

The army does have express regulations prohibiting soldiers from fighting each other, but some things cause some minor frictions, and most people turn a blind eye.

After all, in a place like the army, fists always speak.

He looked down on soldiers who came to complain about a bed.

And he could completely ignore this matter, but by letting him run around during dinner, he had already helped Ren Fu go through the back door, and in the end, this idiot was still here asking him what to do.

"You don't have to accept the challenge." Ren Feng said.

" it possible?" Ren Fu asked uncertainly.

Ren Feng no longer wanted to talk to Ren Fu at this time. He felt as if he was meeting this relative for the first time.

"Of course, it's up to you."

No one would have thought that a new recruit would be fined for running laps on the first day.

No one could have imagined that any new recruit would dare to go to the competition ring on the first day.

For a time, many people were eating and watching the excitement outside.

Shen Qing ran a lap for the first time.

In the past, when she practiced martial arts with Tang Zongjiu, she also did endurance training, but Tang Zongjiu felt sorry for her and never let Shen Qing lose too much strength. Moreover, every time she trained well, she would relax and massage Shen Qing's muscles.

Therefore, Shen Qing has never experienced real "training".

At first, Shen Qing didn't exert too much effort. She tried her best to combine her breathing with her running rhythm.

It can even be said that you can feel a sense of vitality and excitement throughout your body, as if all the energy in your body is getting ready to go.

Gradually, her heart beat faster, blood flowed rapidly in her blood vessels, her lungs began to breathe rapidly, and her breathing became harder every time.

While Shen Qing was using his perseverance to keep running, Shen Yi had been standing on the competition stage for a while.

"Ren Fu."

Shen Yi spoke concisely and with astonishing meaning, and everyone present heard it clearly.

"It's actually with Ren Fu."

"Isn't Ren Fu very powerful?"

"Yes, he is a relative of Captain Ren. The Ren family is a family of military commanders."

"This new recruit is very brave."

"This means that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers."

The veterans were eating and talking next to each other.

Ren Fu, who originally thought that he could sleep in a good place peacefully as long as he ignored him, suddenly felt that he was riding a tiger when he heard such gossip from others.

He still doesn't know how much he weighs?

If he doesn't fight, then everyone here will know that he is "cowarded", so how can he have the nerve to sleep on the bed?

But if you accept the challenge.

Ren Fu looked at Shen Yi standing on the stage.

I saw Shen Yi's tall and straight body, standing like a pine tree, and no matter how he looked at his majestic aura, he would never be his opponent.

Compared to running around in circles, Ren Fu felt that he was more embarrassed.

He gritted his teeth and weighed the pros and cons. It looked like he could get on the competition stage today, or he could get on if he didn't.

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