Reborn Princess Chasing Her Husband Crematorium

Chapter 180, please explain things clearly to me

Lingdong City is the fortress city of Xidong, located in the mountains surrounded by mountains.

Its walls are tall and strong, and every stone shows traces of time.

It was dusk at this time, and the afterglow of the setting sun shone on the city wall, covering it with a layer of golden brilliance, making it appear more solemn and mysterious.

After Tang Zongjiu submitted his certificate of appointment, he entered the city smoothly.

There are both traditional wooden structures and solid stone houses in Lingdong City.

There is a winding street in the city, lined with shops on both sides, with a dazzling array of products.

The cries of vendors and the bargaining voices of customers intertwined to form a lively market symphony.

In the midst of this hustle and bustle, from time to time you can hear the clash of weapons and the neighing of war horses in the distance, reminding people that this was once an important military place in ancient times.

Sun Yao has been waiting in the Governor's Mansion for a long time.

As the governor of Xi Dong, he could not absolve himself of the blame for the attack on Xi Dong. However, Emperor Wan Zhen spared his life and followed Tang Zongjiu to conquer the lost territory.

Therefore, at this time, he can be regarded as wishing that he would go to hell for Xi Dong, and he would not hesitate to go up the mountain of swords and go down into the sea of ​​fire.

"Little General Tang!" Sun Yao knelt down as soon as he saw Tang Zongjiu.

"Get up quickly." Tang Zongjiu stretched out his hand and helped the person up.

"General Sun." Tang Zongran's voice appeared from behind.

Sun Yao was shocked.

The Lan people came here to target the Tang family this time. The entire Tang family was torn to pieces, and Tang Zongjiu was able to meet Tang Zongran under such circumstances. Whether it was luck or brotherhood, such efficiency and strength were reassuring to Xi Dongjun. .

"General Tang Er! It's great that you are safe and sound!" Sun Yao stepped forward and saluted Tang Zongran.

Tang Zongran returned the gift.

The Tang family was in Xi Dongjun, Tang Yihe was the Great General of Tang, Tang Zongheng was the General of Tang, and Tang Zong was the Second General of Tang.

Now Tang Zongjiu is the marshal of Xi Dongjun, so everyone calls him General Xiao Tang.

In terms of position, Sun Yao, the governor, was no lower than Tang Zongran.

After a brief exchange of greetings, the three of them sat down.

"The remaining 100,000 troops in Xidong are waiting for your dispatch." Sun Yao said, "And the entire Xidong is already recruiting troops as a supplement. A group of outstanding recruits will come to the border in half a month."

Hearing the word "recruitment", Tang Zongjiu and Tang Zongran looked at each other.

"Are all cities recruiting troops?" Tang Zongjiu asked.

"Yes, according to reports from spies, Lan State's army this time is not only 200,000, but the actual number may be nearly 300,000!"

"Why did the Lan people do this?" Tang Zongjiu asked, "Spent three hundred thousand troops just to destroy the Tang family?"

"And the Tang Family Army." Tang Zongran added.

"Do they want our Tang family to become the eternal sinners of the Xi Kingdom?" Tang Zongjiu never understood why the people of the Lan Kingdom were so miserable.

"Without the Tang family and Tang family army, the entire Xi Dong will become the biggest breakthrough point for the Xi country in a short period of time." Sun Yao admitted.

He had to admit.

This time Lan State mobilized troops. If the Tang family and the Tang family army were really completely destroyed, how could he, a governor, resist Lan State's 300,000 troops?

Even if the west, south and north come to support, wouldn't the guards in other directions be weak?

Sun Yao could not atone for his sins even if he destroyed the nine clans.

"That's the only way it can be," Tang Zongjiu said, "We don't need to spend time trying to figure out the purpose of the enemy's attack. Now that they're here, we'll kill them all back!"

"Kill him back!" Sun Yao nodded.

"Do you know when they will attack next?" Tang Zongjiu asked.

"The Lan people stopped fighting after they reached Weiyang City," Sun Yao shook his head, "It seems they want to drag us out all winter."

Tang Zongjiu looked out the window: "It's winter."

"Yes. When fighting in winter, it is our soldiers who suffer the most." Sun Yao gritted his teeth.

"They captured my brother." Tang Zong said in wine.

"What?!" Sun Yao's eyelids twitched, "General Tang was captured by the Lan people?!"

Tang Zongjiu nodded. This is troublesome.

Sun Yao thought.

Everyone knew that even if Tang Zong became a prisoner, this would be a terrible thing.

To save or not to save is still a question.

"As long as you are clear about this matter, I will find a way to save my brother, don't worry about that." Tang Zongjiu was naturally aware of the contradiction here.

"General Xiao Tang, if you have any use for Sun, just ask." Sun Yao said.

At this time, Sun Yao did not say anything like "General Tang should have the consciousness as an officer of Xi State. After being captured by the enemy, in order not to become a burden, committing suicide is the right way." Instead, he offered to help, which was a timely help.

"Thank you." Tang Zongran nodded, "I still need to find out the news about my parents these days. My second brother will stay here with you, General Sun."

The implication is that he has something to leave.

"That's natural." Sun Yao supported.

For him, if there is one more Tang family member, Xi Dong will have more security.

The Lan people are there now, controlling ten cities in Xidong, with no shortage of supplies. They obviously want to fight a protracted war.

Naturally, Xi Dong can't delay here. The more prepared he is, the greater the chance of winning. It is simply a race against time.

"As for supplies," Tang Zongjiu continued, "The Emperor will give Xi Dong the greatest support, including cotton armor, food and weapons."

Hearing this, Sun Yao's eyes lit up.

Emperor Wan Zhen was scolded severely before, and the spittle almost overwhelmed him.

Now that he could still support Xi Dong like this, Sun Yao could not wait to kneel down and kowtow in front of the old man.

With these things, why are you still afraid of those grandsons from Talan Kingdom all winter long?

Mentioning these, Tang Zongjiu thought of Shen Qing.

He had to see her as soon as possible.

Nowhere is safe except around him.

But when I think of her traveling thousands of miles for herself, she even disguised herself as a man and entered the military camp.

Tang Zongjiu couldn't help but feel excited.

This is something his Feng Zhi dares to do.

Emperor Wan Zhen must have acquiesced.


Thinking of this, Tang Zongjiu stood up.

"Time is running out, I must leave as soon as possible."

"General, be careful on the road." Sun Yao said, "Would you like me to send a few guards to follow you?"

After all, Tang Zongjiu's current status was of no small importance and he needed more protection than Tang Zongheng.

"No, more people will get in the way." Tang Zongjiu said, "I came all the way from the imperial capital. My whereabouts are hidden and I have never been exposed. Being in the dark is a good thing for everyone."

"I understand," Sun Yao said.

"Then I'll leave first." Tang Zongjiu glanced at Tang Zongran, "Be careful in everything."

"Go." Although Tang Zong was safe now, he was naturally not afraid.

"keep in touch."

After saying that, Tang Zongjiu walked away.

Tang Yu and Shen San followed closely.

Tang Zongjiu glanced at Shen San.

"Tell me everything you know about what your princess has done during this period of time." (End of Chapter)

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