Gu Shiyi laughed when he saw this, put the things in his arms on the carriage, turned around and bowed to everyone around him,

"Everyone, after watching the fun, please leave. If you don't leave, I will take a gong to collect the reward!"

Everyone cheered when they heard this, waved their sleeves, and dispersed.

Gu Shiyi then climbed into the car with a smile and asked the coachman who had been standing aside and dared not step forward to stop him,

"Who were those two people just now?"

The coachman said,

"Sir, these two people are from the Hu family in the city. This time, the Hu family is because the old man in their hometown in Baima Prefecture has passed away. The whole Hu family has to go back to Baima Prefecture for the funeral. The family's carriage is not enough, so they come here. We hired them in the shop. It happened that many carriages in our car shop had been hired, so they wanted to hire them again at double the price. When they arrived at the villain, the villain only said that you went to buy them, but they took a fancy to them. I caught your red fox, saying that the second lady in the family likes this kind, and wants to catch it first, and then negotiate the price with you..."

In the end, the two strong men couldn't do anything with the red fox. If the red fox hadn't known that Gu Shiyi was a stingy person and had lost her baggage, he would have been furious and would have run away without a trace without giving the chicken food. Well, how about acting like a monkey show here with those two big idiots?

Gu Shiyi narrowed his eyes and asked,

"According to what you say, the Hu family is quite domineering!"

The coachman nodded,

"Isn't that right? I heard that they moved here from Huangjing, Baima Prefecture. My family is also a well-known family in Huangjing. When they came to our place, they fell in love with a great monk. It's quite a bit..."

The coachman did not dare to say the following words, but just said to Gu Shi,

"My guest, now that we have bought the things, we might as well get on the road as soon as possible!"

Gu Shiyi understood that he was afraid that he would offend someone and be found by the Hu family to cause trouble, so he was kind enough to let him go first!

Gu Shiyi did not brush off his kindness. Hearing this, he nodded and said,

"Okay, let's go now!"

After saying that, he handed him an oil paper bag.

"I bought some cooked meat, Brother Coachman, let's eat it on the way!"

The coachman was overjoyed when he saw this, and took over the carriage and thanked him repeatedly. When Gu Shiyi got on the carriage, he hurriedly whipped the horse and whipped it, and the horse trotted away from the carriage house and headed towards the city gate.

Gu Shiyi didn't care about the Hu family.

"You're talking about hugging the great monk's lap. If you really want to hug the great monk's lap, you still have to look for a carriage when you go out. Why don't you ask the great monk to send one of his disciples to see you off?"

laugh! Ever since there have been cultivators in this world, there have been many secular people who pretend to be powerful. They dare to say that they are related to the great cultivator even though they have a relationship that cannot be established with eight poles!

Pooh! What!

Gu Shiyi sat on the carriage and staggered out of the city, heading towards the Immortal Valley.

The terrain of Immortal Valley is narrow, and it is an essential road from Wansha Prefecture to Baima Prefecture. It can only accommodate two carriages traveling side by side, and there are cars coming from the opposite direction from time to time, so the carriages going out always keep to the right. Cars coming from the opposite direction will drive on the left. In this orderly and voluntary manner, there will be no congestion.

There were more carriages coming out of the valley today, and Gu Shiyi's carriage was mixed in with the traffic. Although there were not many cars coming from the opposite direction, everyone was very conscious. No one rushed to the left, and everyone walked slowly on the right, passing slowly.

Gu Shiyi raised the car curtain to look at the scenery of the valley, but he saw that the Immortal Valley was really narrow as if it were being cut with a sword. Looking up at the sky, the mountains on both sides were steep and towering, and the sky became a line of sky. Gu Shiyi Eleven watched with interest and asked the coachman,

"Brother Coachman, where is the sword stone?"

The coachman said,

"Looking at this situation, I'm afraid it will take half a day's journey to see it. It's like a giant sword in the middle of the valley. It's very strange, but we locals have long been used to seeing it. Only foreigners like Guguan can see it. I haven’t seen it before, so you can go take a look when you pass by..."

Gu Shiyi smiled and nodded,

"I should go and see it!"

While I was talking to the coachman, I suddenly heard someone shouting from behind.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

Gu Shiyi looked back and saw a convoy of several carriages, led by two knights, running towards them. Gu Shiyi took a closer look,

Yo! Still acquaintances!

It was the two big men who wanted to catch her red fox. Gu Shiyi retracted his head and saw them in the car window, shouting to get out of the way and speeding past.

laugh! It seems like someone in the family really died, running so fast!

Immediately afterwards, several carriages passed by at high speed. Gu Shiyi watched them pass and thought to himself,

"Retrograde dog... wait until you encounter the oncoming car, and you will be blocked and scolded!"

Sure enough, when Gu Shiyi's carriage swayed slowly for a long time and arrived at the location of the sword stone, he saw that the Hu family's motorcade was blocking the carriage on the opposite side, and was being pointed at and scolded!

This canyon is already narrow, and because there is a sword stone in the middle that is three feet high and one foot wide, the originally narrow road is made even narrower. Carriages traveling on both sides must carefully rub against the rocks on both sides. Passed and therefore walked slower.

But when the Hu family's motorcade cut in, the whole situation immediately became chaotic. Gu Shiyi heard someone cursing, and a grumpy man jumped out of the carriage opposite and yelled,

"Whose crotch was not clamped tightly enough to give birth to things like yours? Don't you know the rules? How can you let others pass by like this?"

Although the Hu family was rich and had hired many strong men as bodyguards, they could not resist the public outrage. Everyone was scolding them and they did not dare to speak. They just stood there, waiting for the convoy going on the right to pass by. The convoy is easy to insert.

But today, there seemed to be an endless stream of carriages and convoys going to the right. There was no room for them to jump in, so they could only endure the curses from the people on the other side and kept waiting. When it was Gu Shiyi's turn to pass by, Gu Shiyi's carriage passed by. Eleven raised the curtain and took a look, and heard someone getting angry in the carriage, "How long do we have to wait? How come none of these people are willing to give way? Let dad give them money. If there is money, they will naturally give way." Got it!"

well said!

Gu Shiyi smiled slightly, and in a blink of an eye he saw the two leading men. The two men also recognized Gu Shiyi. Their eyes met, and Gu Shiyi smiled and raised a finger at them.

"Twelve taels of gold..."

What do you mean, no need for me to say it, right?

The two men's expressions darkened, they gritted their teeth and turned around to say something to someone in the first car. The person in the car snorted and said nothing. Upon seeing this, Gu Shiyi smiled and greeted the coachman,

"Brother Coachman, let's go!"

"Wait a minute!"

The person in the lead car finally spoke,

"give her!"

Not long after, a hand came out from the carriage, holding a cloth bag in his palm. The big man took it, weighed it, and threw it to Gu Shiyi with a sullen face. Gu Shiyi opened it and saw that it was indeed gold. He smiled. road,

"Brother Coachman, let's give way and let them go first!"

Being rich means being willful! Twelve taels of gold!

I gave it as I was told. Even though I was working so hard in Broken Dragon Ridge, I couldn’t make enough money just by saying this!

Sure enough...if you want to rip off, you have to rip off the rich!

Of course, this is a really big deal for the Hu family. If in normal times, someone dared to ask them for ten taels of gold, I'm afraid they would have sent someone to beat the shit out of them!

The coachman responded and drove the carriage aside to make a space for the Hu family's convoy to pass by. After they had finished, the coachman continued to move forward. People who were blocked on the opposite side were anxious to get angry. , the carriages passing by Gu Shiyi all bowed their hands and saluted,

"Thank you so much, little brother!"

"Thank you so much, little brother!"

"Thank you! Thank you!"

Gu Shiyi returned the courtesy with a smile.

"You're welcome! You're welcome!"

"You're welcome, they gave me money!"

Who would have trouble with Yinzi?

Making money is so simple, you can easily get ten taels of gold into your account!

Gu Shiyi laughed, took out five taels of silver from his purse and gave it to the coachman.

"Brother Coachman, you have just got a windfall. Anyone who sees it will have a share. This is yours!"

The coachman couldn't get so much money for driving this train. It was a huge thank you to accept the great news. Gu Shiyi said with a smile,

"Brother coachman, there is no need to thank me. Thank the Hu family. You just have to catch the car. I'm not in a hurry. Just be steady!"


The carriage driver smiled and drove the carriage behind the Hu family's motorcade. By the time they left the Immortal Valley, it was already dark. Someone had built an inn outside the Immortal Valley, specializing in business for travelers. Gu Shiyi and the others arrived It was already late and there were no more guest rooms, so Gu Shiyi didn't care. He and the carriage driver found a place outside the inn, stopped the carriage, unloaded the horses, and planned to spend the night here.

The coachman took the horse to graze nearby. Gu Shiyi entered the inn and had a meal in the lobby. He saw the Hu family cleaning the guest room next to them and spending money to drive them out of the room. Some people saw it. Yin Zi was willing to do so, but some people were not willing to do so. They quarreled with the Hu family's guards, making the whole inn noisy and noisy.

Gu Shiyi couldn't help but shake his head when he saw this.

"I don't know what the background is for acting so arrogantly. If you really have the ability, that's fine. But if you don't have the ability and encounter a tough opponent, then it will look good!"

who cares! Anyway, I've got something out of the Hu family, and I'm happy to see the joke!

After Gu Shiyi finished his meal, he packed a meal for the carriage driver. When he left, the Hu family finally got what they wanted and got the guest room and were moving things.

When Gu Shiyi went out, he saw a young lady being helped out of the car. Her face could not be seen clearly due to her hood, but she was dressed in pink clothes and had a good figure. When Gu Shiyi passed by, she turned around. There was a snort in the face, obviously very dissatisfied with the exorbitant price demanded by Gu Shi.

Gu Shiyi made a face at her and walked away...

At night, someone touched Gu Shiyi's carriage, and Li Yaner became alert for the first time.

"Eleven, someone is coming!"

Gu Shiyi opened his eyes, sat up and lifted the curtain to take a look. Sure enough, he saw a few shadows sneaking over. Gu Shiyi smiled and said,

"You must have made up your mind after seeing me get a windfall today!"

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