Chapter 11 Niu Da’s thoughts

The tone of the pine tree spirit was a bit unkind, and Li Yaner immediately followed the good example.

"It's very good. The name sounds very majestic when you hear it!"

The pine tree spirit was satisfied,

"I feel so too!"

So when Gu Shiyi got up from a long sleep, he found that his best friend had become the follower of the tree spirit in the broken earthen jar. The tree spirit called him the king.

"Your Majesty?"

Gu Shiyi was in a daze, feeling that he hadn't woken up yet. The king said proudly,
"Yes, that's a good name. It sounds majestic!"

Gu Shiyi glanced at the clay figure whose mouth was pursed into a straight line. The two exchanged glances and nodded.

"It's quite majestic!"

After Gu Shiyi had a good sleep, she finally regained her energy. After her grief subsided, the feeling in her stomach came back. She felt hungry, her chest pressed against her back, and she was shaking when she walked. She hurriedly ran outside to cook. , I ate five bowls of rice with the remaining pork head meat. When I was eating the meat, I remembered that the old Taoist priest had bought the meat. I couldn't help but feel sad again. I shed tears while eating, and the tears filled the rice. Swallowed it back into my stomach.

By the time she had finished her meal, it was already midnight, so she sat in the yard, accompanying the clay figurine to absorb the essence of the moon while discussing the matter of going down the mountain.

"Master asked me to go to the capital first and then go home. Let's go to the capital first. Isn't it a divination? You might be able to find a corpse there that can revive you!"

Li Yaner naturally had no objection, and the king also said,

"I've heard people say that there are many famous flowers and trees in the capital. I'm going to take a look and compare with them to see if they are stronger or I am stronger!"

After saying that, he straightened up and assumed a strong posture. Gu Shiyi glanced at it and was too lazy to talk to it. He just counted the things to take away with Li Yaner.

"You need to bring the things in the bag with you, as well as the banknotes. I won't bring anything else..."

Speaking of this place, she looked around with a sad face. After all, she had spent several years here and the old Taoist priest was buried here again. Naturally, she couldn't bear to part with it. Li Yan'er advised her,
"When we finish our work, we will come back here to rebuild the Taoist temple, and we will stay with Master from now on..."

Gu Shi nodded,

"Okay, let's go to the capital first and then go to my house, and then we'll come back to accompany the old Taoist priest!"

It was agreed that the next day, all the belongings that could be taken away would be packed into a big baggage. Gu Shiyi had a cloth bag hanging around his neck, with his best friend in the bag, and a big bag on his right shoulder. With the baggage in hand, I held a broken earthen pot in my left hand, and walked back down the mountain three times at a time. From then on, the world was far away, and when I came back, it was already a changed world!

After Gu Shi came down from the mountain, he first went to the small town at the foot of the mountain.

"In other words, our boundary is called Baima Prefecture. To the east is Wangnan Prefecture. To the west is Duanlong Ridge. Beyond it is a large desert called Wansha Prefecture. Wansha Prefecture used to be Daxi Prefecture. Going north from Daxi Prefecture is Chenzhou, and the south of Baizhou is the sea, called Huanhai, and the north is Dumozhou. There are several countries in Baimazhou, the largest is Dayue Kingdom. We are going to Huangjing, which is the capital of Dayue Kingdom. We Then Senior Brother Cheap will be the national teacher there..."

Gu Shiyi held a broken earthen pot and walked on the streets of the town. As he walked, he whispered something. These words were not only for Li Yaner, but also for the king. Li Yaner was okay and cautious. She poked her head out from Gu Shiyi's collar and looked around curiously. She saw that the people here looked similar to the world where she came from, but the clothes and accents were different. However, she and Gu Shiyi After knowing each other for so many years, we are already used to hearing it, and there is no language barrier.

But the King of the World, who had never seen it before, was trembling with excitement. It resisted the urge to twist its body and whispered,
"There are so many places. I want to go to them all. I want to go to them all. Gu Shiyi...take me there!"

Gu Shiyi sneered after hearing this.
"It's nothing if you haven't seen the world. These places I'm talking about are just a small part of this continent. I heard that there was an ancient continent in the past of the Fantasy Sea, which was even wider, but no one can do it until now. Passed through the Illusion Sea unharmed. Only a handful of people have gone there and come back since ancient times. I heard that the spiritual energy there is full, there are many immortal sects, there are more people who practice Taoism, and it is more chaotic. They often fight and kill without any thought. Don’t care about mortals!”

Their continent had been slaughtered with blood a long time ago, and not only the immortals, but also the mortals were not left with much left. Later, when everyone saw the momentum, they were determined to kill themselves!

So the remaining people sat down and discussed. If the fighting continues like this, and the mortals are beaten to death, there will be few cultivators left. Although it is said that cultivators have cut off the secular world and have no emotions and six desires, it can be said that there will be few people left. Among future generations, who doesn’t have a sect?
Even if it is really ruthless and unrighteous, this god still wants to receive incense. After killing the mortals, who will take care of some of the mundane affairs for them in daily life. Regardless of good or evil, these monks also want to pass on the sect. There are no mortals. Where do they go to recruit apprentices?
In this way, after everyone discussed it, they agreed that whether it was a competition between righteous or demonic monks or a competition between sects, a barrier should be set up or kept away from the world to prevent harm to mortals.

However, there are many evil practices that harm mortals, so there are also many monks who have taken the evil path and secretly do evil in the world. Therefore, the righteous monks cooperated with the secular government to form the Qingling Guard. The guards in the Qingling Guard Disciples from various sects take turns to serve. They are sent to various parts of the mainland to cooperate with the government to eliminate evil spirits and evil cultivators that harm the world.

However, in the Ancient Continent, perhaps because of its vast territory and large population, the immortal sects over there have no scruples at all. They often fight and kill whenever they are asked. Some cultivators who have occasionally been to the Ancient Continent there come back and say They always looked scared,
"The people over there have great magic power and a lot of magic weapons. They will start fighting if they disagree with each other. From what I see, this is not the human world. It is similar to the legendary demon world!"

Any place that is too cruel will not be welcomed by kind people. Li Yaner frowned after hearing this.
"A place like that is really scary, we'd better not go there!"

It sounds like it's like a beautiful country, where if you disagree, you'll pull out a gun and shoot someone in the head!
Gu Shiyi laughed,
"Don't worry, we can't go even if we want to. The Fantasy Sea is not something anyone can cross even if they just want to!"

Fortunately, there is the Huanhai in the way, otherwise the people over there would come and kill, and their side would probably be bleeding like a river!

On the streets of the small town, passers-by saw a woman in mourning clothes with messy hair holding a broken earthen pot and muttering to herself. Everyone thought she was a little crazy and asked each other when they passed by her. Taking two steps away, Gu Shiyi didn't care, and told the two of them as they walked,

"The Qingling Guards not only take care of evil cultivators, but also take care of demons and ghosts. In their eyes, you two, one is a tree spirit and the other is a resentful ghost. If you fall into their hands, you don't even need to ask. You will both end up with your souls scattered. You should be more careful on weekdays, don’t reveal your secrets, let others see it and report it to the Qingling Guards, I can’t protect you with my tricks!”

Li Yan'er and the king both shrank in fright and said in unison,


While they were talking, someone suddenly came over and pulled Gu Shiyi's arm, which shocked Gu Shiyi.

"Oh my god, Qing Lingwei is here so soon!"

When he turned around, he saw a tall, fat man with a somewhat silly face. When he saw Gu Shiyi, he grinned.

"Eleven, you came down the mountain, did you go to our house to buy wine?"

When Gu Shiyi saw it was him, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's you! You scared me!"

This is the eldest son of the Niu family. The Niu family sells wine in the town, but they are not kind in their business. They often sell wine mixed with water to Gu Shiyi's master and apprentice. However, the price is cheap, and the old Taoist priest just tastes the wine. He didn't care about it, so Gu Shiyi often bought wine at Niu's house.

Gu Shiyi shook his head,

"I'm not buying wine!"

Niu Da looked her up and down and saw that she was carrying a bag on her back and a broken earthen jar in her hand, with a sapling of an unknown tree planted in it. He also saw the small white flower behind her ear and she was wearing mourning clothes.

"Eleven, you...why are you so filial?"

Gu Shiyi gave a bitter smile,
" master has gone to his hometown..."


Niu Da's eyes widened, "The old Taoist priest is dead?"

Gu Shi nodded,

"Niu Da, my master has gone. I am leaving here and going back to my hometown..."

In any case, they have lived in the mountains for several years and have interacted with the people in the town below the mountain for several years. Let's treat them separately!

Niu Da was shocked at first when he heard this. After he came to his senses, his face was filled with joy. He grabbed her tightly and refused to let go.

"Eleven, didn't you say you were an orphan? There will be no one when you go back to your hometown, so why not stay in this town..."

Without waiting for Gu Shiyi to speak, he continued,
"My mother-in-law died the year before last, and I wanted to marry you as my second wife, but your master refused to agree. Now that he is dead, no one can stop me. Just marry me. My father has said that from now on, our family will I will inherit the wine shop, I am the boss, and my two brothers are inseparable from each other. If you follow me, you will be in charge of the wine shop from now on!"

Gu Shiyi was shocked when he heard this.

"What, ever had this thought?"

She always goes to town several times a month, and also goes to Niu's house for drinks, but her friendship with Niu Da is just a nod and a few chats. When did he get this idea? He even mentioned it to the old Taoist priest. But no words were revealed!
Niu Avenue,
"When the old Taoist priest came down the mountain last year..."

Then he continued,
"Eleven, I know you are also interested in me. Now that the old Taoist priest is dead, you have nowhere to go, so why not marry me?"

Gu Shiyi's eyes widened.

"You...when did I become interested in you?"

Niu Avenue,
"If you didn't mean anything to me, why would you always come to our house to drink?"

"No... you two are the only ones selling liquor in the town. If I don't go to your house, I'll go to Li's house. What's wrong with that?"

"Of course it's not right. You know that the wine my father sells you is adulterated with water, yet you still buy ours over and over again. Every time you come back, you still want to talk to me. If you don't mean anything to me, why don't you mean it?"

You don't need to be shy with Niu Da's expression. We are all adults. If there is an expression on his face, he just says it. Gu Shi only thinks that this is a huge injustice and he fell on his head.


Her face turned red with anger,
"What nonsense are you talking about? I go to your house to buy wine because your house has the cheapest wine. I'm talking to you because... because..."

While you are distracted, I will use a trick to make you hit two more!
You couldn't say this. When Niu Da saw her squeaking, he laughed and said,

"Don't be shy! We are all of this age. Who doesn't know who is who? Follow me home. I asked my father to find a matchmaker tonight. Although it is a continuation of the relationship, there are three matchmakers. Six certificates, I won’t miss you at all!”

"I... bah! No matter how much I miss a man, I don't like you!"

Gu Shiyi was furious in his heart, and he smiled and nodded repeatedly.

"Okay, go ahead!"

Niu Da was overjoyed to see her nodding.

"let's go together……"

" go ahead..."

Gu Shiyi lowered his head and pretended to be shy.

"You have been married once, and I am still a young lady. This doesn't look good!"

Saying this, he broke free from Niu Da's hand,
"You go ahead, I'll follow!"

Niu Da laughed,
"Yes, Eleven, you are right, this is not good!"

After saying that, he let her go and turned around to walk ahead. When Gu Shiyi saw this, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and he raised his foot and kicked him in the hollow of his leg.

Niu Da immediately fell down and buried his head on the muddy road. Gu Shiyi went over and spat at him.
"Bah! Let me marry you, and you can go back and dream!"

After saying that, he turned around and ran away with a broken earthen pot and a big baggage on his back...

After Gu Shiyi ran all the way out of the town and rushed into the woods on the roadside, she gasped and sat down on a big bluestone and looked back.
"He didn't come after him!"

"Whirring whirring……"

Gu Shiyi wiped his sweat.


A burst of laughter came from the bag on Gu Shiyi's chest. Gu Shiyi was angry and annoyed. He opened the bag and took the clay figurine out.

"Why are you laughing!"

Li Yaner stood on the big bluestone and laughed so hard,
"Eleven, you keep saying that you can't get married, isn't it because you already have one?"

That Niu Da is average-looking, but tall. He should be in the eleventh aesthetic sense, right?

Gu Shixi spat on the yellow mud ground in anger,

"His first wife was poisoned to death in their home. Why do you think he hasn't renewed his marriage in two years? That's because his reputation has been ruined long ago. No girl in this town dares to marry him!"

The Niu family was not kind in business and was also mean to their daughter-in-law. They would not throw away the spoiled rice. Since their own family couldn't eat it, they gave it to their daughter-in-law. As a result, someone was eaten and an accident happened. She said she had a stomachache at the time but refused to invite her. After waiting for three days, I saw that it was really not going to work, so I went to call a doctor. As soon as the doctor came, he shook his head and said that it was not going to work.

"Why do you think their house is haunted? It's because their daughter-in-law came back to take revenge. She asked me to persuade her to leave and reincarnate!"

However, the sins committed by the Niu family will be recorded in the book of life and death in the underworld. It depends on when they will be repaid!
"I was stupid to marry him!"

Li Yan'er just thought it was a joke and made fun of her best friends. When she heard that this family was so virtuous, she couldn't help but cursed,
"You should have kicked him more just now!"

(End of this chapter)

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