Pu Yanlan was accompanying Mrs. Pu. Mrs. Pu held her son's ashes and cried and fell asleep. She slept and cried for several days. Pu Yanlan did not dare to leave, so she could only find time to go back. I went to my yard and told the red fox what happened in Pu Mansion.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to return to the courtyard for the next few days. If you really have something to do, go to the main courtyard to look for me. Be careful not to be seen!"

The red fox nodded,

"Don't worry, no one will notice if you see it!"

The red fox went back to report to Gu Shiyi. Gu Shiyi didn't care whether Gu Yuntian died or not, he was just worried about his good sister's body.

"You'd better go over and check on her every night. If something happens, she'll have someone to take care of her!"

The red fox nodded.

Gu Shiyi has been hesitant these days.

"According to the old guy's wishes, I should return the precious mirror to Senior Brother Baian. It's been so long since I've been in Beijing, so I shouldn't delay it any longer!"

But ever since he heard that day that his cheap senior brother actually gave birth to a virgin to that devil Zhuge, Gu Shiyi felt a little uncomfortable!

Although it is for the sake of the apprentice, your apprentice's life is his life, but the life of his daughter is not his life?

So Gu Shiyi went to the Temple of Prayer for Heaven again. Senior Brother Xianyang was still in the palace and had not come out. She walked around the Temple of Prayer for Heaven, looking for a remote small door, and looked at the rusty door on it. After locking the door, he knew that no one had walked here for a long time. Gu Shiyi tapped his toes and the person climbed into the wall.

Inside the wall was an abandoned small garden with a dry well. Since it was another national mourning period, everyone in the garden had gone to the palace. There were only a few Taoist boys guarding the gate. Gu Shiyi easily avoided them. , looked around in the temple, and found that it was just a general Taoist temple, that is, it had a bigger reputation, and there was nothing special about the rest.

She also went to the cheap senior brother's bedroom to have a look, and saw that the decoration inside was elegant and not extravagant. It could be seen that the owner of the room was not a person who indulged in pleasure.

"It seems like there's nothing wrong with Senior Brother Xianyang..."

Her abilities have grown a lot now. She has mastered the first level of the Heavenly Demon Art. She cannot do anything else. However, she can still use her demonic consciousness to scan a ten-foot radius. She did not find any dungeons or dungeons in this temple along the way. It's like a secret room. It seems like there are no dirty secrets in the temple.

Maybe he was just perfunctory with that damn ghost?

Gu Shiyi left the Temple of Prayer for Heaven and thought to himself,

"Let's find a way to meet with senior brother. After asking the questions in our hearts, we will give him the treasured mirror. Then depending on what Yan'er wants, if she is willing, we will leave the capital and go find a famous teacher!"

It's just that senior brother Xianyang is always in the palace, so she can't find him!

However, Gu Shiyi's opportunity came soon. Pu Yuntian's death was held in a very simple manner because of the national mourning. Only relatives and friends came to express their condolences, and no outsiders were present. As the master, Zhang Zhenyue also came the next day. I arrived at Pu Mansion late at night and met the Pu couple, with Pu Yanlan accompanying them.

Zhang Zhenyue really loved this apprentice. He was deeply affected by what happened to his apprentice, and his originally rosy complexion also showed a bit of haggard and sadness. He first put incense in his red eyes in front of his apprentice's soul, and then turned around She spoke to Mr. Pu again, but as soon as she held her hand, he couldn't stop shaking his head and was choked with tears. Mr. Pu couldn't help crying when he saw this, and Mrs. Pu even cried her tears dry. Pu Yanlan returned his bow. , only after the Imperial Master calmed down did he listen to him say,

"Pindao is also responsible for Tian'er's matter. If he hadn't been allowed to..."


He sighed and shook his head. Master Pu shook his head and said,

"National Master, this matter has nothing to do with you. No one knows that the famous twin saints will actually be..."


Zhang Zhenyue sighed again and said,

"Master Pu, I really don't want to hide it. Prior to this, Pindao has secured an opportunity for Tian'er to join the Tianyi Sect. The Tianyi Sect will recruit disciples next spring. Tian'er has already tested that he is a person with spiritual roots. , he could have entered Tianyimen!"

Master Pu's heart ached even more after hearing this, and he was filled with hatred, but there was nothing he could do about it. He then heard Zhang Zhenyue say,

"This opportunity is really rare. Tian'er is gone, and now the Pu family is facing a crisis..."

He thought for a while and said,

"You can find people with spiritual roots in Mr. Pu's family. If someone from the Pu family enters the Tianyi Sect and becomes a disciple of the Tianyi Sect, it is likely that the Yin family and the Zhong family will come to look for trouble in the future, and they will have to think carefully. of!"

Mr. Pu has been worried and exhausted these days due to the death of his son and the upcoming disaster. When he heard this, his eyes lit up.

"What does the Imperial Master mean?"

Zhang Zhenyue said,

"Now that the matter has come to this, we can only try our best to make up for it, and the best way is to find a more powerful backer. Tianyimen is a famous sect in Baima Prefecture, and even though Shuangshengcheng is a cultivation family, But for Tianyimen, they are just clowns. If the Pu family can produce a disciple who practices in Tianyimen, or if they get the opportunity to join the disciple of a certain elder, then the people in Shuangshengcheng want to deal with the Pu family. Then think twice!”

After listening to this, Mr. Pu thought about it carefully and found that the more he thought about it, the more reasonable it became. He immediately bowed to Zhang Zhenyue and said,

"National Master, I will never forget your great kindness to the Pu family!"

Zhang Zhenyue gave a wry smile, waved his hand and said,

"That's all! Now I'm just making some amends for you to atone for my guilt towards Tian'er!"

This time, I discussed with Mr. Pu about selecting people. Mr. Pu only said that there are two brothers in the family, and there are four nephews below. They should be on their way to Beijing now. They will not arrive in the near future. Zhang Zhenyue said,

"I went to ask for a spirit-testing pendant for Tian'er. After they arrive, you can send a message to the palace. I will find a way to go to the house to test the spirit roots of several young masters..." There was a pause. Sighed,

"I hope there are still people in the Pu family who have spiritual roots!"

After making an agreement with Mr. Pu, Mr. Pu personally sent him out. Mrs. Pu and Pu Yanlan listened to the whole process. Pu Yanlan did not speak, but Mrs. Pu stared blankly for a long time, and then held her daughter's hand. He started crying and said,

"Lan'er, your brother's life is so miserable!"

It was obviously his son's opportunity, but now it fell on the second and third bedrooms!

After her son died, the opportunity to enter the largest sect in Baima Prefecture would still fall on someone else. Looking at the glory of others, they would have to live a life of dependence on others. How could Mrs. Pu bear this!

I pulled my daughter and cried again.

"Although your father is the eldest son, your grandparents prefer the second and third bedrooms. They have always treated us, mother and son, badly. After you were born, they were even more displeased. Later, when we followed your father to Beijing, they refused to accompany us. You only stay in your hometown and are taken care of by the second and third bedrooms. Now that your brother is dead, this opportunity has been given to them again. Your two aunts are not fuel-efficient. We, the eldest brother, will probably be bullied by them in the future!"

Mrs. Pu held her daughter and cried for a long time. When Master Pu came back, she immediately took him to the study. The couple had a big quarrel. Pu Yanlan didn't know it, so she went back to her yard to rest. She stayed with Mrs. Pu for several nights and kept vigil at the funeral. She was already exhausted and sighed in her heart.

"Everyone saw the ladies shouting at each other and the slaves calling the maids, but they didn't see how they suffered!"

Pu Yanlan has been educated by everyone since she was a child, and she must do anything without shaking her skirt, smiling or showing her teeth. These were originally things that Li Yan'er heard about in the previous world. After becoming Pu Yanlan, it is her daily life, and she has to behave, sit and lie down. She was well-organized, but if something went wrong, the maids would be there to point it out. Fortunately, everyone thought she was weak after a serious illness and didn't think about anything else. Something big happened at home, so no one else cared about her. , otherwise it would have been exposed long ago.

Fortunately, she has a tolerant temper. If it were Gu Shiyi, he would have revealed his identity and gone out!

Pu Yanlan returned to the courtyard and fell asleep. After a full day and night, she regained her energy. The red fox came to see her at night, and she told it what the imperial master said. The red fox went back and told Gu Shiyi , Gu Shiyi had an idea after hearing this,

"She said that the Imperial Master will come to Pu Mansion later?"

The red fox nodded, licked his front paws, and prepared to go to bed. However, Gu Shiyi excitedly went to find pen and ink to write a note.

"Send this to her and let her find an opportunity to give this note to my cheap senior brother..."

The red fox saw it and it said,

"The mirror is in my hand and I want to have an interview!"

"Bring the note to Yan'er..."

The red fox refused,

"We'll go tomorrow, there's no rush anyway!"

After saying that, he yawned and was about to go to bed. Gu Shiyi grabbed the skin of the back of its neck, pointed at the fox fur all over the pillow and said,

"If you don't go, don't even think about sleeping on my bed today. Go sleep in the doghouse outside!"

The red fox was furious,

"I'm a fox, I'm a spirit, and you let me sleep with a dog!"

Gu Shiyi pointed at the pillow and sneered.

"What kind of spirit are you? You are a hair-shedding spirit. Tonight, you either have to clean your pillow and bed before you sleep, or you go and deliver a message to Yan'er!"

The red fox looked at the fox fur all over the bed and felt a little unreasonable. He pressed against it, hugged Gu Shiyi's arm with his two thin paws, and said flatteringly,

"I'll listen to whatever Eleven says, I'll deliver it! I'll just deliver it!"

After saying that, he ran away with the note in his mouth. Gu Shiyi looked at its back and rolled his eyes. He started to change the bed, cursing as he did so.

"What kind of vixen? I don't know where to get so much hair. She's losing it one after another. She's just a shedding spirit. She won't sleep in her nest, but she insists on crowding me in. I don't have any clothes clean!"

I changed the bed, took the robe outside to air, and patted and slapped it in the hope of getting rid of the fox fur. Today I went to a house to see a doctor. As a result, the housewife saw the fox fur on her body and suddenly The vigilance on the face,

"What kind of Taoist priest are you? Why do you have red hair on your body? Could it be that you are a monster out to deceive people?"

Gu Shiyi looked down, feeling embarrassed, and explained that he just raised a fox. The housewife reluctantly believed her, but she deliberately withheld a few copper coins when giving the money. Gu Shiyi beat the few copper coins that were missing. On the head of the red fox,

"I'm covered in fox fur, and I look unprofessional at all. If I'm not professional, do you understand? If I'm not professional, people won't believe me. How can I be willing to give money to you!"

Gu Shiyi kept mumbling until the red fox came back and complained for half an hour before going to bed and giving up!

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