Zhang Zhenyue didn't wait for her to hand it over, he snatched it away, held it in his hand and looked at it carefully.

"Ah...it's really a treasured mirror...it's really a mirror of enlightenment!"

At that moment, my hands were shaking with excitement,

"My master died in depression because of this mirror. Even before he died, he still wanted to take back the master's treasure. I didn't expect... I didn't expect that I would see it again one day!"

Zhang Zhenyue now held the treasured mirror high in both hands, bowed to the south, and said,

"Master, have you seen it? Have you seen it? The precious mirror is back! It's back!"

Gu Shiyi just looked on with a smile. He waited until he stood up after kowtow and then said with a smile,

"What...senior brother, is this mirror real?"

"Yes...it is indeed the original..."

Zhang Zhenyue nodded,

"I saw this mirror with my own eyes when it was in the door. I have touched it, and there is no doubt that it is it..."

After thinking for a while he asked,

"I didn't expect Uncle Ninth Master to actually come up with a way to hide this mirror in the human body to conceal the secrets of heaven. No wonder, no matter how many years ago, no matter how the master deduced, he could not prevent and calculate the whereabouts of this mirror..."

Gu Shiyi smiled slightly when he heard this and said,

"Just by your words, I know that my cheap uncle is not as good as the old guy..."

What is hidden in the human body? Can anyone hide it if they want to? Can it cover up the secrets of heaven? People who are not of my physique cannot be included in the treasure mirror at all, let alone cover up the secrets of heaven!

No wonder the old guy didn't obey him back then, he really didn't have much ability!

Gu Shiyi felt contempt in his heart, but he raised his hand without saying anything, and the precious mirror flew back from Zhang Zhenyue's hand back to Gu Shiyi's hand with a whooshing sound. Zhang Zhenyue was shocked when he saw this, and came to snatch it away.


Gu Shiyi took two steps back with the precious mirror.

"National Master, don't even think about taking action. Everyone in your temple is far away. If you want to take it by force, first consider whether you can beat me, right?"

Zhang Zhenyue stood there and no longer approached, but his face darkened and asked,

"What do you mean?"

Huh! Don’t you call me Junior Sister now?

Gu Shiyi chuckled and shook the precious mirror in his hand at him.

"National Master, I can return the treasured mirror to you. I also have something to do here that requires the help of the National Master. I wonder if the National Master will not help?"

Zhang Zhenyue was stunned for a moment, then relaxed and nodded, saying,

"Yes, this matter is due to the poor man's negligence. It is supposed to be like this. How can such a treasure be sent back so easily..."

After a pause he asked,

"Tell me, what do you want? Gold and silver treasures, secrets on martial arts, or do you want to return to Tongxuan Sect?"

Gu Shiyi laughed,

"The Imperial Master really underestimates me..."

Only children make choices, so of course I want them all!

But there are more important things now!

Gu Shiyi squinted his eyes,

"Those things that the Imperial Master said are like floating clouds to me... Right now... I just want to go to Tianyimen..."

"Tian Yimen?"

Zhang Zhenyue was stunned for a moment, then waved his hands repeatedly,

"Tianyi Sect is the largest sect in Baima Prefecture. How can it be that a small secular sect like Pindao just wants to enter? Aren't you making things difficult for Pindao?"

Gu Shiyi smiled and said,

"The Imperial Master is joking, don't you have a disciple who wants to go to Tianyimen?"

Zhang Zhenyue was stunned again after hearing this, his eyes narrowed, and he said after a while,

"You also know about this matter. It seems that you have already found out the bottom of it?"

Gu Shiyi laughed and cupped his hands and said,

"Easy to say, easy to say. In the past two months since I arrived in the capital, I have always wanted to meet with the Imperial Preceptor. However, the Imperial Preceptor is serving the Emperor in the palace and has never found the opportunity. We only got to meet him today. I am really ashamed!"

Zhang Zhenyue narrowed his eyes even more when he heard this, and thought to himself,

"Judging from her tone, I'm afraid she's been secretly inquiring about my affairs for a long time. It seems she's well prepared. I'm afraid it's not that easy to get rid of..."

He lowered his eyes and thought for a moment, saying,

"My disciple wants to go to Tianyimen because he has spiritual roots. Do you have spiritual roots?"

Gu Shiyi shook his head,


She really didn’t have one. The old guy took it for a test. She didn’t have spiritual roots, but she had demonic roots! Zhang Zhenyue frowned.

"You don't have spiritual roots, so why go to Tianyimen?"

Gu Shiyi smiled and said,

"Tianyi Sect is the largest sect in Baima Prefecture. Even if you can't cultivate, it's good to go there and become an outer disciple. The female disciple of the Imperial Master wants to go to Tianyi Sect. How about taking me with her?"


Zhang Zhenyue hesitated and shook his head.

"I wrote to Elder Xu of the Tianyi Sect before and asked. Elder Xu only said that all the disciples on Muxiu Peak are ascetic cultivators. They do everything by themselves and do not need any handymen..."

When Gu Shiyi heard this, he didn't say much. He just looked at the precious mirror and suddenly raised his hand and opened his mouth to swallow the mirror.

"You...what are you doing?"

Zhang Zhenyue was shocked.

"Spit it out!"

Gu Shiyi patted his belly and replied,

"This mirror has been with me for more than twenty years, and I have long been accustomed to it. I originally wanted to return it to its original owner, but I didn't expect that the Imperial Master would not agree to even a trivial matter, so that's it, I'll just do it as it is...as it is. Let's go back!"

When Zhang Zhenyue heard this, he knew that she was using the precious mirror as a threat, and secretly hated him.

"I'm afraid this woman came suddenly and I was not prepared..."

He also thought that she could sneak into the temple quietly, so she must have some skills. If she opened her mouth to call out, people outside might not arrive in time. If she got violent and hurt someone, she didn't know what her chances of winning were!

After much thought, I can't take this risk!

Since she came here and said these words, she was relying on the precious mirror. It is reasonable to make some demands. If she really didn't want anything and just returned the precious mirror, I'm afraid I would be suspicious of her. You set up a trap to harm me!

Si Xiang gritted his teeth again and again and said,

"I'm thinking of something!"

Gu Shiyi nodded with satisfaction,

"That's right, the Imperial Preceptor really has the magnanimity of the Imperial Preceptor, and he readily agreed... This is settled. When I leave for Tianyimen, the precious mirror will be handed over to the Imperial Preceptor..."

As he spoke, he smiled at Zhang Zhenyue, and in a flash he was in front of the window. Before leaving, he turned back to him and said,

"If the Imperial Master wants to contact me, just write a note and stuff it in the hole of the sycamore tree in front of the temple, and I will pick it up..."

After saying that, he dodged again and disappeared in front of Zhang Zhenyue.

Zhang Zhenyue stood there for a long time, until the night wind outside the window blew into the room, making him startled. Then he came back to his senses, lowered his head and turned his palms to look at the palm of his hand, but there was a hand glowing with a faint blue light. Dagger, I thought in my mind,

"Qi Jiufeng was the most talented disciple in our sect back then. My master and I led a group of disciples to track him, but he escaped several times. This person's ability should not be underestimated. I thought he had been wandering outside for many years. I have been alone all this time, but I didn't expect to take in a female disciple... This girl... It seems that her skills are even better than Qi Jiufeng's back then. Fortunately, I didn't do anything just now..."

When she was young, she was no match for Qi Jiufeng. Now that she is old and frail, looking at the move she just made, she was as agile as an ape. She was afraid that the other party's people would be in front of her before she made a move. If she offended her, Bao I don’t know whether Jing will come back or not. If she kills him in this inner room with no one around, it would be really unfair!

Zhang Zhenyue thought of this and paced indoors with his hands behind his hands.

"Do you really want me to find a way to get her to go to Tianyimen?"

I feel uncomfortable thinking about being coerced by her like this!

But for the sake of the precious mirror, I felt it didn’t matter!

She has no spiritual roots. What good can she do there? Can she work as a handyman in the outer sect?

snort! Seriously, the human heart is not as good as a snake swallowing an elephant. Who do you think you are? If you want to cultivate yourself and live forever, is this what you can think of?

I have been working hard for decades, but I have not been able to achieve what I wanted. Are you worthy?

Okay, okay, go ahead! You go to Tianyimen. In a place like Tianyimen, without the protection of your elders, teachers and parents, you are a lowly servant who is allowed to be bullied!

No matter how much Zhang Zhenyue hesitated, Gu Shiyi looked back at the high wall after leaving the Temple of Prayer, and thought to himself,

"Sure enough... that old guy is not a good person. Does he think he can plot against me with a dagger hidden in his hand?"

snort! If we don’t settle the scores with you, old guy, now, we’ll settle the scores with you after we go to Tianyimen and gain a firm foothold!

Zhang Zhenyue was very troubled for a few days after that, and finally wrote a letter. In the letter, he repeatedly pleaded. He only said that his apprentice had been weak since childhood, and his eldest brother had recently lost his eldest brother. His parents were worried. In this way, he said a lot of soft words. Over there Elder Xu hesitated and replied again and again,

"You can bring a maid into the mountain, just like a low-level servant. She must not break the rules on the mountain. If she disobeys, she will be kicked out of the mountain immediately. The escort will arrive in Huangjing on the third day of March..."

Zhang Zhenyue was overjoyed when he received the reply. After reading it, he burned the letter, wrote a note and put it into the hole of the parasol tree in front of the temple. He also ordered the Taoist boy watching the door to keep an eye on the big tree. Look, look who comes to get the note.

The Taoist boy also did his duty and kept staring at that place that night. Even though he was yawning and pinching his thighs, he did not leave even half a step away. But when daybreak, he looked at the tree hole and found that it was already empty. The note was missing for some reason. Fei went back and reported to Zhang Zhenyue with a sad face. Zhang Zhenyue was also very puzzled after hearing this.

"Is it possible that her Taoist skills are so advanced that she can become invisible?"

It was a pity that Qi Jiufeng did not get the position of leader back then. If he were the leader, would our masters and disciples still have a foothold?

Naturally, he didn't know that Gu Shiyi didn't show up at all, but just asked the red fox to come and have a look every night. The red fox was good at illusions and circled around the tree. The Taoist boy just thought it was a stray white cat nearby. After turning around a few times, there was no suspicion at all. Naturally, I didn't know that the note had been taken away long ago.

After Zhang Zhenyue finished the matter, Gu Shiyi wrote a reply and told Zhang Zhenyue that the day when Tianyimen came to pick him up would be the day when he would get the treasured mirror, and he would never break his promise then!

When Zhang Zhenyue saw the letter, he was doubtful about it. As of now, he can only wait.

"A hexagram was made earlier, and the hexagram showed the return of the precious mirror. I thought it would be today. She shouldn't be playing tricks on me!"

I believe no one is so bored as to come from far away and play tricks on others with a precious mirror!

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