Gu Shiyi laughed and said,

"I don't know how to be evil, but I am strong!"

After saying that, he puffed out his chest and showed off his muscles.

"The formation was set up in that place and it looked very spacious and empty. In fact, it didn't take long for me to fall and hit the ground..."

She said it lightly, but the distance must be sixty or seventy meters. If a cultivator does not have the divine light to protect his body, his internal organs will be damaged and his limbs will be broken if he falls. However, Gu Shiyi's true spirit bloodline is really not something to boast about. She fell from such a height without any protection, and nothing happened. She just felt dizzy for a while. She lay there and slept for a while, and then she was woken up by the water pouring down from her head. She just climbed up. She got up and was about to move to a different place to hide, but Pu Yanlan fell from the sky and hit her hard. Thanks to her strong body, otherwise she would have been hit by the old guy with just one hit!

She also saved Yan'er by the way!

Gu Shiyi asked Pu Yanlan,

"What did you do there?"

As he said that, he took out a white thing from the grass and handed it to her.

"This is what you have been holding in your hand. What is this thing and how did you get it?"

Pu Yanlan took the little white horn and saw that it was as clean as jade and had a faint glint. It was impossible to tell that it originally grew on the body of a terrifying monster.

"What is this?"

Gu Shiyi asked her, Pu Yanlan thought for a while and replied,

"I don't know what it is..."

Then he told the story about his entry into the cave. Gu Shiyi frowned when he heard it.

"There are scales all over the body... and a single horn..."

She stroked her chin and tilted her head and thought for a long time, and finally remembered,

"By the way, I read it in an ancient book of strange stories..."

As he spoke, he patted his thigh,

"That monster is a demon. The demon clan invaded our continent after the Immortal War in ancient times..."

It is recorded in that ancient book that the true demon clan is ever-changing and different, but the demonic energy lingering on the body is strong and endless, and this kind of one with scales on its body, a tail and a single horn on its head is called a one-horned demon. .

Demons are also divided into three, six, and nine levels, and the one-horned demon is considered a relatively high-level one. This type of demon is born without horns. After its level is improved, it will give birth to a black horn, and later it will have a white horn, and then it will give birth to a white horn. The one-horned demon with a horn is already considered a very high-level demon clan, and its counterpart to the human monks is the Nascent Soul stage!


Pu Yanlan frowned.

"So, the one-horned demon must have been imprisoned in the cave by the immortal many years ago?"

Gu Shi nodded,

"That's probably it..."

The two reviewed the entire process of their entry into the mountain, and roughly came to the conclusion that the magic circle set up in the mountain, the entire cave submerged in water, and the sarcophagus were all to imprison the unicorn. It belongs to the demon. This demon is a high-level demon. After it invaded the mainland, it was captured by the immortals. I don’t know why, but they imprisoned it but did not eliminate it.

Gu Shiyi read many classics handed down from the ancient continent, many of which recorded the invasion of the demons. In the ancient continent, there were many immortals and the demons were also very powerful. At that time, the channels between the ancient world and all walks of life were still there. If it is open, the immortals will send manpower to guard the passages to prevent the invasion of foreign races from all walks of life.

Because the demons especially like the flesh and blood of all races in this world, they often look for opportunities to invade here, so wars between this world and the demons often occur. Sometimes the demons invade the mainland and smear the lives here, killing countless people. Sometimes the immortals fight Go to that realm and kill all the demons in that realm. You won't be able to regain your strength for several years.

After all, they fought back and forth. In the end, the immortals themselves started fighting among themselves and broke the ancient continent into several pieces. At that time, the demons also took the opportunity to invade the continent, but there seemed to be problems within them. As a result, the demons did not attack. Since it was broken, the passages leading to all walks of life gradually disappeared due to the fragmentation of the continent.

Most of the demons retreated, and many stayed in this world. One of them was one of the twin holy mountains. This demon was also a high-level one. After his death, his corpse polluted the entire twin holy mountains, and even the twin saints also entered. magic.

Speaking of the Two Saints, I would also like to add that in the first year after Pu Yanlan entered the Tianyi Sect, Liu Wendao sent his masters to destroy them. As a result, two Nascent Soul masters from the Tianyi Sect joined forces to eliminate them. Three Nascent Soul masters from the Ling Guard beat the possessed two saints to death and escaped. The one who escaped was the Nascent Soul who had escaped from the body. After teleporting away, he disappeared without a trace. He is still on the wanted list in the mainland. It's hanging!

"But... this cave has existed in the mountain for so many years, and even the masters of the Tianyi Sect have not noticed it. How come it is discovered by us today?"

Gu Shiyi was a little confused. Pu Yanlan frowned and thought for a while and asked,

"Eleven, where did that giant python come from?"

Gu Shiyi responded,

"That giant python appeared suddenly... After it appeared, it wanted to force its way into the Huantian Pocket. I was worried about how to let it in with you in it, so I started fighting with it..."

Yan'er jumped in at that time, and she was watching outside. As a result, within ten minutes of Yan'er entering, the giant python came. It suddenly appeared on the surface of Huantiandou. Gu Shiyi estimated that it was similar to the one in front. Like the pangolin spirit, it entered it. Pu Yanlan shook her head,

"I don't think it's that simple..."

She thought of the magic hand sticking out from the coffin and speculated,

"I estimate that this high-level demon has been imprisoned in this cave for tens of thousands of years. After so many years, it is impossible to say that the forbidden spell in the cave has lost its effectiveness. Otherwise, why did it not exist so long ago? He was discovered, but he was discovered by the pangolin spirit...and...the giant python also came unexpectedly..."

She thought for a while and said,

"Could it be that the forbidden magic gradually lost its effectiveness, and that the demons deliberately attracted the spirits from the mountains to break into the formation in order to forcefully break the magic formation so that they could escape?"


Gu Shiyi frowned and nodded.

"I think this conjecture is probably true..."

Otherwise, could the fox and his gang of monsters break into the magic circle left by the ancient immortal?

It was probably because the magic circle failed, and the demons trapped in it did not know what method they used to gather the wood spirit energy, attracting the spirits from the mountains. Seeing the appearance of the cave, the spirits thought they were hiding in it. There is some secret treasure, and they are greedy, and they all show their magical powers to get into it.

Their guesses were pretty close. It was said that the Huantian Dou was originally a mustard seed space magic weapon, which was hidden in the belly of the mountain by the immortals in coordination with the formation. How could it be discovered by such a minor spirit? It was because of the Jiezi magic weapon. The limitations of the production materials have gradually lost their effectiveness after so many years, so they are revealed!

The demons in the sarcophagus sensed the loosening of the restrictions and gathered rich wood spiritual energy, making people think that there were treasures hidden here, attracting the spirits to break the restrictions. During this period, they also attracted many foxes and others. The spirits came, and after they sneaked into the cave to explore the secrets, they were then introduced by the demons in the sarcophagus, sucking all their blood essence and increasing their magic power. The demons used this method, The restriction was almost broken, and by the time Pu Yanlan and Gu Shiyi arrived, they were almost out of trouble. Then they attracted the giant python in the mountain that was about to escape the disaster. After its death rolls and collisions, they finally It was to break open the Huantian Pocket.

However, it was the unlucky one-horned demon who encountered the Heaven-shaking Seal in Pu Yanlan's hand, and managed to restrain it. Unfortunately, it had been imprisoned for tens of thousands of years, and finally got out of its trap before it could cause harm in the future. In one fell swoop, this human world vanished into thin air.

"So... is the one-horned demon dead or escaped?"

Gu Shiyi asked Pu Yanlan. Pu Yanlan looked confused, shook her head and said,

"I do not know either……"

She turned her palm and took out the small Heaven-turning Seal.

"I only remember that I was holding the horn tightly with one hand, and pressing the mark firmly on its face with the other hand. It kept screaming in pain, and after that... I didn't know anything. knew!"

Gu Shiyi took the Heaven-turning Seal and looked at it. The seal was not big. It was made of small copper and was cold in his hand. The two seal characters on it were indeed ancient Chinese characters. There was nothing remarkable about the rest. , Gu Shiyi suddenly turned his palm and put the seal on the back of his hand,

" response!"

Gu Shiyi thought about it and called the fox over again. Before the fox came back to his senses, he pressed it on her nose.


The red fox howled, broke away and hid behind Pu Yanlan. Upon seeing this, its new husband hurried over and licked its nose with pity, and bared his teeth at Gu Shiyi. Shiyi had no time to worry about their show of affection, so he stamped his mark on Pu Yanlan's body, but there was no reaction at the same time.

"It has no harmful effect on either demons or humans. This thing seems to only target demons!"

Pu Yanlan said,

"It's a pity that we can't find another demon to do the experiment, otherwise it can be confirmed!"

Gu Shi said,

"It's okay, put your things away first. Isn't there magic in the Twin Sacred Mountains? When you can go down the mountain to practice, we will try it at the Twin Sacred Mountains!"

"it is good!"

Pu Yanlan nodded and signaled Gu Shiyi to put away the seal. Gu Shiyi didn't talk nonsense. The two have been sisters for so many years. No matter what the treasure is, they have no intention of hiding it!

Pu Yanlan thought of the king,

"Eleven, have you found the king?"

Gu Shiyi grinned at her,

"You kind of remembered it..."

He turned around and pulled the king out from the grass beside him. At the same time, he pulled out a broken white mesh bag.

"It turns out that after the foxes and the others left, the king could not withstand the suction coming from the cave and was sucked into it..."

However, the king was also smart, knowing that if he was sucked into the cave, he would definitely end up dead, so he cleverly took back his original body, transformed into a sapling again, and plunged into the cave garden. In the mud, Gu Shiyi and Pu Yanlan came to rescue them.

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