Please bring your best friends to practice immortality

Chapter 24 Under the water and under the boat

Gu Shiyi thought for a while and went back to the bed in the cabin to take out the three ancient coins from the bag and said to the captain,
"Dong Yu's family, please make a guess..."

The captain responded, took out the three ancient coins, closed his palms together, and shook them a few times. Then the three ancient coins fell to his feet. Gu Shiyi looked at them and nodded.
"Shake it again..."

The captain followed the instructions and picked up the ancient coin and shook it again. He kept shaking it six times. Gu Shiyi wrote down the hexagrams of the six times.

"Just wait for me outside and let me do the calculations carefully!"

After saying that, he closed the cabin door in front of Yu Dong's family, turned around and asked,

"Yan'er, what do you think of the hexagram?"

Li Yan'er poked her head out from under the quilt, thought for a while and said,

"I have only read the hexagram book left by Master for two days, but looking at the hexagrams, there are no words four times in a row... You take out Master's hexagram book..."

As soon as Gu Shiyi took out the hexagram book, Li Yaner climbed on her lap, and the two of them looked at the hexagram table together. Gu Shiyi grinned for a long time,

"Yan'er, I didn't notice it at all. What did you notice?"

Li Yaner thought for a while and said,
"This is the Yin hexagram. We are walking on the water now. The water is Yin. Maybe we can go to the water and have a look..."

After a pause he said,

"I'm just talking"

Before she finished speaking, Gu Shiyi raised his eyebrows.

He turned around and went out and said to the captain,

"Dong Yu's family, this is you. I gave up a year of my life to predict this divination for you..."

They are all people running around in the rivers and lakes, so you can naturally hear this. The captain said hurriedly,
"Master Gu has great righteousness, so naturally he cannot let you lose your life in vain. There will be consequences for whatever happened!"

On the road!

Gu Shiyi smiled and nodded and said,

"I naturally believe what Yu Dongjia says..."

Then the conversation changed,

"Ask a few people to go down and take a look at the river..."

"In the river?"

The captain was stunned, then Gu Shi nodded.

"It's in the river. Ask them to take a closer look at the waters near the boat..."

The captain was doubtful after hearing this, but at this time, a dead horse has to be treated as a live horse doctor, so he didn't just go into the water by himself and just use his mouth.

Immediately, he called a few guys who were good at swimming, took off their clothes and went into the water wearing only shorts. Gu Shiyi stood aside, looking at the exposed eight-pack abs and thick thighs of these young men, with a smile in his eyes. Even more bent, Li Yaner, who was hiding in the cabin, saw the crazy look on her best friend's face through the crack in the door. She couldn't bear to look directly at her. The king on the side also looked out from the top of a tree like her, and said with his tongue,
"This woman is so greedy for men... tsk tsk... the old Taoist priest is really doing harm to people!"

When he was in the mountains, Gu Shiyi would come to talk to him when he had nothing to do. Half of what he said was to say that the old Taoist priest was cruel, dragging her to this age and not even telling her about him. The king was very dissatisfied with this. untie,
"You human race are really troublesome. It seems like we can give birth to children by ourselves. When the time comes, pine nuts fall into the soil and the children will grow up... Then it seems that you still want to find someone to propose marriage to, and refuse to marry anyone you don't like. It doesn’t matter who you are born with, and they all have the same nose and mouth, so what’s there to choose!”

Li Yaner sweated after hearing this and could only laugh.

But it was said that several strong men outside had gone into the water. The other passengers on the boat, seeing the boat owner causing a fight, came out of the cabin to watch the fun. So a group of people supported the boat side and watched several boatmen swimming in the river. Swimming back and forth, turning over and diving into the water from time to time, it was quite a struggle.

It's just that these people swam in the river for almost as long as a stick of incense, and they didn't see anything strange. Wang Xiaoqi shouted from below,

"Master, there's nothing to see here. I...can we go up first?"

The weather started to turn cold, and staying in the water for a long time was too much for him even though he was strong!

"This one……"

The captain glanced at Gu Shiyi and said,

"Master Gu, I've looked all over this water, but I can't see anything..."

Gu Shiyi looked calm and calm,
"Look again!"

The next few men had no choice but to dive into the water and search again. When Wang Xiaoqi got his head out of the water again and wiped his face, his expression suddenly changed and he turned around and shouted,

"If any of you pull me, don't pull my feet!"

This time, he found that his companions behind him were far away from him, and they all looked at him with puzzled expressions. Wang Xiaoqi's face changed at that time. He kicked a few times harder and found that his feet were getting tighter and tighter. He seemed to be pulling him into the water with force. Wang Xiaoqi was frightened and fluttered. The seven-foot tall man trembled and asked for help from everyone.
"Brothers... you... you should give me a hand!"

Seeing this, several boatmen swam over to help, but unexpectedly, they didn't pull Wang Xiaoqi. The more they pulled Wang Xiaoqi, the more he sank into the water. They tried their best and couldn't pull him back at all. They saw that Wang Xiaoqi's head was about to disappear. Got into the water...

At this moment, Gu Shiyi's face on the boat sank. No one else could see it, but she saw Wang Qixiao emerging from the water just now. There was a mass of black air on the river surface, like black ink dripping into the clear water, quickly. The dye spread from around Wang Xiaoqi and soon turned the river where the merchant ship was located black.
"This is resentment!"

Gu Shiyi frowned and returned to the cabin. He took out the yellow talisman left by the old Taoist priest in the package, pinched one in his hand, turned to the side of the boat, and shook it twice in the wind. The fire ignited spontaneously, and then he was thrown into the river amidst everyone's exclamations.
"go with!"

So everyone on the boat saw the yellow talisman fluttering in the air, spinning around, and then falling lightly onto the river. The fire on the yellow talisman did not go out, but spread quickly along the river. Soon the entire river surface was filled with faint flames, invisible to others, but Gu Shiyi saw the black color quickly shrinking as the flames burned.

When the several boatmen who rescued Wang Xiaoqi saw this accident, they stayed at the scene. They saw the flames surrounding them, but they couldn't feel the burning sensation at all. Gu Shi shouted,

"Pull Wang Xiaoqi up quickly!"

Only then did several people wake up and hurriedly pulled Wang Xiaoqi, but they easily pulled him out of the water.


Wang Xiaoqi came out of the water and gasped for air, with a look of hopelessness on his face. Gu Shiyi asked,

"Wang Xiaoqi, did you see clearly who was pulling your feet in the water just now?"

Wang Xiaoqi stepped on the water and shook her head repeatedly.

"No...I don't know...I was scared to death just now...I...I didn't even look at it!"

No coward!What a pity for your strong body!

Gu Shiyi rolled his eyes, and before he could speak, he heard everyone on the boat exclaim,
"Oh, look...what is that?"

However, they saw something slowly floating up from the water near Wang Xiaoqi and others. Several boatmen turned around and scattered in all directions in fright. Everyone saw a red shadow appear in the water, "Look. He looks like a person..."

"'s just a person!"

Everyone was talking. As it floated up, the red shadow became clearer and clearer. Now they could see clearly that it was the body of a woman dressed in red. Her black hair was floating on the water like waterweed. Could it be that this body just now? Wang Xiaoqi's hair got entangled?
Looking at the swollen body of the corpse, I guess it was not a recent death, but it must have been soaked in the river for several days.

"Oh...what a woman!"

Everyone screamed, and the captain's face turned pale when he saw it, and he said to Gu Shi with a mournful face,
"Master Gu, what...what's going on?"

Gu Shiyi had already guessed it, but his face was still calm and clear.
"No problem, let them bring the body up!"

The captain had already run out of ideas. Gu Shiyi did whatever he said and hurriedly ordered the man on the ship to get the iron hook. The man put the iron hook down and hooked the female body's clothes and tried hard, but it couldn't be pulled.
"My boss, I can't pull you up!"

The captain didn't believe it and tried to pull it himself, but it couldn't be pulled. He hurriedly asked Gu Shiyi again. Gu Shiyi thought for a while and said,

"Let them go to the bottom of the boat and take a look..."

The boatman in the water dived to the bottom of the boat but came out a moment later and shouted to the boat owner,

"Master, this woman's dress is hanging on the rudder of our ship..."

This hook is really strange. The rudder has been soaked in water for a long time and has become slippery. It can actually catch the skirt of the woman's red dress. They can't pull it in the water. It's really strange!
The captain's face paled even more when he heard this.

"Doesn't this mean that she...she followed us all the way out of Xuancheng?"

Gu Shi nodded and ordered the boatman to cut off the skirt of the female body with a knife. With a hook of the iron hook, the body was pulled out of the water.


The female body left the water and was quickly dragged onto the boat and placed on the deck. Among the people on the boat, some of the timid ones watched from a distance, while the bolder ones came closer to Gu Shiyi to take a look.

Gu Shiyi used the bamboo pennant on the boat to lift the long hair covering the face of the female corpse, revealing a face.

Everyone was in an uproar. Not only was the female corpse's face swollen from soaking, but it had also been bitten by something at the bottom of the river. It was pitted and tattered. Her two ears were missing, and there was only a hole left in her nose and cheekbones. The bones were exposed, the lips were gone, and the teeth were bared. It was as scary as it was, and as disgusting as it was. Everyone was so frightened that they all raised their hands to cover their faces. Only Gu Shi's expression remained unchanged, and he tugged at the captain who also covered his eyes.

"Dong Yu's family, don't be afraid. Can you see if this is the woman in your dream?"

Captain Yu moved his fingers slightly, looked at them, and nodded repeatedly.

"It's's her..."

Gu Shiyi asked again,

"But the oiran on the flower boat?"

This time Captain Yu looked at it a few more times, and finally couldn't help but ran to the side of the ship and vomited.

"Ugh... her face... her face is so... so messed up... only... only her... her temples... have... a red mole... I... I recognize it... vomit vomit..." …”

Gu Shi nodded, turned around and said to everyone,
"This woman died miserably, and she has probably turned into a resentful spirit. Now I am going to save her, and everyone else will avoid it. If anyone dares to stay here and gets possessed by her, don't blame me for not warning you in advance. !”

After hearing this, everyone dispersed with a loud noise and hid in the cabin. The captain wanted to leave but was held back by Gu Shiyi.

"Don't leave, Dong Yu's family, we need you to be present for this matter!"

The captain was so frightened that his legs were shaking.
"This is really none of my business! What if she...she...she gets on top of me?"

"Don't worry, I'm here!"

Seeing that he wanted to run away, Gu Shiyi threatened him and said,
"She didn't look for anyone in this boat, but you. It was because of the romantic relationship you had on the flower boat. If you don't end it, she will keep pestering you!"

The captain of the remaining ship heard this and cried out that he was wronged.

"I'm really unjust. I didn't even touch her hand, so how come we got married!"

He was shouting, but he didn't dare to move at all. He just looked at Gu Shiyi pitifully. Gu Shiyi patted his chest to comfort him and said,

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, she won't dare to make a mistake. She feels that her death was a bit unjust, and she's not willing to accept it. Don't be afraid! I'll just enlighten her!"

Immediately he took the old Taoist priest's peach wood sword and yellow talisman, and asked the captain to get a porcelain bowl and wine. He burned the yellow talisman and threw it into the bowl, then poured in the liquor, and then took the captain's hand and picked his fingers with the sword. head,


The captain screamed, and Gu Shiyi squeezed a few drops of blood from his fingertips into the bowl. Gu Shiyi rubbed his finger in it a few times,
"Drink it!"

The captain looked at the dark bowl of water and hesitated. Gu Shiyi grabbed his chin and drank it. As soon as the bowl of water was in his stomach, the captain's eyes turned white and he made a gurgle and fell straight down. On the deck, Gu Shiyi went over and took off the shoe on one of his feet, and stabbed the sole of his foot with a mahogany sword.

The captain yelled, turned over and sat up, but his eyes changed. He just stared at Gu Shiyi blankly, neither speaking nor moving. Gu Shiyi tilted his head and looked at him. , asked,

"who are you?"

The captain's mouth moved, but the sound he made was that of a woman.

"Nujia... Nujia... Qiaoqiao..."

" did you die?"

"The slave family...the slave family...the slave family..."

The captain thought about it for a long time, and then his face became distorted and his expression became extremely ferocious.

"It's her... that bitch... I obviously asked the talisman to press her under the flower tree, so that she could never stand up again. Why did she... come out... and actually pulled me to the bottom of the boat while I was diving? ... life and death ... life and death drowned me!"

Gu Shiyi narrowed his eyes upon hearing this.
"Even if you know who harmed you, then it's time for you to reincarnate and seek revenge. What are you doing with the captain of that ship?"

The captain screamed,

"Do you think I want to? My body was hung on the bottom of the boat by her. She just wanted me to be eaten by fish and shrimps and my body would not be intact. The slave family had no choice, so they found Yu Lang!"

Gu Shiyi rolled his eyes.
"Now that your body has been fished out, I will ask the ship owner to provide the money to buy you a good coffin and bury it in a feng shui place. You can just go and be reincarnated!"

The captain heard this and yelled unwillingly,
"I don't want to die! I'm not willing to give in, I'm not willing to give in...The eldest son of the Zhao family has already agreed to the slave family, and will carry him into the slave family in less than a month. I will marry into a high family, and I will be rich and powerful. I’m not willing to die like this! I’m not willing to accept it!”

(End of this chapter)

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