Chapter 310 Give me another one!

The two of them were "introduced" five or six days earlier than Gu Shiyi and the others, and Gu Shiyi didn't know the details of Taoist Master Ziye yet. It seemed that the only old disciple in this house was Taoist Ziye. Gu Shiyi, a person who knew the basics, wanted to get close to the old disciple, but the old disciple acted like he was deaf and blind, answering every question. Gu Shiyi knew that the old man would not fall for the bait easily, so he simply stopped. Getting close to him would prevent Zi Ye from becoming wary!

However, the head of the Mouse Sect has no time to pay attention to Gu Shiyi and the others. Now he is recruiting disciples everywhere, trying to make up the number of ninety-nine!

But the notice on the city wall deceived four fools. Gu Shiyi and the others had lived in the house for more than ten days, and no one came to the door.

Taoist Master Ziye went out early and came back late every day. He didn't know how he recruited students outside. When he came back that day, he was carried back. The old disciple was shocked when he saw it and asked the person who sent him back. ,

"What's going on here?"

The visitor responded,

"This Taoist priest went to the temple of the Fa Sect to recruit disciples, and was surrounded by the masters and beaten up!"

The masters were actually quite polite. None of them used spells. They sent a few guardian monks who had practiced the Vajra God Demon Sutra. Chunchun used physical attacks and no magic at all. Poor Taoist Master Ziye. His body was too fragile, and he couldn't even dodge a punch. He received a good meal. When he came back, he was deformed. His face, with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, was swollen into a steamed bun. Apart from being colorful, it didn't look very good. Besides, my fatter face is actually more pleasing to the eye than before!
Gu Shiyi heard the commotion in the inner courtyard, so he took the red fox out to watch the excitement. After seeing the old apprentice sending away the visitors, he came over to wait on the master. Gu Shiyi went up and asked,

"Can I help you?"

When the old disciple saw Gu Shiyi coming, he felt a little embarrassed.

"Girl is a woman, I'm afraid it may be a little inconvenient..."

Gu Shi said,
"We in the Immortal Sect are all fellow Taoists, regardless of gender, but we want to move him into the inner room?"

Seeing the old apprentice nodding, he rolled up his sleeves.
"Then there is nothing to avoid. After all, I am also a cultivator. I still have this kind of magic..."

As soon as he pinched it with both hands, Taoist Master Ziye's body floated out of thin air. Gu Shiyi made a gesture and led him to float towards the inner room. The old disciple behind him was overjoyed to see this,

"It turns out that Miss Gu's spells are so wonderful. It's great!"

Gu Shiyi knew that this old apprentice was only a first-level qi practitioner. In fact, he was not even a cultivator. At most, he could sense the weak spiritual energy of heaven and earth. It was enough for him to light a fire to cook a meal. However, Gu Shiyi and Pu Yan Lan deliberately concealed his aura. Under the consciousness of Taoist Master Na Ziye, the two of them were only at the tenth level of Qi training. However, the tenth level of Qi training was already very amazing in the eyes of the fake master of Baiji Gate, so That's why he tried so hard to retain the two of them.

The old disciple was amazed when he saw her showing this hand, but Gu Shiyi laughed and said,

"It's just a little trick!"

This time, Taoist Master Ziye was sent back to the inner room. Gu Shiyi saw the old apprentice serving the master with a nervous look and skillful manner, and thought to himself,
"What kind of old apprentice is this? Look at this posture, he is obviously an old disciple!"

No wonder she could reveal the conflicts between brothers in front of him!

Gu Shiyi really guessed that this old disciple was really Zi Ye's servant who had been with him since he was a child. Although he had spiritual roots, his five elements were mixed, and the spiritual energy here was too thin. No matter how good his skills were, I can't figure it out yet, so I'm just a beginner.

And when Master Ziye ran out of Baekje Gate, he took such an old family member with him. He had no choice but to accept his old family member as his disciple and became his first disciple!

Gu Shiyi saw that the old apprentice took out a porcelain bottle and poured out the powdered medicine inside to heal the sect master's wounds. A quick look at the powder in the porcelain bottle revealed that it was very rough and smelled a bit strong. You can tell by looking at it that it’s not a good product!

However, this powder was not a good product in Gu Shi's eyes. It was very precious in the eyes of the old disciple. He carefully poured a little into the bowl, put water in to mix it, and wiped it on the face of the door master with a soft cloth.


When the potion hit his face, Taoist Ziye screamed in pain. Gu Shiyi looked on, rolled his eyes, took out a bottle of elixir for dispersing congestion and activating blood circulation, and poured out a bottle of pill as if he was in pain. Come and give it to the old apprentice,
"I have a good elixir here, please give it to the sect master to use!"

The old apprentice knew what he was selling. He took the elixir and put it to his nose to smell it. A fragrant smell of medicine rushed into his nose and he said with great joy,
"Good medicine, really good medicine!"

So he quickly stuffed it into Zi Ye's mouth, and the elixir melted in his mouth. After a while, the swelling on Zi Ye's face disappeared a lot. The old apprentice was overjoyed.
"Master, are you feeling better?"

Taoist Master Zi Ye only felt that as soon as the elixir was taken into his mouth, a wave of coolness came out of his stomach and quickly spread throughout his body. The burning sensation in his body disappeared a lot. He knew that this was a good thing and he would recover after a while. Some, please ask Gu Shiyi,

"Do you still have this...this elixir?"

Gu Shiyi chuckled, shook the small porcelain bottle, and listened again.
"One more!"

Ziye said happily,

"Then maybe Miss Gu will give this sect leader another one?"

Gu Shiyi looked embarrassed.

"I spent a lot of money to buy this elixir. I saw you were seriously injured earlier, so giving you one is already a huge favor. You still want to..."

Ziye said hurriedly,

"The master of this sect will not take advantage of the girl. I will give you the price according to how much you paid for it!"

Gu Shiyi chuckled and thought to himself,

"This rat spirit is really damn good. He bought my elixir at the price. What about me... delivering it to your door?" Gu Shiyi shook his head.

"No way, no way! The last pill... I gave it to you... If something happens to me in the future, I won't have any pills to take!"

Ziye thought for a while, stretched out a finger,

"Then...then I'll give you an extra one hundred taels of silver!"


Gu Shiyi sneered,
"Master, I advise you not to take advantage. It's good that I didn't ask you for any money for the first one. Just bear with the pain on your own!"

Ziye finally felt ashamed after hearing what Gu Shiyi said, and said angrily,
"Then...if you don't want to, then that's it!"

Gu Shiyi took back the elixir, bowed his hands and said,

"Master, please have a good rest, I'm going back!"

At that moment, he turned around and left, but she was gone. No one noticed that the red fox had already lied under the bed in the inner room. After Gu Shiyi left, Taoist priest Zi Ye sighed,
"Why is such a good elixir not mine?"

The old apprentice advised him,

"Master, at least you have already taken one. Your injury is half healed. You can recover after you take care of yourself..."

After a pause, the old apprentice said again,
"Master, those monks are very powerful, you'd better not provoke them... If you want to find disciples in the future, just look for them outside the city!"

The Taoist priest Ziye sighed,
"I have no choice. I have been looking for apprentices for so long, and there are only four of them. How long will it take to form the Thirty-Two Tiangang Formation and open the treasure land?"

The old apprentice had no choice but to persuade him,

"This matter also depends on fate, there is no need to rush it!"

The two talked for a while, and after the master lay down tiredly, the old apprentice withdrew, and then the red fox came out...

"You said...the Thirty-two Tiangang Formation?"

Gu Shiyi raised his eyebrows and couldn't remember what the formation was. Pu Yanlan on the side turned his head and thought for a while and said,
"The Thirty-Two Tiangang Formation... requires thirty-two fellow disciples who practice the same technique to set up the formation..."

"What is the use of these Thirty-two Tiangang Formations?"

"The Thirty-Two Tiangang Formation is a formation passed down from ancient times. Many low-level disciples of large sects know this kind of formation. This formation is very exquisite. It can gather the spiritual power of thirty-two people into one place, just like Just like one person, even if the monks caught in the formation are much higher than them, they will be entangled and unable to escape! "

"This is just a magic circle to fight the enemy. How come it has become a way to open a treasure place?"

Gu Shiyi frowned, and Pu Yanlan didn't understand either. She thought about it and said,
"Maybe... this formation has other uses, which are not recorded in our books?"

Gu Shi nodded,

"That's how it should be!"

He also said that Taoist Master Ziye stayed at home for half a month because of his injuries. After half a month of recovery, he went out to enroll students again, but was beaten again. This time it was not helpless. Zong was an irritable brother. He was annoyed by him. A sword broke through his protective divine light and cut a long wound on his chest. Blood gushed out and the clothes on his body were covered with blood. All got wet...

Fortunately, he saw the opportunity quickly and ran back quickly in the light!
When the old disciple saw Taoist Ziye covered in blood, he ran to find Gu Shiyi after placing him in the inner room. Looking back, Shiyi and Pu Yanlan came to inspect and saw that the blood was all over the bed. However, Na Ziye looked thin and had a good foundation. He had not fainted yet. He was just panting and looking at the two of them with a begging look on his face.

"Miss Gu, Miss Pu, should quickly find a way to save the sect master!"

The old disciple begged, Gu Shiyi and Pu Yanlan looked at each other, both of them shook their heads in embarrassment.
"There's nothing we can do about such a serious injury!"

The old disciple was anxious after hearing this.

"Qianfang... Qianfang, don't you... don't you have that elixir?"

Gu Shiyi spread his hands and said,
"That's an elixir for dispelling blood stasis... This is a traumatic injury. Do you want him to die faster?"

"Then...what should we do?"

The old apprentice was so anxious that he was spinning around. Pu Yanlan saw that he was pitiful, so he hesitated and said,

"I...I do have a life-saving elixir..."

"No! No way..."

Gu Shiyi on the side quickly waved his hand and said, before she could finish speaking.
"You can't take out your ancestral elixir. Your father told you repeatedly before he died that this elixir cannot be resold or given to others. It can only be used by yourself..."

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