Gu Shiyi was woken up by Mrs. Gu. When he opened his eyes, Mrs. Gu's calloused slap came down again.

"Eleven, wake up! Wake up!"

Gu Shiyi tried to move his hands and feet, and found that his head and ribs were aching, but the rest was fine.

Gu Shiyi was pulled by Mrs. Gu to sit up.


She looked around and found that everything was as usual in the cabin. Looking out the window, their boat was still sailing smoothly on the river. Gu Shiyi looked at Granny Gu up and down.
"Auntie, are you okay?"

Mrs. Gu shook her head, pointed at her ears, and gestured,

"Eleven, can you hear me..."

He took the small bottle on the small table beside him and gestured again,

"Eleven, this is the medicine given by the adults of Bishuimen. It is said to cure deafness. Take one..."

After saying that, regardless of whether Gu Shiyi could understand or not, she opened the porcelain bottle and poured out a pill and handed it to Gu Shiyi. Gu Shiyi was not deaf, but she still took it and put it into her mouth. The pill looked small One pill was as bitter as coptis. Gu Shiyi was caught off guard and bit it into pieces. It was so bitter that he almost bit his tongue and committed suicide.

She pinched her throat and shouted at Mrs. Gu, who hurriedly poured a bowl of water for her, watched Gu Shi take a gulp of water, and then said,
"This medicine is a bit bitter, but it is very effective. I can hear it without even taking a stick of incense after taking one!"

Gu Shi nodded and gave the water bowl to Mrs. Gu. Mrs. Gu didn't notice anything was wrong, so she took it and said,
"Sleep for a while, and then we'll talk again when you can hear me!"

Gu Shiyi nodded again and watched Mrs. Gu go out with a speechless expression. As soon as Mrs. Gu left, she hurriedly reached out to touch the oilcloth bag on her chest. As soon as she reached in, she suddenly touched something soft. Gu Shiyi I subconsciously took the thing out.

She screamed in fright, threw the thing on the bed, and shrank to one side staring at it.
"Hands... fingers?"

Bai Shengsheng, a long and thin thing with knuckles, what is it if it's not a finger?

Gu Shiyi was stunned for half a second, and all the memories of last night came back like a tide.

" this the finger on the abdominal limb of the Yukui beast?"

Gu Shiyi remembered, and at this moment Li Yaner in the cloth bag shouted,
"Eleven, what happened to Eleven?"

Gu Shiyi hurriedly took her out.
"Look...this hit me on the head last night..."

As she spoke, she reached out and touched the top of her head, where a blood bag bulged. The pain caused her to grimace.

Li Yaner heard her yelling inside the bag and thought something had happened. When she came out and saw this thing, she breathed a sigh of relief and said,
"What do I think it is? Didn't you stuff it into your arms last night?"

Gu Shiyi thought about it and vaguely remembered that at that time, he was in a trance as if he were on a pirate ship. In a hurry, he seemed to have really stuffed this thing into his arms. Li Yaner walked over and picked up the finger, turning to face Gu Eleven lanes,
"Eleven, this thing is quite useful to me..."


Gu Shiyi's eyes widened and he couldn't believe it.

"How to say?"

Li Yaner said,

"I don't know why..."

Li Yan'er didn't feel very well in the oilcloth bag yesterday. The roars made by the fish-kui beast sounded like vibrations to the eardrums and buzzing in the brain to ordinary mortals, but to her, they could shake her out of her mind. , almost shook out of the clay figurine, and there was an extremely powerful pressure coming from behind, which almost made her faint immediately. It was this thing that Shiyi stuffed into her arms, and it stuck to her. From here on The cool yin coming from above protected her from the bad luck of losing her soul!

"Really...this thing can still calm the soul?"

After listening to the sister's narration, Gu Shiyi took the finger in his hand and looked at it carefully. Not to mention, the finger made by this alien beast was just like a human finger. If he didn't tell it, everyone would look at it. I can’t tell you that this is something cut off from a monster as big as a mountain!

Gu Shiyi squinted his eyes and thought for a while and said,
"Let me guess, this thing has lived in this colorful river for many years, and it is a very yin thing. The sixteen pairs of abdominal limbs it has are the essence of the yin energy gathered in its whole body, so it is useful to you!"

hey-hey!Unexpectedly, last night was a blessing in disguise!

So he smiled and stuffed his finger into the oilcloth bag.
"Since it's useful to you, we'll keep it!"


Li Yan'er nodded, and happily climbed into the bag. This oilcloth bag was long and slender, and it was a little crowded to hold a clay figurine and a finger, but it was just right for Li Yan'er to hold it.
"Huh... so comfortable!"

Li Yaner held her fingers and let out a long breath, with a look of enjoyment on her face. Gu Shiyi smiled with a wretched look on his face,
"Are your fingers comfortable?"

Li Yan'er was already used to her best friend's dirty accent, so she peed at her.
"Can you be more serious?"

Tell me about you, an old woman who hasn’t touched a man in 30 years, where did you get so many dirty accents?

Gu Shiyi laughed loudly and put the oilcloth bag away again. Outside, Mrs. Gu happened to come in with a tray. There was a bowl of clear porridge and two side dishes in the tray.

"Eleven, come and eat!"

After a night of worry and fear, Gu Shiyi was really hungry. He went over to get a bowl and started drinking. While drinking, he asked,

"By the way, what happened to my aunt last night?"

Speaking of last night, Mrs. Gu also looked scared.
"Aren't I staying in this cabin? The monster outside just screamed once and I fainted..." She is old and frail. Naturally, she can't stand this kind of fright, so what happened last night didn't matter to her. Don't know how much.

"Later, the bodyguards around Mr. Liu woke me up. As soon as I woke up, I saw them bringing you in. Later, they sent this bottle of medicine. They told me to take it for you..."

Gu Shiyi nodded after hearing this, finished eating in a few moments, and then went outside to take a look. Liu Er and the others had the same experience as her last night. Who was strong enough to survive until the end? Lying down on the mask, the timid one would have been knocked unconscious by the sound of the fish and the beast's head lying on the mask.

"It seems... I was the only one who saw that golden light!"

Gu Shiyi muttered secretly,
So was it someone from Bishui Gate who took action last night?

While Gu Shiyi was secretly guessing, in the first-class cabin on the third floor, a masked woman was asking the burly middle-aged man in front of her.

"Have all the elixirs been distributed to them?"

The middle-aged man bowed his head with great respect.

"Every reply to the master has been sent out..."

The masked woman nodded and said,

"I didn't expect that the restriction on the Blood Eclipse Grass was suddenly loosened last night, and a trace of its aura leaked out, attracting two fish and kui beasts..."

The middle-aged man said,
"The medicinal effect of this Blood Erosion Grass is too great, and the loosening of the restriction happened suddenly. However, if the noise becomes louder, will it attract more monsters or attract the attention of interested people? "

The masked woman thought for a moment and said,

"When I first boarded the boat, I had already scanned the entire boat with my spiritual consciousness. The boat was full of ordinary people. Only one person possessed Taoism, but he was injured. There should be a ghost beside him. This kind of person is probably that person. They are like charlatans who keep their ghosts to deceive others. There is nothing special about the rest of them, so don’t worry about it..."

After a pause, he said,
"Last night, I made two more talismans in succession and sealed the blood-eroded grass again. I calculated that it should last for more than three days. Along the way, I will continue to bless the seal. I will be in seclusion in the cabin, don’t disturb me if there is nothing urgent!”

"Yes, Master!"

The middle-aged man bowed his head and agreed, and then listened to the masked woman:
"Send some spirit stones to the people in the Bishui Sect. After all, it was because of us that the strange beasts were attracted last night. The consumption of this magic weapon is also quite large, so giving them some spirit stones can be considered as compensation!"


The middle-aged man lowered his head and retreated.

The subsequent voyage was uneventful, and even the occasional fish and beast were blocked by the magic circle. There was no more danger like that night. Gu Shiyi ate and slept on the boat, and his injuries improved day by day. After getting up, people also gained weight. No matter how beautiful the colorful river was, she would get bored after looking at it for a long time, so she went back to her old job of telling fortunes for the people in the escort team.

Everyone didn't believe it at first, but after she approved it twice, they began to believe in her and asked her to tell their fortunes one after another. Gu Shiyi was well versed in the tricks of hunger marketing. In order to maintain his image as a master, he only counted the fortune in one day. One hexagram, one hexagram only charged three copper coins. Although the charge was cheap, she had a lot of good food and wine. In the end, the reputation of this divine fortune teller was not spread, but she made a bunch of fair-weather friends.

This man who was a dart boy had a bold and outgoing personality. After Gu Shiyi got involved with them, no one regarded her as a woman. They all just hung out with each other on weekdays, and they all became good brothers!
Li Yan'er couldn't help but sigh when she saw it.
"Tell me about you. Except for Granny Gu, no one in this boat treats you as a woman. If this continues, can you still get married?"

Gu Shi just laughed.
"Sisters, don't worry... I don't have the right person for you. If you really want to put a muscular man in front of me, I will be able to fall in love with him immediately!"

After saying that, she also weighed her orchid fingers and made a voluptuous look. Not to mention, she was wearing a thin pajamas and posing on the bed, which really made her feel a little like that. Li Yaner sighed again and thought to herself,
"Actually, let's be eleven. We have a really good figure, with a curvy front and back. If we really want to dress up and go out for a date, we must be sure to catch the right one. It's just this temperament..."

There are only two possibilities for a man to meet her, one is to exchange cups and become brothers, the other is to go straight to the point and become a bed partner. There is no third option for choosing one of the two!
At this time, Li Yaner was just muttering secretly in her heart, but she never thought that one day she would really expect it!

It is said that a month of boring sailing has passed like this, but there is still half of the journey left. Huang Liuye realized that everyone was impetuous on the boat for a long time, so he stopped at the only small riverside town on the Wucai River, saying that he wanted to rest They set off again on the tenth day. Everyone was overjoyed and asked to go ashore to play. Gu Shiyi's injury had already healed and he was pulled ashore by these men.
"What... visiting a brothel?"

Gu Shiyi was confused and looked at Liu Er with his arms around his shoulders in disbelief.
"No...Brother, what do you think I am?"

Liu Er also looked confused.

"Not a brother?"

The two looked at each other, and it took Liu Er a while to remember,
"Oops, I forgot!"

As he spoke, he suddenly let go as if he was electrocuted, picked at his scalp and said,

"That...I suddenly remembered it!"

He seemed to have just remembered that Gu Shiyi was a woman. Gu Shiyi rolled his eyes at him and turned around to leave. Liu Er hurriedly caught up and asked,
"Where are you going on November [-]?"

Gu Shi said,
"I'll take a stroll, you go ahead!"

After saying that, without looking back, he waved his hand to Liu Er and left.

This small town is located on the Gobi Desert in Wansha Prefecture, right on the banks of the Wucai River. There is sparse vegetation here and long-term drought. In addition, the water in the Wucai River is not drinkable. Therefore, it stands to reason that this place is not suitable for mortal life, but it has only been 300 years. Someone suddenly discovered a spiritual mine here. For this reason, several well-known sects in Wansha Prefecture fought several fierce battles. In the end, the distribution of the spiritual mine was decided with fists. The disciples built a small town to garrison here, and gradually there were mortals. Today, 300 years later, this place is already a city where mortals and cultivators live together.

The entire town is small, with a population of about one million people, and the buildings are all made from local materials. Local yellow sand is used to calcine the translucent stones, which are then polished into square bricks and used to build houses. Therefore, This whole small town will sparkle under the afternoon sun, which looks really strange.

In fact, it's not like Gu Shiyi doesn't visit brothels, she has something to do.

Gu Shiyi heard that this was a place where cultivators and mortals lived together, so he thought about it.
"Even so, why not take a look at that finger with someone who knows the goods..."

She looked rough from the outside, but she was also very considerate. Her finger was held by Yan'er and she slept all the way. Although there was nothing strange about it, this thing must have fallen from a strange animal. I don't know if it will happen after a long time. There will be side effects, so it’s better to ask!

Gu Shixi really did his best for his best friend!
Gu Shiyi walked slowly among the streets with gleaming houses. He found that except for the dazzling houses and the dust on the ground, the rest of the place was similar to ordinary mortal cities. However, the pedestrians here were extremely polite. If you meet three feet away from each other, you have to avoid each other, because there are many cultivators in this city. Mortal people have mortal eyes and cannot see Taishan. They are afraid of accidentally meeting a cultivator with a bad temper. .

Although there are rules in this city that cultivators cannot harm mortals at will, everyone understands that these cultivators have countless ways to harm people, making you die inexplicably without any effort at all, so the mortals in this city have developed Learn the "good habit" of smiling when you meet someone and being polite to others!
(End of this chapter)

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