Chapter 473 Bafang City

Musun on the side also sighed,
"The Howling Moon Wolf Clan also retreated bravely. As soon as King Tianyu left, they withdrew from Guiyin Mountain. It was a clean and simple departure!"

Pu Yanlan glanced at Gu Shiyi and said,

"The Howling Moon Wolf Clan has been in Guiyin Mountain for thousands of years. It is time for them to retire. If they refuse to retire after the new king takes the throne, I am afraid that once King Tianyu is gone, they will be in trouble!"

The change of dynasties is common sense, and the demon dynasties can last for thousands of years, which is very long-lived compared to human dynasties!

Musun said,

"That's true. It's good to have a powerful person in the sect, but if he ascends to the upper realm, the enemies he has provoked over the years will take the opportunity to retaliate. There are countless such things. Therefore, some great cultivators in the sect are unwilling to come out into the world after reaching a certain level. One reason is to avoid the secrets of heaven, and the other is to avoid getting involved in disputes and bringing disaster to the sect. On the contrary, those independent cultivators don't have such concerns!"

Therefore, the Howling Moon Wolf Clan’s approach is the wisest!
Pu Yanlan glanced at Gu Shiyi again and saw that she was still calm. She was a little unsure of what she was thinking. After the three of them came out, she looked for an opportunity to ask Gu Shiyi,

"King Tianyu has really ascended to the upper realm. You... don't you feel a bit sad about it?"

Gu Shiyi touched his bulging belly and thought for a while.

"Yes, a little bit, but... that's his choice. He has practiced for so many years and even cut off all his emotions. Isn't it just for the purpose of ascending to heaven?"

It has long been known that the gap in strength between the two sides is too big. It is only a matter of time before he ascends to heaven, and it is natural for him to leave. When he saw him turning around and leaving last time, Gu Shiyi knew that this time they might really see each other forever!

Pu Yanlan secretly sighed, feeling a little sad for Gu Shiyi.

"But... you still have his child in your belly, he probably doesn't know about it, right?"

Gu Shiyi laughed and said,

"Kill the father and keep the son, isn't that good? If I really ascend to the upper realm one day, I will throw the kid in front of him and say... this is your son... give him all your natural treasures and immortal throne. Do you think... will he be so shocked that his eyes will fall to the ground?"

Pu Yanlan was relieved to see that Gu Shiyi was still smiling and joking, and she bowed to her.
"Sister, you are awesome. I am willing to admit defeat!"

Pu Yanlan felt that she would never be able to catch up with Eleven's open-minded personality even if she practiced for eight lifetimes!

"Alas! I don't know what kind of man I will meet in the future!"

Suddenly, Pu Yanlan also imagined what her future husband would look like.

Forget about someone like Tian Yu Wang. Unless you have a thick nerve like Eleven, you can't control such an imposing and cold man. Just standing in front of him makes your heart tremble!
Not to mention doing that with him!

Well! It’s best if she is not too tall, is friendly, and doesn’t speak too loudly. It’s best if she can cook and be careful. Good looks are secondary, as long as she can keep herself clean!
Pu Yanlan sighed softly again.

This kind of thing still depends on fate and cannot be forced!

Seeing her sighing with a sad look, Gu Shiyi at the side said in surprise,

"Yan'er, what's wrong... I, a pregnant woman, don't suffer from depression, but you are depressed for me. Do you have any pills? Take two of the right pills. There is still a hundred years left. If you keep sighing, when the kid is born, he will have no choice but to call you godmother at your grave!"

Pu Yanlan was furious.
"Bah... Gu Shiyi, is there anyone who would curse your child's godmother like that?"

Gu Shiyi laughed loudly and put his arm around Pu Yanlan's shoulders. "Then don't sigh, godmother. Anyway, I'll give birth to the child if I'm pregnant, and raise him after he grows up. If he doesn't behave filially, I'll beat him. It's such a simple thing, is there any need to think so much about it?"

Pu Yanlan rolled her eyes.
"Okay, if you're not worried, why should I be worried?"

Eleven can be so open-minded, what else is there for me to think about? Now I should think about how to find the teleportation array and go back home!
After being out for so long, she really missed her two masters and fellow disciples!

The three of them discussed together again.
"Didn't I hear from Liu Zhuer earlier that now the only large teleportation array is in Guiyin Mountain. The other large teleportation arrays are either damaged or don't have enough spirit stones to afford the cost of teleportation. When King Tianyu was here, we might be able to get some help if we went to Monster Mountain. Now that he's gone, we're like a sheep walking into a tiger's mouth if we go to Guiyin Mountain!"

The three of them were very worried. Mu Xun thought for a while and said,
"I've read in ancient books before that these large teleportation arrays were not built by modern people, but were built by immortals in order to travel through different continents. The ones that remain today have been carefully maintained and preserved by various sects over the years. There are also some smaller arrays that have been abandoned, but if they can be found, maybe they can be repaired?"

Hey! It’s not impossible to give this a try!

Gu Shiyi and Pu Yanlan's eyes lit up when they heard this. In terms of wealth, the two of them still had some. If the small magic circle could be repaired, they could return to their hometown without spending many spirit stones. That would be a good way!

However, how many teleportation arrays can be found on this continent?

The three of them discussed it and agreed that they should first look for some sects to see if they have any records about various teleportation arrays, and then think of a way to find them. As for records, naturally the larger the sect, the more complete they will be. Guanshan Tower is naturally the first choice!
Moreover, there are 108 owners of Guanshan Tower, each of them has his own sphere of influence, and they often recruit some monks to work for them. It is easier for them to get in than the second-ranked Mirage Sea Gang and Wufa Sect. The Mirage Sea Gang is said to be very brutal and exploits the people. Many people have fled their homes and ran to the territory of Guanshan Tower. The three of them are not the kind of people who would be cruel to achieve their goals, so they cannot go along with the Mirage Sea Gang. Moreover, the Wufa Sect is full of bald men, so unless they become concubines, otherwise... there is no way to get in!

The three of them discussed it and inquired about the place. Unexpectedly, there was a big city called Bafang City not far from here. It was the territory of Kuang Fuzong, the owner of the 107th floor. They heard that this owner was a generous man who accepted monks from all over the world and was very generous to those who came to seek refuge with him. So they thought they could go and give it a try.

The three of them rushed to Bafang City. Bafang City stood on a vast grassland with the Great Snow Mountain not far away. The city was built five thousand years ago. It was designed by a famous formation master of that time and constructed by thousands of cultivators. It was built with huge stones as walls and surrounded by river water. The city was divided into three layers, the outer city and the inner city, with the Xiaoling Mountain in the middle. The current owner Kuang Fuzong and his disciples lived on the Xiaoling Mountain. The inner city was inhabited by the cultivators who came here for refuge, and the outer city was inhabited by ordinary mortals. The outer city was huge and oval, while the inner city was square and angular. The Xiaoling Mountain was built on a small spiritual mountain that the cultivators moved with their magical powers.

It is said that when this city was built, the monks put a lot of effort into it, but that was five thousand years ago. The big sects that built this city at that time had long since disappeared, lost in the long river of history. Instead, later generations got this big city, founded their own sects, and recruited disciples. Because they had this big city to rely on, the disciples of Kuang Fuzong also scrambled for territory everywhere, killing or recruiting all the small sects within a radius of five thousand miles to become their own disciples.

Kuang Fuzong's power was catching up with Wei Xian, the owner of the 108th Guanshan Tower. However, the result of his rapid expansion was that his disciples were a mixed bag of people. There were many who were truly capable, and there were even more who came here to eat and drink for free. When Gu Shiyi, Pu Yanlan, and Mu Xun arrived at Bafang City with Red Fox and Old Horse, it was already dusk. After entering the city, the three of them found an inn to stay in. While eating in the lobby, Mu Xun was about to ask Xiaoerge about the situation in the city, but just now he called out...

"Little Second Brother..."

The waiter with a white rag on his shoulder immediately ran over with a smile on his face and handed over a booklet with both hands.

"Sir, can you give me ten copper coins?"

Mu Xun was surprised to see this.

"I haven't even asked for anything yet, and you've already presented this to me. Did I say I wanted to buy this?"

The waiter laughed and said,

"Sir, I have been doing this for some time. Judging from the way you three are dressed, you seem to be masters of cultivation. Nine out of ten masters of cultivation who come to our Bafang City are here to inquire about the news of the disciples of Master Kuang. Therefore, someone has compiled the news of Master Kuang's disciples into a book, which is updated every three days for all the masters who come to the city to read and understand. The one in my hand is the one that was just published today. Would you like to have a copy?"

After hearing this, Mu Xun, Gu Shiyi and Pu Yanlan exchanged a glance and laughed.
"So... your business has become like this?"

The waiter smiled and said,
"It's not that our host is inviting heroes from all directions, even our city is called Bafang City, which means that heroes from all directions are invited to gather together. We, the common people, can also make some money by relying on his glory. Sir, can you have some?"

Musun laughed.
"Hearing what you said, if I don't come here for a portion, it would be a waste of my trip to Bafang City!"

They immediately bought a news brochure from the waiter, which was said to be updated every three days. The three of them took turns reading it, and they actually got to know a little about Bafang City. There was a building owner above Bafang City, and disciples taught by the masters below. The building owner, Kuang Fuzong, didn't take care of things much, and all matters were handed over to his disciples. Among them, the eldest disciple Fan Ju had the most disciples, followed by the third disciple Zhou Peng and the fourth disciple Liao Zheng. These were the ones with greater power, and there were sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety disciples behind them. As for the second disciple, she was a female disciple, Liu Yan, who was not keen on power, and did not have many disciples under her, so this woman was the weakest.

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