Chapter 494 Sisters
The young demon waited until the purple sun set in the east, but he didn't see her eat anything, so he moved his painful body to the rice bucket and ate all the rice in it. While eating, he glared at Lan'er fiercely, with a look of protection on his face, ready to fight her without hesitation if Lan'er dared to come up and snatch the food from him!

I've said it before, there is no distinction between men and women among the demons, if you don't obey, you'll fight!

Lan Er couldn't help but roll her eyes and pretended to fall asleep. A day passed like this. The next day, someone brought food again. This time it was Miss Zhu Wen's people.
"The eldest lady said that if you are willing to be her maid, she will take you to the Magic City..."

"Magic City?"

Lan'er was excited. The Demon City was just like the capital of the human race. It was a gathering place for high-level monsters and there were several famous demon kings. If she could go there, maybe she could find out a way to reach the human race!
The visitor was very happy to see that Lan'er was moved. He left a bucket of meat and left. Lan'er still only ate one bite. This time, the demon boy's injuries seemed to have healed a lot, and he moved faster. As soon as Lan'er left, he pounced on her, eating the meat in big mouthfuls, still staring at her vigilantly. Lan'er was too lazy to pay attention to him and went to sleep!

On the third day, it was Miss Zhuzhu's people,
"Our young lady is going to the Magic City with the Master, and she will ask the Master to take you with her!"

It's safe. Both ladies have expressed their opinions. I don't need to worry about the Scorpio having murderous intentions!

Lan'er nodded, and this time she didn't even look at the meal, and turned back to the firewood pile to sleep. The demon boy took it all, and this time he didn't guard the food. While eating, he curiously looked at the woman on the firewood pile. After four days, the two young ladies' men didn't come, but Lord Scorpio's men came and dragged the boy out. Not long after, he was thrown back again. This time he was beaten even worse. His "good-looking" face was swollen and blood was oozing from his horn. But even so, he didn't faint. Instead, he howled unwillingly at the people who brought him back. Lan'er watched from the side, and sighed in his heart.
"As expected of a unicorn demon, is he so stubborn?"

The demons don't seem to know what it means to be a wise man who knows the current affairs of the country, nor do they seem to know the principle of keeping the green mountains alive so that there will be no shortage of firewood!
This young man is a stubborn person who won't cry until he sees the coffin and won't give up until he reaches the Yellow River!

Of course, this is not surprising among the demons, they are called brave and unyielding!

They were still locked up together. Lan'er's meals were served every day, and the demon boy insisted on getting up and eating. Three more days passed like this. That night, after eating Lan'er's meal, the boy finally spoke.
"Why didn't you starve to death?"

The boy's recovery ability is top-notch among the demons. In just three days, such a serious injury has almost healed, and the swelling on his face has disappeared. He no longer grins at Lan'er, and even asks questions curiously. His voice is quite pleasant, with the clarity of a teenager, and even a hint of childishness!

Lan Er glanced at him and didn't answer his question. Instead, she advised him,
"I advise you to keep your head down. If you die, there will be nothing left. Don't you want revenge?"

The boy didn't say anything, and Lan'er didn't pay any attention to him. She closed her eyes and went back to sleep. The boy stared at her for a long time with his bright eyes, then said nothing and crawled aside to rest.

On the second day, the boy was taken out again. Just as Lan'er was waiting for him to come back in a miserable state, Miss Zhuzhu's people came and took her to the front hall. In the front hall, Lord Scorpion sat on the seat of honor like a huge mountain. He looked at Lan'er and was once again shocked by the ugliness of this girl. He asked his two daughters with a worried look on his face,

"Why do you all like such an ugly girl?"

The two daughters must have eaten some magic mushrooms and are experiencing hallucinations, right?

The two daughters answered at the same time,

"She's smart..."

"She's smart..."

The demon general, who was described as majestic and had a horrible knife wound on his face, could command thousands of troops and fight on the battlefield, but he had no way to deal with his daughters. Hearing this, he could only sigh and say,
"Alright, from today on, this girl will be your maid. You are not allowed to fight over her anymore. If you do that again, I will chop her to death!"

Such threats had no effect on the two daughters. The eldest daughter looked stubborn and glared.

"you dare!"

The younger daughter pretended not to hear and happily went over to pull up her maid and said,

"Father, let's go!"

After saying that, the two daughters hurried out of the main hall with their shared maid and directed the servants to tear down the wall. They had already agreed to let the maid live in the middle of the two courtyards so that she could be at the mercy of the two sisters at the same time!
Thus, Lan'er became a famous figure in Lord Scorpio's mansion. All the servants in the front hall and back yard had to curry favor with her, because offending her meant offending the two young ladies. Lord Scorpio had no son, only two young ladies. In three months, they would set off for the Demon City, and Lord Scorpio would take the two young ladies to meet several demon kings. With the beauty of the two young ladies, maybe one of them would become the demon king's consort!
And Lan'er, the maid, was really a powerful character. Even though she had become the most popular lady among the servants in the mansion, she still had a calm expression, and her behavior was neither hurried nor slow. Her conversation was still neither humble nor arrogant. She managed to balance the two ladies in a very balanced manner. Everyone said, "She must have regressed to her ancestors! She looks very much like the first batch of humans who entered the demon world. She is very ugly, but extremely smart!"

Ever since Lan'er was released, she had never seen the young demon again. It was only three months later that she saw the young demon in armor in the team heading to the Demon City, amid the amazement of the maids.

The armor of the demons is more distinctive than that of humans. It is said that it is made of the scales of some monsters. After putting it on, it is black from head to toe, and even the eyes are perfectly covered by it. There is also a long thorny tail behind it, which looks very scary, just like a huge humanoid monster. This kind of armor is called Wild Beast Armor. After wearing it close to the body, the warrior's bulging muscles and graceful body lines are perfectly reflected. Coupled with the long-handled axe on the back, the violent aesthetics are reflected to the fullest. Even the demon king's guards may not be able to wear such armor!
The boy put it on, but before he could put on the helmet, he revealed a rebellious face with an unhealed whip wound on his face, a long line that ran from his forehead to the corner of his mouth. In Lan'er's opinion, he looked absolutely ferocious, but in the eyes of the demons, it was like a devil descending to earth, so terrifying that people's backs trembled. The female demons felt their legs go weak, and the male demons' blood boiled, so they cheered and whistled!
The young man heard it, his face was full of undisguised disgust and anger. When his eyes swept over Lan'er, he was stunned. Lan'er looked at him expressionlessly and turned her head away.

Tsk tsk! Looking at him like this, he must have thought it through and is planning to save some money for fuel?

This kind of thing is common among the demons, it is a normal part of life, Lan'er didn't take it seriously,
"set off!"

Someone blew the huge magic bull horn, and the humming sound resounded through the sky. The magic winged soldiers in front moved first, spread their wings and flew in front as sentinels to explore the way.

In fact, Lord Scorpion can lead a team of flying magic soldiers all the way to the Demon City, but he will have to pass through the territories of several demon kings along the way. The demon world has a strong sense of territory and cannot fly over other people's territories at will. If discovered, there will be a big battle. So if it is not necessary, it is better to follow the rules and take the land route and report each time you pass a territory!

Lan'er followed the two young ladies and a group of maids in the ox cart. This kind of ox was not like the slow and stupid oxen in the human world. The oxen in the demon world were huge, without a single hair on their bodies. Under their pink skin, their muscles bulged. Four fangs, two on the left and two on the right, curved upward from their mouths. Their eyes were red, like mad bulls, and they ran as fast as horses.

The demons were traveling in a very simple and rough way. They would poke the bare cow's butt with their maces, and the demon bull would let out a terrifying roar, then lower its head and charge forward. The grooms in the entire team would poke in unison, and the large group would rush away like a hurricane, with a cloud of dust rising to the sky, sweeping across the entire road and leaving in a cloud of dust!

The team was moving very fast. The oxcart was very bumpy, swaying from side to side as if people would be thrown out of the window at any time. The two young ladies looked calm. Lan'er closed her eyes to rest. The other maids huddled together, holding hands to prevent being thrown out. Zhu Wen asked Lan'er,
"Aren't you afraid of being thrown out?"

Lan Er opened her eyes and motioned the young lady to look at her waist, where two animal leather straps were tied crosswise, firmly fixing her on the seat. Miss Zhu Wen laughed.

"He is indeed a clever demon!"

Lan'er half closed her eyes again, and after a while she heard Miss Zhuzhu say,

" that father's newly tamed subordinate?"

Zhu Wen responded,

"It was him who bowed his head after being whipped ninety-nine times by my father..."

"It's so awesome!"

Zhu Zhu naturally knew her father's strength. This was the first time she had seen a man who could endure so many whips before bowing his head.

"Do you think...will he be willing to sleep with me?"

Zhu Zhu asked her sister, and Zhu Wen shook her head.


"Because I asked him before, he didn't even want to sleep with me, so how could he be willing to sleep with you!"

The older sister's expression was full of contempt, and the younger sister became furious when she heard that. She rushed over and grabbed her sister's hair, and the two sisters started fighting in the car!
Although the carriage was large and sturdy, it was still a bit too heavy for the two sisters to bear. After a while of creaking and shaking, the maids were horrified and tried to persuade them, but the two sisters turned a deaf ear to them and even knocked out a maid who came up to stop the fight. Everyone was so shocked that they dared not say a word...

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