Chapter 527 Jungle
Jie asked Lan'er from behind,


Jie said calmly,
"It depends on how long the thing that fell in has been dead. If it has just died, it will be bright red in the swamp. If it has been dead for a long time, it will be scarlet red. If it has been dead for a long time, it will be dark red... and finally black..."

He pointed to a dark surface of water.
"Once everything turns black, more monsters will be born!"

"Give birth to a monster?"

Lan Er looked back at Jie, who said calmly,
"The demon world is like this. It disappears in death and is born in death again... Of course, the demons born here are very low-level demons. Only when they fight and devour each other, a slightly higher-level demon will be born among the millions of low-level demons. After that, it will crawl out of the black quagmire and fight with demons of the same level as it, trying to become a higher-level demon. Of course... it will also be devoured by demons of higher levels than it..."


Lan'er nodded and understood. This was the demon world's version of species evolution. It was the same in the human world, but the species evolution in the human world was measured in tens of thousands of years, while the demon world was a quick version. Of course, the result of condensing and speeding up the entire evolutionary process was that the demon world was full of killing and blood, cruelty and brutality. In fact, the human race was similar, but the human race evolved more slowly and gave rise to civilization, which was just an outer coat that covered up the cruel inner self.

The Winged Demon circled in the air, then slowly descended under Jie's control.

The huge body of the Winged Demon fell heavily to the ground, and the dust that was raised instantly obscured their figures. The Winged Demon spread its wings and swept across the bushes on both sides, sweeping down a large area.


Monsters were startled and jumped out of the bushes, screaming. These monsters looked like parrots without feathers, with pink bodies and huge beaks that took up half of their bodies, but were a strange dark green color. They were very thin, but their thighs were very strong. Their wings were pitifully small, so they could only hop around on the ground. The red and green color combination made them very conspicuous. In their big mouths were the standard fangs of monsters, which looked very scary.

The little monsters screamed angrily at the two of them. Some of the brave ones even ran towards them quickly, their huge mouths opening and closing with a snapping sound, as if they were ready to bite them fiercely.

Jie stood in front of Lan'er and roared at the group of little monsters. The voice from his chest was deep and low, carrying a terrifying pressure. It was carried far into the swamp by the smelly wind. The little monsters were startled and screamed and turned around and ran back. The swamp in the distance, which was originally noisy, suddenly became quiet. All the sounds seemed to disappear in an instant. Only the whistling sound of the wind blew past her ears. Lan'er looked at Jie in surprise. Jie smiled at her proudly and said,

"Everyone here is a low-level demon, I am a high-level demon!"

His boastful look reminded Lan Er of her best friend who was nowhere to be found. The two of them had somewhat similar expressions. Lan Er couldn't help but roll her eyes at him. She had to focus on her business, so she asked,
"Where is the passage?"

Jie pointed to the deep forest where the little monster disappeared.
"In the middle of the jungle..."

Lan'er frowned and looked into the depths of the dense forest. With her eyesight, she could see countless strange shadows swaying in the dense forest. They should be monsters living in the dense forest.
"We are going through the jungle?"

Although they are all low-level monsters, an elephant can be killed by ants in large numbers. Lan'er is afraid of being ambushed on all sides. No matter how high his level is, it will be useless!
"Can't we just fly in?"

Jie shook his head.

"No, this dense forest was cursed when the demon god opened up the passage. No matter who enters here, they can only walk into the dense forest. Now we can only walk in step by step!"

Lan Er frowned even more tightly, thought for a while and nodded.
"All right"

The two began to walk into the dense forest. In the dense forest, countless trees of strange shapes were densely entangled together. All the trees were connected together, like a thick and solid barrier blocking the footsteps of outsiders, and they could only vaguely see a little bit of the situation inside through the gaps between the branches.

Jie walked in front. After releasing his high-level demon aura, it frightened many monsters living in the dense forest. They didn't dare to approach, but just kept looking around, making strange noises from time to time. Jie raised the long sword in his hand high in the air.


The long knife chopped fiercely on the branch without bark, which had a texture similar to human skin on its surface. After a sound, it sank deeply into the tree. The liquid flowing out of the wound was water red, dripping onto the ground and soon disappeared. Jie pulled the knife out with force, and swung it again. The long knife sank into the tree again. Lan'er frowned tightly when she saw this.

"In this case... when can we get in?" Jie turned around and grinned at her.
"This thing doesn't fit me. Do you have any sharper weapons?"

Lan Er thought about it, and took out a mace about ten feet long.
"Is this ok?"

When Jie saw it, his eyes lit up. He took it and weighed it in his hand.
"Where did you get it?"

Lan'er calmly put away the long sword he had thrown aside.

"I got it from the Saint Slayer's treasure house. Remember... I'm borrowing it from you... Return it to me after you use it..."

Jie swung the mace and with a bang, a huge hole was smashed in the tree that was blocking the way. Red liquid splashed everywhere. Jie stood in front of Lan'er and waved the mace in his hand to sweep away all the liquid. He looked at the mace in his hand with satisfaction and said to Lan'er,
"This is something from our demon want me to return it to you?"

"But I got the things from the demon world, so they are mine. Now we are in the same boat, so it's fine for me to lend them to you, but you have to return them to me after you use them!"

Jie was somewhat amused when he heard this, and looked back at Lan'er.
"Even though we are in the same boat, why are you so stingy, woman?"

Lan Er rolled her eyes at him.
"We are in the same boat, so why are you so cunning and robbing? If you want it, go and rob it yourself!"

Anyway, don’t you demons just like to steal other people’s things?
Jie followed her example and rolled his eyes, then turned around and swung his stick again.

This mace should be a relatively high-level weapon in the Saint-Slayer Demon King's treasury. Lan'er discovered that every time Jie swung the mace, circles of light purple light emanated from the mace. Compared with the previous long sword, its power was many times stronger.

With their brute force, they blasted a path through the dense forest that was entangled into a whole, large enough for two people to pass through.
" ga...hehe...ah..."

As they went deeper, they heard more and more strange cries coming from the depths of the jungle. These were made by the frightened monsters.

This was originally the border between the forces of the two great demon kings. The forces on both sides were very weak here. The light of the two demon suns was already very weak here, so when they went deep into the dense forest, the surroundings became dark, pitch black, so dark that you couldn't see your hand in front of you. However, this had little effect on Lan'er and Jie.

But Jie's strength has its limit. He borrowed the power of the demon fetus once. After that, the powerful high-level demon aura on Jie's body, with the power of the demon fetus, his aura soon enveloped the dense forest. A rustling sound came from the dense forest. It was the monsters in the depths that sensed the aura of the high-level demons. Lan'er even felt that the monsters in the deep swamp behind them were also quietly moving away.

Along the way, they were not attacked by monsters, but the tangled and tangled trees on the ground made it difficult for them to walk. No matter how powerful the demon fetus was, it would eventually run out of power. Jie finally ran out of power, and Lan'er stepped forward.
"Let me do it instead!"

She flipped her palm and took out the small mirror. After injecting spiritual power into it, a layer of bright light immediately appeared on the surface of the small mirror. Then the mirror rushed forward.


The small mirror trembled and emitted a white light. Wherever the white light shone,

After a slight sound, a burning round hole appeared on the branch. The branches that were originally tangled together immediately began to wriggle like snakes as if they had seen a ghost. After a while, they quickly separated to the left and right by about ten feet, revealing the wet and rotten ground.

"Let's go!"

This time Jie followed behind Lan'er, his tall and strong figure covering the petite figure in front of him. The two walked forward step by step. It took a whole day, but there was still darkness in front of them, and countless tangled branches. The small mirror in Lan'er's hand had already dimmed, and a thin crack appeared on the surface. She knew that the mirror was really useless. After emitting the last ray of light, the mirror really broke into two pieces with a click. A thin layer of sweat appeared on Lan'er's forehead. She collected the fragments and took out a thick felt blanket, which she had picked up in the Demon Palace.
"Take a break!"

Jie sat down and watched Lan'er sit cross-legged opposite him. She began to take out bottles of pills and poured them into her mouth. She closed her eyes and circulated Qi. Jie just looked at her like that. After a while, she opened her eyes, and the fatigue on her face was swept away. So he asked curiously,
"Your human race's elixirs are truly powerful. You've recovered all your strength after taking just a few small bottles?"

Lan Er smiled faintly.
"These few small bottles... You know how much time and energy these few small bottles took me in the human world. This is only for me. If it were someone else, I'm afraid they would have been corroded by the evil energy of this world and turned into monsters without thoughts or intelligence!"

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