Chapter 7
The man's family knew that Li Yan'er was unwilling, and they guessed that there would be a lot of commotion on the wedding night tonight. They were all listening to the commotion outside. Now that he shouted like this, people outside immediately knocked on the door and came in. As a result, When I came in, I saw Li Yaner standing and her son lying on the ground. It seemed that there was more air coming out and less air coming in.
"You little girl, what did you do to my son? Did you hit him?"

The mother was the first one to pounce on her, and she gave Li Yan'er a slap in the face. Li Yan'er didn't expect this man to be so frightened, and was stunned. Seeing her slap her, she hurriedly covered her face with her hands and shouted,
"I do not know!"

The old woman wanted to be beaten. When the father saw his son like this, he knew something was wrong and hurriedly stopped him.

"Don't worry about her now, send your son to the hospital quickly!"

This way, there is more air coming out and less air coming in. If you don't send people to the hospital, it will be in danger!

Fortunately, there were a lot of people at home today, so we hurriedly got them out and carried them out. Something happened suddenly. Everyone was a little panicked and no one could care about Li Yan'er. She stood in the empty living room. Then she heard someone calling her,

"Yan'er, why are you still standing there, why don't you run away!"

Li Yaner came back to her senses and said with some hesitation,

That man looks very dangerous. What if he dies?
Gu Shiyi urged,
"Don't worry about him yet. He can't stand looking at him like that. If you don't run away, wait for them to come back and kill you!"

Run out of here first. If anything happens next, wait until the police uncle comes!

Eleven was right. With the arrogance of this family in the town, if the man really died, he might not be able to see the police uncle and would be beaten to death by them!

Li Yan'er had long since given up her idea. As soon as she heard Gu Shiyi let her run away, she ran away from the house. Unfortunately, not long after she ran out, she was discovered by relatives who had not yet left, so she shouted,
"The bride ran away! You want to run away after hitting someone, there's no way!"

These relatives didn't know what was going on. They only knew that the groom and the husband walked in and carried him out. They also knew that the bride was unwilling. After thinking about it with their toes, they felt that the bride must be doing something to them. The man made a move, and now seeing her running out in a panic, of course he will chase her!

So they ran and chased each other. In the middle of the night, Li Yaner ran along the town road all the way to the outside of the town. Outside the town were all farmland, fish ponds and the like. In a panic, she slipped and plunged into the road. In the fish pond on the roadside, she didn't know how to swim. When she got down, she started to flop around in the water.

And her nominal mother-in-law heard the news and chased her out. She took the person to the edge of the fish pond. When she saw Li Yan'er splashing in the water, she stopped the person and refused to save her. She cursed and said,

"You little girl has been fooling around for several years, and you have been played to death. It is your blessing that my son wants you, but you dare to kill your man. If my son has a lot of troubles, I will let you take care of it. Bottom of the coffin!”

In fact, at this time, the doctor at the health center had already shaken his head and ordered the person to be sent to the county...

The old woman shouted,

"No one is allowed to save you. You can run away if you can, or drown in it if you can!"

After hearing this, the relatives of the husband's family stood by and watched. Later, the relatives of the mother's family also came running. Some people wanted to save him, but this was the mayor's brother-in-law's house. No one dared to mess with it. The old woman said that he was not allowed to save, but no one dared to do so. move!

Li Yan'er gritted her teeth and splashed in the water. Seeing that she was exhausted, she fell straight into the water. With her hasty and helpless eyes, she saw her biological father, mother, and her biological brother running towards the edge of the fish pond. They were holding flashlights and standing by the pond with a group of relatives. They were just like the others, with sullen expressions and did not say a word. They just watched themselves floating and sinking in the water. For a moment, Li Yaner felt that she was shaking from the inside out. Leng, recalling the grievances and hardships I have suffered in this family for more than 20 years, now I finally see a little bit of light, but because tonight I am going to fall into the bottomless darkness again,
"It seems that the man is hopeless. If I go up there, I will die. Even if I don't die and fall into their hands, it won't be better. It's better to die here and be clean!"

She gritted her teeth, became cruel, kicked her feet wildly, and splashed a few times into the deep water. She sank motionless. She was still afraid that she would not die, so she reached into her pocket...

If this person is desperate, he really is not afraid of death!

She was afraid that she would not drown and would be tortured when they rescued her, so she simply cut her wrist with the small lens that had been with her for more than 20 years. The action was fast and cruel. The lens quickly cut the blood vessels, and blood immediately flowed out. It surged out, dyeing the water in front and behind him blood red...

When a person is in the water, the blood flows faster. Within a few minutes, Li Yan'er's eyes turned black and her hands and feet became weak. She sank into the water little by little. Her eyes were filled with darkness. She was reluctant to let go when she was about to die. My good friend who has been with me for many years,

"Eleven, I'm sorry, I took a step ahead... If there really is the underworld you mentioned, when I get there, I will see the Lord of Hell and beg him to let us be sisters together in the next life!"

Not to mention that Li Yan'er sank into the water, and there was no movement for a long time. Only then did the people on the shore realize that something was wrong. They panicked and went into the water to save people. They only said that Li Yan'er took out the mirror and cut her wrist. Gu Shiyi just watched helplessly. Seeking death for her good sister, she had no choice but to be so angry that she wanted to fight for the ground with her head.
"Master... that's right... I'll ask Master to think of something!"

Gu Shiyi jumped out of bed and was about to go find the old Taoist priest. After walking a few steps, he suddenly remembered,
"Let Master explain the whole story again. This day lily is already cold... That's right! That's right! Didn't the old guy say that this thing is a treasure of the Immortal Family and can absorb souls... I'll try... I'll try... …”

Since it connects two worlds, I can't absorb it with my physical body, but my soul should be able to, right?
So Gu Shiyi stopped looking for the old Taoist priest. He held the mirror and recited a mantra. However, she was not good at Taoism and used all her magic power to attract Li Yan'er's soul to the broken lens and escaped from the underworld. A sinister search.

When the people from the first two families picked up Li Yan'er's body, no one found the lens, which was just sunk in the mud of the pond. Fortunately, water is yin, which protected Li Yan'er's soul from the sun. Exposed to the sun, she sank at the bottom of the pond for three years, saving her soul.

But her intrusion allowed Li Yan'er to escape the search of the underworld ghosts, but she made her a resentful ghost in the pond for three years. A ghost like her would be reincarnated even if she was looking for ghosts. Before, they had to be washed by the fire of hell karma, and they could only be reincarnated as animals again!
Gu Shiyi regretted that he should not have frightened the man to death, causing Yan'er to end up like this. He also regretted that he should not have allowed Li Yan'er's soul to attach to the mirror and not reincarnate, so that he could only be reduced to an animal state now. Li Yan'er can't be a human being like this, and she can only be a ghost. She will be arrested and tortured by the underworld in the future. After much thought, she decided to take the risk and use a precious mirror to capture the souls of her good sisters from another world to this world.
"After all, there is plenty of spiritual energy in this world. With Master and I here, we can let her resurrect through corpses or turn to the ghost path, and she can still fight for a little bit of life from the sky!"

Gu Shiyi had been planning and preparing for this for three years, and then what happened last night happened!
After the old Taoist priest heard the cause and effect, the smile on his face became more and more bitter, and he murmured,

"The bamboo basket is empty... The bamboo basket is empty... It turns out... all this has been destined for a long time!"

It seemed that what happened today was already predestined from the moment he stole the treasured mirror and met his apprentice!
Qi Jiufeng sighed again, waved his hand towards Gu Shiyi and said,
"I see..."

After a pause, he glanced at the clay figurine in her hand and said, "She has just been possessed and her soul is unstable. Don't let her see too much light. From now on, take her to breathe out the power of the moonlight every night to stabilize her soul... …”

Gu Shiyi looked at the old Taoist priest with some worry.

The old Taoist priest's face was full of exhaustion, and he waved his hands.

"Let me rest for a while, and you can get out!"

Gu Shiyi had never seen the old Taoist priest like this before. He was a little frightened and did not dare to shout with him. He lowered his head and retreated. She came out holding Li Yan'er. The clay figurine was very worried and asked,

"Are you...master okay?"

Gu Shiyi was actually worried in his heart, but he still comforted his good sister and said,
"It's okay. He just has trouble thinking about it for the moment. It'll be fine if he takes a nap!"

Li Yaner nodded awkwardly and allowed her to take him into her arms. Gu Shiyi sat cross-legged on the futon in the side hall with a complicated expression and sighed quietly.

the fat is in the fire!
She got into trouble!

Looking at this situation, she is really in trouble!
The old Taoist priest has been hiding in Tibet for so many years, wandering around just for this precious mirror. Now that he has failed, it is a big blow to him!

But... she really couldn't bear it if she had to watch Yan'er fall into the realm of beasts. Moreover, Yan'er would be here today, and she had to bear most of the responsibility. She had to save Yan'er even if it cost her own life!
well!After all, she couldn't help her master in this matter!

In fact, it's not all Gu Shiyi's fault. The old Taoist priest is also responsible. He kept it secret from her for so many years. If he had told Gu Shiyi the reason earlier, Gu Shiyi would have thought twice. But now that's the end of the matter. , it’s useless to say more!

Gu Shiyi sat cross-legged and thought about it, and his heart was in a mess. In just one day, the master and the disciples sat cross-legged and meditated. During this period, Gu Shiyi called the old Taoist priest twice to eat, and the old Taoist priest shook his head and gave in. When she went out, Gu Shiyi became more and more worried. He wanted to give some advice, but just looked at the old Taoist priest's expression, but he didn't dare to make any mistakes. He had no choice but to hope that the old Taoist priest would calm down in a few days and think of ways to remedy the situation!

So he stayed there until it got dark. The old Taoist priest suddenly left the hall and saw the disciple sitting in the courtyard. He said,

"I'm going out for a while..."

"Master, where are you going?"

Gu Shiyi jumped up,

"I will go with you!"

The old Taoist priest glanced at her and said,
"I haven't seen her in so many days, let's go down and have a look!"

The master and the disciple knew who this "she" was. On normal days, Gu Shiyi would have mentioned those brothers to tease the old Taoist priest, but tonight he didn't even dare to express his anger, and even accompanied him smiled and said,
"Then master, you go... you go... I wish you two a happy time!"

The old Taoist priest rolled his eyes at her and sighed,

"What are you saying to a daughter who has not yet left the government?"

I really didn’t teach him well!
The old Taoist priest ignored her and strode out of the mountain gate and headed down the mountain. Gu Shiyi chased him outside and watched his back disappearing on the mountain road. He couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and took out the clay figurine in his arms.
"Master, it's okay to go to Widow Zhang's house, um... to relax your mood, maybe when you come back tomorrow, you'll be fine!"

The two best friends talked about everything. The old Taoist priest's romantic affair had long been known by his apprentice, who chewed and chewed everything to his best friend. Li Yan'er sighed,

"Sure enough, it is a world where cultivation can be achieved. Master, I'm afraid he is seventy years old, and he can still be so... uh... a dragon and a tiger..."

That widow Zhang is also in her sixties!
But it doesn’t matter if you think about it. In their field, the 60- and [-]-year-old men are more energetic in square dancing than the young people!
Gu Shi said,
"That's not true. When a 60-year-old woman gives birth to a baby there, it's called old clam giving birth to a baby. It's not uncommon for a 60-year-old woman to give birth to a baby here..."

Therefore, most people in this industry get married around the age of 20, and then have children along the way. Some of them are still having children when they are [-] years old. It is no wonder that there are many children in the family!
However, they can give birth to so many, but they cannot feed so many. Firstly, diseases are rampant, secondly, there are monsters and ghosts causing trouble, and thirdly, secular dynasties have to fight every ten years, often with hundreds of thousands of troops. Fighting hard, there are not as many people alive as there are people dead, so the secular population in this world has never been large.

Gu Shiyi couldn't see the old Taoist anymore, so he turned around and went back, sitting cross-legged in the courtyard. He put the clay figurine on the table and asked her to face the moonlight, and said seriously,

"Yan'er, I told you before that your soul has entered this world, but your soul body alone cannot survive forever no matter what world you are in. If you want to stand in this world for a long time, In this world, you now have two ways to go..."

As he spoke, he held out a finger,
"One is that you can switch to ghost cultivation. I asked Master to find a way to find the ghost cultivation scriptures for you. You start practicing from now on. If you are successful in cultivation, you can still transform into a human body, and you can also become a ghost and immortal in the future. However, ghost cultivation The sufferings suffered are ten times more than those of us mortals. I once heard Master say that every time a ghost cultivator advances to a higher level, not only will there be thunder and calamity from heaven, but every month he will also suffer from the burning of hell fire and the pain of marrow-washing wind. , that’s life worse than death, so after many ghosts achieve great success, their character will change drastically, and they will be deceived by inner demons and cause harm to the world..."

And the final fate of such ghost cultivators is that most of them are annihilated by the cultivators in this world with all their strength, leaving no trace of their souls behind!
The clay figure looked confused and helpless.

She has never practiced Taoism, let alone the ghost Taoism. She doesn’t know what the hell fire is, nor what the sinister wind cleanses the marrow, but it sounds very scary!
(End of this chapter)

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