Gu Shiyi chuckled and said,

"Conceal your anger, and just sit back and watch later!"

After finishing the painting, he let go of the eldest brother of the Wang family and picked up the pink fabric again. It turned out to be a close-fitting bellyband.

Tsk tsk! She is still a mandarin duck playing in the water. Judging from her size, the third lady is quite promising!

However, I didn’t expect it!

"Cough cough..."

The eldest brother of the Wang family reminded in a low voice,

"It's all done with just one glance. What do you mean by always staring?"

Gu Shiyi glared at him,

As if it’s rare for anyone!

She turned to the red fox and said,

"You vixens are the best at transformation. If that thing comes later, you will transform into the third lady..."

The red fox was a little reluctant and growled at Gu Shiyi.

"I...I don't want takes a lot of energy..."

She is a spirit, not a demon. It would take a lot of energy for a hundred-year-old spirit to transform into a human being!

Gu Shiyi said impatiently,

"I'll make up for it by eating a few more chickens! If you don't want to, then I'll ask the old monk to come out..."

The red fox nodded quickly,

" tell him to come out!"

Gu Shiyi sneered and looked at her sideways.

"After collecting that thing, will you let him collect it with you?"

The red fox's watery eyes immediately widened, the fur on his back trembled, and he said reluctantly,

"There's no need to disturb the old man for some minor matters. It's better for me to do it!"

For some reason, although the old monk said he was kind and kind, the red fox was extremely afraid of him. This fear was not the fear that ordinary monsters would have when seeing Buddhist sacred objects, but...but...the red fox couldn't tell. , anyway, it was her innate beast instinct that told her that this old monk was dangerous!

Be sure to stay away from him!

Seeing her surrender, Gu Shiyi nodded with satisfaction, put the painting on the bed, and inspected it carefully. The eldest brother of the Wang family asked in a low voice,

"Brother Eleven, what did you see?"

Gu Shiyi said coldly,

"This painting has been tampered with..."

"What hands and feet?"

The eldest brother of the Wang family was surprised and confused. Gu Shi said,

"This painting..."

Gu Shiyi thought for a while and said,

"The drawing paper is made of human skin..."

As soon as these words came out, the eldest brother of the Wang family opened his mouth wide, thought for a while and stammered,

"Human...human skin...I...why can't I see it?"

Gu Shi nodded,

"This drawing paper is specially made. It is meant to harm people. If others see it, how can it harm others?"

The eldest brother of the Wang family was furious when he heard this.

"What does the Zhou family mean? If they don't want to marry my daughter from the Wang family, why did they come to propose marriage? Now that everyone is here, they are using their methods to harm others. What's the point of this!"

Gu Shi said,

"This is what I want to know too..."

Gu Shiyi hung the scroll on the wall of the room, and the cut piece of paper was held in her palm, and then she blew a breath, and the piece of paper flew away. The red fox flew away from the bed.

The red fox reluctantly opened its mouth and caught it, then looked at Gu Shiyi with resentful eyes. Gu Shiyi gave it a murderous look in return,


It rolled on the bed and wrapped its bellyband around its body. It was a furry ball with its short legs kicking up and its pointed mouth and pointed ears. It immediately made the eldest brother of the Wang family look cute. Fascinated, he immediately said to Gu Shi,

"Well...if it's in danger, why's better for the eleventh brother to take action himself!"

Gu Shiyi rolled his eyes at him angrily.

"If I take action, that thing will be eliminated immediately, but don't you want to find out who is the mastermind behind this? Is it the Zhou family, or is someone else responsible? Don't you want to know?"

Sure enough, he is the descendant of Sister Daji. He can charm men just by relying on his prototype. If this person becomes a demon and can transform into a human being, who among the men can escape its grasp?

No, we must not let this vixen seduce men so unscrupulously!

Isn't it just poking at my lungs?

Thinking of this, Gu Shiyi glared at the red fox on the bed again. The red fox was startled and no longer dared to act cute. He lay on the bed obediently, but still looked at the two with his big watery eyes. Man, the eldest brother of the Wang family weighed it up and could only look at the red fox with a guilty look on his face. Gu Shiyi snorted and said,

"Don't worry, I'm still here. How could I let you get hurt? If something goes wrong now, I will take action!"

Although the sponsor’s father has a bad temper, he still means what he says!

So after Gu Shiyi's words, the red fox felt at ease. He curled up into a ball and buried his head with his big tail. The three of them just waited for about a stick of incense. At that moment, a gust of wind suddenly blew outside, and the half-open wooden window creaked. Gu Shiyi's expression straightened,

"Here it comes!" The eldest brother of the Wang family was so frightened that he quickly leaned towards Gu Shiyi and reached out to pull her sleeve.

"Eleven brothers, eleven brothers, who is coming?"

Gu Shi said,

"Later... don't say anything when you see anything!"

She said to the red fox on the bed again,

"Why don't you change quickly!"

The red fox screamed and rolled on the bed again. In front of the eldest brother of the Wang family, his body slowly lengthened, his sharp mouth became shorter little by little, and his little face became more and more like the three of his own family. Sister!


The eldest brother of the Wang family pointed at the red fox in surprise and was about to scream, but Gu Shiyi reached out and covered his mouth.

"Shh... don't talk!"

At this time, the dark wind outside the window blew again. The wind blew against the painting on the wall, and the painting suddenly floated up. The eldest brother of the Wang family widened his eyes and opened his mouth. He couldn't even scream now. Out.

I saw the painting on the wall slowly floating to the ground. The moment it landed, a white shadow suddenly rose from the painting. When the eldest brother of the Wang family saw this scene, his body was shaking with excitement. If Gu Shiyi hadn't held down the painting tightly, His mouth might have started shouting!

And the white shadow began to walk step by step towards Miss Wang San on the bed. With every step it took, its originally transparent body gradually turned into substance. By the time it stood in front of the bed, it had transformed into a white-clothed and black figure. The hairy woman!


The eldest brother of the Wang family asked Gu Shiyi with his eyes.

"This...what is this?"

Gu Shiyi squinted his eyes and looked at the figure with waist-length hair and whispered,

"This is a curse..."


The eldest brother of the Wang family turned to look at her and Gu Shi said,

"There are countless spirits and evil spirits in this world. Most of them are born in places with extreme yin and yang or abundant spiritual energy. But this curse spirit is is man-made..."

The specific method is very cruel and terrifying, which is to cut off the human body, use a special method to make paper, then use special pens and pigments to paint or draw symbols, and then give the painting to the person you want to kill. , within three nights, the enemy will die violently, and no cause of death can be found!

Gu Shiyi briefly told the eldest brother of the Wang family about the origin of this thing, and the eldest brother of the Wang family almost stared out of his eyes.

"How can I, the daughter of the Wang family, be so virtuous and capable as to make the Zhou family so worried?"

Gu Shiyi thought for a while and said,

"I don't think it's necessarily the Zhou family..."

Because this method of harming people is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and it also damages people's lifespan. It's not a matter of great hatred, who would do this?

Just as the eldest brother of the Wang family said, it's not a deep hatred. If you don't want to marry, just don't marry. Why hurt the enemy by a thousand and hurt yourself by eight hundred!

The two of them only had a few words, and the woman with white clothes and black hair had already sat next to Miss Wang San, and was reaching out to touch her face. Miss Wang San, who was transformed into a red fox, was also able to act, and she was still pretending to be on the bed. He was sleeping deeply, as if he was startled at this time, he slowly opened his eyes,


Miss Wang San screamed and sat up from the bed, but she didn't look like a lady at all. She quickly moved her limbs and crawled towards the corner of the bed.

The woman in white sitting beside the bed just looked at her quietly, turning her face slightly to look at Miss Wang San on the bed. Gu Shiyi and the eldest brother of the Wang family could finally see her face clearly.


The eldest brother of the Wang family exclaimed, which he quickly muffled into his mouth, but the woman seemed to have heard something and turned her face this way, and now she could see more clearly.

Seen from the back, this woman is clearly the lady with her hair pulled up under the tree in the painting. When the woman in white turned around, her face was dazzlingly white, but it was flat and had nothing on it, no eyebrows, no eyes, no nose, no mouth. , like a piece of drawing paper, with a blank face, as if the painter forgot to draw her face!

However, the eldest brother of the Wang family could feel this woman staring at him again. It felt like there was a chill coming from his lower back and eyes!

The eldest brother of the Wang family's chest heaved deeply, then his legs went weak and he silently sat on the ground along the wall. Gu Shiyi glanced down at him, leaned over and whispered to him,

"If you're scared, how about I let you sleep?"

After all, the eldest brother of the Wang family is an ordinary person. He rarely sees such things. Gu Shiyi is afraid that he will not be able to bear it psychologically and will be frightened. The three thousand taels of silver he earned is not enough to compensate!

How could the eldest brother of the Wang family have the nerve to say that he was about to wet his pants? He just gritted his teeth and shook his head.

"No... no need..."

Gu Shiyi shrugged, "As long as you say this, I won't pay you if you get scared!"

Turning his head to look at the woman in white, the woman in white had slowly turned towards Miss Wang San, and moved her face towards Miss Wang San's face. The eldest brother of the Wang family pulled Gu Shiyi's trousers and mouthed Consult Eleven,

"What...she...want to do?"

Gu Shiyi thought for a moment and knelt down and whispered,

"I guess she wants to change faces with the third lady..."

It is said that face-changing is actually to extract the soul of the third lady from the body, and then go in by oneself. After that, the person looks normal on the outside, but in fact the inner core has been changed. After that, he hangs himself, jumps into the river, cuts his wrists, or becomes a nymphomaniac again. Going to sleep with a man depends on the mood of the spell caster!

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