Chapter 116 Three-Party Confrontation
When Qin An saw Hong Liang, his eyes darkened and his smile faded a bit, "Chief Hong, I heard it's very lively down there, what happened?"

Hong Liang lost face, frowned impatiently, sat down in the middle of the longest sofa, and crossed his legs.

This wise nephew of his had always called him Uncle Hong with respect, but this was the first time he called him Chief Hong in private.

It looks like a copper wall from the outside. The layout of the base director's office is very simple, with a set of desks and chairs, small sofas on both sides, and a soft couch in the middle.

Cheng Yuefei curled his lips when he saw Hong Liang's arrogant look, but he didn't panic at all. He believed that the son of a gentle and elegant old man would be able to distinguish right from wrong and always stand on the side of justice, just like his father.

Fu Guosheng sat down on the small sofa. Cheng Yuefei glanced at the empty sofa on the other side and stood on the right side of Fu Guosheng, not wanting to touch Hong Liang.

"You three are very unfamiliar with each other. Who can tell you what happened between you? I can hear fights and arguments hundreds of meters away from here."

Hong Liang, who was being ignored, kept his mouth shut and turned his head toward the window, with anger written all over the back of his head.

Fu Guosheng and Cheng Yuefei were very respectful to Qin An. He was silent when asked first, and then Fu Guosheng spoke at the right time:
"The situation is like this, Base Commander Qin, today..."

Fu Guosheng was a decent man. Even though he was wronged today, he still described the whole matter objectively.

Hong Liang crossed his legs and snorted coldly: "Why did I invite you away on purpose? As a leader, can't I care about the scientific research progress of the base? The cup of tea I made for you was in vain!"

Fu Guosheng was so shocked by these words that he didn't react for a long time. He had been refined for most of his life, and although not all the people he met around him were good people, they didn't mix right and wrong, and they always told lies.

He is so good at telling lies.

Fu Guosheng's eyes were gloomy, and he suddenly didn't know what to say. He was taken away from the institute without saying hello, and he was not allowed to hand over work to others. His tone of speech was also offensive, and he deliberately insulted him with a tiny broken tea leaf.

But it doesn't seem to be a big deal to bring them up. Qin An is not a kindergarten teacher and will not specifically mediate these conflicts for them.

Even if they suspected that Hong Liang was behind the attack on Lu Chuan and others, there was no definite evidence. Even if they wanted to say it, they couldn't do it in front of Hong Liang.

The other party occupies half of the base's military area. If the conflict is brought to light, Qin An may not be able to keep his position as base commander.

"I want to know how much contact you have with Lu Chuan?" Qin An, as the base director, has his own sources of information.

When Lu Chuan was mentioned, Fu Guosheng's voice rang out. It happened that Qin An didn't know how to bring up the Lu Chuan incident, but fortunately the other party started talking about it first.

Every time the topic turned to Lu Chuan, Fu Guosheng couldn't restrain his admiration and expectation for him. He would praise Lu Chuan's excellence and talent in a long speech, which would last at least ten minutes.

Time was running out, Fu Guosheng held back his praise and asked the key question:

"As the dean of the base research institute, I know more than ordinary researchers. The organization clearly sent people to pick up Lu Chuan in City B. Why couldn't they bring Lu Chuan back after several months? Why did his things disappear? Appearing at the base in such a dramatic way?"

The team that can be sent to pick up Lu Chuan must have thoughts and beliefs that have been considered by the organization and have strong physical fitness. Otherwise, they would not be given such an important task, and the base will also provide them with sufficient material support.

He still can't see Lu Chuan, so the problem must lie with the people in this office.

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