Chapter 12 Supermarkets
He wanted to do this yesterday, but he always felt it was not polite. The building belonged to Shen Ruoran alone, and he needed her permission to hang out, but he was too embarrassed to mention it. It was too rude.

Zhou Qing carried the vegetable basket at home and took the elevator to the 21st floor. There were different signs hanging in front of the three doors.

The door of 2101 is locked, and a warehouse sign is erected.

The other two doors are open, 2102 is the supermarket (fresh snack area), and 2103 is the supermarket (daily necessities area).

There was a small cart when entering the door. Zhou Qing put the vegetable basket in, then pushed one of them and went straight to the vegetable area.

The vegetables in the vegetable area are all packed in bags, with each bag having a wealth value ranging from 0.3-0.7.

Zhou Qing took Bo Zhiya's favorite cabbage, spent 0.5 wealth points, and planned to make soy sauce hand-shredded cabbage.

The portion of each bag is very large. If you save a little, it will be enough for the two of them to eat three meals.

At 0 o'clock in the morning, the employees' salaries from the previous day will be automatically credited to their account. Currently, Zhou Qing and Bo Zhiya's wealth value totals 4.5, but after one month, they will have to deduct a total of 100 points in rent, and they can only spend up to 1 points per day. Points of wealth.

Shen Ruoran told them that the current salary is the internship salary. She will evaluate them for a month. After successfully becoming a full-time employee, their daily salary will be doubled.

In this way, Bo Zhiya can't spend even a penny of his wealth this month, and Zhou Qing has to save some money, otherwise he won't be able to afford the duplex on the 30th floor.

The monthly rent of 100 wealth points was still the price Shen Ruoran gave them after the discount.

Adhering to the principle of not buying but just shopping, Zhou Qing pushed the cart to the meat and vegetable area, where they were sold by the pound and the prices were clearly marked. Beef was the most expensive and pork was the cheapest.

Zhou Qing's consumption budget was within 1 point of wealth. Since meat was sold by the pound, she decided to buy a small piece.

Just taste a little fishy.

She picked a good piece of pork leg, cut off the best piece of meat with a knife, and after weighing it, as a supermarket employee, she magically saw the price tag on this piece of meat.

——0.3 points of wealth, the price is cheaper than cabbage, after all, there is only a super small bag.

After deducting 0.8 points of wealth value, Zhou Qing's wealth value balance is 2.2.

When Bo Zhiya ran down the stairs, he happened to see Zhou Qing coming out of the daily necessities area. His eyes were as bright as stars. He excitedly shared his experience with Zhou Qing:

"Auntie, it's great upstairs. There is an Internet cafe. The computers there are super equipped and it will be really fun to play."

Bo Zhiya was slightly depressed when he thought about his wealth, which was just enough to make ends meet, but it was soon gone.

When his salary increases next month, he will go and have fun all day long.

Computers in Internet cafes can always connect to the Internet, right?

Zhou Qing asked curiously: "Besides Internet cafes, what else is there?"

Bo Zhiya shook his shoulders and read to Zhou Qing what he had recorded in the morning, vividly and adding many descriptive adjectives.

Look, there are even places to grow vegetables and raise livestock.

[The lunch break has arrived. It is recommended that employees stop what they are doing and start lunch and lunch breaks to ensure that they are energetic. 】

"So humane..." Bo Zhiya, as a minor migrant worker, was very obedient to the advice. He immediately put away his notebook and pen and followed Zhou Qing back to the 30th floor.

The two of them were sitting on the sofa in the living room, and there was a vegetable basket with pork and cabbage on the coffee table.

Bo Zhiya tinkered with the walkie-talkies given by Shen Ruoran in a novel way. There were two in a box, so he must be one of them.This walkie-talkie is quite expensive, but has enough range to cover the entire building, and the sound transmission is clear and noise-free.

Zhou Qing had something to say to Bo Zhiya, but seeing how serious Bo Zhiya looked, he kept it to himself until he had studied it carefully before speaking.

"Auntie, do you have something to say to me?" Bo Zhiya held the walkie-talkie and couldn't put it down. He caught a glimpse of his aunt's troubled expression and guessed that she had something to tell him.

Zhou Qing cleared his throat, put his right fist to his mouth to cough, hesitated for a moment, and said what he had been thinking about for a long time:

"Master, I did some calculations. After deducting the rent for this apartment, we can spend up to 35 wealth points a month, so we have to save a little on breakfast, lunch and dinner every day."

Zhou Qing's tone was hesitant. This was really aggrieved to Bo Zhiya.

In the past, every meal at home would start with two meat, two vegetables and one soup. Now it is very difficult to maintain one meat and one vegetable.

When Bo Zhiya heard this, his face turned red and he felt a little embarrassed.He didn't know how expensive firewood, rice, oil and salt were. If Zhou Qing hadn't reminded him, he wouldn't have known that his family needed to buy groceries to make ends meet.

The daily salary is 1.5, and the monthly salary is 45. After 30 days, I can’t even pay the rent.

This was the first time Bo Zhiya felt the embarrassment of life. Money turned out to be so important.

Bo Zhiya thought Zhou Qing wanted to bear the expenses with him, so he said shyly: "Auntie, how much wealth do I need to transfer to you?"

His boyish arms rubbed his back awkwardly, and his fair face was blushing with embarrassment.

It would be great if he had a skill like his aunt, and maybe his salary could be higher.

Seeing that Bo Zhiya had misunderstood what he meant, Zhou Qing quickly waved his hands and denied, "How can Auntie ask for the value of your wealth? I'm afraid of wronging you, so I'll vaccinate you in advance so that we can save money during this period." Some, otherwise you won’t be able to pay the rent later.”

"Five years ago, my aunt's mother was hospitalized for a terminal illness and needed 100 million. My relatives refused to lend me the money for fear that I would not be able to pay it back. It was you who helped pay for the surgery without telling the Bo family. Auntie has long regarded you as a family member. Yes, I definitely can’t ask you to collect money.”

"Your wealth is worth keeping for yourself. Now my aunt earns more than you. I will be responsible for the family expenses. If you all save a little, your life will be better."

Bo Zhiya's eyes were sore, he lowered his head and said a very soft "thank you".

Zhou Qing touched the boy's head lovingly, took the vegetables to the kitchen, and froze two-thirds of the cabbage and one-half of the meat for the next meal.

After 120 consecutive hours of heavy rain, the world finally realized something was wrong.

According to statistics, all countries and regions have been shrouded in endless rainstorms, and no one has been spared.

Among them, Country R is the largest, with a geographical area smaller than City B of Country H. The island located on the ocean will soon be submerged by the sea again.

Shen Ruoran's face was solemn, and international news was playing on the TV, reporting on the latest situation in country R.

The reporter took a rigorous attitude and objectively explained that the floods in country R seemed to be different from those in other countries. The water quality was black and rotten, and had a very disgusting smell.

Although the people of R country strongly denied it, saying it was a problem with the shooting angle, and scolded reporters from other countries for slander, everyone knew very well that it was the nuclear sewage that the people of R country discharged into the ocean not long ago.

Nature got angry and came back to take revenge on them.

The laptop turned on in 3 seconds, and the slender fingers flew quickly on the keyboard.

(End of this chapter)

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