Chapter 24 Cherry Carrot
"This is a good time to congratulate the boss. Those guys who have been eating for nothing all day have finally made some contributions."

Fatty and Lu Mao followed diligently, running behind them huffing and puffing.

Being able to grow indoor crops without light, water, or fertilizer means they never have to worry about running out of food, which is a great joy.

The stinky men didn't even look back, and the yellowish light made the dark shower even more lonely.

A line of clear tears fell from the corner of his eyes, his pupils were out of focus, and he numbly raised his hands to cover his body whose clothes had been torn off.

The upper body was torn half naked, and the lower body was tightly protected by the woman.

The woman murmured:

"I have to live for Xiaobao, live..."

Shen Ruoran took one step ahead of Huang Mao and reached the 27th floor through the same medium shifter (tile).

This time she landed in a very strange place, inside the greenhouse.

She stood among mildewed wooden boards, surrounded by hard, damp earth.

In scattered patches of land, faint green buds emerge, mixed with the yellow color of late autumn.

"Who tastes this cherry carrot first?" A thin, high-pitched man's voice sounded outside the shed, "The boss said that the first one will be awarded to those who have made outstanding contributions to the building. Everyone present is eligible. The boss selflessly put himself Later, just to let the brothers eat first, everyone said, is the boss great?"


"Boss is wise!"

"Long live the boss!"

Whoosh, whoosh, the whole place was filled with wanton whistles, praising their boss as a savior.

Everyone felt that they had the greatest credit and asked to eat first.

After several days of instant noodles, eight-treasure porridge and other snacks, I have long been tired of eating them. Even people who don't like eating radishes are actively fighting for them at this time.

Fresh cherry radishes about the size of a thumb, grown with great difficulty in the apocalypse.

The landing location was too secretive. In order to see clearly what was going on outside, Shen Ruoran released his mental power.

The layout of the classical European medieval style, with dazzling lights illuminating all areas, makes the entire floor look noble and elegant.

On the huge floor, apart from the luxurious decorations, there is only a super large vegetable greenhouse, leather sofas, and a mud floor simply fenced with bricks.

A group of men stared eagerly at the cherry radish in the shirt-sleeved man's hand, and there were constant swallowing sounds in the crowd.

It seemed that in the next second, he would rush forward to grab it at all costs.

The only one sitting on the leather sofa, the boss of the building, Shi Jingtao, winked uninhibitedly at the man in suit next to him.

Ask him to decide who owns the cherry radish.

The well-dressed man in a suit is Yang Jinchen, the strategist who advises the gangsters behind the scenes.

He also formulated the personnel distribution on the lower floors and the daily white cake distribution rules.

The social environment of the entire building thus forms an abnormal balance.

Yang Jinchen took the small cherry radish, avoided Shi Jingtao's eyes and walked leisurely to Lai Yecheng and other farmers, speaking indifferently:

"Is this cherry radish the limit you can grow?"

Fang Dazhuang's legs were shaking violently and he shrank behind Lai Yecheng, extremely scared.He just said the wrong thing and was kicked several times, and it still hurts now.

But if he didn't voice his worries about whether the cherry radish was edible, if anything happened to him after eating it, he would be ashamed of his ancestors.

How can farmers grow poisonous crops with their hands?
As the core figure of the team, Lai Yecheng patted Fang Dazhuang on the shoulder reassuringly. He did not think that Fang Dazhuang had done anything wrong. The process of seed germination and growth requires a lot of water.

However, the pure water distributed cannot even meet daily drinking needs, so how can it be saved to water the seeds.

Nowadays, in the difficult survival environment, they are forced to accept life-and-death conditions. If they cannot grow crops within a month, they will act as a human waterfall, be tied with ropes, and thrown from the rooftop.

Falling into violently flowing flood water.

When he was desperate, Lai Yecheng thought of the rainstorms that were falling from the sky. He would secretly catch some and pour it into the soil.

Unexpectedly, a cherry radish was actually reborn. Although it looked a little malnourished on the outside, the shape was very different.

Shi Jingtao was cautious and sensitive. When the good news of cherry radish cultivation came to him, he had no intention of keeping it to himself. He randomly selected a person from Lai Yecheng's team and asked him to try it.

Now he holds the absolute power and all the resources of the building. He is greedy for pleasure, but he is cautious at every step.

Shi Jingtao was afraid that someone would use cherry radish to poison him.

The person who was randomly selected was Fang Dazhuang. His mental endurance was too low. He couldn't withstand the pressure for a while and directly confessed about pouring soil with floods.

A group of innocent farmers received another brutal beating.

In the days when television was still available, the news repeatedly reported that food that had been submerged in floods was inedible, even sealed cans.

Therefore, people who know the inside story believe that the possibility of poisoning after eating this cherry carrot is as high as 90.99%.

Shi Jingtao definitely wouldn't dare to eat the only cherry radish he grew, and he didn't want Lai Yecheng and the others to eat it. After all, they still had value.

He couldn't let his subordinates feel cold, so he deliberately left the decision-making power in the hands of his most trusted confidant, Yang Jinchen.

No one could figure out Yang Jinchen's true thoughts, so he asked questions abruptly, leaving everyone present stunned.

"Is this cherry radish the limit you can grow?"

It was obvious that Lai Yecheng was the backbone of the peasant team. He cleared his throat and said calmly:
“As long as the resources for planting can keep up, there will be no limit.”

Yang Jinchen's scrutinizing eyes stayed on Lai Yecheng for a long time, and finally fell on Fang Dazhuang, who was shivering and trembling.

"you eat."

Holding it with his slender fingers, the man's mouth curled up, and the cherry carrot rolled to Fang Dazhuang's feet in a free fall.

Huang Mao stared at the tender radish, dissatisfied that the right of ownership fell to the naive and silly Fang Dazhuang.

His fiery temper immediately came to his mind. He kicked the glass jar next to him hard and broke it into pieces. He put his hands on his hips and angrily yelled at Yang Jinchen:

"Hey, why are you asking humble farmers to eat such a good thing first? The boss has already said that it should be given to those who have made the greatest contribution first. Don't you take us brothers seriously? We are all here to accompany you. The boss has been through life and death."

These words resonated with other non-mainstream gangsters. They stared at Yang Jinchen with evil eyes, rolled up their sleeves, exposed their strong muscles, and warned him with practical actions.

"Xiao Yang, what do you mean?"

Shi Jingtao frowned. He wanted farmers to try it before because he was afraid that they would be poisoned. But now the situation has changed. Since there is a high probability that radish will contain toxins due to floods, farmers cannot eat it. He still expects these people to eat it. Plant something more.

(End of this chapter)

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