Chapter 32 Dealing with gangsters
"Why do you wear a ghost mask? He is so powerful, and he was bullied by Shi Jingtao's people before? I have seen him doused in mud and water by gangsters in public, and even poured it into his ears on purpose."

Lai Yuncheng, Fang Dazhuang, and Tuesday Gui took off their masks one after another and introduced their relationship with Lai Yecheng.

Many people have seen them too.

Whenever they inspected the planting results and failed to produce them, they would be dragged downstairs and tortured and beaten.

Seeing that they were all acquaintances, the expressions on everyone's faces became much more relaxed, and more and more people believed Shen Ruoran's previous verbal promise.

There was a surge of passionate emotions that had not appeared in many days, like a layer of waves suddenly stirred up by a stone in stagnant water.

Lai Yecheng's voice was louder and more upright, and he stated the facts very objectively:

"We managed to grow cherry radishes under extremely difficult circumstances, but Shi Jingtao did not dare to eat them. In order to alienate Shi Jingtao and his subordinates, Yang Jinchen chose to let us eat cherry radishes. He then attacked us and poisoned us to seize power. the goal of."

"Fortunately, we were lucky and were rescued. Now we can help you and we will no longer be oppressed and persecuted in the future."

The long knife pierced Shi Jingtao's chest. The other party had no time to call for help. Blood spattered on Lai Yecheng's body. The man's face showed relief and calmness.

No one would speak out for the dead Shi Jingtao, but he felt extremely happy.

The heavy rain occurred less than a month ago, and the suffering he suffered made people quickly accept Shi Jingtao's unnatural death.

Fang Dazhuang's tone was filled with excitement and he was eager to try: "Boss, should we find Yang Jinchen first, or make arrangements here first?"

He wanted to kill Yang Jinchen himself to avenge him for hiring a man in black to poison him.

Shen Ruoran conjured a blueberry-flavored lollipop from her pocket, tore off the wrapping paper, thought for a while, and said: "First arrange this place, a group of gangsters, a group of people who work for the gangsters, and a group of low-floor Ordinary people are divided into three batches.”

The sweet blueberry fragrance explodes on the tongue.

Those who like sweetness and those who don't like it all swallowed hard and wanted to taste it.

The gangsters quickly formed a 12x12 square formation without any instructions, and the two extra people consciously stood in the first row.

Looks like he's following the leadership's instructions.

Others were stunned by such a scene. How could a lawless gangster be so obedient?
Their boss was killed by Lai Yecheng, but there were so many gangsters, what could one Lai Yecheng do?

The gangsters knew what the others were wondering about without having to guess. They remained silent and imitated the military training of college students, imitating the military posture of a cat and a tiger.

I roared wildly in my heart: We are not afraid of Lai Yecheng, she is obviously that terrifying woman, a weirdo who can kick people to death with just one kick!
Shen Ruoran ate a lollipop and walked around the square. What she said made all the gangsters stunned.

They stopped going to school very early, how could they know this thing?

The young bastard who raised his hand to ask a question raised his hand again and spoke uncertainly about the answer. He said one word and took a look at Shen Ruoran's face.

There are 24 words in total, which are people’s expectations and standards for the country, society and individuals.

The young gangster thought the question was too simple. He didn't understand why Shen Ruoran asked this.

Then Shen Ruoran asked the second question, the same as the one he asked Wang Fugui before. Name a scientist from country H or someone who has made outstanding contributions in an important field.

The gangster boy froze in place, hemming and hawing for a long time, then he recalled the e-sports player who won the world championship in the e-sports industry some time ago, and introduced his deeds with increasing uncertainty.He was so uncomfortable that he almost cried. He was afraid that Shen Ruoran's thoughts would be as stubborn as his parents', but as a junior high school dropout, he really couldn't call himself a scientist or celebrity.

Talking is better than silence.

In Shen Ruoran's previous world, e-sports was a competition in sports games. She didn't think there was anything wrong with it. In this field, outstanding people brought glory to the country.

Finally, the third question: "Why did you take this path? Have you ever done anything illegal or disciplinary?"

Then Shen Ruoran added to the people standing in the other two places and said with a slight smile: "Welcome to report these people. Those who have vengeance will seek revenge, and those who have grievances will complain."

The gangster boy relaxed his body and exhaled a long breath. He didn't like to fight and kill. At most, he helped other gangsters run errands and get things. He didn't do anything bad.

As for the first question, the gangster boy looked extremely regretful.

Because of his love for games, his academic performance plummeted. Because of his obsession with e-sports, he stayed up late at Internet cafes. Then he dropped out of school and tried to join the youth training team. After failing, he played games even more crazily and with revenge.

In the end, he broke up with his parents, ran away from home, and had nowhere to go, so he became a homeless gangster, following other gangsters all day long.

Shen Ruoran asked him to stand behind Lai Yuncheng.

The gangster boy passed by and the moment the two of them were misplaced, Shen Ruoran's eyelashes fluttered and she said calmly:
"The e-sports team of Country H has won the championship in the world competition. It is something that the people of Country H should be proud of. You can be more confident when we talk about it next time."

"Loving e-sports has always been a normal hobby for young people. It's just that if you base this hobby on the premise of harming your own body and future, you will not be able to overcome the hurdle in your heart."

"From now on, love this tolerant building just like you love e-sports."

The soft and melodious voice, like a gentle breeze, penetrated the young man's heart.

It was like a ray of bright sunshine shining on the forbidden heart that he had not opened for many years.

Shen Ruoran asked the first question repeatedly, and this time three or four people raised their hands.

He stumbled and answered, missing three and making four mistakes.

In the other area, Cai Juanhua yelled like crazy. If she couldn't beat him, she really wanted to rush over, bite him, beat him, and kick him:
"He is bad. My son was beaten to death by him. Sir, you must not let him go. This kind of person deserves to go to hell!"

Someone else echoed: "He also beat me, and I still feel pain in my body. I couldn't move for three days at that time. If my family hadn't taken care of me, I would have starved to death."

On Tuesday, Gui took up the ax and took down the gangsters who had caused public outrage.

Out of more than 100 gangsters, only one can recite all 24 words, while the others either missed it or made mistakes.

A bunch of gangster corpses were thrown into the corner, and the remaining seven people shivered and reported together.

They "passively" participated in bad things. When others did evil, they followed instructions and helped to drag them away, without participating in other processes.

Such people are as hateful as the executors, but considering that the building needs to have certain security capabilities in the future, Shen Ruoran did not kill them all and warned them that they must be good, otherwise they will end up like the corpses today.

(End of this chapter)

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