He knocked on the glass window a few times angrily and glared at Li Fei jealously: "You are someone who knows how to enjoy things."

Li Fei smiled miserably and made a 2 sign in mid-air.

Immediately understanding Li Fei's provocation, Owen turned around and left angrily.

He murmured plausibly: "It's great to get a commission of 2 points of wealth. When I figure out a way to make extra money, I will definitely make more than you and faster than you."

"Captain, why are you and Wu Wei on the first floor?"

Hearing Owen mention the captain, Li Fei got excited and quickly sat up from the recliner.

However, the quality of the supermarket recliner was so good that the inertia caused him to sway again.

Showing the embarrassment of being caught, Li Fei simply left the recliner and said with a smile: "Hello, Captain, why do you have time to visit my security booth? No one has come in these days, so I just lay down and rest for a while."

Chen Moxin was in a good mood, with a smile on her face: "The host just informed me and Wu Wei that he would personally take us out on patrol today and asked us to come to the first floor to wait for her."

If everything goes well, he will soon get the opportunity to patrol the area.

After a pause, he continued: "Li Fei, it's best not to relax in any job, but you don't have to explain to me. After all, we are all working under the landlord now."


Shen Ruoran was in plain clothes, carrying a blue and white crossbody bag, and easily jumped into the submarine.

Chen Moxin and Wu Wei waved goodbye to their two teammates and entered the boat.

"Wu Wei, come and drive. The destination is Wantang Building."

There was a map of City B placed in the cockpit. Xinjuyuan Building and Wantang Building were specially marked. Wu Wei studied it for a while and quickly set off.

Chen Moxin put her hands in front of her knees, her expression returned to a serious state, and she had a sense of urgency about going out on a military mission.

These days, the heavy rain seems to be getting tired again and has turned into light rain.

The sun hides in the dark clouds and releases a faint light.

The flood dropped from the eleventh floor to the ninth floor.

There are more and more floating corpses on the water, and dense corrosive insects are climbing on the dead people's heads, stomachs, legs and other fleshy places, sucking and eating.

As special forces, Wu Wei and Chen Moxin had excellent eyesight. They saw densely packed ugly bugs lurking on the disgusting corpse that had been rotting for who knows how many days. Water snakes were wrapped around the neck of the corpse, and their sharp fangs gnawed at the hair until it turned green. Black carrion.

The drowned rooster's bright yellow feathers transformed into a hellish black. The rooster's pupils took up one-third of the rooster's face, several times larger than the normal appearance. Its claws were bent vertically, and there were countless holes on it. Clean bugs.

There are also human corpses and pigs stuck together. A large piece of meat is missing from the human chest, and the pig's head is pressed against this place, which is ferocious and terrifying.

There must have been a violent attack before death.

There was liquid in the stomachs of the two of them. After turning away their eyes, it took a long time to endure the strong feeling of vomiting in their hearts.On the other hand, Shen Ruoran calmly inspected everything outside the boat, and his endurance was much stronger than the other two special forces.

"Master, don't you feel disgusted?"

Even Chen Moxin, who had seen various crime scenes, could not resist the scene of devastation at this moment.

Shen Ruoran spread his hands and said nonchalantly: "There are many things more disgusting than this. I'm used to it, and you will do the same in the future."

There was an imperceptible sadness in his tone.

Chen Moxin's eyes were dark and he pursed his lips wordlessly.

So...will mankind eventually enter a dead end?
The terrain of Xinjuyuan is higher than that of Wantang Building. Wu Wei controlled the submarine to rise to the 10th floor, where 5cm of water was already immersed.

"Rent it for a day and pay 0.05 wealth points. If you buy it directly, it only costs 0.6 wealth points."

Shen Ruoran picked up two pairs of well-sized rain boots and lifted them up, smiling like a businessman.

The corner of Chen Moxin's mouth twitched: No, since the building was renovated, the owner suddenly became stingy. He wanted wealth and wealth, and his desire for money was much greater.

Wu Wei and Wu Wei looked at each other helplessly, and encouraged each other from the looks in each other's eyes.

"Lord, let's choose..."

Golden cartoon rain boots, stepping on the flood-covered surface of the 10th floor.

Shen Ruoran looked at the two men who were getting more and more naughty in front of her, walked behind and said leisurely:
"You two, the price of rain boots remains unchanged. After reaching the 11th floor, you will pay 0.07 wealth value for a towel and 0.01 wealth value for a small package of tissues."

"Such a cheap and fair fortune is worth the price. If you miss this village, you won't have this store next time."

Chen Moxin shook her head quickly and refused without even thinking: "Master, don't tempt us anymore. We will save the first 1000 points of wealth soon, so we won't waste money at this time."

Walking to the middle of the stairs on the 10th and 11th floors, the two men sat down on the stairs, violently swung their feet, and then tried to dry their wet feet with their hands.

Who would have thought that the special forces soldiers walked barefoot through the stagnant water in order to save a few tenths of wealth.

The scene was so irritating that Shen Ruoran couldn't bear to look at it and was even speechless: "If you don't want to buy a towel for wiping your feet from me, you can always use socks instead of towels."

Wu Wei suddenly understood, took out a sock from his pocket and began to wipe his feet.

"The original poster is smart, I forgot that I can wipe my feet with socks."

Chen Moxin's hands stiffened while rubbing her feet, and she took out the socks from her trouser pocket.

Shen Ruoran desperately resisted the urge to give them a towel and went upstairs without looking back, leaving a message about the floor she wanted to go to. (End of chapter)

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