"Quick, everyone, use some strength and row across." Chen Fei shouted weakly, feeling that his chest hurt when he said a word.

The ship was originally driven forward by its engine, but it had been soaked in floods for a long time and had long since been scrapped.

It was a blessing that there were no holes in the boat.

Seven-year-old Jin Shining didn't follow her uncles and aunts to get the paddle, but stared straight at the pure black safe in the middle.

Only Chen Fei can unlock the password lock.

There are two bags of food inside, one bag is expired rotten food, and the other is instant noodles with a long shelf life.

So greedy, I really want to eat.

Jin Wulin, who felt exhausted after rowing twice, glared at his nephew from the distance. He couldn't eat today. According to the rules set by Chen Fei, and now everyone on the boat acquiesced, everyone would have to wait until noon the day after tomorrow before everyone could have a small bite.

Jin Shining blinked and pouted, his feet drooped under the chair, and he turned his head away aggrievedly, not looking at the safe again.

Uncle is so cruel...

After dozens of strokes, the ship finally got a little closer to the building. A strong wind blew by and blew the ship further away. The distance was even wider than before.

Everyone holding the oars with all their strength: "..."

Chen Fei gritted his teeth and slowly said two words in a low voice: "Swish again."

With trembling hands, he hooked up the half-broken telescope on the table. The scene seen through the mirror was a little incomplete, but it was clearer than what he saw directly with his eyes.

Someone is moving something.

It seemed like two burly men were moving the bed boards.

Chen Fei lowered his head and looked at his almost dented belly, and then looked at his companions who had lost weight due to hunger. The gap was really big.

"Everyone, stop for now and replenish some energy together."

The golden eyes lit up. Every time Uncle Chen said this, it meant that the meal would be ready soon, and his little belly would be ready to eat.

Zhao Wei was overjoyed and immediately put down the oar in his hand, closed the window, and then came back to his senses: "Brother Chen, the original time to replenish physical strength is at noon the day after tomorrow, why did it suddenly have to be brought forward?"

While talking, Zhao Wei's stomach rang, which sounded very pitiful.

Jin Wulin's face was filled with confusion and he forced himself to cover his ears. He was not a saint and could not stand such temptation.

He could have endured it until the day after tomorrow, but as soon as Brother Chen said these words, he was really afraid of joining the instigation side.

"I just saw someone moving bed boards in this building. There should be no shortage of food. Let's eat something and then find a way to get in. Try our best to stay shamelessly."

Except for Jin Shining, who didn't understand, everyone else instantly understood the meaning behind moving the bed board.

When heavy rains and natural disasters come, the food stocked up becomes less and less. People are either drowned or starved to death. How can they still have the strength to move bed boards.

Besides, who would move the bed board first in this situation for no reason? Is this building housing homeless people like them?

The heart that had been silent for a long time suddenly beat enthusiastically, and a seed of hope was eager to sprout.

The old rule is that adults eat expired noodles and children eat instant noodles.

Chen Fei took a bite of the sour and light rice ball, wrapped the rest tightly and stuffed it back into the safe.

Others are in pairs.

Jin Shining took only a quarter of the instant noodle cake, reluctantly broke off a small piece and handed it to Jin Wulin: "Uncle, you can eat too."

Afraid of being unable to resist the temptation, Jin Wulin snorted and leaned against the ship window without looking back, staring at the building that was much closer.

The wind direction of the heavy rain has changed. Maybe they can reach the 11th floor opposite without paddling.

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