Kill the game!Become a villain in a mysterious world

Chapter 1 An Tu gives birth to a child Chapter [-]

Chapter 1 An Tusheng’s Fairy Tale

Boom boom boom!
A knock on the door echoed through the living room.

Quan Heng sat in a wheelchair, looking down to see the blood in his palms being carried away by the current, and the Shibazi on his wrists being washed away.

The cauldron bubbled "gurglingly", and tender and sweet pieces of meat emerged. The aroma covered the fishy stench in the night.

"My eyes are fixed in the mirror and I am smiling, and I am holding the doll in my arms.

"The skin was peeled off to make her flesh and blood, and the buttons were sewn into her eyes... 呲呲-"

The laughing puppets on the TV twisted into snowflakes, and the knocking on the door became more urgent.

Quan Heng wiped his fingers carefully, took a deep breath, and drove the wheelchair to open the door.

"Why did it take so long to open the door for mom? My child, does your leg hurt again?"

The elegant and intellectual mother is holding cakes and moon cakes in her hands, and she is gentle and gentle:
"Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival and your birthday. Haven't your brothers and sisters come back yet? They all said they would bring some appetizers. Why are you the only one..."

Mother suddenly moved her nose, her shadow twisted in the moonlight that filtered into the corridor:
"Strange, I smell blood on you."

"The weather is dry and cold, and my nose is bleeding."

"Really? So that's it. Then why don't you turn on the light?"

Mother bent forward, approaching in the darkness.

Quan Heng squeezed the jade beads tightly with his fingertips, feeling the sticky eyes greedily licking his collarbone, heart, and disabled legs, and the sound of swallowing saliva sounded in the darkness.

"Bah... listen to me, listen to me!

"Scream with the dream game and become a doll!"

The TV signal was restored again, the ethereal nursery rhyme caused trembling, and the string puppet laughed and tore itself apart:
"Accept my love and return to the arms of eternity!"

The lights came on instantly.

Quan Heng endured the discomfort and opened his eyes. His mother's face was close at hand, filling his field of vision!
Her facial features were like dough with holes poked out, and the holes were pulled out into curves. Her "eyes" with black buttons on them were shining, and her sharp and curved fingers lightly traced Quan Heng's cheek.

"My little genius, it's actually not bad for you to be disabled. It's too dangerous outside, why don't you prepare for the next competition at home?

"Look at you now. You look like a delicious cream cake. Your eyes are like black grapes adorning the cake. When you squeeze it, the juice will burst. It must be very delicious..."

Cream cake?What a disgusting metaphor.

Quan Heng twitched the corners of his mouth, and his dark pupils reflected the woman's coveted face:

"Can you eat?"

In the weird smell of meat, [the daughter] looked calm as if she were looking at a dead person, and [the mother] salivated as if she was looking at food.


There was a gap in the TV cabinet, and several finger knuckles fell to the ground. They were of different sizes and different skin colors, and piles of flesh squeezed inside flashed past.

The mother glanced at it, stood up slightly fearfully, and walked into the kitchen.

Quan Heng chuckled and turned off the TV.

The family photo happened to be placed next to the TV cabinet. Quan Heng paused for a moment and couldn't help but murmured:
"This time it's my aunt, uncle, cousin, and mother. It's really... such a luxury."

"Come and eat."

The food is placed on the dining table, with sweetly decorated cream cakes and exquisite mooncakes in the middle.

Mother cut the cake by herself, without even chewing, and swallowed the cake as big as a human brain in one mouthful, with rose-red jam all over her face.

Quan Heng opened the mooncake, and his dirty, yellow hair fell into a ball on the table, with a purple scalp at the end.

Quan Heng: "..."

It's really clean and hygienic.

"Are you targeting me because I have no relatives and look pitiful?"

Quan Heng put down the mooncake, his tone even gentle.

"Mother" paused.

She slowly raised her head, her smile twisted in the dim light.

"What are you talking about, my good boy, how come you don't have a mother, brothers and sisters? Everyone loves you so much and lets you live in a fairy tale, why are you so ignorant-"

The vocal position is getting higher and higher.

"Mother's" body continued to grow, her face split from the center into a bloody mouth, and she pounced forward!

Quan Heng suddenly stepped out of his wheelchair, and the monster that jumped on the table hit the chandelier that had been deliberately smashed loose.


The chandelier crashed down!The monster's back was smashed at the waist, and its sharp claws were only one centimeter away from Quan Heng's eyes, but no matter how hard it struggled, it was to no avail.

"fairy tale?"

Quan Heng pulled off the two buttons that served as the monster's eyes, wiped away the red blood with his pale fingertips, and smiled helplessly and gently.

"Thank you for the Andersen fairy tale, but I should be resting at this time instead of waking up and being trapped here."

The "mother" who lost her button eyes roared crazily, gradually melting and rotting into flesh.

She is dead.

Ding Dong!

A fluorescent green floating screen unfolded in front of him out of thin air, half a meter away from Quan Heng.

"Congratulations on collecting twelve buttons again and successfully completing the newbie prediction plot!"

"Welcome to the new world "Secret Forbidden Zone 3.0". Do you want to start the official game?"

The air is quiet.

Quan Heng looked at the screen, his smile disappeared, and his fingers clenched involuntarily. After a long time, he took a deep breath and smiled slightly:
"This is the 18th time the screen has popped up... I don't agree, you still want me to play it again?!"

Quan Heng couldn't bear it anymore and slapped his palm on the table!
The precarious long table fell apart instantly.

The aftermath shook open the almost bursting TV cabinet, refrigerator, and bathroom door, and piles of weird meat rolled out like a mudslide. Looking around, the whole house was filled with her "family"!
"216 buttons and 108 family members, I refuse to refresh a batch at a time."

Quan Heng pulled out the storage box under the wheelchair, poured out piles of buttons, and mocked:
"You know how to play."

"Ding dong! We respect players' choices, are fair and just, and do our best to meet players' reasonable requirements."

Quan Heng: "..."

That's so damn fair of you!
It seems that something is wrong, the font on the light screen changes:
"Ding dong! As compensation for you clearing the prediction game 18 times, we can cure your leg disease in the game. If you get to the top three in the S18 (No. 18 Season) Global League, we can permanently solve your disability problem."

Quan Heng paused and tightened his grip on Shibazi, so hard that his fingertips turned white.

"Are you serious?"

"No kidding! I guarantee you'll be able to chase the sun, parkour and cross-country, ride a bicycle and drive a Maybach!"

Quan Heng: "..."

There is no need to be so exaggerated.

"Your choice is—"

Quan Heng closed his eyes and said calmly: "Enter the game."

"Ding dong! Congratulations on successfully registering your account. The game map is loading... The map for this newbie audition is——"

""Yukjing Beidou I: The Perfect Triangle Tower""


"Map Difficulty: Dark (Normal)"

"Mode: Multiplayer (8/8)"

"Literacy Tips for Newcomers: The difficulty of the map increases in order from normal (Dark), difficult (Vlam), crazy (Keneq), and restricted area (Ekhi)
"Rule Book: Players can pass the level by completing character tasks, and the top three on the wealth list (determined by the number of game coins) will receive special rewards."

"Please note! Death in the game is real death, and injury in the game is real injury."


The sound of machinery fell, thick black mist surged in from nowhere, the piled mountains of meat disappeared, and the fishy smell hit his face.

Quan Heng reached into the black mist and only touched a "wall".

The wall is soft and warm, and you can feel a layer of fine down on it, rising and falling like breathing.

"Profit first, entertainment to death"

The reminder sounded in my ears again, with a hoarse smile, like a gambler suppressing an invitation to madness and joy:
"——Welcome to the new world!"

The dazzling white light suddenly illuminated, and Quan Heng suddenly opened his eyes.

The orange light made the bedroom more cozy. She was lying on the bed, with a small pile of black buttons in her hands, and a familiar photo frame pressed under the buttons.

There are only two people left in the family portrait.

A gentle mother with a bright smile, and a child whose head was violently torn off.

 Updated twice a day, around [-]pm, sometimes earlier.

  Rewards plus updates are extra.

(End of this chapter)

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