Chapter 12 Dolls
Use your coat to block the bathroom mirror and turn the bathtub faucet to maximum to make noise.

Quan Heng untied his hair tie.

The standing signs spread out on the ground.

Alice raised her paper neck to look at the standing sign, and saw Quan Heng in the 45-degree field of view. She was stunned for a moment.

"You, how dare you use a wheelchair to hold down my collector's edition?! And my feet! My hands! You actually tied them up!"

"You're welcome," Quan Heng said humbly, "I'm smart and clever, so I should do everything I can."

Alice: "...?!"

No, who the hell is praising you? Why are you so shameless? !

Alice choked and said angrily: "You still make me look up to you! Little bastard, believe it or not, my aunt, I -"

"Miss Alice, I have to remind you," Quan Heng raised his index finger and shook it with a gentle tone, "This is in the bathroom. If you howl again, I will stuff your face into the toilet."

"The facilities in the Triangle Building are old and the sanitary conditions are poor. The toilets probably haven't been cleaned for a long time. Do you want to try it?"

Alice was silent for a moment, and even her twisted legs stopped shaking.

"Don't be nervous," Quan Heng smiled politely, "I just want to stabilize your mood so that we can start a friendly conversation."

Who starts a friendly conversation by stepping on the other person's face and threatening to stuff the toilet?

Alice dared not say anything in anger: "...What do you want to ask?"

"What is Yujing Beidou? What does it do? I advise you not to lie. The toilet in the Triangle Building has really not been flushed for a long time, and there is even filth that has not been flushed."

Alice choked, her erratic eyes immediately shrank, and she shouted inwardly:

"Yu Jing Beidou is a special item, don't you even know [Bai Yu Jing in the sky, guiding the Big Dipper]?!
"This is a miracle of our new world, symbolizing authority and rebirth! For you players, it gives you another permanent brand, and when the owner dies, he will return to our new world!"

Permanent imprint?
Brand is the player's skill, which is equivalent to one more skill.

"It is indeed a good thing, and it is also a good thing for monsters."

Quan Heng twisted the jade beads with cold eyes:
"But since players can grab it, so can monsters. You said before that there are viewers in the New World who can see our live show, so they must know that Yujing Beidou is here, so why didn't the wandering piper grab it?"

"The flute player?" Alice was stunned, and then laughed loudly, "Of course because he is not level enough!"

"insufficient level?"

"That's right! That dwarf is just an A-level monster, with an S-level monster on top of it, and there are also monsters who have gone to court. He is nothing!"

Alice laughed in a good mood:
"Besides, the number of Yujing Beidou is fixed, and there are only nine of them that come and go, and there is even no news about two of them. They are all hot potatoes! How dare a little brat like the flute player with no hair to grow dare to take them!"

"Nine," Quan Heng considered, "Which one is on this map?"

"How do I know? If the game hadn't opened a map, who would have known that [Yujing Beidou] fell into this terrible place? No wonder that crazy woman can climb from sequence C to B, and also uses her new ability to become popular, you know... ..." Alice cursed a few curse words.

Quan Heng interrupted: "You have a certain understanding of Ghost Mother. What are her weaknesses?"

"Ghost mother's weakness?"

Alice frowned and shook her head warily.

"No, no, no, human, you are too greedy. If I answered you, you are breaking the rules of the game. If it is so easy to get, why don't you trade with the piper when he comes?"

"Because you're free, and I'm plucking my feathers." Quan Heng told the truth.

The most important thing is that the system did not interfere, which proves that she has not reached the critical point yet.

"Yan Guo plucking...?"

Alice was stunned for a moment, then shouted angrily: "Holy crap! Are you a capitalist? In addition to sucking blood, you just want to have sex for nothing. The flute player needs to spend money, so you come to me? No matter how thick my feathers are, you still have to pick them off. Bald!"

"Miss Alice, why are you so excited? Ah, I understand." Quan Heng suddenly understood and thoughtfully said: "It's because the ghost mother is more popular than you now, so you don't dare to offend, okay, I understand, you don't It doesn’t matter.”

"What? You think she's hotter than me?" Alice couldn't believe it. "I'm afraid of offending her! How could I be afraid of her! That damn old woman brought it upon herself-"

The sound stopped abruptly.

Alice was startled, tilting her head as if listening to some sound. The corners of her mouth twitched slightly with excitement, and she glared at Quan Heng fiercely.

It was a prompt from the game system, and Quan Heng's heart sank slightly.

"Finally found it! Hahaha I'm leaving!"

Alice laughed sarcastically:
"You're done! Greedy humans, you have to pay a price for taking advantage of game bugs! No matter how much information you get from me, you have to bear more risks for the sake of game balance! Why do you think this idol is spending time with you here? It's your own fault! "

"It's eight o'clock! It's eight o'clock!"

The player rooms are all on the first floor, and the sharp and cheerful sound of the alarm clock goes through the corridors.

Boom boom boom!
Quan Heng frowned and looked at the bulging and shrinking wall at his hand.

Something was squeezed into the water pipe, sliding from top to bottom, hitting the wall, which was particularly obvious even under the cover of the sound of water.

The coat covering the mirror fell due to the vibration of the wall. The exposed mirror was covered with a layer of mist, and the bruised hands in the mirror were visible through the gaps opened by the water droplets.

Small, like a baby's hand.

"You're done! You're done!" Alice laughed in triumph, "Night is a carnival of monsters! Even if you choose with your eyes closed, the boss will attack you first!"


The bathroom door was banged.

It was already a curfew at this time, and players were not allowed to move around at will. Besides, there was not even a single figure outside the frosted glass. What was hitting the door? !
Quan Heng backed up his wheelchair, avoiding the mirror and away from the bathroom door.

The back of the chair was close to the bathtub, and the water that was about to overflow made a splash.

She clearly opened the drain!

Quan Heng's alarm bell sounded loudly. He held the handrails with both hands and was about to stand up. The water in the bathtub behind him was crazily filled with blood——

Bloodshot spurted out from the drain. He grabbed Quan Heng's wrist and threw him into the water!



The overflowing water splashed on the floor. Almost at the same time, the bathroom glass was smashed, and a black shadow rushed forward!

goo goo goo...

The bathtub was too slippery, almost like a natural tomb under the buoyancy of the water, and the bloodshot threads emerging from the drain tightly strangled his hands.

Quan Heng bent his knees to use his strength, but was unprepared to be pushed down by the pressure from his back, and suddenly choked on water!

[Ding dong! KP tip: Player Quan Heng’s health value is -5!Physical fitness value -5!The health value continues to decrease! 】

Can't breathe, can't stand up straight.

Something was pressing on her back, trying to drown her alive!

[Why did the camera suddenly cut?Quan Heng’s shot?Is this taking a bath or is the mood taking me to swim in the bathtub]
[I’m blind upstairs!It’s impossible to show us when you’re taking a shower!Besides, who has to take a shower and get dressed?Something is wrong! ]
[Gan!What's sitting on Quan Heng's back?Is it a doll?Button doll? ! ]
The live broadcast camera keeps zooming in.

Countless bloody threads were smeared in the bathtub, tightly binding the person who was drowning in the water. There was a small, lifelike doll sitting on the waist.

She has human skin and hair, black button eyes with sparkling luster, a faint smile, and her hands are wrapped in eighteen pieces of clothing.

This doll looks exactly like Quan Heng in terms of face and outfit!
(End of this chapter)

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