[Ding dong! KP tip: There are five minutes left, please complete the PK task as soon as possible! 】

Quan Heng turned to look at the injured Bu Ziyou: "You..."

"It's not right to seal my name." Bu Ziyou bit her lip and spoke slurred words without teeth. Her voice sounded like it had been rubbed by sandpaper, "My surname is not Bu, my surname is Wei, and the name I defend is Wei - just because my parents are divorced. After marrying my stepfather, I changed my name.”

This is also why her soul can escape outside - there is a flaw in the talisman that originally sealed her.

Quan Heng paused and replied softly: "Okay."

"I know my ending. You don't have to hide it from me. Besides, I'm already dead, right?"

Bu Ziyou sat on the ground, looking down at the black blood flowing out of the wound, her smile full of sadness and bitterness.

"I was sold here two years ago by Wen Xiran, the president of Modern Rose. Also murdered was my roommate Qiu Nichang - I originally wanted to call the police, but I didn't have time."

"Because you discovered her human trafficking?"

"I am, but Nishang is not." Bu Ziyou shook her head gently, "She was murdered because her design talent was too outstanding and she was jealous of Wen Xiran. Speaking of which, the wedding dress I am wearing was designed by Nishang. I I also gave her a lot of suggestions.”

There were tears in her eyes when she looked up, and she smiled reluctantly: "This dress is called the neon wedding dress, which means marrying the light - isn't it a good meaning for girls?"


Quan Heng squatted down and looked at Bu Ziyou at eye level, gently curved his lips, and said in a gentle tone, "But your name is also very nice, "Wei Ziyou", which means "defend freedom, pursue freedom." "

Wei Ziyou wanted to smile, but couldn't help but curve the corners of her mouth downwards: "But me, but I've never been free."

She covered her mouth and sobbed, tears falling like threads.

"My parents want to abort me because I am a girl, my stepfather hates me because I am a girl, my boss looks down on me because of my gender, and the society I live in is also squeezing me. I have never been able to breathe freely in this world. !”

Wei Ziyou's voice trembled, as if she wanted to question this unfair fate, like the desperate cry of a caged bird: "I have done nothing wrong, but I can't even die to be free!"

She screamed in agony.

It seemed that every word she spoke in such a life was filled with tears.

The women in wedding dresses under the stage stopped their crazy movements and stared blankly at the girl who collapsed and shouted——

They were wearing gorgeous red wedding dresses, and they were restrained by this gorgeous dress and could not breathe. Their dead eyes reflected the mess on the ground. They blinked softly at the girl's voice and shed tears unconsciously.

They were kidnapped and imprisoned by hunters from the vast sky. They had their wings broken, humiliated, and died, and were finally suppressed sadly in coffins that never saw the light of day. Those free and bright souls were destroyed under the power of feudalism, destroyed in the ugly human nature, and destroyed. In the hands of self-righteous humans.

It's like fate has ruthlessly fooled you and deprived you of everything.

"I seem to be losing control of myself." Wei Ziyou suddenly strangled her neck and said hoarsely.

The ferocious black mist spread around her neck, and her originally clear pupils elongated into vertical ones, and she suddenly stretched out her sharp claws and rushed toward Quan Heng!

Quan Heng retreated quickly, and Wei Ziyou pressed forward step by step, using his bloody claws to attack with deadly moves!

"Song Jingyun, prepare to seal the coffin!"

Quan Heng gave the order and immediately used the Yin Yuan Pendant to curb the actions of all ghost brides. Only Wei Ziyou was weakened and pursued closely.

Quan Heng led her to the coffin where the goose blood formation was laid out. When Wei Ziyou rushed towards her with a ferocious face, he ducked and knocked her back into the coffin.

Song Jingyun threw the peach wood awl with the newly painted talisman to Quan Heng, who raised his hand to catch it and pierced it along the bride's original wound!

"Ah——!!" Wei Ziyou struggled painfully.

Quan Heng closed his eyes and exhaled silently, his eyes calm again, tied the bride with "Tianshu", and drove all the peach wood awls into their original sealing positions.


The painful screams were deafening, and Song Jingyun couldn't help but take a step back when Quan Heng came over.

The final cinnabar seal required him to come in person.

"I can't, I'm afraid, I..."

Song Jingyun shook his teeth and stepped back, his face pale and his hands cold.

[KP tip: The remaining time is three minutes, please complete the task as soon as possible! 】

"Do you still remember how you solved the problem when you were being hunted?" Quan Heng said suddenly.

Song Jingyun was startled and watched Quan Heng pull out a red cloth that he had prepared long ago. ——It was torn from the wedding dress.

"You won't be afraid if you can't see." Quan Heng wrapped the red cloth around his eyes, "Take your time, it doesn't matter."

Quan Heng squeezed his shoulders hard and said in a low but gentle voice, "It's just a talisman, you can draw it well."

Song Jingyun tightened his lips, finally exhaled tremblingly, and nodded reluctantly.

But when he touched the bride's neck with cinnabar and heard her scream, he almost collapsed and ran away.

Quan Heng held his shoulders, forcing him to calm down. Song Jingyun bit his lip, and he tasted blood only after he had frozen his mind and managed to finish drawing the spell.

Song Jingyun's eyes were sour, and he turned his head as the bride's breathing gradually weakened——

"Taoist Priest, don't feel guilty."

Wei Ziyou's voice was weak, and the cinnabar-painted charm was tied around her neck, making it difficult for her to speak, and her hoarse words were intermittent.

——But she gained her final clarity in the ban.

Song Jingyun's hand trembled slightly, and the brush in his hand became tighter and tighter, and the muscles on his cheek were so tense that they were sore and numb.

"You didn't seal me, but let me rest in peace."

Wei Ziyou looked at Song Jingyun's wet fabric and suddenly laughed softly. The blood in her eyes was diluted by tears, revealing her originally moist and dark pupils:

"I actually died a long time ago, and now that I have taken my revenge, I have no regrets. But I want to ask you a favor, cough cough cough..."

The talisman tightened tighter and tighter, and Wei Ziyou tried her best to speak out: "I ask you... to bury mine and Nishang's ashes together. I want to provide inspiration for her designs in the next life..."

The fabric of Song Jingyun's blindfold was soaked. He nodded but couldn't help but lower his head, sourness stuck in his throat.

——He said before that he would let Quan Heng make the choice to get rid of the monster. Now that history is repeating itself, he knows how painful it is.

"Thank you."

Wei Ziyou blinked tiredly and looked at the top of the limited tomb, unable to see the boundless sky.

"How wonderful it is to be... a woman."

She was very sad and aggrieved for a moment, her eyes were filled with tears, flowing from the end of her eyes, and the light in her eyes gradually dimmed.

"It's a pity, it's a pity that it's too short..."

[Ding dong! KP Tip: Congratulations on successfully killing the Boss and winning the MVP of this game! 】

Keeper's jumping voice sounded, like a clear irony in the sad atmosphere.

The death knell has sounded, and the last words shocked people's hearts. They are like an accusation against the unpredictable fate, a rebuke to the world's people, and the resentment and bitterness of this seemingly endless oppression. At the moment when the fragrance faded away, all the ghost brides in the tomb looked up to the sky in pain. Wail.

[Ding dong! The world has been decided. Congratulations to the players for unlocking the Vlam-Daybreak way. This map has been completely cleared and the connection anchor is broken]

Their tears fell into the void, and as their dissipated bodies and souls turned into countless bright stars, they dispersed towards the exit, towards the boundless earth and the endless sky, illuminating the dark night.

The brides who were hiding with the little girl from the Mu family watched from a distance. They were stunned for a while, and their cheeks were wet when they regained consciousness.

Song Jingyun took off the long cloth and saw the blood letter on Wei Ziyou's pillow. The words were clear.

"I will be far away, and I will finally be able to force the world out of my mouth.

“Tear off layer by layer the labels and constraints that the world has imposed on me.

“Away from everything that traps me in my body, closer to my soul.

"From now on, nothing is impossible in this world."

[The boss is dead, congratulations on completing the ghost card mission, the map has completely disappeared]

The end has sounded, and the sound echoes inside and outside the tomb, inside and outside the game.

Song Jingyun's Adam's apple rolled, and bitter pain choked in his throat. He clenched the edge of the coffin tightly and swallowed his cry of collapse.

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