Song Jingyun sat on a bench in the cemetery and glanced at the Ferris wheel not far away.

The original Dragon City Paradise was renovated into a cross cemetery, and the building also retained the original warm and lively atmosphere. The cemetery lost a little silence, and added a few good wishes for death and rest. However, the time was too short and the project has not been completed. Currently, there are only The new park is completed and put into use.

"Did you buy the entire Modern Rose?" Song Jingyun asked.

He was wearing a dark black suit today, and he was clean-shaven. His long hair was combed back and tied up with only a thin black silk ribbon. His thick sword-shaped eyebrows were raised straight up without any messy curls.

His eyes are like bright stars, full of heroic spirit.

"Yes," Quan Heng nodded, "just in time to wash out the gambling funds."

Game currency can be exchanged for capital flow in the human world, but Borderland did not provide a reasonable source. This sudden huge sum of money must be washed away in an appropriate way.

"Speaking of deliberately delayed the progress of unlocking the plot in the map, right?" Song Jingyun thought carefully, "Why? In order to lure bets, tilting the odds to make money?"

After all, these bettors are serious about following the trend, and the amount of game coins they can invest is limited. If they bet in the early stage, they will not have too many game coins if they change their bets later.

"This is just one aspect." Quan Heng did have this consideration in mind.

"Are there other aspects?"

"Yes. To confuse Lu Manghao and cooperate with the Special Bureau's containment progress."

"Cooperate with the Special Investigation Bureau?" Song Jingyun frowned in confusion, "Are you talking about contamination containment? How to cooperate?"

“Suppressing the speed of pollution intrusion.”

Quan Heng twisted the rose on his fingertips and watched the juice dye his skin red. "You also know that the monster world and the human world are connected. Once the map is opened according to the dusk path, it will cause pollution and erosion. But before the map is truly opened, the ending will be the same. Unknown.

"So when the outcome is unknown, what is the impact of the new world on the human world?"

"Do you suspect it has something to do with the plot unlocking process?" Song Jingyun understood Quan Heng's meaning, "The faster the plot is unlocked, the faster the monster world will be eroded?"

"Don't forget that there are still ways to die, such as task timeout and failure to abstain." Quan Heng said, "Time also affects the process of erosion to a certain extent."

"So you deliberately slowed down the process to buy time for the Special Investigation Bureau?"

"There are reasons for this." Quan Heng corrected.

Otherwise, she would not use the method of significantly unlocking the plot to bring back the betting rate when the betting ratio is close to 1%.

"I know a little bit about the situation of Modern Rose. I'm afraid the Special Investigation Bureau won't be able to enter easily. Even if they enter, they won't be able to track it to the anchor area of ​​Yinyuan Town so quickly. The time I delayed is only long enough for them to find out the inside story and prepare. .Besides, this does not conflict with my plan."

"Not only is there no conflict," Song Jingyun looked at her, "He also kept the modern rose and put it in your pocket."

"It should be like this." Quan Heng said.

After all, when he learned that these things were related to Modern Rose, Quan Heng had a keen sense of business opportunities.

"Don't you particularly like to kill three birds with one stone and kill two birds with one stone?" Song Jingyun seemed to be disgusted, "No wonder they say that commanders have evil hearts. Oops, I have trypophobia and I can't stand people with so many evil intentions."

Quan Heng laughed: "You..."

"Boss." Ah Cheng's steps were a little hurried.

Quan Heng paused for a moment and looked at him as if he was aware of it.

"Something happened to the second master," Ah Cheng lowered his head slightly, "He is in the hospital now."


Fujiang City-Hospital

"The second master suddenly fainted. I didn't notice this negligence in time."

The owner of the club broke out in a sweat and bent over nervously: "During the halftime break, I went to the lounge. When it was time to prepare for the final, I knocked on the door, but there was no sound."

【Little Second Master? ] The boss knocked on the door carefully, [The finals are about to begin, do you want to come out and warm up first? 】

There was no response at all in the break room, so the boss knocked again, but there was still no movement.

Just when I was doubting, I suddenly heard a sound, like something hitting the ground.

The boss immediately panicked and took out the key to open the door——

The young man was seen curled up on the ground, scratching his head in pain. The Buddhist beads on his left wrist slipped out of the wristband, and looked cold under the light.

"The second master said that his whole body was hot, and he hit the table like crazy, and then he passed out." The person in charge was afraid that his immediate boss would be angry, so he quickly clarified, "I was sent to the hospital immediately."

Quan Heng looked at the pale Sang Ting on the hospital bed and reached out to touch his forehead. Warm to cool.

"You said this about me..."

"It has nothing to do with you here," Quan Heng said, "Go ahead."

The boss felt a big stone fall in his heart. Knowing that Quan Heng was not angry with him, he responded and walked out the door.

"Are you very harsh on your subordinates? He seems to be afraid of you."

Song Jingyun, who was leaning against the wall, spoke.

"People always fear power. Isn't that human nature?" Quan Heng checked the gauze on Sang Ting's forehead.

Okay, rhetorical question, I'm in a bad mood.

Song Jingyun stopped asking questions.

"Brother Xiaoting has a lot of bruises on his body, and they are all bruised." Mu Jing took the erythromycin from the cabinet and carefully applied it with a cotton swab, "Blow on it, it won't hurt."

Not just bruises, but scratches.

If it was an illusion of being burned, the skin would sting, and it would be difficult for Sang Ting to resist scratching in an almost unconscious state.

"He didn't bring out the injury, because the hallucinations were probably due to the large fluctuations in the mountain disk," Song Jingyun frowned, "But the people with such sequelae are from maps like Keneq and Ekhi.

"Players who come out of this kind of map may be tired and dizzy at first, or have hallucinations and cognitive errors at worst - just like your child, who is obviously not burned, but still feels unbearable heat."

Song Jingyun considered it: "It's unlikely for Ekhi. He has no special items, no branding, and no weapons. He can't get out if he goes in. It's most likely Keneq - it's a good thing you gave him the eighteenth son, otherwise the child would be dead."

"Brother Xiaoting entered Keneq?" Mu Jing opened her eyes wide, "Didn't you say that the audition maps for the preparatory players are all Dark?!"

"Has that cannibal game ever done anything to humans? It's not even human - when I was hunted down on the map, those bounty hunters gave me enough game coins and it gave me a position," Song Jingyun said about this. He was annoyed, "He's just a capitalist who loves money. If it had a physical form, I'd have to hang it on a street lamp!"

Quan Hengjin’s map is most likely Vlam, and the difficulty is high enough. If prepared players with nothing are sent to Keneq...

Quan Heng lowered his eyes and took off the Eighteen Sons from Sang Ting's wrist.

[Exclusive brand-release, the shackles have been lifted. 】

Song Jingyun watched Quan Heng take out healing items out of thin air, and couldn't help but sigh: "Just use special items from the border area to treat. Your ability to fix bugs in the human world is becoming more and more enviable and jealous the more I see it."

However, this person killed two chiefs and annexed a club. Now the items in the club's warehouse belong to her and are easy to use.

dong dong.

There were two knocks on the door, and it was opened from the outside by a doctor who was conducting a routine examination.

"Talk about the doctor."

"Well, ward rounds." After Doctor Tan finished speaking, he walked around to the bed and looked at Sang Ting's wounds, his eyes resting on the unscarred arm.

"Why are the bruises gone?"

With this fact in mind, she no longer struggled and adjusted the flow regulator of the drip a little.

"I have a slight concussion, I will probably wake up tonight," she looked at Quan Heng, "Don't worry."

Quan Heng said softly, "Yes." "I understand."

"By the way, you haven't had a check-up in half a month," Dr. Tan said, glancing at her, frowning slightly and nodding, "You've stayed up too late recently and been overthinking, but your stomach is fine... I guess."

This sounds like he was undergoing a physical examination after just one glance.

Song Jingyun watched the doctor leave, looking at him who was only in his early forties: "That person just old Chinese doctor from this hospital?"

"More or less, I took over this hospital directly. I only know that this doctor was the original director here and his medical skills are very good." Quan Heng said.

Song Jingyun felt strange, "What's the name of this doctor?"

"Talk about bamboo, bamboo of bamboo."

"Talk? Are you talking about the medical alchemy sect?" Song Jingyun was slightly startled and raised his eyebrows, "Quan Heng, around you... I think it is necessary for me to tell you about the [Beidou Lineage] now."

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