[Channel News: The professional player you are following - Quan Heng has formed a group...]

[Channel News: The professional player you follow - Mu Jing...]

"Boss and Xiao Wu have both entered the game. Are you okay?"

Sang Ting squatted beside the blind picture, watching Song Jingyun fortune telling with a speechless and numb expression.

"You said yourself that there are only two types: Dark and Vlam. Why are you so serious? How hard can it be to just choose?"

This sentence is so familiar, I thought the same way before meeting Quan Heng.

As a result, I entered the Yujing Beidou series, and was fooled by that little bastard. Various buffs were superimposed, and I experienced the difficulty of Keneq.

Now think about it...

"Alas, young people," Song Jingyun sighed, "are always so impetuous and frivolous."

Sang Ting: "?" You are talking about me, why do I feel like you are talking about yourself.

"Did you know that your boss's prediction is at least double S? Well, actually, I have always suspected that she is 3S."

Song Jingyun looked at Sang Ting, "In the game, the higher the prediction sequence, the higher the fitness, and it is easier to attract special maps, just like the "encouragement buff" given to them by the border areas. Your boss is like this, specializing in Suck that trouble. "

Sang Ting: "So, what do you want to express?"

"So I want to tell you," Song Jingyun held a tortoise shell in his hand and suddenly raised his voice angrily, "It's easy for the two of us to choose a map together and get into trouble! Just like the map I bumped into when your boss entered, Vlam almost Play as Keneq!!

"To be on the safe side, let me ask Master Tao about everything in the world! There is absolutely no way I will make the same mistake as last time!"

Sang Ting: "..." OK, OK, OK.

"By the way, I've seen the analysis post, and each map has its own adaptation sequence."

Sang Ting sat on the floor boredly, waiting for the Taoist priest to finish his spiel, "Your current sequence is S, and you will soon reach double S - you should have mastered Keneq long ago."

The differentiation of sequential order is from E to SSS order, and can be divided into four categories according to map order:

Dark matching sequence, order E to C

Vlam matching sequence, order B to A

Keneq matching sequence, super A to S order

Ekhi matching sequence, double S to SSS order

The border area is not divided too finely. When a sequence is about to be full, but the strength has reached a higher level, the border area will actively add signs as a reminder.

"No one says I can't be stubborn, right?" Song Jingyun said casually, "I don't like to go to Keneq. I just like to play Vlam multiplayer. It's just right, and I can pretend to be a master and abuse people."

"Of course, my favorite is Vlam's solo, pure."

Song Jingyun checked the hexagrams and said casually, "If it weren't for Quan Heng, I wouldn't have participated in S18 - after I finish what I want to do and provide for my master until I die, I will jump directly from our Taoist Temple Mountain.

As he spoke, he felt that he agreed and was very satisfied with his decision: "Anyway, I don't want to die here and pay taxes while I'm alive. If I die and be made an NPC to harm people, I'll still be working in vain. This capitalist who doesn't even let go of ghosts, Damn! Don’t even think about it!”


Sang Ting saw that he was starting to make choices according to the hexagrams, and changed the topic he was concerned about, "What my boss is going to do this time is very dangerous. If I go, it will only hold her back - otherwise you won't be allowed to take me. "

"Yes," Song Jingyun sighed, "She planned Ekhi, and I tried to persuade her, but it was useless."


Before logging into Border Territory, Lanzhuang

"You're going to Ekhi?!"

Song Jingyun's sudden high-pitched voice startled the oriole that was dozing in front of the porch. The oriole was frightened and screamed a few times.

"Keep your voice down."

In the study, Quan Heng sat in the Taishi chair, twisting his beads and helplessly looking away from the angry Oriole.

"Why should I keep my voice quiet? It's okay if you go to Keneq with Mu Jing."

Song Jingyun felt that Quan Heng was not discussing, but informing, "Ekhi is really not safe, it is very likely that something will go wrong - there is little relevant information, and that is the difficulty of a global league." Quan Heng said quietly: "I know."

"What do you know? You know!"

Song Jingyun choked back and went to touch the wine gourd but came up empty. He was a little irritated:

"Don't be such an old god. You practice or I practice. You make me angry every time! Stop playing with beads. You are playing with beads in front of a Taoist priest. Are you polite?!"

Quan Heng reluctantly clasped the beads and stopped moving with his palms inward.

"I don't want to stop it," Song Jingyun also had a headache, "Can you at least give me a reason?"

"Okay," Quan Heng nodded, turned around and ordered, "Get a bottle of wine from the second row of the cabinet on the left."

The robot butler in the corner was operating, taking a bottle of rum from the wine cabinet and placing it lightly on the table.

"It's not advisable to drink too strong wine at night," Quan Heng said warmly, "Let's drink this first."

Song Jingyun opened the bottle and took a sip. It tasted sweet and drinkable.

"You also said that there is little information about Ekhi and it is difficult for the global competition, so I want to go and see it in person."

Quan Heng said: "This is the last chance before the intercontinental competition starts. When the intercontinental competition starts, the access to Ekhi will be closed, and we will no longer be able to obtain empirical information."

"We can buy..."

"No, I have doubts about information channels outside my own control. It is difficult for people to judge whether information outside their own cognition is right or wrong."

Quan Heng said: "Just like Stalin said during the Battle of Stalingrad, what troubles him most every morning is not the bad battle reports, but a lot of conclusive intelligence.

"This is the same as our current situation. I am not exaggerating the role of intelligence. It is just that when evidence is isolated or conflicts with each other, some specific knowledge is needed as a standard."

Song Jingyun was silent for a few seconds and sighed: "It's not easy to be a leader."

"Don't worry," Quan Heng looked at the tea leaves standing in the cup, "I got a special item from Lu Mang, and I also have some trump cards. I promise that I will never die before completing my goal."


Song Jingyun gathered his thoughts and looked at Sang Ting who was waiting.

"Only when you are close to the second sequence will you try to enter Ekhi."

Song Jingyun rubbed his brows, "She got the ownership of the organization, and also won items from Haosi and Lu Mang. The sequence buff rewards are thousands of points. Now she is A, and Mu Jing has also reached S."

Mu Jing is a monster, and he is also a monster after his resurrection. His advancement rate is different from that of human connectors.

If an ordinary connector can develop dozens of sequence buff points in one game, then he can get hundreds of points.

"Although it sounds like there are huge risks in leapfrogging games, Quan Heng..." Song Jingyun said: "I have summarized the rules: those who are close to Zhu are red, and those who are close to Heng are black. It is not to drive low and go high, but to drive high and go crazy."

Sang Ting: "..."

I wanted to punch someone, but it felt weirdly reasonable.

"I'll go, who is that...?"

"I knew I could see him. He is really handsome and has a different aura."

People at the end of "Liu Li Ba Ba Xiang" suddenly started making noise, and Song Jingyun followed the sound and looked over.

A young man dressed in retro and elegant clothes walked in, but his steps were brisk as a young man. The gathered connectors wisely made way for him.

"Yes," Song Jingyun clicked his tongue, "This is another lunatic."

"Who is he?" Sang Ting asked.

Song Jingyun looked at the young man who was humming to himself and whispered with some fear:

"Topping the global charts, the Mad Hatter."

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