[Channel News: The professional player you are following - Quan Heng has opened a new map and organized a group to start! You can click to check the coordinates of the transmission port of the viewing platform! 】

Viewing deck coordinates: No. 6 viewing deck, District

In the borderland of day and night, Yan Su paused as he walked towards the portal.

Quan Heng?

Oh yes, the connector that Deputy Tang is particularly concerned about.

Yan Su pressed his temples tiredly. He had just finished Vlam and his mental state was not very good.

Except for the games he must play every three days, he basically spends the rest of his time in the research room. He rarely even opens the forum to take a look.

There is no way, I don't know if it is because the total number of connectors in the past generations is constantly increasing. The anchoring of the new world is becoming more frequent, and the invasion of the human world is also faster.

Those of them who do research must develop new products and improve containment methods and containment materials based on the evolving status of abnormal entities.

"She has only been in the game for more than a week. I only heard that she has unlocked many achievements and broken many records. I didn't expect that she has already entered the fourth area - they are all high-sequence gathering places. Let's go and take a look first."

Yan Su thought as he walked towards the teleportation area of ​​the viewing platform, "With so many achievements unlocked, there are also a lot of sequence buff rewards. Her sequence should have been raised to A. She passed Keneq last time, and she still needs to be stable this time. Keneq?”

"You don't know what the forum was like. I didn't expect that she actually entered Ekhi!!"

The connector passing by was so excited that he danced, "I knew our sister Quan was awesome! I specifically bet on her [passing Ekhi], but I didn't expect that I actually won! Although the betting rate was not as outrageous as before, I also made a profit." Enough for this month’s transit tax!!”


Yan Su's mind was like a firecracker going off, and his tired brain was shaken to half consciousness, and he murmured:

"Isn't it the fourth time for Quan Heng to register? She is a newcomer, isn't it? Only the chief and deputy chiefs can join Ekhi?"

Yan Su couldn't help but rub his ears with his palms, suspecting that he had serious hearing impairment.

"Okay, I know Quan Heng is very powerful. Seeing how excited you are, I should suppress it."

The connector who was walking with him murmured. The two of them were walking beside Yan Su and heard clearly, "It's just that both sides are suppressed, and they make less money."

"Quan Heng is simply a hot commodity now. To be precise, he should be a hot commodity in her gambling game!"

The person who won the money jumped up and down and said excitedly: "I know that I have to beat Quan Heng no matter what, so I can definitely make money! Anyway, the difference in the betting market is made up by the margins, and I didn't make any money from Sister Quan." Money, I gave money to Sister Quan in disguise!"

Indeed, the share of gambling capital obtained by the winner in the betting market was additionally provided by Bianyu.

He seems like a well-intentioned boss, but this combination of taxes and gambling is to force the connector to move into a career, or even induce him to enter the league.

Yan Su rubbed his temples, and his brain that had been awakened began to feel a dull pain again.

"Let's go quickly," the co-connector urged. "You're still fighting for tickets to watch a movie, and you're still holding a seat in a college class. If you don't leave quickly, you won't get a good seat."

"Okay, okay, I got it. When will this game have a ticket-grabbing system? It's like a movie theater anyway. If you grab a ticket and have a fixed seat, you don't have to worry about being robbed of your seat when you leave."

Yes, program changes!

Yan Su patted his tired and hesitant brain and found a place to sit down.

Brands can be used in the Day and Night Frontier, but the damage will be automatically shielded.

[Brand-crawler bug, the shackles have been lifted]

[Details: Launch a crawler virus and change the program on the virtual network - bang! If you play well with the reptiles, you will enter the prison early. Remember not to touch the restricted area! 】

The virtual fluorescent green bug disappeared from the open page, and the online channel, which had extremely limited seats and was already full, suddenly had a hundred more seats!

The connectors who are staying in the human world and trying their best to enter the channel: "??!"

Oh, why did the God of Wealth suddenly appear? !

Yan Su sat on a bench by the roadside and sighed: "Let's just benefit the collective." ...

"Ding dong! The game "The Ancient City of the Dead" is officially launched——"

"This time the KP (host) is personally served by this system, providing you with 360° humanized services and piously reporting on your death progress~"

The Keeper's announcement penetrated the darkness.

[Name: Ancient City of the Dead

Difficulty: Ekhi

Type: Multiplayer (3/3)

Rule Book: Following Ekhi’s special rules, players complete character tasks within the specified time and can log out after obtaining the specified game currency. 】

Quan Heng opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was the dim starry sky. The red crescent moon hung in the thick night sky, like a gloomy and depressing oil painting that had been torn apart, revealing a blood-red background.

【Welcome to the new world - edge no man's land, I wish you have fun. 】

Quan Heng closed his eyes to relieve the dizziness caused by logging into Ekhi, and moved his hands slightly.

Warm and sticky.

This feeling, Quan Heng thought, I know what this is without even looking.

Quan Heng sighed and tried to lean over to lift himself up, but he was facing a face covered with abscesses and blood blisters at an angle.

Like sulfuric acid corrosion, bacterial infection, or burns, this face has completely lost its human skin, with only deformed facial muscles.

Quan Heng's pupils contracted and his heart beat slightly faster.

[Holy shit! Scared me! Why is it like this again, lightning strikes when the screen is opened? ! ]

[Is this a burn? It feels like scratches and rot again. Wait, which level did Quan Heng advance to? ! ]

[It’s really a first-level game! ! She has entered directly into our dungeon. Where is she? ! ]

[Finally, you don’t have to watch those dramas where monsters are hired to act as NPCs. It’s more exciting to go directly to the city. Give me a position and rush there now! ]

Quan Heng moved his fingertips slightly and quickly calmed down: "Excuse me, what can I do for you?"

This face was only a finger away from hers. The incomplete right eyeball slowly rotated under the burnt eyelid. The left eye was cut open by something like a bayonet. The old scar could not bleed, and only the edge of the knife could be seen. Irregularly growing polyps.

The eyes blinked, and only half of the eyelids remained.

"Yes." He said, his incomplete eyes still bright.

Quan Heng lowered his gaze and realized that he had no nose or even lips.

When speaking, only a black and empty mouth could be seen, and the voice was vague, "You don't look like someone from the ancient city, you look like a living person. Are you a player here?"


Does he have this concept?

Quan Heng calmly flipped the ring with his thumb, sat up with his hands on his hands, and found that he was surrounded by gray-black walls——

She was in a huge pit.

The things under him looked like plant ashes, and the sticky objects he just touched were roasted pieces of meat, or body parts, under the plant ashes.

Quan Heng looked at the red blood looming under the ashes of the vegetation, and suddenly felt an ominous premonition.

"This is a mass grave," the "person" also sat up, his voice still vague, "They were not buried, they were burned."

Burnt? Mass grave?

Quan Heng's mind moved, his eyes were fixed on the face of the "person" in front of him, and his tone was calm and determined when he spoke:

"You are from Gujiang, right?"

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