Chapter 27 Father and Son

"As Muzawa said before, this is the child in the iron cage...the doll." A Xiao said, "Although the buttons are sewn on, the body and instinctive reactions are still there, a bit like Ji Jie."

Quan Heng looked at the iron cage.

She was a little girl, barely clothed, no more than ten years old.

The door opened and the werewolf came out with a sharpened knife.

"Why are you so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so to so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so to so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so yous and yoursssss your from than our, to my, you guys, you guys, girls, girls, my friends, you, me, you, me, you, you, me, you, you, me, you, you, me, you, me, you, you, me, you, you, friends, counterparts, counterparts, friends, I, I, I, I, I, I,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and,, and,-estses, counterparts, she counterparts, she will be taken advantage of orders' counterparts, he shouted, "Let her out quickly, and then you can peel her skin off."

Tang Baoli saw the girl's legs: "The cloth was just peeled off this child's body?"

Seeing the werewolf nod, he felt disgusted: "Then you might as well kill her directly. Even the broken player... is not trying to make trouble for you like this."

"Why not be a player? She is my daughter, and I am her father! She eats and drinks from me, and I gave her life. I can do whatever I want!"

The werewolf said angrily: "Besides, if I kill her, do I need to lock her in a cage? I just need to leave her at the beach, pretend not to know, and acquiesce to death! Don't think that I am so bad! I just use her to Sell ​​the money to earn money for my drinking! This is the capital and interest that she should pay back to me if she survives! She should be divided!"

Tang Bao was like a lump in his throat.

"Didn't the ghost mother tell you? The poorer the family, the smaller the rights of the children! Our family is poor, and she is only useful for this. Besides, what dignity do children need!"

The werewolf threw a knife to them. When looking down, it looked like an insurmountable mountain, and the shadow enveloped everything.

"Stop meddling in my housework! Even if I kill her, no one will hold me accountable!"

The werewolf angrily reached out and pulled off the light cord, and everything was plunged into darkness again. The puppet in the iron cage shook even more violently, whimpering as if it was afraid of the dark.

"Doesn't it cost money to turn on the lights? How ignorant!

"You're not that tall, but you have a lot of ideas! Hurry up and take the skin! Take the skin and buy me some wine!"

The werewolf warned fiercely, slamming the door and entering the bedroom.

[Ah, Xibalang, as you said, why do adults always ignore children? Is it really because they are too short?]
[Think about the nature of games. Isn’t that just what the human world is like? It’s too easy to get S children. There is even no legal risk under the current system. That’s why some types of insurance have age restrictions. I’m afraid of this.]
[Why? ! ]
"Because no one is advocating for the child."

Quan Heng looked at A Xiao and answered her question:

“When the parents work together to hide it, no lawyer will defend a deceased child with no evidence or material support based on just a little suspicion. To put it in perspective, no one will hire a lawyer.

"Okay, it's useless to ask so many questions. There is a lamp on the table. Help me get it."

Ah Xiao turned around in a low voice and handed the lamp to Quan Heng: "What do you want with this... Don't get too close to the iron cage. That doll has shark teeth like [Ji Jie]. She is not emotionally stable right now..."

Quan Heng waved his hand to signal her to be quiet, and approached the iron cage with a lamp.

The doll girl huddled in the corner, baring her teeth in threats with vigilance and fear.

Quan Heng turned on the light.

For a moment, the doll girl was stunned.The warm yellow light of the desk lamp embraced her through the darkness. The doll tilted its head in confusion, curled up in front of Quan Heng, and stared blankly at the light.

"I think you're a little tired." Quan Heng reached out and touched her cheek. The doll girl shrank her neck. Seeing that Quan Heng made no move to hit her, she carefully touched Quan Heng's palm.

She didn't seem to know what she was doing, she just felt tired and a little aggrieved, and wanted to fall asleep with her pillow on this warm hand.

"It's good to sleep."

Quan Heng used his other hand to push aside the girl's dirty bangs. A Xiao saw a cold light flash under her fingertips, and the blade had already penetrated into her bones.

The doll didn't even struggle, and fell asleep peacefully, falling into the embrace of the night.

"Sweet dreams."

Quan Heng whispered and pulled out the butterfly knife from the girl's eyebrow.

If a sharp instrument is pierced between the eyebrows, the person will die on the spot without feeling any pain.I don’t know if this is true for dolls, but Quan Heng has made the gentlest choice.

"Players with abnormal SAN values ​​will be forced to stay in the game. Life is often worse than death. Freedom is the best outcome for her." A Xiao picked up the knife dropped by the werewolf on the ground, "I'll do it next."

Quan Heng makes room.

"Isn't it okay to just drag him here and kill him?" Peng Qinan was disgusted. "I can't even stabilize my San value. I deserve to die here. I'm rubbish. I'm going to die in the hands of a monster. Why don't I just skin it, wash it and eat it..."

"Bang!" The machete hit the iron cage, and there was silence for an instant.

"You," Ah Xiao pointed at Peng Qinan with his machete and spoke in a cold voice, "Why do dogs always bark?"

Peng Qinan said angrily: "I have always ignored you for the sake of [Double-Headed Eagle], so I slapped you on the nose, and now I will..."

"Brother Peng, we got the fabric," Tang Bao interrupted, "Let's go."

"Don't fucking care! I..."

"What are you arguing about again!"

The werewolf kicked open the bedroom door with a bang, his red eyes were breathing heavily, and blood was still dripping from the wolf's mouth, "I am enjoying the food and wine, are you looking for death?! You-"

The sound stopped abruptly.

The werewolf stared straight at the puppet in the iron cage. He was breathless and his chest did not move. The wolf's eyes flashed a fierce green light in the dark night.

Quan Heng made a quick decision: "Run!"

"Human!" The werewolf roared manically in the next second, lifting the chainsaw leaning against the wall, "How dare you kill my cash cow! I will chop you into pieces to buy wine!"

(End of this chapter)

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