The leader suppressed his sorrow and smiled kindly: "What's the matter?"

"Excuse me, night watchman."

Tang Junyi said: "I have a friend who has also entered this game. If you are worried that the Lu family brothers will be trapped by character tasks, you can enter with confidence - that person is very smart, and as long as she has no bad intentions, she should be able to help."

The leader of the night watchman thought for a while: "Are you the, um... deputy chief of Nirvana... Tang Junyi?"

"Ah!" Lu Xiaoman's eyes lit up, "You're still alive, brother! We didn't see you in the last practice match, so we thought you were dead—ouch!"

"Shut up," the night watchman withdrew his hand that hit Lu Xiaoman on the head, and then looked at Tang Junyi embarrassedly, "What's the name of your friend you just mentioned?"

"He's a new guy, his name is Quan Heng."

"Quan Heng? The highly predicted newcomer who appeared on the twin screens yesterday?"

The night watchman was slightly surprised and glanced at the small golden seal on the glazed door, "No wonder the Yujing Beidou was opened here."

"Delaying the practice match will deduct the club's credit points and affect the global competition," Tang Junyi added, "The Double-Headed Eagle person will come soon. You can negotiate with her for a delay."

The night watchman frowned, thought for a moment, and nodded in thanks.

He turned around and ordered in a low voice:
"Listen, you two, come back after you get the things and complete the task. Don't worry about anything else. Keep a low profile and don't open the channel. As for the friend the deputy chief must be careful about the person named Quan Heng and try not to Provoke her! Just don’t get too close to her!
"I'm not worried about the other party being bad. I'm worried about you accidentally being stupid and offending others. Do you understand? Do you understand?!"

Lu Xiaoman, who was staring at the Liuli Gate with a frown, quickly came to his senses, put down the duck soup pot in his hand, nodded solemnly and earnestly, and vowed:

"I understand! Chief, don't worry, keep it in your heart!"

night guard:"……"

Inexplicably, I feel very uneasy.

[You have selected Vlam-multiplayer game "Yujing Beidou V: Yanlai Ancient Town"]
The Lu brothers entered the door.

The night watchman and Tang Junyi looked at each other, but before they could speak, the alert sounded again.

[Ding!Detection of Yujing Beidou series releases new map]
The system's voice paused, with malice hidden in the coldness:
[Big news, the location information has been announced on the First Frontier Forum, come and explore the new maps in this series! ]
Their expressions changed, and they quickly opened the panel and accessed the backstage forum.

At this time, the posts were either gossiping about the monster news in the new world, or gossiping about the disputes in major clubs. The idle connectors posted all kinds of weird posts.

A post was drawn up out of thin air and quickly marked red and refined by the system, just like concentrated sulfuric acid thrown into a lake. It only takes a few seconds to go from calm to boiling!
The number of readings increased crazily, the number of comments soared, and it took only half a minute to become popular, and it went straight to the top!
【Shock!Is Liuli Bagua’s blind plot a big hit?Yujing Beidou reappears!Whose family will the flowers fall on? ! 】

[Yujing Beidou? !What kind of special item is that? !Owning it is equivalent to one more permanent brand, and now there are only two in the hands of First Frontier players! ! ]
[real or fake? !I'm right here with Bagua Xiang!Go see it now! ! ]
[Who posted this?Who is the landlord? !If something like this breaks out, it's obviously to start a war. ]
[Today is the practice match between Monster Party and Empire of Thorns, and their starters are both on the map.High-ranking starters from other organizations also need to prepare for practice matches. I don’t know which club missed it]

There were noisy sounds outside. The night watchman looked at the forum that had been bombed. He was about to speak when someone asked questions.

"It's so chaotic all of a sudden. What's going on?"

The night watchman raised his head, was stunned for a moment and said dumbly: "Mr. Tang, you said the [Double-Headed Eagle] would come, but you didn't say it was the chief."

The person who came was wearing a silver-gray modified military uniform. His long silver-gray hair was braided into thin braids on both sides and tied back together with the rest of his long hair. It was simple and neat.

The lower half of the face is covered by a pure black covering, which looks more like a modified gas mask that is more portable and beautiful.

Chief Double-Headed Eagle——


"Night watchman?" She paused, "Why are you here too?"

"'s a long story." The night watchman sighed.

"Quan Heng is testing the waters as a professional player," Tang Junyi said simply, "I stopped him, but I didn't."

The thug frowned, and his voice was slightly hoarse under his mask: "Did you do it on purpose?" "What did I do on purpose?" Tang Junyi said helplessly, "On purpose to give you a reason to hit me?"

"Well, my team members have also gone in," the night watchman scratched his head in embarrassment, "How about we both apply to postpone the practice match first. If both chiefs agree, we can postpone the time for one area."

"If you have time, you can also try to enter the review hall and see the player you mentioned test the waters."

The thug nodded and turned to go to the arena with the night watchman.

Tang Junyi sighed and glanced at the changing glazed door.

The scenery on the glazed door has become completely clear.

The ancient town is near the sea, where young people wearing big-breasted shirts are playing and playing, there are ancient temples and ancient arcades, and in a dark corner is an incomplete grotto, where the Buddha statue has a beheaded and missing arm, as if he were there.


[Ding dong!Welcome to "Yujing BeidouⅤ: Yanlai Ancient Town"]

"This time the KP (host) is personally in charge of this system, providing you with 360° humanized services, and piously reporting the progress of your death~"

In the game, a prompt sounded in my ears.

[Ding!You have a nice note from KP:
Connector Quan Heng, you have entered the professional game to test the waters, and the channel has been transferred to the border area review hall and the New World Citizen Housing.

Testing rules: Frontier Connectors and New World Citizens can place bets based on player behavior. Players can independently set bet content, bet times, and bet time.The level can be passed if the total emotional value and total income exceed the average value of the First Frontier S17 season. ]
Review data: 0 emotional points; total gambling profit: none
Quan Heng woke up from the burning, and choked on the thick smoke as soon as he took a breath.

"Cough, cough, cough!" Quan Heng choked and opened his eyes. The cold light was approaching, and the flying ax fell from the sky and struck straight at him!

Why did you follow up? !

Quan Heng's pupils dilated and he quickly tilted his head. The ax blade struck the back of his head and cut off a small section of hair with a "thud".

If you go slower, it will be your head!

"Gudong, gudong... poof!"

The sound of water spurting became more and more obvious. Quan Heng straightened up and found that his hands were tied to the mast and his feet were tied together with thick hemp rope.

The flames burned around her, and she was in a burning boat!
and many more.

Quan Heng looked calmly at the ax that had cut through the bottom of the boat.

Great, now a leaky flame ship!

Quan Heng looked around and could not see the end of the river. The noisy sound of water rushing in front attracted attention.

Splashing water hits the cliff.

This is... a waterfall cliff?

In less than half a minute, she'd fall off a cliff and break into pieces.

The hull of the boat is covered with special dye, so the hull will not be burned, but people may be choked to death.

Even if you can't fall down or choke to death, you will drown alive if you stay here!
"This is really... a top start."

Quan Heng sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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