Although about 60% of the female connectors in the First Frontier are in the Empire of Thorns, it would be embarrassing to bump into them in this scenario.

[Laughing to death, we met on a narrow road, and we bumped into the empire's connector who can surpass Keneq. Such luck! ]

[Damn, why do I feel like there is no ghost card in this game, but there are ghost cards everywhere! ]

[Ghost’s Christmas Eve, has it been redefined? ! ]

"But I'm not a core member of the club, and this kind of tasteless reward doesn't sound like it's issued in the name of the club."

Irina slowly added with a smile, "Besides, I don't like bullying girls."

She turned to look at Quan Heng and said in a very soft voice:

"Especially talented and beautiful girls."

[Ahem, cough, are you being teased? Has Quan Heng been teased? ]

[Everyone, I always feel that something is wrong with this person. How could such a person exist in the empire? ]

[The counterfeiters are here! This man doesn’t even have an imperial thorn brooch on his body! Keneq and above, those who are connected to the club must wear the club pin! ]

[Don’t lie yet, I always feel that this temperament is so familiar...]

"Boom boom boom——"

The clock tower bell suddenly rang at seven o'clock, and the sound resounded throughout the amusement park. Along with the bell, an "Ode to Joy" spread the joy of the festival to every corner.

"Hoo ho ho! Dear tourists!! Welcome to the new park!!"

The stalemate atmosphere was broken up by the cheerful and cute voice——

The big stuffed bear at the entrance twisted its buttocks and approached, "enchantingly" making a careful gesture with its chubby body~

Mu Jing took a few steps forward and watched the big bear's performance with bright eyes.

"Hello, kid!" Big Bear poked the balloon tied to his wrist, "Is this brought from the old park? Do you want to replace it with the exclusive balloon of the new park? It's free~"

Mu Jing's eyes lit up and she nodded excitedly: "Yeah! Okay, okay! I want balloons!"

"Oh, but you need to enter the park to get it. Who is your parent?" The plush bear pinched his waist, "You must have a special coupon to get it, and children must play under the guidance of an adult. !”

"Parents..." Mu Jing hugged her bald puppy and whispered, "I, I am alone..."

"Here, here's the coupon."

Mu Jing suddenly looked up at her and hesitated: "...Sister?"

"What?" Quan Heng handed the coupon to the stuffed bear and lowered his eyes.

"Isn't sister and Taoist brother brother teammates?" Mu Jing held the puppy's tail and whispered, "This is a two-person coupon. What should we do with Taoist brother?"

"It's okay." Quan Heng pinched the reindeer antlers on his head with calm eyes, and then took it back after getting addicted.

"I am his parent, you can give me the balloon."

"Okay young lady."

The plush bear looked so cute. He put away the coupon for two and handed over a red puppy balloon in his hand, "This is for you. I wish you both a happy visit to the park~"

"Thank you," Quan Heng took the balloon and motioned to Mu Jing to hold her hand, "Let's go."

Mu Jing looked at Quan Heng's outstretched hand quietly for a few seconds, then suddenly raised the corner of his mouth and smiled.

"Yes!" He nodded vigorously, held Quan Heng's hand, and turned back to wave his hand towards Song Jingyun, "Bye bye, Taoist Brother!"

After receiving the hint, Song Jingyun said: "??"

Song Jingyun, who received a subtle provocation for no reason: "..."

Damn it, did this kid do it on purpose? !


"Sister, do you want to change into a balloon?" Mu Jing blinked and asked, "I want to change into a red puppy."

"Okay," Quan Heng squatted down and said warmly, "Give me your hand and I will help you."

Mu Jing obediently stretched out her wrist tied with the balloon string.

The hand rope was wrapped around the wrist several times, like a bandage to cover something up.

Quan Heng squeezed it lightly, and he could easily make a small circle with his index finger and thumb, even reaching the second knuckle of his index finger.

too skinny.

Quan Heng closed his eyes to hide his emotions, found the knot of the balloon bracelet, and patiently unbuttoned it.

Mu Jing looked at her without blinking, and the silver in his left eye was so bright that it seemed to hold the entire dazzling Milky Way.

"Sister," Mu Jing tilted her head slightly, the reindeer antlers on her hat swaying, "Do you like puppies?"

"I like it." There is one at home, the kind that hates learning.

"I like it too!" Mu Jing said with a smile, then asked after a moment of silence, "What about the little native dog? It can wag its tail, but it's not pretty enough."

"A little native dog?" Quan Heng untied the balloon strap, "Chinese pastoral dogs are very cute."



"Does sister want to raise a puppy?"

"This is a process of mutual selection, and it also depends on whether he likes me."

Quan Heng finally untied the layers of hand straps. His thin wrists were bruised and there were two symmetrical circular scars on the front and back.

It was so ferocious that it seemed to penetrate through the wrist.

"You go to the dollhouse first," Quan Heng said as usual and helped him tie the new balloon rope, "I'm going to find Brother Taoist. Single people cannot enter with a double ticket."

"Okay." Mu Jing nodded obediently.

"Go." Quan Heng stood up and gently rubbed his head.

Then he walked to the edge of the new park, took a few steps to jump onto the wall, climbed out of the new park wall neatly, and landed firmly on his knees.

"Hey, who is this? The boss likes the new but dislikes the old. Am I going to be fired as an employee because I stepped into the company with my left foot?"

As soon as he landed, Song Jingyun, who was sitting cross-legged and drinking under the wall, had already lost his voice.

"Tell me, how did you pick up a child?"

"Hey, wait."

Song Jingyun pointed at Quan Heng with his wine gourd finger, looked up at her, and took the vaccination first:

"Let's talk first. Don't tell me that you are kind-hearted. If you say this to a dog, the dog will shake its head after hearing this.

"There are countless connectors who die every day in the border area. Who can save whom? Not to mention a little bastard like you who can reduce his health to just a trace to achieve his goal. Hurry up and recruit them truthfully!"

"So my image in your mind is so bad?" Quan Heng raised his eyebrows.

"There are other things too. Do you want to throw me into the image of a giant python, blow up a ship, or threaten me?" Song Jingyun snorted, "It doesn't seem to be very good, right?"

Quan Heng laughed: "Indeed."

"I'm serious," Song Jingyun frowned, "What's going on with the kid?"

A connector at such a young age who can surpass Keneq is equivalent to a genius who has beaten some professional masters in e-sports!

And because of your age and the potential for unlimited development, it would be strange not to be noticed by headhunters!

"Could it be that some Frankenstein took on the skin of a child?"

Song Jingyun was shocked by his guess, "It doesn't seem impossible - no, Quan Heng, you can speak up."

"I'm waiting for you to have fun guessing," Quan Heng said, "Do you want to continue?" Song Jingyun: "No... no."

"Okay," Quan Heng nodded calmly, "Then I'll tell you."

"——That child is not a real connector, so don't offend him."

Song Jingyun said seriously: "You mean..."

"Shh." Quan Heng made a silent gesture.

He slowly opened his eyelids and looked calmly.

"I still need him."

Song Jingyun could only nod and reminded: "Then don't let it slip."

"Don't worry," Quan Heng smiled, "I have a sense of discretion."

Song Jingyun: "..."

Minute by minute, inch by inch?

...I'm even more disturbed, what's going on?

"By the way, you chose this map with such a clear goal. Did something happen to us?"

Quan Heng said briefly, and then added: "I'm just worried about time issues. It only takes a few realistic minutes after the audition, but the ancient town is long, and I don't know if this map will take longer."

Song Jingyun: "Then let's hurry up, as soon as possible."

Song Jingyun handed in the coupon and entered the park with Quan Heng.

"The main building in the new park is the dollhouse, which is also a feature of the new park. We can just go to the dollhouse directly." Song Jingyun said, "You should be able to unlock the mission there."


"But be careful, there is no 'Christmas Eve' style tonight."

Song Jingyun reminded, "Except for Scarface who was skinned on the seventh floor. That Irina just now was not a good person either. It was definitely a fake name and she was skinned again."

"I don't know much about the internal structure of the Empire of Thorns." Quan Heng didn't have time to read the Night Watchman's manual. "Is it possible to participate in the high order of Keneq... is there a scope?"

"Who knows, maybe they are the connectors at the imperial guard level. In fact, I think this title of king and emperor is quite secondary, but it is quite realistic," Song Jingyun said happily, "That is, they are the confidants around Taboo. A member of the starting team.”

He thought again, "But I feel like it's not them."


"Hey, you really don't know or you don't know," Song Jingyun was suspicious, "Didn't you see the fireworks in the border area? Didn't you see the banner on that road? When you passed by the twin screens, didn't you see who was dominating the screen??! "

"No." Quan Heng said truthfully, "I avoided crowded places and didn't join in the fun."

"...That's quite clean." Song Jingyun was actually a little envious.

Quan Heng raised his eyebrows: "So, today is a special day for the Thorn Empire?"

"Today is the birthday of the chief of the empire."

"Forbidden Queen?"

"Yes, the person who fought his way through the global competition and achieved supreme status for the Chinese Connector - oh, I forgot to tell you the history of the global competition."

"The border competition officially started in 3.0, but I don't know why there are no files for the first twelve seasons. The first year was S13. But in the past two years from S13 to 14, the Chinese connectors have been suppressed by the connectors from other regions. It's basically If you don’t qualify, you won’t get an invitation to the global competition.

"Later, Taboo landed in the restricted area, which can be regarded as a hero made by the times. She won the honor of "First Sequence·Club" as the connector of China. Later, she succeeded, and she was ranked first in China from S15 to S17. We also Come up with a name for the first border area. "

"Chinese Connector...will the Asian region be divided according to human nationality?"

Quan Heng asked a question that interested him.

"Originally, there were none, but when I meet my fellow villagers, I burst into tears. There are many clubs divided by nationality, such as the "Yama-no-Orochi Club", which has an island flavor, and the "Universal Empire", Everything in the real world is good.

“Later, when gangs formed into geographical organizations, that is, clubs, dogs began to bark.

"——It was Taboo who first led his starting team to break this blockade situation, and also broke the rumors and shackles of other countries' adapters against China."

Song Jingyun shook the wine gourd, "But glory is glory, but Taboo himself said that it is 'suitable for fighting the country, not suitable for defending the country'. The Imperial Club is too big and too difficult to manage. Otherwise, maggots like Liu Wuneng will appear .

"And her organization is too exaggerated. I just put out fireworks for her birthday today. The fireworks were banging all the way here, and I was almost deafened!"

"So all the reputable people in their club will stay for the Forbidden Queen to celebrate her birthday," Quan Heng chuckled, "There are indeed cards, wait for me to go out and observe them. The fireworks in the border area should be more beautiful than those in the human world."

"You plan to participate in S18, and you want to flatter your opponent," Song Jingyun was furious, "What do you think??"

"Don't jump to conclusions," Quan Heng chuckled, his voice soft: "Maybe this map has a chance to improve relations."

"Sister! We are here!"

Mu Jing stood on tiptoe at the door of the dollhouse in front and waved, with a clear voice: "The dollhouse is here too!"

He pointed at the toy house behind him that was hung with balloons. Even the door was filled with all kinds of stuffed animals, and the kaleidoscope of Christmas lights was dazzling and festive.

The white-faced and red-nosed clown at the door waved cheerfully along with Mu Jing, wearing his Santa hat crookedly in a funny way.

"I'll ask again," Song Jingyun tilted his head slightly and lowered his voice, "Can you really hold on?"

"Well, if nothing else happens..." Quan Heng whispered in coordination, "I guess he won't die."

"You—forget it!" Song Jingyun waved his hand, and took a sip of wine discouragedly.

Recite the meditation formula and ignore this little bastard!

"Hello, welcome to the toy house in the new exhibition area. Our toy house is the first in the city with the theme of glass kaleidoscope and magical magic mirror. It is as round as the apple on Christmas Eve, symbolizing peace~ "

When the red-nosed clown in front of the dollhouse saw everyone gathered, he took off his hat and gave a gentlemanly salute with uncoordinated limbs: "And tonight on Christmas Eve, we will have an extra treasure hunt with rewards."

As he spoke, he distributed the leaflets in his hand to the players under the steps.

[An exciting treasure hunt game, come and collect the maps in the dollhouse, get the amusement park sign - the reverse cross, and get rich rewards! 】

At the bottom of the flyer is Santa Claus blowing a conch trumpet, with his hand resting on a huge reverse cross next to him.

"Except for you, a group of children have just entered. Friendly reminder: Cherish every player in the team, because the difficulty of the maze will increase if a player dies~ Please do your best to hunt for treasures and get out of the toy house safely!"

The clown laughed playfully.

"Have fun."

The clown's bright red mouth opened in an overly wide arc, and his eyes seemed to be flashing with excited green light as he stared straight at the audience.

His voice was hoarse and low: "Because the children inside have been waiting for you for a long time."

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