Chapter 136

Putting aside whether Xue Zhensheng is a conservative or not, what he said makes sense and no one else can say anything to refute it.

Xue Zhensheng was vaguely proud. Since he lost to Jiang Chunyu last time, he had been practicing his eloquence in front of the mirror at home. He didn't believe he could lose this time.

Seeing Zhou Huifang nodding in agreement with Xue Zhensheng's words, Wen Changxiang felt a little anxious. He turned to look at the factory director. He was ashamed of himself for his calm and composed look.

In fact, Director He was also anxious. Jiang Chunyu was obviously at a disadvantage in this situation, but he could not express his position at this time.

Jiang Chunyu took a sip of tea to moisten his throat and said, "Deputy Factory Director Xue, do you have any other questions? You can tell them together and we can discuss them together."

Xue Zhensheng frowned. This situation was different from what he thought. He said confidently, "No more."

Raising an eyebrow, Jiang Chunyu explained slowly, "What Deputy Director Xue said makes sense."

"Now that you know it makes sense, you shouldn't make this suggestion. Young people can't get excited just because of some small achievements." Xue Zhensheng gave Director He a look.

It's a pity that the eyes were turned on the blind director He, who lowered his head to think and didn't see it at all.

Jiang Chunyu raised her hand to stop Xue Zhensheng from continuing to speak, "I'm afraid Deputy Director Xue is too anxious. I haven't finished speaking yet."

"Deputy Director Xue just cited two reasons. The first food factory to produce plasters, other factories can also follow suit. I think this is wrong. We produce because we have technology and market. Now the leaders above are asking our factories to What are your requirements? Find a way on your own, our food factory is last in the county in terms of economic efficiency, if we don’t find a way to generate income, what will so many workers eat and drink?"

"As for other factories, I can only say that Deputy Director Xue is too naive. If the machinery factory had the formula for non-staple food processing, would they not open a production line? The answer is no. If you don't make money, are you a fool? "

Xue Fool Zhen blushed when he was told that, and was about to speak.

But Jiang Chunyu hadn't finished speaking yet and didn't intend to give him a chance to speak. "As for what Deputy Director Xue said about robbing the pharmaceutical factory, there is no competition. First of all, we have no competitive relationship with the pharmaceutical factory. The pharmaceutical factory does not produce at all." For plasters, it is stated in my report that if the market demands it, we can also cooperate with pharmaceutical manufacturers in the future. As for how to cooperate, it depends on how the two parties negotiate later."

After arguing with Xue Zhensheng, Jiang Chunyu paused for a few seconds and then talked about the benefits of opening a plaster production line.

"The plasters we make ourselves can provide recruitment quotas for employees in our factory and solve the problem of some workers' children going to the countryside. In addition, our plasters are not only famous in the county, but the market demand is huge. Even the county All hospitals have this need, and this is a great opportunity for us to make money.”

Xue Zhensheng finally found an opportunity. Without even breathing, he suddenly said, "Jiang Chunyu, what kind of trend are you doing? This is to restore capitalism. There is a big problem in ideological consciousness."

Jiang Chunyu rolled his eyes and said, "Deputy Factory Director Xue doesn't need to go online. How can it be that the factory doesn't make a penny? Then how can we pay you a salary? So many workers should drink the northwest wind."

"You." Xue Zhensheng swallowed, he was indeed anxious.

"With the money we earn, I think we can definitely use it to build houses. There are so many workers now and housing is in short supply. As far as I know, all the family areas in our food factory are tube buildings. A family of more than ten people squeezes into a small house of [-] to [-] square meters. , we don’t even have a place to stay, and our food factory is so poor that single workers don’t even have a dormitory. If we don’t think of a way to make money, is it possible that we sit in the office and drink tea every day?”

Wen Changxiang no longer dared to look at the leader's face. Oh my god, Jiang Chunyu was so brave.

Especially Xue Zhensheng's face was ashen and his eyes almost popped out.

Director He admires young people like Jiang Chunyu who dare to speak the most. If the factory wants to continue to develop, it will definitely not be able to rely on old guys like them alone. Otherwise, it will not be able to go from being last in the county to becoming the envy and hatred of other factories. You are number one in the county.Not to mention, Jiang Chunyu's proposal is really exciting. It is a house that can be passed down from generation to generation.

Xue Zhensheng admitted that he was also moved. If he had a big house, the house wouldn't be so crowded, and his daughter wouldn't have to sleep in the hallway of the living room.

But he has dealt with Jiang Chunyu too many times. This person is very thoughtful and has a strong purpose in doing things. It is very likely that he is doing things for everyone's benefit on the surface but has shady activities behind his back.

Jiang Chunyu didn't know that he had such a comment in Xue Zhensheng's heart.

She was thinking about what the food factory would come up with next that could be made into a glass bottle like canned braised pork and easy to carry.

Xue Zhensheng's rusty brain kept spinning, and finally he came up with a solution, "Xiao Jiang is right, but you don't seem to have told us how much budget is needed to build this plaster production line, and what is the specific operation process?"

Jiang Chunyu thought that she just didn't say it on purpose. According to her understanding of the deputy director, she would have to think of all possible ways to refute her, and now she was given an opportunity to take advantage of it.

"What the deputy director taught me is that since the deputy director agrees, I will explain the specific process."

Xue Zhensheng's eyes widened in surprise, and he raised his hand to stop Jiang Chunyu, "I didn't say I agreed."

Jiang Chunyu blinked, as if to say that he didn't agree to ask about the process.

But Xue Zhensheng really understood. He wished he could sew his mouth shut. Why was he so indebted? Can't he just not speak?
The others suppressed their laughter when they saw Xue Zhensheng shriveled up.


Once again, he was defeated in the confrontation with Jiang Chunyu.

Xue Zhensheng held his breath and repeated it again and again. He didn't believe he could do it again and again. He would definitely win next time. It just depends on how long the yellow-haired girl can remain arrogant and complacent.

Elder He Chang also had a smile on his face. He was still the smartest, and he knew that in the eyes of conservatives, his non-stop talking was just nonsense. He was from a military background, so he could only use his voice to suppress his words.

But it's different now. He has talents like Comrade Jiang Chunyu. Look how good Xiao Jiang is. He can do it three times, five times and two times. Xue Zhensheng doesn't even dare to fart now.

The people who caused the trouble have been settled. Director He stood up happily and announced, "Since everyone has no objections now, I will report it to the county leader W first."

Xue Zhensheng tried very hard to find an excuse, but unfortunately Jiang Chunyu was not a person who played by the rules and could block anything he said.

Just when he was disappointed, he suddenly realized that this matter had to do with the leadership from above, and even more with the pharmaceutical factory.

He glared at Jiang Chunyu fiercely, and said harshly when he walked to the door, "I'll see how you convince the leaders and the pharmaceutical company, so you don't shoot yourself in the foot."

(End of this chapter)

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