Chapter 10 10. Planning to stay permanently
Hongxin nodded in agreement and agreed with her decision.

Her Qiankun bag contains a lot of seeds of grains, vegetables and fruits, which are definitely hot commodities in this world.

"Then are we going to buy land or a house? We used to sleep on trees and live in caves!"

Since you want to live there for a long time, why don't you buy a family property?
Even if it is temporary, buy it.

In the past, they were always ready to run away at any time. They had no place to live and could only live in caves.

Now that we're here, it's time to get a house to live in.

Being a farmer here can also hide your identity very well.

The red core climbed from her wrist to her shoulder and looked around. This town was not small.

There should be a house where they live.

If they want to live here, they must buy land and a house.

"Well, let's go find out where there is land and house sales, and buy a suitable house and land." Luo Wanning said and started shopping on the long street.

If you come here and want to inquire about things, the best place to eat is at a restaurant.

She saw several restaurants with flags and sails on this street. She happened to be hungry and went in to have some food.

"Shopkeeper, what do you have to eat here?"

Luo Wanning swaggered into a restaurant that looked clean.

There aren't many guests here. It seems like everyone is having a hard time during this drought.

Even under the fiefdom of King Xiling, the lives of ordinary people were tight.

Compared to places with refugees outside, this is already a good place.

The shopkeeper wiped his sweat, looked up and saw a customer coming in, and his beard almost flew up when he laughed.

He hurried forward to greet him, "Young master, please come in. We always eat whatever we have here. Nowadays, life is difficult. The best thing to eat is coarse wheat steamed buns and a bowl of mutton soup. I wonder what you want to eat, little master?"

In the past, they mainly planted rice and coarse wheat here. Now the weather is too dry, and most of the rice they planted has dried up. The only surviving food is corn and wheat.

The yield of these grains is too low and cannot be supplied by one’s own family.

Now that there have been wars for years and taxes have increased a lot, the people's lives are really miserable.

It would be nice to have something to eat.

"Then have one."

She also tried to see if the food in Xiling was delicious.

The shopkeeper smiled brightly and said, "Okay! Please wait a moment!"

"Mother-in-law! A bowl of mutton soup and wheat buns."

The shopkeeper yelled into the yard behind.

"got it!"

He heard the woman's response in the backyard.

Luo Wanning thinks that such a restaurant is quite novel, and it is completely different from restaurants in other worlds.

It's also different from the restaurants in the Black Bird Empire.

"Shopkeeper, do you sell wine here?" She suddenly wanted to drink.

She also wanted to try if the wine here tasted good.

The shopkeeper was a little embarrassed, "Young master, you don't know. Our restaurant is too small and the drinks are too expensive. Where can anyone be willing to spend money to drink? If you want to drink, go to the restaurant over there. They serve drinks and snacks." .”

At this time, wine is a precious thing, and most people can't afford it.

Nowadays, the only people who can afford to drink alcohol are those who are rich or noble, and those who can afford it are mystic masters.

They are ordinary people who have trouble eating and dressing, and they drink like crazy.

"Forget it, shopkeeper, let me ask you something. Is there a place in this town that sells houses and land?"

Since you plan to live there, buying a house and land are both necessary.

Being a farmer should be the best cover for her.

The shopkeeper said with a smile: "Of course I have it! It's just not easy to buy! The young master just came to Liuli Town, right? There are too many outsiders in Liuli Town now, and they all want to settle down here. The houses and land are for sale. It’s almost done.”

Nowadays, it is really hard to find a house in this place, and the land is almost sold out. If you want to settle here, you still need to look at the opportunity. "Can the shopkeeper tell me where there is a dental clinic? I'll go find out after dinner and try my luck."

What if she meets a suitable house and land?
Thinking about it, the people outside were having a hard time, and she didn't know what to do in other places. At least the people under Xiling Juefeng could still live a stable life.

Although life is a little harder.

She feels very good here and doesn't want to leave for the time being. As long as she is determined, she will be able to find a suitable house.

"You can go and have a look! That tooth shop is not far away. It happens to be in the alley behind my restaurant. She is a very talkative tooth shop. You can just go and check it out later."

The shopkeeper greeted Luo Wanning warmly.

Luo Wanning also felt that he was taken seriously and was in a good mood, "Thank you so much to the shopkeeper."

"You're welcome! Ouch! The food is here, please take it easy."

The shopkeeper took the mutton soup from his mother-in-law and placed it on the table. Finally, he put down three dark wheat buns and a plate of pickles, and then followed his mother-in-law to leave.

Smelling the scent of mutton, Luo Wanning's stomach growled.

Luo Wanning took out the broken bowl from his broken bag, picked out some meat and put it in to cool.

"Hongxin, this is yours." With that, he pulled Hongxin off his shoulders and put it on the table.

Hong Xin lazily swam to the edge of the bowl, picked up a piece of mutton, stretched her neck and swallowed it.

After spitting out the snake letter, his head was shaking so much that he had an afterimage, "It's not delicious!"

But it's not terrible.

Luo Wanning took a bite of mutton, which had a strong smell. It should be that the mutton was not cooked properly. It was definitely not as delicious as the mutton she ate.

At this point, there's nothing to fault.

Compared to the refugees outside who have nothing to eat or drink, these things are already delicious.

"What can you taste? You are a snake!"

Luo Wanning exposed its shortcomings without mercy.

A snake is a cold-blooded species and always swallows food in one bite. Is it weird that it can taste it?
"You still have friends who can see through it or not! I am such a handsome snake and such a special snake. Of course I can taste it."

As he said this, he shook the snake's head in disgust.

There was a smelly shoe on the table, and it happened to be stuck on Hongxin's head.

The other shoe happened to fall into her mutton soup, and the mutton soup was splashed all over Luo Wanning.

Luo Wanning's forehead was filled with anger, and she gritted her teeth and popped out a few words from her teeth, "Whose, smelly, shoes?"

It's shameful to waste food, doesn't he know?
It took Hong Xin a long time to get out of the smelly shoes, and her eyes were filled with stars because of the smell of the shoes.

Hong Xin's whole snake was so stinky that it collapsed, "Wanwan, I'm going to be stunk to death!"


Hong Xin fainted from the smell and lay straight on the table.

Luo Wanning picked up the red core and stuffed it into the Qiankun bag, then looked at the sloppy old man sitting in the distance.

I saw that he had no shoes on his feet, and his dirty feet were exposed and smelled bad.

Luo Wanning frowned slightly when he saw the old man's appearance.

This old man actually had the same tattoos as those who were chasing her.

It's just that his tattoo is on his ankle.

It's really a narrow road for enemies!
The people eating in the restaurant were so stifled by the stench that they all hid aside and accused the old man of being immoral.

"Is there something wrong with you old man? You stink like hell!"

"Hurry up! Hurry up!"

"Who are these people? Does this old man have bad intentions?"

"How can we eat like this...!"

"You old man won't let anyone eat! It's true!"

 There was going to be a fight as soon as we arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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