18. The Gu brothers

Her yard was still messy, but it gave her a sense of peace of mind.

"It's really useless!" Luo Wanning laughed at herself. She was so excited that she couldn't sleep.

Suddenly, she didn't have to worry about being beaten and tortured by those people. Those who were chasing her couldn't find her for the time being. Her tense nerves relaxed and she didn't feel sleepy at all.

Luo Wanning happily drank sweet dew on the roof all night. It wasn't until the sky turned white that she began to concentrate on absorbing the purple energy.

The purple energy in this courtyard, plus the first ray of purple energy that appears on the horizon in the morning, the combination of the two is easier to absorb and helps in cultivation.

The morning light is dim.

Luo Wanning opened his eyes and stretched slightly.

"Today is the first day to start life again. A wonderful day has begun! Come on and make money!"

This is the beginning of her revenge!

She still has to clean up the yard today and find a few people to help repair the house.

Luo Wanning took a wild boar out of the Qiankun bag and placed it in the courtyard, waiting for Ya Po to collect it.


Luo Wanning's stomach protested.

"Cook some corn porridge and drink it."

I've finished all the chicken stew last night. Let's make some porridge in the morning.

Luo Wanning washed out the rice, put it in a clay pot, and put in some minced meat to prepare minced meat porridge.

There is just no green vegetables to eat, and I almost feel like a bird in my mouth.

"By the way! There are also leaves to eat!"

Luo Wanning slapped her head, how could she forget the Drunken Cloud Immortal Tree?

Luo Wanning picked up a lot of leaves from the Zuiyunxian tree from the Qiankun bag. Each leaf was light pink.

Luo Wanning put the leaves in a copper basin and carried them to the well.

The water in the well has almost overflowed to the wellhead after a night of seepage, and you can just bend down to draw water out.

The well water is clear and cold.

Luo Wanning fetched water and washed the leaves of the Zuiyunxian tree.

Put some fat from the chicken in the pot and stir-fry it to get the fat. Then put the leaves in the pot and stir-fry a few times.

The leaves are edible when they are raw, so just fry them a few times.

After frying, the originally light pink leaves become more intense in color and have a special fragrance.

At this time, the corn porridge is also cooked. A bowl of corn porridge and a plate of fried leaves are a hearty breakfast.

The scent of Luo Wanning's place once again seduced the surrounding neighbors, cursing secretly in their hearts.

They all don't have enough to eat, and there are people whose homes smell like meat all day long. It's really annoying!

They could only drink the bitter and watery wild vegetable soup with tears in their eyes, and eat with the alluring aroma of meat.

Luo Wanning had just put away the dishes after eating when he heard a knock on the door.

"Ouch! Is Xiao Langjun at home? I'm here with Gu Dalang and Gu Erlang."

Liuyapo was stunned for a moment when she saw Luo Wanning, what a handsome young man!

There is no such good-looking young man in Liuli Town.

Yesterday, the young man's face was so dirty that he couldn't really see his appearance, but he looked so good in this outfit.

Behind Liu Yapo were two men, who looked like brothers at first glance and looked very similar.

Tall and strong, with a dark face.

"Well, come in! The wild boar is in the courtyard."

Wild boars from other worlds are much larger than ordinary wild boars. The smallest one she took out weighed more than 500 kilograms.

Gu Dalang glanced at Luo Wanning unexpectedly. It turned out that such a handsome young man bought their ancestral home.

Gu Dong was also a little surprised. He heard that the sixth wife said that a young master bought the house, but he did not expect that it was such a young master, only seventeen or eighteen years old, right?

"Ouch! How come it's such a big wild boar!" Liuyapo's surprised voice drew the brothers back from looking at Luo Wanning.

When they saw the wild boar, the two Gu brothers were also a little dumbfounded.

"Is such a big wild boar?"

Wherever the wild boar is placed, it looks like a dark hill.

They looked at it and wondered why this wild boar was different from the wild boars they had seen before.

Is this one too big?
Without thinking about it carefully, I just felt that the big wild boar was different from the ordinary wild boar.

They thought that no matter how big the wild boar was, it would only weigh one or two hundred pounds. The wild boars in the mountains and forests were probably too hungry to grow big. They didn't expect it to be such a big wild boar.

"This is twenty gold coins. With this wild boar, our account is settled."

Luo Wanning took out another money bag, which contained exactly twenty gold coins.

Yesterday she bought a lot of money bags from the cloth store just to hold money.

It came in handy today.

Gu Dalang waved his hand, "Young Master, this is too many gold coins! This wild boar is already very big. If I ask you for twenty more gold coins, I will trick you. We only need eighteen."

Gu Dalang took out two more from his money bag and placed them in front of Luo Wanning.

Their family is short of money now, but they don't want so much more money.

This yard was originally sold at a very high price, but now it would be unreasonable to ask for more.

"Young Master, these eighteen gold coins are already a lot. We can't ask for any more money from you."

Gu Dong also felt that the elder brother did the right thing.

They originally sold the house at a high price because they did not want the powerful people who harmed their family to target the house.

After a few years, the powerful people gradually lost interest in their houses and land, so they lowered the price of the houses and planned to sell them.

The price of fifty gold coins is considered high.

In the time of peace, fifty gold coins would not be expensive to buy their things. Now, in the time of war and chaos, these fifty gold coins are a bit expensive.

Now that the young master is given two gold coins, the price is considered fair.

"Master Luo, just take it! The pig you gave me saved the lives of everyone in my family, how can I ask for more money from you?"

Gu Dong told the truth.

The family has run out of food, and now I can't earn much money even if I go out to work. The money is not enough to buy medicine for my mother, let alone buy food.

'The women in the family would also go to the mountains to dig some wild vegetables and mix them with grain to eat, but it was not enough to feed the family.

With this wild boar, they can sell some of it and keep the rest for their family to replenish their health.

Even in winter, their family can survive safely.

"Okay then!" Luo Wanning put away the gold coins politely.

No one cares about having more money in their hands, right?

After looking at the pig and then at the two Gu brothers, I guess they couldn't lift it.

It's none of her business, they will find a way to get it back.

"Liuyapo, I need some help here to repair the yard and grounds. Do you have anyone reliable over there?"

With her own efforts to cultivate the land, she doesn't know how long it will take before food can be planted.

The job of growing food waits for no one.

Now she needs someone to fix up the house and land as soon as possible.

Liu Yapo said quickly, "Yes! The Gu brothers also went to help others with work, and then there are the neighbors on the left and right. The land is so dry now that they can't grow food. They all have nothing to do at home. If there is a place here, All the work is what I want!"

Gu Dalang's eyes lit up, "Sixth Wife is right, we two brothers are also idle. We will do whatever the young master wants to do to repair the yard or farm the land."

"Yes, yes! My eldest brother is right, we can do any job." Gu Dong also quickly agreed.

Things are different now than before. The family is really short of money and food, and it is really not easy to have a job.

 I'm so hungry that I eat leaves!
  (End of this chapter)

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