Chapter 187

Li Ying, who closed her eyes to rest, listened to the sound of slight footsteps, slowly opened her eyes, looked for the sound, and saw Tan Song and Bao Qingxuan trying to escape secretly. She subconsciously turned her head to look at Yun Haotian, and saw that his face was expressionless. He looked at Tan Song and Bao Qingxuan with expressions, but had no intention of stopping them from escaping. He simply didn't care and watched them escape.

"Aww..." The sound of a wolf suddenly sounded in the night sky. The high-pitched cry was particularly clear and scary in the silent night.

Captain Liu opened his eyes suddenly and said solemnly: "This is the roar of a wolf."

Long Jiayao looked at the direction in which Tan Song and Bao Qingxuan were escaping, with a wicked smile on her lips. Bao Qingxuan and Tan Song seemed to have fallen into the wolf pack's territory.

Jin Hong sighed: "Those two people who escaped might encounter a pack of wolves."

"It's so late at night that an injured and unarmed person dared to run away. He's simply asking for his own death. He can't blame others." Qin Xiaolan said with a cold face.

"The King of Hell told you to die at the third watch. Whoever leaves you until the fifth watch? When your life span comes to an end, even the gods can't keep you. When their time of death comes, they will commit suicide." Li Ying said with emotion.

As soon as Li Ying finished speaking, she heard bursts of painful and desperate screams. Everyone couldn't help but look at Li Ying. Li Ying's mouth was not like a crow's. It had been opened and her words were so effective!

Li Ying rolled her eyes speechlessly. She saw that Tan Song and Bao Qingxuan had a look of death on their faces, but there is a saying that people can defeat God. If a person who is destined to die meets a noble person, he still has a chance to avoid fate.

At dawn, Captain Liu and the others ate some dry food, glanced at the corpse on the ground, and said loudly: "Let's go and look for the laboratory."

Huwei walked to Zhou Yue's body, moved his nose, and looked up to the southeast. "My sense of smell is particularly sensitive. Maybe I can find the laboratory."

Captain Liu looked overjoyed. If Huwei could find the laboratory, they would avoid many detours and save a lot of time.

"Let's go!"

Huwei said and walked towards the southeast, followed closely by Li Ying and others, heading towards the goal.

The trees on the island are lush and lush, and there are many thorns. Everyone is careful not to be stung by the thorns, and they are always worried about stepping on poisonous insects and snakes.

"Ouch!" exclaimed, with panic in his voice.

"Qiangzi, what's wrong with you?" Qin Xiaolan asked.

"I didn't pay attention, and a spider crawled on my arm and bit me." Qiangzi said.

Qin Xiaolan saw Qiangzi holding his arm tightly and asked hurriedly: "Where is the spider?"

"I swatted the spider away." Qiangzi replied.

Captain Liu walked to Qiangzi's side, picked up Qiangzi's arm, and saw that the wound was quickly becoming red and swollen, and asked, "How do you feel now?"

There was a thin layer of cold sweat on Qiangzi's forehead, and his face was ugly. He said uncomfortably: "My arm hurts, and now I'm a little dizzy."

The expressions of Qin Xiaolan and his teammates changed. Damn it, spiders are poisonous!
Captain Liu quickly took out his dagger and scratched Qiangzi's wound horizontally and vertically to help squeeze out the poisonous blood.

Long Jiayao picked two herbs nearby and saw Captain Liu squeezing out the poisonous blood. He handed the herbs to Captain Liu and warned: "This is the morning medicine for detoxification. Crush it and apply it on the wound."

Captain Liu thanked him gratefully: "Thank you!"

"You're welcome, no thanks!" Long Jiayao said. Long Jiayao is a snake, and she is also a fairy who has cultivated as an adult. Ordinary poisons cannot affect her.

Qin Xiaolan took the herbal medicine, crushed it and applied it to Qiangzi's wound.

Li Ying stood next to Qin Xiaolan and handed Qin Xiaolan a piece of gauze. Qin Xiaolan took the gauze and bandaged Qiangzi.

Captain Liu looked at his teammates and ordered: "Rest where you are."

Qiangzi leaned against the tree trunk. Qin Xiaolan saw that his face was ugly and he was a little weak, so he felt a little worried.

Li Ying frowned, took out a pill, squatted in front of Qiangzi, looked at Qiangzi and said: "Meeting is fate, this is the Yangyuan Pill, I refined it in my spare time, give it to you Take it!"

Qiangzi's dull eyes lit up, and he took the Yangyuan Pill and drank it.

"Thank you." Qiangzi said with gratitude.

"You're welcome." Li Ying said nonchalantly.

She grows a lot of medicinal materials in her space. When she is bored, she reads medical books. She refined the Yuan Yang Pill using the spiritual spring.

After resting for half an hour, Captain Liu saw that Qiangzi's face looked much better and his energy had recovered well. He didn't expect that the Yangyuan Pill was so effective!

Qin Xiaolan rubbed her hands, looked at Li Ying with a smile, and asked shamelessly: "Sister, your Yuan Yang Pill is pretty good! Do you still have it?"

"Can you give me two for self-defense?"

Li Ying looked at Qin Xiaolan's cute look and couldn't help laughing. This boy was so flexible and flexible that he even called his sister for a few pills.

"You call me sister, can I not give it to you?"

Qin Xiaolan's eyes lit up when she heard this. She didn't expect that calling her sister would be so effective. She would benefit from calling her more often in the future.

Captain Liu couldn't help but smile when he saw Qin Xiaolan really get the benefits, "What a good boy, you have a bright future!"
Li Ying took out a small porcelain bottle and threw it to Qin Xiaolan. Qin Xiaolan caught it and held it in his hand like a treasure. Qiangzi took the pill and was instantly healed. Such a good thing must be stored away for emergencies.

Qin Xiaolan looked at the gunshot wound on his teammate Wang Feng's shoulder and the wound on Qiangzi's arm, and said with emotion: "We are often injured when we go on missions, and we also encounter poisonous insects and snakes. If only there were detoxifying pills and trauma treatment pills. The medicine will be fine.”

Hearing this, Li Ying recalled that when Meng Zhang took her to play in the secret realm, she accidentally got two pill prescriptions. She took them out and handed them to Captain Liu, "One is a prescription for treating trauma, and the other is a prescription for detoxifying pills. I accidentally The medicine I got is quite effective and your troops should be able to use it."

When Captain Liu heard that it was medicine for treating wounds and detoxifying pills, he was overjoyed to receive it. Captain Liu said with great gratitude: "We need these two prescriptions very much. It is a timely help. Thank you very much."

Li Ying smiled and saw that Qiangzi was recovering well and said, "Let's continue on our way!"

Everyone followed Hu Wei and continued on their way. Li Ying was walking behind Hu Wei. When she saw Hu Wei suddenly stop and stare at a certain place, Li Ying stepped forward curiously and was startled. His face darkened.

When Captain Liu saw Li Ying and Hu Wei stop, he must have encountered some emergency and ran to Li Ying. There were more than a dozen corpses on the ground, with signs of being eaten by wild beasts.

Captain Liu shouted with a sullen look on his face: "Beasts, these beasts have killed so many innocent people."

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