
The young man said the lines with a smile.

His skin is fair, so those raised veins are particularly noticeable.

However, at this moment, his eyes would only fall on the black lines that appeared out of thin air.

Like a wriggling earthworm, the wrists suddenly separated from the middle.

Fortunately, it didn't spread too long.

Probably only one-tenth of the entire arm.

Then, Green's other strong hand supported him.After receiving his approval, Wu Yu held his wrist and drew a talisman with his own blood mixed with cinnabar.

She chanted the incantation, and in a moment, the talisman turned into fire and penetrated into Li Chenye's wrist.

"Hey~" gasped.

Ling Cang quickly covered his mouth pretentiously.

He was startled, but he kept his eyes open and watched as the talisman melted into his bones and blood.

Then, another red thread wrapped around the original black thread.

Li Chenye raised his eyes.

Wu Yu stopped his hand and looked a little pale.

She didn't tell them that the blood she used this time was not ordinary blood, but blood from her heart.

One drop of blood from the heart can be a hundred times more effective than other blood.

At first, I thought it was strange that she could repay Li Chenye for this kind of kindness.

Now it seems that the old man's fortune telling is quite accurate.

She said bluntly: "Your string of Buddhist beads is meant to curb your instinct to absorb these ghost energies."

"Hey!" gasped.

Wu Yu: "I think you would have often lost consciousness before you wore the beads."

"Box box box." Pump X2.

Wu Yu:......

Her eyes moved faintly and landed on someone who kept gasping "hiss, hiss".

Ling Cang saw her looking at him and jumped out, "That's it? Is it okay? Is it solved? Is everything okay?"

This person can't change his habit of asking questions when he's nervous.

Wu Yu wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "There is no solution."

Without waiting for a question, she immediately continued: "It won't be settled until this matter is dealt with."

She reached out towards them, the comb in her palm.

She said: "It must be resolved."

Its thing?
Of course, it is the owner of the comb.

When Ling Cang heard such unscientific things, of course he was unwilling to let Li Chenye intervene, but he glanced at Li Chenye's hand and said nothing in the end.

Wu Yu comforted him, "It's not a bad thing. Originally, you have tried various methods but couldn't solve it. Now, there is still one more way."

Listen to this.

Ling Cang nodded, "You are really good at comforting people."

He was convinced. After all, there was no other way, "But, what should we do? Solve it. What you just thought was, is it a ghost? How should we solve it?"

Wu Yu stroked the jade comb with her fingers and said to Li Chenye: "It should have been attracted by your breath, but you have a cover, so the distance is not too far. It is also a coincidence today that your prayer beads are broken. But it does not care about the impact. To you, the result may be swallowed up by you. At this point, it should not have no sense of crisis, then it should be in a less sober state. So, don’t go too far, first check, this nursing home and the surrounding people, Did something supernatural happen, and did you ask some Taoist people to get rid of the evil?"

Li Chenye looked at Ling Cang.The latter understood and ran out while shaking his head.

There were two people left in the room.

Wu Yu saw the prayer beads picked up by the nurse and placed on the table.

If the beads string is broken, even if it is re-strung, it will have no effect.

Wu Yu comforted, "Actually, I can't hold it anymore. It's not today, it could be tomorrow. Who gave you the beads? Can he give you another one?"

Li Chenye was very curious about the red line on his wrist, which always seemed to be mixed with a strange heartbeat. "Brother Ye?"

"Yeah." He replied lazily, as if he was not discussing his life issues, "I can't find it. It was an unexpected gift from my father. I don't know who it is. I just know that if I don't wear the beads, within ten years, I will die. Died young.”

"That's it." Wu Yu continued to comfort, "Okay. Then you are really lucky. The prayer beads failed, and I happened to be by your side. Don't underestimate this red line, it will definitely not be worse than the effect of the prayer beads!"

Li Chenye felt that the red thread was like a responding girl, jumping naughtily and confidently.

He laughed and said, "Yes. I know what little Taoist nun is capable of. From now on, I will feel relieved to have you protecting me."

When the conversation changed, he said thoughtfully, "But. Why does the little Taoist nun..." like me so much?

"Protect me without asking for anything in return."

Wu Yu didn't understand.I am doing something to repay my kindness. Isn’t it possible that I don’t have this awareness?
She waved her hand, "That's nothing. Brother Ye is also very good to me. As for the groundbreaking ceremony introduced last time, I thought more than 250 was the most. I went back and checked, and you actually gave [-] million."

Although it is another not very smart number, he gave a lot!

Li Chenye's eyelashes trembled slightly.

The "heartbeat" on my wrist is getting faster and faster.

He knew it.

The little girl specially mentioned 250.What do you think?

She probably wanted to hint to herself that what she wanted was not 250, but to break it up and regroup.

For example, 520.

But how is it possible.

He gave this number on purpose.

I want to hint to the little girl that my secret love is fruitless.

Li Chenye said "hmm" meaningfully.I think the little girl is quite interesting.

Forget it, she will always retreat when faced with difficulties.

Li Chenye was thinking so in his heart, but he didn't notice the violent beating of his pulse at all.

That is indeed the pulse that connects the beating heart.


At the same moment, a scream suddenly rang out from a villa in the West District where the nursing home is located.

Then, I heard violent crackling noises in the building.

This is also because the villa area is relatively far away from each other, so it did not alarm other people.

A Taoist priest cast a spell, "No! I can't hold it anymore!"

A middle-aged couple supported each other.

After hearing the Taoist priest's words, the woman's legs became weak and she was about to fall down.

The man hurriedly supported his wife and said, "Master! What should we do? You must think of a way! We have found many masters, and you are the first one to really hurt it! I believe you must have a way!"

The Taoist priest wanted to criticize the Three Character Classic.

No matter how much you praise it, it's useless.

Originally, in today's world, spiritual energy is scarce and it is not easy to practice Taoism. Those who have some ability must rely on talent!

His talent is pretty good, at least he can make a living!
However, it is not worth losing your life just to earn a living!
With a calculation in his mind, he immediately said: "It's not that I won't help! I already suppressed it, but, for some reason, the power of this thing has skyrocketed! There is really nothing I can do about it."

"Then...what should we do then, Master."

"I heard that our Xuanmen recently had a young genius. Maybe there is a chance of finding her."

Young genius?

Of course it's easy to find out.

In this way, when Ling Cang got some clues and ran back to compare the information with the two of them, Wu Yu got the call first.

Li Chenye "shushed" at him.

Wu Yu originally had no intention of chatting with the other party, but the "commission" proposed by the other party sounded a bit mysterious to her.

(End of this chapter)

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