Jingxi carried the coffin. The heavy-looking coffin was easily lifted.

The bottom of the coffin was empty, and there was a raised stone on the ground. Jing Xi, an expert in art, was bold and stepped on the stone with his foot.

With a "boom", a stone door appeared in front of them. There were wailing sounds from inside and outside the door, and the smell of blood became stronger.


Village Chief Chen's expression suddenly changed when he heard a wailing. He ran towards the door. Jing Xi and Wang Shu followed behind him. After entering the door, they saw a hell on earth!
I saw an altar built in the middle of a stone chamber that was larger than the outside. There were dozens of young men and women on the altar. They were trapped on the altar, unable to move even an inch.

Their hands were tied together, and there was a blood line in the middle of their wrists. The blood was flowing slowly toward the middle of the altar.

As soon as Village Chief Chen saw them, his eyes suddenly turned red. They were the missing villagers of Chenjia Village!
"Please ask the immortal to save them!"

Village Chief Chen was helpless and had no choice but to beg Jing Xi to take action.

People's lives were at stake, so Jing Xi didn't waste any time and cut off the soul-binding ropes that trapped the villagers with one sword.

This is the lowest level of spiritual weapon, it can even be said to be inferior, but it is more than enough to restrain ordinary people.

The villagers fainted one after another without saying a word. Jingxi checked and found that they had just lost too much blood and needed to be nursed back to health for a while.

The man called "Big Zhuang" by Village Chief Chen did not faint. He was the last one to disappear and was better than the others.

It was just a little bit, Da Zhuang's face turned pale, as if he might faint at any time.

It seemed that this was the key to completing the system's mission. Jing Xi took a little bit of the blood-replenishing pill and mixed it with honey, and let Da Zhuang eat it.

The effect was immediate, and the color on Da Zhuang's face returned to normal.

Village Chief Chen understood that Jing Xi wanted to know what happened here, and seeing that Da Zhuang was fine, he urged him to tell him everything he knew.

The strong hand trembled slightly. He took a deep breath and suppressed his fear before telling Jing Xi and Village Chief Chen what happened.

It turns out that these villagers were introduced by the ancestors of the Chen family!

And leading them down was to let their blood flow into the altar.

In this process, the villagers will not die immediately, but slowly feel the loss of their lives.

It is said that long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. If they die, it will be a quick death, but they must be tortured like this.

If half of the villagers died of excessive blood loss, then the other half died of fear.

The corpses of these people will be eaten by the ancestors of the Chen family. Whenever a person dies, the villagers can see the scene of skeletons eating people.

Da Zhuang said sadly and angrily: "Village Chief, is he really the ancestor of our Chenjia Village? How could he eat us descendants!"

Village Chief Chen did not dare to speak. How could he say that he was the ancestor of the Chen family?

In fact, he is not the only ancestor of the Chen family, but one of them. A total of [-] ancestors of the Chen family are buried here.

Oops, I just forgot to ask the Chen family ancestors where the other coffins went.

Jing Xi thought about this and glanced at Village Chief Chen. Obviously, Village Chief Chen also remembered it.

But now is not the time to talk about this. The plan for now is to get all the villagers back to the village.

And Da Zhuang, a silly boy, kept asking Village Chief Chen whether it was the ancestors of the Chen family who killed them.

How should Village Chief Chen answer this?

Say yes, it will cause other ancestors to be scolded, say no, the skeleton is really real.

Only the successive village chiefs of Chenjia Village know about the Chen family's ancestors, and it is inconvenient to tell ordinary villagers.

"No," Jing Xi answered for Village Chief Chen, "That skeleton pretended to be your ancestor and tricked you into coming here. He is dead now. He is in the stone chamber over there. Do you want to go and have a look?" "Yes?" want!"

Da Zhuang thought it was Jing Xi who had solved the skeleton. He thanked Jing Xi and couldn't wait to run to the stone room to see the skeleton that had been buried.

After a while, a voice that sounded like crying and laughing came from the stone room. Jing Xi and Village Chief Chen knew that he was happy that he was still alive, but at the same time, he was sad for the dead villagers.

The dead are gone, but the living must continue to live. At the request of Village Chief Chen, Jing Xi shoveled down the altar and took it away.

The material of the altar is very special. If the base and the ground were not connected, Jing Xi's attack would not be able to destroy it.

She received the storage ring on the altar, but she did not find any channels for transmitting blood on the ground.

Jing Xi guessed that there might be a formation on the altar, and the blood of the villagers was transported to a certain place by the formation.

With the help of Jing Xi, Village Chief Chen and Da Zhuang got the villagers out of the stone chamber.

The moment they come out, the system task is completed!

Jing Xi said goodbye. She was originally here to deal with the issue of the Bailian Snake, but she didn't expect that it would involve the Chenjia Village ancestral grave.

However, I still gained a lot. I made a contract with Baiyeqing, and opened the blocked meridians. I also obtained an altar made of unknown material, and I asked Jisha to refine it.

Village Chief Chen repeatedly tried to persuade him to stay, and cryptically expressed that he did not want people from the Rogue Cultivator Alliance to know what was happening here. Jing Xi agreed.

As for the reason for agreeing...it seems that there are many secrets in the ancestral graves in Chenjia Village. She will explore them again when she reaches a higher level.

Village Chief Chen happily agreed. He also wanted to know what was hidden in his ancestral tomb. If it was a treasure house, it would be better to benefit future generations than to bury it dry.

Ancestral grave: "..."

Do you want descendants?

The kind that digs your grave.

Bailian Snake proposed to go to its lair to get something, and the two groups parted ways.

Oh, and its tribesmen must be recalled as well.

"What do you think? Follow me or terminate the contract with you?"

Jingxi asked it whether the melon was sweet, and she respected Bailian Snake's opinion.

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Bailian Snake shook its head so hard that its head almost fell off.

"I won't stay here," Bailian Snake surrounded itself into a "" and said flatteringly, "Master, I am your little snake in life, and your little dead ghost in death. You can't abandon me!" "

Just kidding, when Jing Xi absorbed the spiritual energy just now, it rubbed a little bit, and now it has touched the edge of the fourth floor of the foundation. The aftereffects of the spiritual energy that it had previously absorbed the corpse energy are no longer there.

Also, the unscrupulous owner has contracted its white leaf greens, and it hasn’t eaten the white leaf greens yet!

It wants to follow Jing Xi and at least take a bite!
In Jing Xi's consciousness, Baiye Qing, who noticed Bai Lian Snake's thoughts, shook his branches and leaves.

Dare to bite me?
strangle you to death!
There was some treasure in the Bailian Snake's lair, and it called Jing Xi to get it. Since the treasure was of no use to it anyway, it might as well give it to Jing Xi.

While he was talking, the Hundred Refined Snake had already summoned all its clansmen back. One hundred and eighty different snakes were twisting and crawling on the ground in darkness. The scene was really nerve-wracking.

Bailian Snake gave them a few instructions and asked for their opinions, whether to stay here or go with it to enjoy the hot and spicy food.

In the end, the snakes didn't choose any one. They wanted to go to the Monster Forest.

Bailian Snake cried loudly, "You heartless people, have you forgotten that I risked my life to steal cabbage for you??!"

(End of this chapter)

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