She understood what Jing Xi meant, which was to take the leadership of the team.

Qingcuo thought for a while and realized there was nothing wrong with it. Jing Xi was the elder, and there were also the Blood Nightmare Wolf and the Violent Violent Bear, so he deserved to be the team leader.

"Jingdao Lord, I, the Wanjian Sect, hope to go with you and obey your command in the Tianyan Secret Realm."

After Qingcuo finished expressing his position, the other three team leaders also expressed that they also listened to Jing Xi.

Jing Xi nodded with a smile and divided the team into five groups, letting each of the four team leaders lead a group. For the Lu family, Lu Tan was the group leader.

"Ahem, since our two teams have merged together, some ugly things should be said up front. You must listen to me on everything, no matter how big or small."

"No matter whether it is a mountain of swords or a sea of ​​fire, as long as it is my order, it must be completed. Anyone who disobeys the order will be expelled from the team!"

Jing Xi kept his words here to avoid harming others or himself.

The four Qingcuo people responded happily, but the disciples below were not so happy. Their voices of agreement were sparse, and the eyes they looked at Jing Xi were still a little dissatisfied.

They think they are the proud ones of heaven. They just listen to their brothers and sisters, but now they still want to listen to an outsider?

Many disciples in the team, including the four team leaders, have devoted themselves to cultivation and have never heard of the fact that Jing Xi is a "Nascent Soul Cultivation Base". Jing Xi's cultivation base is the fourth level of Foundation Establishment. Many of them present are better than Jing Xi's cultivation level is high.

The four Qingcuo people agreed readily, just because Jingxi had contracted the Blood Nightmare Wolf and the Violent Violent Bear, and she had leadership skills.

Jing Xi glanced around and raised his voice slightly: "Do you understand everything?"

There were slightly more responses than before, but still not everyone answered.

Jing Xi was silent this time. She put away the smile on her face. The Violent Violent Bear and the Blood Nightmare Wolf King stepped forward and stood in front of Jing Xi, one on the left and one on the right. They let out threatening sounds that sounded like roars but not roars. It seemed that as long as Jing Xi gave an order, they could tear the disciples of the four major sects into pieces!

Now the disciples were honest. They were frightened by the eyes of the two beasts and subconsciously stood up straight.

When asked again this time, the answers were neat and loud. Except for those who were seriously injured and couldn't stand up, they all stood up straight, like small poplars.

They looked at Jing Xi nervously, fearing that she would suddenly make an attack.

Jing Xi curled his lips and gave them a good look: "Please briefly introduce yourselves, mainly talk about your spiritual roots and cultivation, and what skills you are good at."

There is no need for cultivation, they are all at that level anyway.

"Let's start with Qingcuo."

After hearing what Jing Xi said, Qingcuo hurriedly said: "Qingcuo, wind spirit root, sword repairer."

The leader of the Beast Taming Sect took over: "Li Wenxuan, with fire root, is good at controlling beasts."

Ge Yun of Danyang Sect: "Ge Yun has the spiritual roots of fire and wood, and is good at refining elixirs."

Leader of the Ling Fu Sect: "Xiao Daobei, Jin Linggen, is good at making talismans."


After the introduction of the last person, Jing Xi nodded, pointed at himself and said, "Jing Xi has the dual spiritual roots of water and wood, and is good at formations."

After she finished speaking, there were several exclamations from the crowd, partly because of her spiritual roots, the dual spiritual roots of water and wood, and her perfect furnace constitution.

This is partly because of what Jing Xi said in the second half. Generally speaking, formation masters are different from others. They have very strict requirements for spiritual consciousness and cultivation, and they also need to be proficient in making talismans and refining weapons.

No matter how Jing Xi looked at it, he didn't look like a formation master's seedling.

They didn't take Jing Xi's skills seriously, thinking that Jing Xi just made them up because he didn't have any skills he was good's true.

Jing Xi thought that he had everything in the team except for the formation mage, which was nothing at all, so he took the lead himself.

Speaking of which, she really doesn't know anything. Like most of the people in Wanjian Sect, she is a swordsman. She will have to think about starting a side job later.

Well, the formation master was pretty good. As far as she knew, all the books on formations in the Southern Continent were lost in the catastrophe, but there were still some in the Northern Territory. Jing Xi had seen them in the library of the Destruction Sect.

In the system space, the encyclopedia that sensed Jing Xi's thoughts silently began to search for formation books, including but not limited to "Introduction to the Formation Master", "On How to Become an Excellent Formation Master", and "Encyclopedia of Formation Techniques for Junior High and Advanced Schools"


Of course, he acted where Jing Xi couldn't see him.

The only one who witnessed everything: "..."

Your uncle dotes on her father!
Returning to the main story, Jing Xi gave an order and led the team to the lair of the violent bear to do justice to the sky.

According to Little Basket, apart from the old, weak, sick and disabled, there are only five adult ferocious bears in their lair. With so many of them, they can capture the lair in one go.

Jing Xi said earnestly: "Little Basket, we are civilized people, we must be polite before fighting. I will ask them later if they are willing to surrender. If they are not willing, we will fight again."

The small basket doesn't matter, "As long as I can get revenge, I will obey the master."

This one is quite obedient and is stronger than the Blood Nightmare Wolf King.

Jingxi's thoughts were sensed by the Blood Nightmare Wolf King, and he said unhappily: "Master, you signed the contract with me first. You can't like the new and be disgusted with the old!"

The Blood Nightmare Wolf King already knew that Jing Xi's story about the "spirit of the secret realm" was made up, but he still believed that "Tian Yanman" could increase lifespan. In addition, it was controlled by Jing Xi, so it had to obey him, but occasionally He will go against Jing Xi.

If nothing else, asking is rebellion!
Jingxi ignored it, but Little Basket said naively: "Brother Shoes, how can you say that the master likes the new and hates the old? The master is the god of our spiritual beasts, and everything must be obeyed by the master."

"From your tone just now, it seems that you have often disobeyed the master before, right? Well, unlike me, I will only be obedient and sensible, and will not cause any trouble to the master..."

The Blood Nightmare Wolf King was so angry after hearing what Little Basket said, this is a green tea bear!
No wonder it’s called a small basket, it just fits!

Will Jingxi give Tian Yanwan to it in the future?
The Blood Nightmare Wolf King felt a sense of crisis in his heart and quickly swore to Jing Xi that he would change his past and be a wolf again.

By the way, I put a few drops of eye drops on the small basket. The owner must not be confused by this green tea bear!
Jing Xi said a few words in a nonchalant manner, then cut off the connection with the two of them, letting them hurt each other.

The Blood Nightmare Wolf King is disobedient, so it’s good to have a competitor.

The Bailian Snake, who thinks he is Jing Xi's treasure, sits on the mountain and watches the tiger fight. Just make a fuss, I am the master's treasure!

The only Jinwu who is lucky enough to stay in Jingxi Shihai: Haha!

The Crazy Bear's den was not far from here. They arrived soon. Jingxi saw two Crazy Bears guarding the den. As soon as they arrived, the Crazy Bear noticed them.

The violent violent bear roared, warning Jing Xi and others not to come forward.

Jingxi put out the small basket and asked it to convey her words to the two.

Little Basket did as he was told, but judging from the attitude of the two opposite, they were probably calling Little Basket a traitor and a lackey.

But I don’t know what Little Basket said later, and the attitude of the two softened. They exchanged a few sentences in animal language and made a gesture of submission to Jing Xi.

Jingxi asked: "What did you say to them?" (End of Chapter)

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