The flying demon outside the sky was shocked!
That's their devil breath, the kind that can burn everything in the world!
Ahem, everything in this world is exaggerated, but it is really very destructive.

He would speak when he was in a hurry, "You, how could you catch my demonic breath?!"

Jing Xi was shocked, "Demon breath? Is this your tone?!"

"Bah! How unhygienic!"

The flying demon outside the sky: "..."

Why did your focus wander?
Jingxi took out a pair of gloves and put them on in disgust, then rubbed the devil's breath into a small black ball and stuffed it into Tianwai Fei Mo's mouth.

Before the flying demon could recover from Jing Xi's strange attention, there was a leg-stretching stare pill in his mouth.

His expression changed drastically, and before he could spit out the little black ball, the whole demon exploded.

The black mist instantly turned into strands of spiritual energy. Jing Xi asked the group to sit down cross-legged to absorb the spiritual energy, and asked Mu Huainan to protect them.

Mu Huainan didn't say anything and just obeyed.

Meng Lingyun's eyes were as bright as the brightest star in the sky, and he looked at Jing Xi with eyes full of admiration!
"Jingdao Jun is truly a god!"

Seeing the tragic death of their companions, the flying demons outside the sky broke through the restraints of their disciples and fled towards...the base camp with red eyes.


The little devil is back!

Jing Xi quickly asked them to catch a few more slow-running flying demons from outside the world, and planned to take them back to the station for further study.

In order to let Chongjun and others come out naturally, Jingxi found an excuse to walk in the direction of the flying demon outside the sky, and then let them out.

Jing Xi woke them up, briefly told them about the situation here, and then took them to meet Meng Lingyun and others.

Both parties know each other and get along fairly well. After all, the most important thing now is to jointly resist the flying demons.

When Jing Xi didn't come back, the three extraterrestrial flying demons that were captured alive were restrained by the disciples' spiritual power, otherwise they would escape if they didn't pay attention.

As soon as Jing Xi came back, the three flying demons were more honest than quails and huddled themselves into a ball, as small as they could be.

She asked Lu Tan to take Chongjun, and then she slipped the three flying demons from the sky to a separate tent. After observing the three demon queens, she said abruptly: "Transform into human form."

The three flying demons changed almost subconsciously. The three demons all looked like men, tall and fierce, but their bodies were shaking like little fallen leaves shivering in the wind.

Jing Xi ordered them: "Spit out the devil's breath."

The flying demon outside the sky did not move. He thought to himself that as soon as we spit out the demonic breath, you will turn it into explosive pills, and the entire demon will turn into spiritual energy for you to cultivate.

Jing Xi saw their fear and comforted them: "Don't worry, I'll study it. I don't want you to explode. I won't absorb your spiritual energy."

After finally catching three of them, Tianwai Fei Mo became vigilant, and it would be difficult to catch them again in the future. She might be the only one who knew how to roll balls, and she had to use these three Tian Wai Fei Mo to study other tricks.

The flying demon outside the sky didn't say a word, yes, if you don't absorb it, you let those little chickens absorb it.

They were saddened by this. In the past, only the devil could absorb the energy of chaos. They only had to die one hundred and eighty tribesmen every day. But now, eighteen hundred people are not enough!

Well, before they died, they had the energy of chaos. With the death of the little devil, their energy of chaos was transformed into spiritual energy or demonic energy.

When Jingxi saw that they were still, he reached out and took out the golden crow and placed it on the neck of a flying demon from outside the sky, "Do you know what you are going to do next?"

If he was not sure whether Jing Xi was a little devil before, then after seeing the Golden Crow, Tianwai Fei Mo was completely in despair.He hurriedly said: "I know, I know."

After saying that, he started to perform. He first removed his arms and legs, and then put them on in reverse order. Not a drop of blood was lost in the whole process, and his movements were so skillful that it made people feel distressed.

The other two flying demons from outside the world looked at each other and started to work. One was quartered with five horses, and the other was beheaded at the Meridian Gate. The style of painting gradually deviated.

Jing Xi was stunned, and then gave each of them a kick, "What the hell! What should I do if I scare the children? Go back!"

Nuonuo, the flying demon outside the sky, didn't dare to say anything and honestly fixed his misplaced parts.

Their faces were full of flattery and flattery, "Sir, what other orders do you have? We can do whatever you want to see, and we have become proficient in it over the years."

Jing Xi paused, then waved her hand, signaling the three demons to squat in a corner. She sat on a chair to sort out the situation.

The three demons couldn't get what they wanted, so they hurriedly found a place farthest away from Jingxi to put the mushrooms.

Jingxi propped up her chin and meditated at the table, sketching on the table from time to time. The three demons secretly complained that she thought she was crazy.

They wanted to escape, but they thought of the consequences of being caught after escaping before, so they gave up the idea of ​​​​escape.

Jing Xi had been observing the three of them and became curious about what the flying demon had just said.

What does "I have become proficient in these years of practice" mean? Did they know each other before?

Or is it that the flying demon from outside the world mistook her for someone?
Also, who is she?

According to her memory, she had parents, but they were killed by evil spirits. Later, she was accepted as a disciple by the Venerable Wentian of the Destruction Sect.

But what the memory shows must be true?

Jing Xi lay on the table and gradually fell into a strange circle of thinking. She felt like she was divided into two people. One said that she was Jing Xi, an ordinary monk, and the other said that she was...


Chongjun's voice woke up Jingxi. When Jingxi came back to his senses, he saw that he was holding a dagger in his left hand and was about to put it on his neck.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, Xiaosi, Encyclopedia and Golden Crow were so anxious that they hit the wall, trying to wake her up.

In the universe space, although the Blood Nightmare Wolf King and the Violent Violent Bear could not see outside, they sensed that Jing Xi was in danger and had lost spiritual contact with Jing Xi. They were desperately trying to get in touch with her.

Jing Xi broke out in a cold sweat. She was doing three things, comforting Chong Jun and the others who were so anxious that they were about to cry.

Tianwai Fei Mo: What about us? What about us?We were the ones who called this little brat in!

Hey, by the way, why does this little kid look familiar?
After comforting them, Jing Xi looked inside the sea of ​​consciousness and found that her sea of ​​consciousness seemed to have changed a little. Jing Xi couldn't tell what the specific changes were.

She had no choice but to ask Jinwu if anything happened in the sea of ​​consciousness.

The Golden Crow said that it didn't know. It was just thinking about how to stop Jing Xi from harming himself, and had no intention of paying attention to the changes in the sea of ​​consciousness.

When he asked Xiaosi, Xiaosi didn't know anything about it. In the end, he concluded that it was not a bad thing at all, so Jingxi ignored it and turned his attention to the flying demon outside the sky.

Xiaosi took a deep breath and slowly moved his feet. Between the two little jiojios he transformed, there was an almost transparent little bud stretching its body.

Jingxi's Consciousness Sea was silently holding a welcome ceremony for the arrival of the little sprout. Jinwu, Xiaosi, and Encyclopedia were all participants, but Jingxi himself didn't know it.

(End of this chapter)

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