In order to get rid of his fans, Jing Xi ruthlessly "abandoned" Chongjun and allowed Chongjun to be ravaged by the "devil's claws".

Chongjun: "..."

So will love go away?

After being freed, Jing Xi ignored the request from the leader Gongsun to cultivate feelings, walked into his room, and closed the door with a bang.

Sect Leader Gongsun, who was almost flattened by a slap on the door: "..."

Jing Xi set up a soundproof barrier and began to calculate with Xiao Si how many spiritual stones he had obtained from this mission. Xiao Si used the abacus to calculate for a while and finally figured out the spiritual stones.

Recruit two disciples

Gratitude is worth 50%
The gratitude value was almost 100%. Under Jingxi's coquettishness and cuteness, Xiaosi rounded it up to 100%.

There is really nothing we can do against her╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Just as Jingxi was counting the spirit stones until his hand cramped, the spirit boat experienced a huge shock. Jingxi stumbled and hit his head on the table.

The next second, the alarm on the spirit boat sounded. She looked stern and immediately went out to find out.

At this time, the disciples on the spirit boat were fully armed, and Sect Master Gongsun ordered the disciples driving the spirit boat to move forward at full speed.

When he saw Jing Xi coming, he said seriously: "Go to your mother's place with your apprentice. You are not allowed to come out without my order!"

With that said, he handed Jing Xi a talisman and a defensive weapon.

Jing Xi put the things away but didn't move. She asked, "What happened?"

Sect Leader Gongsun had a solemn look on his face, "There are three spirit boats following our spirit boat, and one of them just hit us. It looks like the person who came here is evil."

Jing Xi nodded and left, but instead of looking for Ji Wushuang, he walked towards the back of the spirit boat.

Sect Master Gongsun showed his surprise. Just as he was about to chase her, the disciples in the cockpit came to see him, so he had to leave Jing Xi alone.

The elders, Qingcuo and other disciples were guarding the rear of the spirit boat. They stared at the spirit boat behind through the windows on the spirit boat, alerting them to their next attack.

"Sister, why are you here?"

In terms of seniority, Qingcuo should call Jing Xi "senior sister". Jing Xi didn't care, so he just let them call him that.

"Let me take a look," Jing Xi looked at the spirit boat outside through the window. There was a black cloud pattern on the spirit beast.

Some vague scenes flashed through her mind. This pattern... had she seen it somewhere?

Before she could think of it, the spirit boat behind suddenly accelerated and was about to collide with it.

This time, only two elders came with Sect Master Gongsun. They joined forces to block the impact and asked their disciples to inform Sect Master Gongsun to speed up again.

The two elders looked solemn, "Qingcuo, take them to the front. There should be Nascent Soul monks on the spirit boat behind, so the disciples should be ready to escape at all times!"

The two elders were both in the early stage of Nascent Soul, so they shouldn't be so afraid. Qingcuo was very smart and guessed that they didn't speak clearly.

Her guess was correct. What they didn't say was that there might be more than one or two Nascent Soul cultivators.

Sect Master Gongsun is at the eighth level of Nascent Soul, and there is probably someone on the spiritual boat who is higher than him.

Qingcuo took the order and led her disciples back. She wanted to pull Jingxi up, but she saw Jingxi there in a daze.


Jingxi came back to her senses and murmured: "I know what it is."

This matter has to start from the past life.

In her previous life, she also saw some big scenes because her three apprentices got along well.

Among them, I have seen this black cloud pattern force.Its name is "The World-Destroying Sect", and it is a killer organization. The disciples in the sect all cover their faces with skull masks and take on various killing tasks.

From people in power with large forces to ordinary people, they are all targets of their tasks, and they can all successfully complete their tasks.

At that time, they also caused a bloody storm in the Northern Continent, massacring five cities in one night!
This incident caused a sensation in the entire Northern Territory, and the Mieshi Sect was hunted down by the famous sect's upright faction, and then it slowly calmed down.

Jing Xi had never heard that the World Destruction Sect still had power in the Southern Territory. Could it be that he couldn't survive in the Northern Territory and came to take root in the Southern Territory?

No, counting the time, it’s not yet time for them to massacre the city.

Jing Xi concealed some things that he could not say and told the two elders about Fei Zhou's identity.

One of the elders said: "If it is true as you said, then this time it will be much worse!"

Another elder had a bad temper, "Our Wanjian Sect is the number one sect in the Southern Region, and the World Destruction Sect is clearly trying to give us a blow. His grandma, stop running away and fight with him!"

The first elder glared at him and sent the information he knew to Sect Master Gongsun. The news from Sect Master Gongsun came very quickly.

"Elder Mu, ask Xi'er and the others to come over. I have a few teleportation talismans here to send them away."

Sect Leader Gongsun's voice was very low, as if he had made some kind of determination.

Elder Mu understood that he was planning to send away the most talented disciples in the sect and cut off the rest.

Although I couldn't bear to let these young disciples lose their lives, they were elders of the sect and could only take care of the overall situation.

While Elder Mu was thinking about this, Jing Xi had already finished counting the beasts in the universe. Because of his past life experience, Jing Xi knew one thing.
The Mieshimen has a magic circle that isolates talismans and spiritual weapons.

I just don’t know if this group of people brought them with them.

If you take it with you, no one on the spirit boat can escape.

It was very simple to know this. Jing Xi used the sound transmission talisman to send a message to Ji Sha, but it was unsuccessful.

In this case, it would be better to fight to the death. Due to the restrictions of the rules of heaven, the opponent's high-level monks will be restricted from taking action.

The spirit boat behind him launched another attack. Jing Xi turned around and went to the cockpit to find Sect Master Gongsun and asked him to order the spirit boat to land.

After hearing the results of Jing Xi's experiment, Gongsun Sect Leader gritted his teeth and ordered his disciples to make an emergency landing. He also ordered the foundation-building disciples to be prepared and escape separately as soon as they landed.

Anyway, these disciples are all in the foundation building stage, so they must be looked down upon by the other party.

The spirit boat descended suddenly. The spirit boats behind did not expect that they would do this, which bought the disciples a few seconds.

The disciples at the foundation-building stage fled in multiple directions, while the remaining disciples and elders at the golden elixir stage and above were waiting in tight formation.

Ji Wushuang also came out of seclusion. As soon as she came out, Gongsun Sect Master found that he couldn't see through her cultivation.

Ji Wushuang was promoted to the ninth level of Nascent Soul, which was one level higher than him.

Everyone was happy, this increased their chances of winning.

Ji Wushuang stood next to Jing Xi, lowering his voice and telling her to be smarter later and stop rushing forward.

Jingxi nodded, and beside her stood Zhongjun and Qingcuo. Qingcuo had already reached the golden elixir stage when he came out of the secret realm.

Chongjun was the only one in the group who was in the Qi refining stage. Jing Xi originally wanted to take him into the Qiankun space, but he wanted to have a real fight.

Ji Wushuang glanced at the three children behind him and estimated how many he could take away if he lost.

To her, her daughter is the most important, and no one else matters.

(End of this chapter)

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